AN: Hello readers! I have decided to embark on a 365 day writing journey! I found a link to 365 writing prompts, and I plan on doing one a day! Most will be short one-shots, but some might be something more, we shall see. I will most likely relate these prompts back to fandoms that I love and will therefore post them here! I have really been into the TV show The 100, so the first several shall most likely be about that. Here is my first short based off the prompt to write based on the weather outside!
Fog. There was fog as far as the eye could see. I couldn't see my own hand, much less the others from camp.
"Where did this come from?" a girl called though the mist.
"Is this the Grounders?" A boy replied.
"No." My throat tightened as the realization of what was really going on came to me. "This is earth." I called out. The Grounders could attack at any time, and our own planet was fighting against us.
" Bellamy, what do we do?" Jasper must have followed my voice through the fog, I was sure he wasn't standing behind me a minute ago. I could hear the tension in the air as everyone was waiting for me to tell them what to do. How was I supposed to lead them when I was faced with one of my greatest fears? Ever since I was almost blinded as a child, I couldn't stand the thought of not being able to see. The dark didn't bother me so much. It was when I should be able to see, but I couldn't.
Clarke would know what to do. She wouldn't let something like this stand in her way of solving this. She wouldn't let this stop her.
"We prepare to fight."
AN: Let me know what you think! Let me know if you like the idea of the prompts, and if you have any prompts that you would like to see me write on! Keep it clean though!