Chapter 30: Half and Half

A/N: Have you seen the official FNAF 4 trailer? Have you seen the official FNAF 4 trailer? Have you seen the official FNAF 4 trailer? Have you seen the official FNAF 4 trailer? HAVE YOU SEEN THE FNAF 4 TRAILER?! Because I did and I'm just going to say, after finishing this story, creating the next one based on FNAF 4 will be a blast! In a good way! :D August 8, three days before my birthday, is when the game will come out. I'm so excited and I have two parts of my body on the Nope and Hype Trains as we speak. :)

Pwrcat70-ChaosMeister: Yay~! :D

Fuzzywumpum: Yay~! :D

percyjacksonfan135: Thank you~! :)

Rose Verdict: The Security Guards' reaction: (0/v/0)

DreadDaora91: Thank you very much! :)

Mike stood silent and sighed, "Yeah... That's what a part of me said. I'm trying to think that way. That memory happened years ago and I'm already a grown man," he forced a laugh. "Weird of me to let a child affect me like that, huh? I'll try not to forget, but at the same time... It sort of hurts. Thank you for those words. I appreciate it." :)

It was just a room. A dim room with a spotlight shined down on her while she sat on a wooden chair. Angela hid her face behind her hair and hugged her bare knees.

Again, after 15 years, she has came back in the same sorry state she was ever since she was at the mental institute. Aside from the blank, white room, this place, her mind, was where she would hide.

Nothing changed. Not even the light has become brighter.

Metaphorically, the past has scarred her. This place however, was where the scars became visible, including the one in the center of her chest. She loathed that scar to her very core. Here and there, she was mentally and physically tortured. If the mind, not the brain, were to be an object, she wouldn't be surprised how broken and rotten it looked.

"It's their fault..." Angela said to herself. "All of theirs."

"So have you changed your mind?" a voice appeared. Angela looked down and saw the Marionette child with dark streaks going down to his chin. It didn't phase her at all.

"I don't know."

"It's been so long. We let the past do this to us and here we are now." the child mused.

"Why didn't you kill me when you had the chance?" Angela asked as she buried her head on her forearms.

The blue child stood silent, "..."

"You acted so dramatic when you tried to stuff me into the suit..." she said. "How come you do this to me?"

"..." And then the boy spoke. "I pity you because we let the past haunt us. Do you realize how much of a hell-like place this is? I don't want someone, like you, who has a connection with the other murdered children, suffer the consequences of the past," Because he knows how it felt like. "Also... You haven't done anything wrong to me."

"..." Angela stood silent.

The child hugged her bare, scarred body, "You're so weird. No one forced you to push others away. No one forced you to help us. No one forced you to come back to Freddy's. And certainly, no one asked you to be angry."

"I know."

"If you know, then why do you push yourself to be this way?" the blue child broke the hug and furrowed his brows. "Because of that, more people became involved."

With a wave of his hand, familiar people started to materialize in the darkness. Angela widened her eyes. Mike, Jeremy, Fritz, Nathan, and the five children along with their respective animatronic appeared in a misty form.

"You even went to put your life at risk for us." The boy moved away, revealing a younger version of Angela who appeared with her birthday dress torn, her hair messed up, and her chest oozing blood. Angela looked away, disgusted.

"Why...?" The younger Angela whimpered. "Why did you do this to us?" She lifted her head, scars and dried blood becoming visible on her pale face. "Why?! You pushed Mikey away! You went to hurt the animatronics' feelings! You even yelled at Foxy and Zach and made them cry! You're not me! You're bad! You're a very bad girl!"

Angela didn't respond, "..." She listened and endured the girl's yells for what it seemed like an eternity. But she felt her wounds open and the blood seep through. Her own words were mentally killing her.

"What did you believe you would gain from pushing everyone away? Closure?" The blue child questioned.

"I don't know."

"If you give up, do you believe that everything that has happened here will be erased?"

"I don't know."

"Did you believe that by working at Freddy's you were able to prove something?"

"I don't know."

With a harsh growl coming from the boy, everything else disappeared and Angela felt herself fall along with the chair she sat on with the spotlight brightening until it died down. The setting shifted as Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria posters and drawings took up one side of the room and a desk with a fan appear along with it. She was clothed with the purple security guard outfit and she had a tablet in her hands.

Angela flinched at her surroundings and realized she was at the office in the pizzeria. She flinched, eyes full of shock and fright.

She placed the tablet on the desk and reached for the left door. Before she can exit the office, the blue child pushed her back in making her screech.

"You are not allowed to leave the office," the boy said. "It's not like before. The animatronics showed mercy because of the kids and because of the fact they recognized you. You are not special in this world. They will KILL you if they get the chance. You only survived two nights because of them. How will you face them when the time comes, when they have no control and are obsessed with the thought of tearing you apart?" then he disappeared leaving Angela alone.

Now she's forced to survive a week at Freddy's. She never completed the week. Because of them, she didn't have to face the horror. But now this is all too real.

"What's the point in letting me do this... when I already gave up on everyone...?"

Angela pulled up the monitor.

The animatronics were in their usual positions just like before. But what scared Angela was the Marionette. He was watching contently with amusement(?) and it seems that no one else notices him there but Angela.

She lowered her head, "Why can't you just kill me? There's no point in living is there...?" She noticed Bonnie move, but as much as she wanted to let it be, she still kept an eye on him and everyone else. "You fucking assholes... Piece of shit... Leave me the fuck alone!" Angela furrowed her brows as one side of her clinged onto dear life.

Suddenly, as surviving wasn't bad enough, she heard music play.

"..." She was so not in the mood for singing right now. She groaned as the sound of a piano started to play. The Marionette apppeared and started to sing.

"Taken way too soon I'm not at all what used to be," the Marionette's face appeared in Angela's monitor as he hugged his thin body. "Shifting in a box, the past is nothing more than just a dream." Angela flinched at the line.

"Yeah... right." she said.

"Now I hear the call of evil growing once again." Angela shifted to another camera and saw disturbing posters of a crying child. The man in purple appeared in her mind.

"No...! No!" she shook the horrid memory away. "No more!" She remembered how that man harmed her. She doesn't want to recall that memory ever.

Angela shook her head before the atmosphere in front of her changed to a different setting. She saw her younger self, crying as she ran away from the dead bodies of her friends.

As their spirits cried out for her, the Puppet appeared before them.

The Marionette lowered his head, "I'm powerless to change your fates, but in the end I'll shelter you, my friends," The Marionette gave them gifts, and soon gave them new life as the animatronics. Angela widened her eyes, "Tonight we roam and if they listen really close, they can hear us sing our song."

The animatronics soon awakened with their mouths wide opened and eyes darkening with white dots in the center.

"La la la la~!" they sang as the five children possessed them.

The Puppet's face flashed in front of Angela, "And I can't give you back the things you had, but you don't have to do this on your own! Even if you're never coming home, you're not alone! You're not alone!" he cried out as he sang, his voice echoing. "You're not alone!"

The scene soon shifted back to the office. The terror started as the music kept on playing. From one door to the next, Chica and Bonnie appeared and Foxy kept peaking from his cove.

In their eyes, she saw her friends' in there. She hallucinated again as with each chord being played with the song, the children replaced the animatronics. The memories of how she encountered these animatronics flashed in her mind. They are trapped with their favorites.

Angela flinched at sudden realization as memories invaded her mind. She now remembers. She promised the Puppet to H-E-L-P_ M-E. This must be the real reason. The reason why she has survived up to this point.

"La la la la~!"

She furrowed her brows and growled as she saw Bonnie appeared right by her door. She went to shut it close and did the same for the right door. She opened both doors once again and noticed the curtains of Pirate Cove open completely. Angela switched to the left hallway and spotted Foxy heading towards her direction. She shut the door on him and ignored him as he banged on the door.

She opened the left door and attempted to save power.

Chica was in the kitchen and Bonnie was back in the dining area. She switched to a camera by a corner and instead of seeing Freddy in his normal pose in a poster, he look distorted. She shuddered and lowered the monitor.

"La la la la~!" She heard her friends sing.

The ticking of a clock soon invaded her ears. Three nights have finally passed. Just two more.

Angela stared at the monitor and everyone left their spot, including Freddy.

The Marionette then started his second verse, "In our own little world forever lost to passing time," the Marionette stared into the security camera. "No one knows what it's like to wear a mask that you are trapped inside."

Angela remembered the memory the Toys showed her about the Marionette. Poor kid was murdered and forced to live as a puppet.

"One day the purple clouds that hover over us will fade... Then we'll be free to cut the strings, to wipe the tears... but now we walk in chains!"

Freddy's laughter could be heard from a distance. Bonnie and Chica were the most active and Angela grew impatient with Foxy. She shut them all out and shuddered at the disturbing images on the walls.

The fifth night soon begun.

"Tonight we roam and if they listen really close, they can hear us sing our song..."

"La la la la~!"

It was that Purple Man. He's done this to the five children. He's done this to the Marionette child and has done this to Angela. But the difference was that she survived while the others took new life as animatronics.

"And I can't give you back the things you had," Angela stared at the animatronic on the monitor and knew that her friends were in there. Possessing them out of anger and revenge. "But you don't have to do this on your own! Even if you're never coming home, you're not alone! You're not alone!" The Puppet cried.

Angela loosened her tie and tied her hair up into a tight ponytail. She rolled up her sleeves and went to shut the door on Freddy before he can enter the office. She glared at him knowing that it was Max who was doing this.

"You're not alone!"

She ignored the hallucinations that roared in her face and turned to a camera at the corner. That Freddy poster didn't have Freddy in it. Instead it was a golden version of Freddy with no eyes.

Golden Freddy appeared in front of her, but she ignored him and turned to a different camera.

Mike, Jeremy, even Fritz has gone through this before. She wasn't the only one. She can't give up now. There's so many things she still doesn't know. There's so many things she wants to fix. That's why she's going to survive this night no matter how terrifying and nerve wracking it may be.

"La la la la~!"

5 AM.

Angela didn't stop working her ass off. Freddy was right by her door and if she slips, it's over. She can't afford to die. Not here. Not when she's so close to winning.

The Marionette sat on the desk and watched as Angela used the rolling chair to her advantage to head towards both doors to shut them close and open them again.

Jeremy exited Mike's hospital room with a sigh of relief and joy. He was truly relieved about Mike's current condition and he couldn't wait to tell Angela. Heading towards Angela's room, he spotted Nathan enter the room with the music box left ajar.

He widened his eyes and dashed towards the room and stopped Nathan in his tracks.

"Wait! Don't touch her!" Jeremy exclaimed.

Nathan lowered his eyelids, "Move." he said.

"You can still give up if you want to." The Marionette spoke.


"What exactly are you fighting for? Because I am aware you have given up on everyone else."


"Are you still in denial?"


"Are you guilty?"


"Or are you just preventing people from leaving you?"



"I don't know!" Angela finally answered as she lowered the monitor. "For some reason... I've grown numb to this kind of situation...!" she went to shut the door. "I don't want to become involved with you anymore...! Maybe it's just because I'm still hurt...! I've grown to hate you all...! I'm scared and I'm truly weak...! I can't undo the past and I've been wondering to myself why I'm still fighting...! Maybe I should give up...!"

Angela flinched and sat up with worry.

"But... No! She has to recover!" Jeremy argued against the young boy.

"Then I'll end it." Nathan pointed out before shrugging Jeremy's hand away from his shoulder.

Angela hid under the covers, "No! Don't touch me!" she cried.

Jeremy shoved Nathan away from the young woman and stood in front of her with his arms stretched out wide.

"Did you hear what I said? Move!"

"No!" Jeremy snapped.

Nathan lowered his head and the music box opened with black smoke coming out of it. The Marionette appeared behind Nathan, the white in his eyes glowing intensely.

"What are you implying here?"

"I thought to myself over and over if staying in that dark room and just rot there will probably end my life faster. I'm in denial. I'm terrified. I hate myself. I hate the world. I thought that it was best to die. Maybe if I were to be stuck in a suit, I would be with my friends again and be happy forever. I won't be lonely anymore."

The door didn't close. The button was jammed. Angela stood silent.

Jeremy widened his eyes at the Marionette and attempted to scream in horror. He shielded himself from the Marionette's attack and soon felt his wrist be snatched. The front door was open and the Puppet threw him into the hallway and locked the door shut.

Jeremy scrambled for the door and banged on it, "No! No! NO! NO! OPEN THE DOOR!" Jeremy cried out.

Nathan collapsed on the ground as the strings that tied him down were cut. The Marionette snatched the covers away from Angela's trembling body. She screamed and she attempted to get away from him.

He tied strings around the woman's body and left her chest bare (not completely). He raised his three fingered hand and aimed at her heart, the white in his eyes brightening more.

"Yes... It would be best to die." Angela said softly as the power died down.

The Marionette stood silent and watched as all four animatronics appeared, including Golden Freddy. She backed towards the wall and stared at the Marionette.

"But that's what HALF of me thought!" Angela finally added. "The animatronics, my friends, Mike, Jeremy... I'm fighting for them now! That's what I've decided! I can't change what has been done but I'll fight for what I can do! I'll create a happy ending! I'll help you all! I'll set you free!"

The animatronics reached for her slowly.

"I know you're angry!" Angela yelled at the animatronics. "I know you missed the happy times and your family and I know you missed being yourselves!" Angela slid her back against the wall and sat on the floor. "But I'll help you! I'll help them all because... because...!"

The Marionette notice Angela's brows furrowing as she attempted to speak.

"... Because...!" she attempted to say. "I... I...!"

Jeremy headed for Mike's hospital room frantically. Once he opened the door, blue eyes met emerald ones...

"I still love them!" Angela cried out.



The darkness was closing in.



The Marionette paused as he released his hold on Angela, "I see... So that's why..."



The 6 AM bell rang.

Ding dong! Yay~~~!

End of 30th chapter. This is where the main characters get back up on their feet and finish what they have started. I find this as a weird way to do this chapter. But I really want to post this chapter.

I do not own the song: "The Puppet Song" by TryHardNinja. You can find the music video on Smike's channel. ;)

As celebration for posting the 30th chapter, my FNAF blog: angela-the-night-detective is officially up and I've posted how the characters look like (I haven't posted Nathan or the Purple Guy yet). ;) Please follow my blog.

Review please and don't be afraid to check my blog.