It was a normal summer day, like any other. It was fairly hot outside with a slight breeze, and a few clouds. The Shack had its usual tours; we all did our jobs like always.

Wendy worked the register. And by work I mean skim through magazines until someone came up.

Stan guided the tourists and conned them into giving up their money, a typical thing he'd do.

Mabel roamed the grounds going to wherever her decorative skills were needed.

Soos occasionally fixed things and threw together new attractions.

I stayed in the gift shop, cleaning and sorting or helping customers.

I was back in the corner of the shop, arranging bobbleheads. I was nearly finished when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and found myself looking straight up at a man who towered over me.

He wore a long black trench coat and an Indiana-Jones-hat of matching color. He had thick stubble all across his jaw, except where an ugly pink scar cut through from his neck up to his left eye.

He stared down at me with an almost mischievous look, despite the friendly smile he gave me.

Something about him was intimidating. I swallowed before talking.

"Hello. Can I help you find something?"

His smiled lengthened on one side, and he broke his gaze on me to gingerly pick up a bonehead and study it in his gloved hand.

"I was looking for something in particular; something rare. I figured a place like this would have it..." He explained, not looking away from the bobblehead.

"Um, well, we have plenty of weird stuff here. What it is that you'd like?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Well for one thing it's bright; incredibly hard to miss. It's shiny and colorful and you just can't help but to stop and stare. It's unique in every way, and valuable too. I want it."

This man is confusing me. Why does he keep beating around the bush?

"Uh, well-"

Before I could finish he interrupted, "I'll just have to come in some other time. G'day."

With that he set down the bobblehead he been showing mock-interest in, and flicked it hard before turning and walking away. He exited the gift shop without looking back.

He really creeper me out. I tried to shake off the odd chills that swept over my skin, and continue working, but nothing I did would banish him from my thoughts.

Who knew that that normal day was just the beginning of something so much bigger.

A/N: Woo-wee, shit's about to go down!

Oh man I have so much in store for this... I've been thinking about for forever.

If you haven't heard this song, look it up on YouTube. It's pretty cool. It's called Hey Brother, by Avicii.

As always y'all, go to my profile for more news and junk, and my tumblr link. If you follow me on tumblr, send me fan mail with your username, and tell me any idea that you have that you want me to write on.

Review dudes.

~Unique Pines