Edit: So I may or may not be thinking about removing this story. Feedback isn't that good I guess? This whole thing has started dwindling down, so.

(Don't kill me.)

I still don't have my laptop back? I'm going crazy.

If a story is in you, it has got to come out - William Faulkner

"-But as for now, no one will be allowed to leave these premises without permission from a group of ministry officials. All of your schools have been postponed to start next year, after Christmas holidays have passed, so there will be no need to worry about your studies at the moment."

Half the stadium snorted. Wendy (or was it Wilma? Nobody seemed to care) continued, unaffected.

"You all will be sorted into separate groups. In order to have this problem-"

"That's an understatement," Padma Patil muttered.

"-Cleared as soon as possible, we will need your full cooperation. Arguing with your caretakers will be unacceptable."

Harry's leg bobbed nervously as he scanned the crowd for Draco and Hermione. Luna flitted her hand into his and squeezed lightly.

At some point, Wanda(?) had stepped down and Kingsley had taken her place. A large portion of the audience reverted their attention back to the stage as he coughed lightly. Kingsley gave the microphone a hard glare before taking a deep breath.

"We are currently contacting all your guardians at the moment, through letters and stranger Muggle ways, as they are being found to be far more quicker and effective." He started.

"Due to unfortunate circumstances at present, the Ministry of Magic has elected to keep all schools closed for the next few months, and during that time, you will all be... for lack of a better word, studied. A group of researchers were being gathered since last week and are on their way now. We are unsure about how long you will be kept here."

A woman with a mop of curly blonde hair wearing black garb stood up from her seat amongst others behind Kingsley and walked over to him. Harry could see from even across the stadium that she walked with the aura of a leader, long strides and head held high.

Harry turned to Luna when he felt a flash of recognition.

"That's Hermione's mom?"

"Yes," Luna said in a mild tone. She was poking at their hands, seeming to differentiate them. Or compare them. Harry honestly couldn't see any similarities. Luna frowned at a barely visible white line on his palm and looked at him questioningly. Harry shrugged in reply and they both directed their attention back to the stage.

The woman - Hermione's mother - was walking back to her seat with an unhealthy amount of smugness on her face, having said what she'd wanted to Kingsley (who looked like he'd sucked a lemon). Harry squinted at the person sitting next to her.

Slouching sounded like a better word for it.

"Is that Hermione on the stage? Sitting next to-"

"Yes," Luna answered again, but with far more amusement. Harry glowered at her and she ran a thumb over the almost nonexistent scars over Harry's knuckles in apology and didn't ask this time.

From where they were sitting, they could see Hermione slouching on her chair, glaring at the whole stadium with the same type of firm determination they'd seen her use to ignore her father when Dan had kept Arabella's pregnancy from her. Which was impressive.

"Okay, so where's Draco?"

"He's not here."

"...How do you know that?"

"He left with his mother when we arrived, Harry."

Harry stared at her incredulously. "And you didn't think to mention it?"

Luna returned his gaze with raised eyebrows. "If you'd asked, I would have told you." She turned back to the stage. "Besides," She continued in her airy voice, "You now know where a majority of the people from school are sitting. That's an advantage, no?"

Harry sunk down in his seat. Luna patted his shoulder.

Hermione pinched the bridge of her nose.

"No Dad, we don't get special leave."

"I do know how long four to five months are, yes."

"Nope, no breaks in the middle of the week."

"Dad! Kidnapping isn't an option!"

Harry tried to stifle his snorts when Hermione sent him a glare. Hermione let out a frustrated breath through her teeth when Dan started up again and thrust the device at her mother.

"You talk to him, heaven knows he ain't listening to me."

Jean smiled apologetically at the Auror she'd been talking to and put an arm around Hermione, digging her fingers into her waist.

"Watch it," Hermione snapped as soon as the Auror was out of earshot.

"Dan! To what do I owe-" Jean took a quick look back to ensure the Auror was no where to be seen and brought the mobile back to her ear with glinting eyes. "Listen jackass," She said furiously, "I have-"

Hermione sent her a bemused look.

"We," Jean amended, "Have enough problems already without you breathing down our necks, clear? Take your Baby Mama somewhere safe and make sure you two don't get kidnapped too, you hear?" Jean sighed as Dan spoke something back loudly. "Yes moron, you think I don't know how these things work? I've lived it, remember?"

Harry hadn't even noticed he was staring at the phone until Hermione snapped her fingers in front of him and gave him a squinted stare.

"You can hear him?" She asked suspiciously.

Harry's eyes drifted back to the phone. "Well yeah, he's speaking pretty loudly." He frowned at Hermione. "What, you can't?"

"Um, no? What's he saying?"

"He's having trouble believing that he and Bella will have to go into hiding."

"Huh." Hermione looked around the stadium and after a moment's hesitation, she pointed towards an Auror talking to a frantic group of second years a few dozen feet away. "What're they saying?"

"They're a bunch of muggleborns who want to contact their parents." Harry's eyebrows drew tight. "I shouldn't be able to hear that, right?"

"Yeah Harry, you shouldn't."

"I've read that the best of friends often point out each others flaws." Luna said, handing Harry a chipped bobby pin. "Although flaws are what make up a human, so I'm not sure what the point is. Clean your ears."

Harry made a face and threw it away. "Hell no."

"No, no, do it." Hermione urged. "I wanna see how far you can hear without all that shit in there."

"I hate you both."

The Ministry of Magic had pulled a few strings and managed to empty out two inns, and by magic all 996 people had fit. Sure, they'd had to cram some people in, but it worked. Because magic.

It had been nearly 2 AM when Hermione was roughly woken up by Jean, a jacket thrown on her head, her mother's face looming over her. Hermione stared at her with wide eyes, willing her heart to slow down. Jean looked livid.

"What happened?" Hermione managed to breathe out when she caught her breath.

"Fudge fucked me over. Badly." She gave Hermione an intent look. "I have to run."

"Oh." Hermione looked over at Luna's sleeping form on the bed next to her. She sat up and tugged on the jacket. "Yeah, I'll come."

"I don't know how long it'll be. I can only guarantee that I'll bring you back in time for the holidays."

Hermione paused, her zipper halfway done. "What about communication? Will I be able to talk to Dad and everyone?"

"Dan, sure. The others-" Jean's gaze cut to Luna. "I'm not sure."

"Okay," Hermione said after a few seconds, mentally congratulating herself for not freaking out, "Lemme just write a note or something."

"Make sure you tell her to burn it."

I started two more drafts what the
there you go
Studies hectic I can't believe I actually managed to get this done in (exactly) under a month
Hope it was satisfying
(I'm posting this during class, sue me)