Oroku Saki sighed angrily as he punched the rewind button on the remote. His so called elite group of ninjas called the Foot Clan had, once again, been defeated by four turtles and returned to him in shame. They fearfully told him of their miserable failure in the fight, and he stormed off to his room in a rage, pummeling any unfortunate Foot Clan member who crossed his path.

Currently, he was laying in his bed watching a recording of another one of their disgraceful battles with the turtles, trying to find their weakness. Once again, he watched as his so called ninjas were brutally defeated by his enemies, and once again, he rewound the recording. He had been at this for hours now, and grumbled angry curses to himself. How had be been unable to rid himself of these pests? He was the Shredder, leader of the long fear Foot Clan that had ravaged Japan for centuries, making him one of the most powerful, and feared, people in the nation. And, more importantly, how had for mutant freaks defeat his clan night after night? And to add insult to injury, turned his precious daughter, Karai, into a freak; A snake now running free in the bustling city that was New York. Once again, he rewound the video and paused it. He stared at the four terrapins plaguing his life, and ever so slowly an idea formed in his head. Soon, the idea had turned into a plan, and a wicked grin crossed his face. Not only would his plan destroy the turtles from the inside, like cancer, but it would also save his poor, sweet Karai, and return his two highest ranking lackeys, back to humans. With the plan in his head, and malice in his heart, he laid himself down into bed, and into a pleasant sleep, for tomorrow would bring about the end for his loathsome enemies.

Author's note: This is my first story, but I've been a long fan of the turtles. I'm sorry for any OOCs later on in the story, I had to change one of the character to advance the story. Please R&R, I would love to help build my writing ability. Please enjoy the story, and I'll try to update as soon as possible for any readers.