Chapter 14

"What do you want with me?" Naruto asked the Police chief, sitting on a chair, in what appeared to be an interrogation room.

He had made the decision to come here before someone starts thinking of pulling some strings to get him to behave in certain way. Nothing was going to happen, he was sure of it. There might be some political punches coming his way, but he would survive. It would not be without scratch, but survival was the most important thing.

If he were able to live in, he would be able to change things. Once you died, you could not change anything, you could not do anything. His dreams would die with him. As long as one was alive, there would always be an opportunity to make good of one's word.

"I have a few questions regarding Tatsumi," the man started. "I know it isn't my business since General Esdeath was given the mandate to hunt down Night Raid by the previous Prime Minister, but there are some matters that do concern some matters I am investigating. This is of course with some people who were targets of Night Raid…"

"How can I help with any of that?" Naruto asked.

"I don't know," the man said. "But there has been a question about your involvement with Tatsumi and Night Raid. I cannot prove anything, but just a word of it spreading out, and it could do some damage to people's reputations. I mean even the image Aizawa has been building could be ruined because really she is associated with you and everyone knows you put her in that position."

Naruto tilted his head to the side; it was almost as if the man was suggesting that he stay away from Aizawa. The thought was just ridiculous, he would not do something so mad. Not now. The man could have some reasons for doing what he was doing, but Naruto really didn't care for them at this moment.

"You're still not saying anything clear," Naruto said in a calm yet impatient tone.

"If you were a normal person, I would be questioning you about your connections with Night Raid, but since you're Military, I cannot do that. I would certainly be trying to play outside of my field and that would be a dangerous game… the Military heads would not be pleased…" the man paused. "I forget you're also one of them due to your position as General…

"In any case, the previous Police Chief was murdered by Night Raid… we know that he was a corrupt person… we have evidence to back that up, but I want to know if Tatsumi was involved in it…"

"I don't know," Naruto responded. "What Night Raid does isn't really my business. If you want to know, you can go ask Tatsumi yourself…"

"That is impossible," the Chief of Police responded quickly. "Although I get along with General Esdeath, she won't let me go anywhere near him… she has promised to deal with anyone who tries anything and so I cannot go far… hence I am here with you… of course there are hidden agendas…"

Naruto didn't say anything.

"I like how things are going now within the Empire. My department has enough reach to stop corruption from spilling out of control once again… Aizawa's position cannot be taken from her by anyone. She has my support and many other ministers… there is one little problem… you, General…"

Naruto's expressionless mask went out in full force. "Where are you going with this?"

"I know I cannot do anything to you, General. Now, only the Great-General can act against you… but I still went ahead with this. It isn't because I have anything against you. Yes, I wanted to score a political point. With this, I become known as the man who doesn't fear General Black and actually went up against him. It raises my standing within the political cycle.

"The truth is: I am afraid of you. Nevertheless, I think you have done enough for the Empire. You must allow Aizawa to do things on her own. Someone like you cannot lead a trouble free regime. You have fought the 'evil' and it is now weakened, but we can finish it without you."

"How amusing," Naruto said, not the least amused. "Anything else I should know?"

"After your disappearance, I was intimate with the current Prime Minister. I was however powerless to protect her when Honest went after her life. Yet, there seemed to be some invisible forces that were protecting her. However, I now I have the power to protect her… You don't love her…" the man said in a firm tone. "I am in a position to protect her and continue with the work you have been doing."

It was for the first time since coming here, or possibly since in the presence of the man who held the position of Police Chief did Naruto look so amused. And here he thought this was just another political game, a game for power, but it was slightly more personal than that.

"Interesting," the blond said, amused. "It never did cross my mind that something like that happened between you and her. Or maybe I just didn't want to think about it because it would make me question a couple of things." Naruto said. "Still, the fact that she would still 'leave' you even knowing that you love her and I do not, it must mean that she is really devoted to me. I'm not sure Aizawa would wish for me to leave at a time like this."

"Maybe… but my personal reasons aside, it is for the best that you skip town…"

"If I don't?"

"I wouldn't want to do anything to ruin both and Aizawa… the latter especially. I have evidence to back up any claim that you have been in contact with Night Raid. Even if am not able to do anything, a release of that Intelligence report will leave your reputation in tatters. True, most will agree that they are getting rid of corrupt officials, but to have their actions related to you, who has been preaching about keeping a moral high ground and re-educating the people, it would make you a hypocrite and those who support you will surely think twice.

"Like I said, you have done well for the Empire. Even if I had the desire, I could not have gone this far, because to get over the former Prime Minister, you'd have to be strong enough to stand Esdeath and hold some influence over the Emperor. You had all that and you used it with expertise to ensure this country is where it is… Only General Esdeath is a threat to the peace, but if you disappear, she disappears with you."

A man who could seat at the same table with the woman was saying this and share a couple of jokes with her, Naruto shook his head at the thought. Humans were truly interesting creatures. "I wonder if Esdeath knows you have such thoughts about her… you act very friendly when she is in your presence."

"I am just smart enough to know my place," the man responded calmly. "If I get on the wrong side of that woman, she wouldn't hesitate to kill me without even thinking twice and I know there would be no one to stop her. It is better to be alive than dead."

"That is true," Naruto said before standing up. He walked away without saying another word to the man. He wasn't going to allow someone to dictate how he was going to do things. Yes, plans were on motion, but he wasn't going to do it on someone's terms.

Uzumaki Naruto didn't take orders from just anyone.

A month later

With Najenda

The days were certainly becoming cloudy and feeling much heavier. The way forward was clear; Najenda didn't have any doubt on what she was going to do. She had a plan, but chances of success were just too low, yet she still had to do it, she could not lose hope because the future looked bleak, for her and the team at least. For the Empire they have been killing to save, it looked good.

It was somewhat infuriating that they had used their time killing many and doing so many horrible things and yet none of that seemed to change something. Yes, they did save some lives, but the fundamental problem was still there. When they cut off a leaf, the tree would just sprout another one.

An endless process.

However, when Naruto entered the picture, he was able to strike the centre of the problem and their one true enemy was dead. Esdeath was still there, but she had not been the bigger picture. The corrupt bastard that went by the name of Honest was their target, but Naruto had already eliminated him. Had there been any use for their attempts? Was there any meaning to everything that they have done?

Tatsumi was captured, he was their friend, it had never been a policy for them to abandon their friend. Even so, other than that, what reason was there for them to attack the imperial palace? Honest was no longer running the show and Budo wasn't a wall to the creation of a corrupt free empire.

Attacking the Empire now would make them look nothing more than renegades, it would tarnish their names and they will appear as nothing more than bloodthirsty assassins.

"You look worried," Akame said to Najenda.

Well, they were in the run, and the Revolutionary Army's brasses were pushing for them to make a move or else they would not have any chance. For them, if they did nothing and a new order was created without them, they would never get the chance to do anything and would most likely end up was just traitors to the empire.

"Honestly, I am," Najenda admitted that much. "We obviously cannot allow Tatsumi to be executed; yet, attacking the empire now will go against everything that we have been fighting for. The Empire now is going towards what we have desired, even if it wasn't by our hands, but this has been our dream. If we attack now, it will feel like attacking that dream."

Akame was silent for a few moments. She understood Najenda all too well, but they still could not allow Tatsumi to be killed. As it stood, they were all still enemies of the Empire and Esdeath was still after them. They could not lose sight of their dream even so.

"Wouldn't it be better for just one of us to try to rescue Tatsumi?"

"It would be dangerous. Remember that there is Budo, Esdeath, the Jaegers and not the mention, Naruto," Leone was quick to say. "One person cannot go in there… it would just be a suicide mission."

"But as things stand, we are no longer needed," Lubbock said. "It would be nice if we could rescue Tatsumi and just go somewhere to hide. We could live peacefully like a family and yet still keep an eye on the Empire, just in case if things become wrong again, we could still strike…"

"They are not going to allow us to live freely. We will be hunted for all our lives, that is if we manage to successfully rescue Tatsumi," Mine said. She didn't say it, but she knew if they went on that mission, there would be another death. One of them would die or maybe all of them.

Anyone who truly thought that the Empire would simply allow 'criminals' with bounty on their heads to roam free even after the 'bad' people were all removed from power was just being naïve. Even though they didn't consider themselves as criminals, there were still some people who saw them as such and someone would have to account for it one day. It wasn't something that could just disappear into thin air.

"But can't you work out something with General Black?" Lubbock asked Najenda with a bit of hope in his tone. The two were friends; surely, the man would be willing to aide them in their quest to disappear from the face of this world. He had been able to hide for over five years along with an entire army; surely, he would be with tricks they could use.

"Well, I'm sure he has hideouts around the country and within other lands," Leone said in thought. "His army was able to hide for over years without anyone sporting them, and with what Chelsea was saying – some of them had been coming in and going out of the capital all these time…" the woman paused as he tone became slightly darker. "I doubt he would be willing to help us though. Tatsumi's choice surely has not done him any favours."

Najenda nodded in agreement with Leone. "Its unlikely that he would feel the desire to help us," she said. "Tatsumi's choice made it possible for some people to question and judge him. We cannot depend on him. We need to think about how we are going to do things on our own. We have to save Tatsumi somehow and still manage to get out alive…" the woman smiled a bitter smile. "I can't seem to formulate any plan on how we are going to do that however."

There really was less chances of them surviving and truly, to make it alive, they would need a massive miracle that only happens once in generations. She understood that her group wasn't weak, they were a group of Teigu users after all, but the generals inside the capital were freaks and two of them were just forces of nature.

There was no success without involving the revolutionary army, but that would just be playing a dangerous game that could shatter the stability that has been created. Najenda didn't want to do anything that would threaten the work that has been done. She didn't even think that the brass would be willing to save Tatsumi. Rather, they would be much more willing to try to seize control from Naruto.

Their plan had been to see a new empire born without Makoto. They wanted a fresh start that wasn't built on the old. However, Naruto was continuing with the legacy of the royal family and obviously, that would clash. Regardless, a full-blown war with the Empires would result in both Naruto and Esdeath fighting side by side to defend the empire.

Naruto had already told her that he would pick up his blade if those people chose to go to war.

"Chances of survival are low, but we have to do this. Tatsumi is one of us, we have to do it," Akame said firmly. She would rather die than abandon her friend. She understood the risk very well, but trying to save Tatsumi would be worth it.

"None of us are against that," Mine stressed the words. "The issue is how we go abou-"

"Something is coming," Lubbock said interrupting Mine. One of his traps had been triggered but it seemed to have been done purposefully though.

It took a long silent minute for the on guard Night Raid to finally see the intruder; it was Uzumaki Naruto.

It wasn't often that Najenda felt she should be on guard when Naruto was in her presence. No, she was never on guard against an attack from the General. Even with everything that happens around them, there had never been the thought that her friend would turn his blade against her. She has always found safety in him, yet, here she was feeling the need to be on guard.

Because it was merely a reflex. She knew that Tatsumi had done something that had placed his plans in danger, maybe not the plans, but his reputation. He was forgiven once; he would not be forgiven again. Once people start questioning your motives, it would not be easy to sell them your ideas.

Still, would Naruto really try to attack her? it was a question that racked her brain, but the answer was firm. Naruto desired to cleanse the empire; he wanted to fulfil the oath he made to Miya. With the way he was now, he wouldn't permit anyone to stand in that way. Even if it was her.

Naruto raised an eye brow seeing Najenda's defence hold up slightly. this action caused her subordinates to do the same. "I never thought that I would see the day you'd raise your hands defensively fearing an attack from me," the blond general said.

It took a few moments for Najenda to process her thoughts, but when she was done, she heaved a sigh of relief before responding. "The situation doesn't help things and you don't particularly look like a happy person…"

"That is because I'm not entirely happy. You can as well say that I am sad," Naruto came to a halt. "Can I speak to you somewhere else?"

Najenda looked at her subordinates for a moment before nodding to the blond. She waved her hand, trying to get him to follow her. Naruto did so and they walked for a bit, coming to a halt a distance away from the members of Night Raid. Najenda leaned against a tree and folded her hands together.

"Things must be bad," Najenda said.

Naruto shook his head slightly. "Not like that. Considering everything, they are not that bad really. I have just come face to face with reality. You know when you try to run away from it and then it has its day of slapping everything into your face…"

That was the sweet thing called a cursed life. You could not avoid things forever. You may feel like you can go on shoving things at the back of your head forever, but a day would come and you would end up exploding. In this life, you either chose to go left or right. The neutrality could only be enjoyed for a few days, months, or years, but before you cease to end in this world, you would choose a party to join.

Naruto couldn't say he was a good person, nor could he say he was evil. But that really didn't matter because what spoke the most wasn't his thoughts or words, but his actions. There would be something that he would leave in this world, and it would be the good works that he has accomplished.

"You should have known better than anyone," Najenda said in a firm tone. "You have been playing soldier for far too long. Still, what is it that you are facing that causes you to be sad?"

Naruto looked up for a moment. He did not respond immediately even after bringing his face to look at Najenda once more. A minute or less passed before the blond finally spoke. "Since Miya died, I have always thought that the only reason I was left alive was because I had to fulfil my wish. There was nothing else left for me. Even now, I don't think I could go back to enjoying life as I did when she was still around.

"But I have now purged the evil. Soon enough, I will leave this place. But, what do I do after leaving this place? What will satisfy me? Should I simply die? I am going to face Esdeath… a thought does come if I should just die with her, however, a small part of me wishes to continue living on. A small voice in me wishes to see this empire turnaround."

Najenda was silent for a few moments as she absorbed the words. When she responded, her tone was down and there were mixed emotions in her voice. "I suppose when we are really alive we all face questions like that, but why don't you continue living, Naruto? You can watch from afar what you have been building and be ready to take action if things are on the verge of falling."

She had just been discussing of doing the same thing with her subordinates, no friends – perhaps to even say family members wasn't even wrong. She could live happily no matter where she went, if she knew that the empire was going on the right track.

It was a different thing with Naruto though. Could he really be happy after everything? This was the person who had nearly lost his mind when Miya was raped and then murdered. No, he had lost his mind. Could he return to live normally? Could he even love again?

It was a difficult one to answer and this moment, Najenda felt that even Naruto could not answer the question. Perhaps the only way to know would be if he tries to live again.

"I cannot answer that one, Najenda. My mind just cannot think that clear. It seems to me that I have nothing else to live for. My men are here to be defenders of justice. Even if one of them turns rogue, there will be another one of them to set things right. Not all of them can go rogue. If that happens, then there really is no hope for humanity."

What was there to fight for is everyone could be easily corrupted? A law had been created but if people who had been trained to follow and defend it are the ones that choose to break it then there was no hope. It had happened before the Imperial Police, if it happened again then this empire was as good as dead.

Naruto didn't think it would happen though. If he had such thoughts, he would not be having any thoughts of leaving this place. He would have to stay until he got old and kicked the bucket due to old age, well, that is that was possible.

"In any case, I have time to think about it… it's not like I'm going to end tomorrow," the blond general said in a calm tone. "When you have skeletons, people use that to cause scandals that are nothing more than a farce to score political points. What I have come to understand with politics is that only those favoured can rise to power in democracy, but in a world like ours, those with power and influence will be the ones that rule… however, for the rule to last, you need support from those you rule. If not, there will be revolts and the reign will just be mired with chaos and will be ungovernable."

They were going to something that Najenda was dreading to talk about, but there was no other way – she had to talk about the challenges that he was facing now with the revelation that Tatsumi is indeed a member of Night Raid.

"Who could be brave enough to do something like that?"

"You should know that not everyone is pleased with what Aizawa has been proposing and my actions. You know those in power don't like to lose it and they would rather cling onto the past glories than allow for change to occur even if the change is good," Naruto said. "The Chief of Police is also another person with a spine. He even called me to appear for questioning."

Najenda raised an eyebrow at this. "He has no power to do that," the woman pointed out. "You outrank him and are not a civilian. If you're being accused of something, Military Court or the Emperor can decide on what to do, not the Chief of Police."

"Yes, he cannot do anything, but Budo gave him the authority to question. I assume the man told Budo that questioning him would lead to some revelations on some cases he was working on. I was very involved in many cases around the streets upon my return. In any case, he has requested that I leave the capital or he will expose me. says he has proof that I am doing something with you guys… even if Military Court doesn't take any decision now, once tangible evidence is brought before them, they will not ignore it. I will be summoned to appear before the court."

"Don't tell me you're afraid of that," Najenda said.

"It isn't a matter of fear, dear; should I refuse to adhere to the law, I will become nothing more than a tyrant and I will have to fight the Military Generals. That will just undo everything that I have been doing. I cannot go on that path that says I am always right and everyone else is wrong…" Naruto stared at Najenda for a long minute before speaking adding. "What are you planning to do about Tatsumi?"

"What is going to happen to him?"

"He will likely be tried and executed," Naruto said indifferently. It wouldn't matter to him if the outcome was the one that Najenda would not favour. If the boy was prepared to die, then he should be allowed to die. He went along with his plan knowing what he was going to face, it was best that he be allowed to face it.

"We are planning on rescuing him," Najenda said firmly.

For a moment, Naruto looked amused. "I didn't think you'd become so stupid, Najenda. You will get slaughtered if you try something like that. I assure you, if you try something like that, none of you will live to see the next day. Your death will not achieve anything, it will truly be meaningless. I would really be disappointed if you allowed your life to go to waste like that."

"Then do something…" Najenda said challengingly.

"He doesn't regret anything he did, and I won't help you try to rescue him. Should you try, you will find Budo, Esdeath and yours truly waiting for you. Najenda, I will not take it easy, I will fight to kill as it is expected of me. I would rather not do that though – which is why I say, don't try it…"

"So you want us to abandon our friend?"

"I wouldn't call it abandoning if he isn't expecting to be saved. What would really piss me off would be that I get to take this heat for nothing. If you're just going to get yourself killed, then you shouldn't have run away when faced by Esdeath, you should have just stayed and let yourself be killed if you did that just to buy yourself a couple of days," Naruto said in a flat tone. "I don't mean to be cold, but giving away your life needlessly is a waste. It's unlikely that Tatsumi will be executed anyway."

"Why do you say that?"

"Esdeath isn't doing whatever she pleases, and the rule of law depends on facts not speculation to pass on judgement. Well, it is a fact that he was caught with you guys but he hasn't been suspected of doing any other crime. Of course being a party to you is treason, which is punishable by death, but even if the judgement does come to that, it can be delayed by a couple of years until Makoto grows and assumes his role as Emperor."

Najenda frowned, "You're not giving me anything concrete…"

"That is because I'm not trying to soothe your soul," Naruto said before shaking his head. "He won't be executed. You have my word… but I will repeat, if you try anything, you will die."

Najenda fell silent for a few moments before settling down. There was a lot to take in and process. She needed to sit down to think things over. Even she knew that it was a suicide mission trying to save Tatsumi. She might not have said those words directly to her team, but she had inferred it.

"What now? You took away our role in the empire and now the brass that side is tossing and turning, arguing on what to do. Really, I don't know which orders to follow now because it is just chaos," Najenda said with a shake of her head. "I am happy that things are looking bright, but where does this leave us?"

"Perhaps I may be the only one to acknowledge but you gave some people hope and saved many from pain. It wasn't enough to change the empire, but you did do something. Hope is fundamental to the lives of humans, because without it we really cease to exist. You also instilled fear into the hearts of those who did evil. The fear became something that cautioned from them doing the extreme. So really, your efforts were not useless; there is something good that you did…

"I cannot tell you what to do next when I do not know even know what I am going to do after I leave the empire. You will decide what is good for you, but I hope you make a decision that will make it possible for us to meet somewhere in the next couple of years under different circumstances." Naruto stood up. "But if you want to go out with a bang, you free to try something ridiculous," the blond said with a smile.

"When am I going to see you again?"

"If you decide to attack the empire, soon, if not, I don't know, but we will see each other… You don't have to be worried about the empire trying to waste resources to look for you. There will be better things to do than to chase a group that isn't a threat. Of course for show, there will be a formal team tasked with trying to hunt you down… they might be given a real job with firm instructions to hunt Night Raid down, but the only reason those orders would be given would be because they cannot fulfil them… that would be from Aizawa, I don't know what Makoto will do. He may come with something new."

After saying those words, Naruto walked away while Najenda watched him in silence. She sat there for a long minute thinking things before finally standing up. She was slow in return to her team. It wasn't like if she hurried things would change anyway, at least she could clear her thoughts before facing them.

"What did he want?" It was the first question that faced Najenda the moment she appeared before her team.

"Just giving me a warning," Najenda responded after a few moments of silence. "He said we should not try to save Tatsumi because we would all be killed. He isn't going to help but will actually fight against us if we attack the empire."

"I figured that man would be quick to betray us…" Mine responded in a flat tone.

"Well," Leone started calmly. "He was never on our side to begin with. I don't think none of us hadn't considered that the day would come when our thoughts would differ and that moment we would become enemies. he has never fought us because of his relationship with the boss and because he doesn't see our actions as bad.

However, considering everything, our attack would be bad. The people who had been suffering because of Honest are starting to see change since he appeared in the picture. Our attack wouldn't be seen as trying to save our friend, but it would be an attack on the empire. People will question, why attack if the new people in charge are not doing evil?"

Najenda smiled at hearing those words. Well, Leone has always been close to the people in the streets. She of all people would understand them better.

"But we can't abandon Tatsumi," Min said in a firm tone.

"I never said we would," Najenda said firmly. "Why are we trying to save Tatsumi?"

Everyone blinked at the question. it wasn't because the answer was difficult, it was just unexpected and none actually thought that Najenda was expecting them to answer it. However, the woman waited to hear a response from them.

"Because we can't just stand and watch him die," Lubbock stated.

"Yes," Najenda said with a nod. "Naruto assured me that Tatsumi won't be killed and I believe him. Esdeath really doesn't care about killing him, if Naruto gives her what she wants, she will leave him alone. She doesn't have the free roam to do what she has been doing anymore. Naruto says that Aizawa will handle the matter. He gave me his word that Tatsumi will not be killed."

"Are you really sure that we can take his word?"

"Naruto is many things, but he would never lie to me like that. Besides, he said that and added that if we wanted to go out with a bang, we could do that." Najenda said. "I would rather not. If Tatsumi's life isn't in any danger, then there is no need for us to do anything."

"How long will that last?"

Najenda appeared to think about it for a few moments before responding. "Naruto said something about the emperor assuming his responsibilities in the next couple of years… we can conclude that they have taken him off, and everything now is in the hands of the Prime Minister. But that gives us the chance to plan out something…"

Imperial Palace

Aizawa smiled as Run entered her office. He was the young man Naruto had been talking about and of course, she had done some searching of her own. She could not always depend on Naruto to do everything for her, especially now when he was leaving.

That was something she was still struggling to accept, but she would have to deal with it soon. At least she still had some time. There was no given date on when he would disappear, so maybe she could work out her charm to convince him to stay around for a little longer. The idea would be that he would get to the life around here and he would opt against leaving.

"Prime Minister," Run started in a calm tone. "You wished to speak to me…" He was just putting it out there just so she could know that he wasn't here because he had invited himself but because she had requested his presence.

"Run… that is your name, correct?" Aizawa said in a warm tone. Run nodded but didn't say anything in words. "Please sit down…" once the blonde was sited, the woman started speaking again. "Why do you wish to assist Naruto when you're still a subordinate of General Esdeath? Officially, you're a member of the Jaegers – a group formed to hunt down Night Raid…"

"Lately, we have not been doing that at all," Run was willing to admit that much. "Maybe it is a little difficult now since Night Raid is longer doing what it was doing before. They have been quiet since a few of their members were killed. But I don't believe that is the reason they have stopped with their assassinations."

Aizawa raised an eyebrow as she asked. "What do you think was their reason for conducting the assassinations?"

"I did some investigation and found that the people targeted by Night Raid had one thing in common; they all had ties to the former Prime Minister and were corrupt people," Run said. "If it was one or two, I would say it was a coincident, but all their targets were like that. I cannot say that there was any innocent person that was killed by Night Raid."

"Even if there was no one person who was innocent; even if they were all evil people who hurt and preyed on the poor, you still don't agree with them," Aizawa said.

Run nodded, "Their methods were wrong. I will admit that there was immeasurable corruption within the empire, but their methods did not change anything. The bigger picture was still the same. They are still nothing more than criminals who have taken the law into their own hands."

Aizawa smiled, "To their own hands?" She sounded amused. "We are not stupid, Run. You came here because you wanted justice against what was done to the children you were teaching. You used all means to rise in the ranks of military – this is something that Esdeath knows. To achieve your objective you have been willing to do anything. A pity the person responsible for the slaughter of your 'children' is dead. Still, you're still useful. I can see why you'd be willing to work with us."

Run remained calm despite being found out. Everyone had his or her secrets and he wasn't going to apologise for it. "You're not turning me down…" the blond stated. "How did you know though?"

"Just as you're able to find information about other people, we are also able to do something like that. I am the prime Minister after all," Aizawa said. "Naruto says you have the potential to be useful for the good of the Empire. Why did you come here?"

"It was for justice and to change the Empire from within," Run said.

Aizawa nodded. "You seduced and used every means necessary to get yourself were you are today in order to get your justice… although you didn't get it yourself because Naruto did it for you… Night Raid has also been killing people to get its justice. I'm not trying to justify their actions but I am trying to say that you should not be the one to point out that this is wrong and this is right… you chose this path because you believed it was right and was the only path possible for you, the same can be said for Night Raid.

"In any case, you're still a member of the Jaegers and Esdeath's right hand… are you willing to forsake all that in order to pursue your dreams? We are making it happen… the empire is changing, and you can be a part of it…"

"The Jaegers will not be here for too long," Run said. "The captain has been focused on General Naruto and if he ends up leaving the capital she will follow him."

Aizawa nodded. "She will leave and when that happens, you will work for me. You will be my guard, my eyes my hands, along with your friends. I have learned that you have become good friends. Tatsumi might join you…"

Run blinked, "What?"

"It's not happening soon. He will spend a couple of years in a cell, but after finally revealing sensitive information about Night Raid that leads to the death of their lead, the Emperor will pardon him and he will serve the Empire…" Aizawa stated calmly.

"Even you people are willing to go that path…" Run said. He knew that Tatsumi would not give up his friends at Night Raid. He had said that he was willing to die. Honestly, he hadn't seemed like a bad person and would certainly get along with Wave.

"No person is perfect…" Aizawa said with a wave of her right hand. "When we got rid of my predecessor, we were not exactly going by the book. But it was something that had to be done for the good of the Empire. Come and see me when your captain chooses to follow Naruto."

A little while later

Budo was standing beside a window inside Naruto's quarters with Aizawa and the blond sitting just couple of feet away. It was perhaps for the first time that he was alone with these two in such a space. Nevertheless, this was something that was necessary, something that had to be done.

"What is going on, Naruto?" Aizawa asked.

She had been called to this place and she was surprised to see Budo already here. Last time she checked, Naruto didn't get along with the Great General and they had nothing to discuss with him. She had a feeling that it had something to do with pending disappearance from the empire.

"I'm leaving tonight," Naruto said in a calm tone.

"What?" Aizawa exclaimed. "We have not discussed this, Naruto. We need to talk about things, many things, finalise things before you go away. I know you have to, but there are things that have not been resolved."

"Nothing you cannot do on your own," Naruto said pressed in a hardened tone. "I have already sorted out Makoto's guard and his education. Budo has already agreed to take over it. The two of you will determine when the Makoto shall assume his role as Emperor."

"Are you really sure about this though?" Budo said. "You're leaving without saying any word to him. He will be saddened to learn that you just left without saying a word to him."

"There is really nothing to say to him," Naruto said calmly. "He has you. You raised me well; I know you can do the same for him. You don't have to worry about Night Raid. For now, they should be away. Your focus should be protecting the Makoto and ensuring that he grows into a capable leader."

"I can raise Makoto just fine," Budo said. "And Esdeath?"

"She will leave with me," Naruto said. "You and Aizawa just have to sign a few papers to authorise a mission just for the two of us. I have a feeling that the revolutionary army will not just sit back now since we have 'captured' the empire. The mission will be to hunt them. If they are indeed plotting something bad, we shall eradicate them… all of them…"

"I will sign what needs to be signed," Budo said. "But I would prefer if you deal with them regardless. They are enemies of the Empire and soldiers who have turned traitors. In any case, I hope this isn't the last time I see you… you will return when we make Makoto a king once again, right?"

"Maybe," Naruto said. "I wish you'd be dead by then. I would certainly have something to celebrate and maybe I may return and become the Great General in your death…"

Budo didn't offer any words in return, he just left the window view and walked past the two without saying anything.

Naruto turned to Aizawa, he smiled. "You don't have to be so sad," he said. "I have made up my mind that I will return to the Empire. You should be happy about that…"

"But I will be old by then," Aizawa said. "If I said I pregnant, would you stay?"

Naruto blinked. It never occurred to him that something like that could happen. He was sleeping with her and it was not always protected. The blond shook his head. The woman was a doctor; she had things to prevent something like that from happening unless she wanted it to happen. He shook his head; she would not do something so cruel to him.

"I wouldn't stay," Naruto said. "It is for the best that I take some time way. Esdeath needs something to calm down or she will just turn into menace to relieve her stress problems…" the blond general stood up and walked over to Aizawa. He held out his right hand, "Why don't we go to the other side and say good bye in style?"

The following morning

Unknown location

"It has been long quite long since we entered a field like this, hasn't it, partner?" Naruto said. He was sitting on a large boulder in the centre of a barren terrain. "The battlefield with Budo left the field looking like this… I was not able to enjoy that one because I was in an emotional state of despair but at the moment, I do not have such problems, I will enjoy this one."

The last one hadn't been enjoyable, not because she had ended up on the losing side but because she had been sharing it with Budo. She liked the battle when she was having the opponent to herself and back then, Naruto hadn't been displaying any emotion, he had been dead of any and a little unstable.

She had thought she defeated him when she struck the killing blow back then, but it had been a trick. This is why she considered it a loss. History would not repeat itself though. She would make sure of it.

"I see you are prepared," Esdeath said as she took out her rapier. There was no emotion in his tone or face and the atmosphere felt hot. It could only be him; his element was fire after all.

"I am always ready," Naruto said holding out his right hand. He got down from the boulder. "Come, Amaterasu," the black sword appeared in a swirl of flames.

In the blink of an eye, he was gone. He appeared right in front of Esdeath, with his sword cleaving through the air in tremendous speed from his right side. Esdeath reacted quickly by aligning her rapier along her left side before the sword could cut through her. it had been coming through at incredible speed and she could not have dodged it in the speed it was traveling.

Two metals clashed just beside Esdeath. It didn't spark lightning but black flames. Esdeath felt her hand shake a bit when the sword hit her rapier. The man was still powerful as before. His strikes had power she would have to be careful.

Esdeath's right boot took off from the ground, heading towards Naruto's right shoulder for a high kick. The blond reacted by raising his left hand forming a defence. He didn't wince when Esdeath's boot collided with his hand painfully.

The blue haired general didn't stop there, she held out her right hand and summoned an ice spear that sped towards Naruto's gut. The projectile moved so fast that it ended up piercing through Naruto's gut, but the blond suddenly burst into black flames.

Naruto flashed behind Esdeath, high above the ground, his right foot moving towards the woman's head. Esdeath responded ducking under the fast quick. As soon as one of her knees hit the ground, a large ice spike burst from the ground, heading straight towards Naruto.

Amaterasu was flung on the path of the ice. The sword cut through the attack within a second and before Naruto could even do anything, Esdeath had already twisted around. The woman was facing him with a wide grin. Naruto's sword suddenly burst into flames, before shooting a large stream of intense flames straight at Esdeath. There was a loud of boom when the flames collided with the ground and with Esdeath.

A second later, there was a sound of glass shattering within the flames and another second later, Esdeath burst out of the flames unharmed. But Naruto was waiting for her.

A brutal kick to the forehead sent her crashing back into the flames like a bullet.

Naruto landed a good distance away, waiting for Esdeath to get out of the dispersing flames. "Each time I step into the battlefield, I feel as I have hundreds of years of experience fighting battles. It feels like there is so much more power I can master from this mysterious sword, that no scientist in this world can explain…"

Esdeath's response was to lunge towards Naruto in high speeds. Her rapier cut through the air from her left side, heading towards the right side of Naruto's neck. The blond reacted swiftly by jumping backwards to avoid the swing.

The moment he landed, an ice wall burst through behind, blocking any more attempts to jump back. Esdeath held out her right hand before shooting multiple number of ice spikes towards Naruto. Black swung his sword quickly, releasing a wave of flames. The flames collided with the spikes of ice and the melted them within a second, but the flames died after that.

Esdeath was no longer in front of Naruto; she was behind him. Her rapier pierced through the ice wall, heading towards Naruto's right shoulder. The blond did just enough to dodge the strike before twisting around. He landed a powerful kick on the ice wall and it shattered within seconds.

He didn't proceed with the attack, instead, he jumped back.

As soon as Naruto landed on the ground on both feet, he was up again, dashing towards the incoming Esdeath. The blue haired women swung her rapier towards Naruto in a fast movement that would make a lessor man look as if he was blind. Naruto's swing hadn't been in response but it was his own attack that came simultaneously as Esdeath's swing. The blades clashed in mid-air and this time it wasn't flames that burst out, but sparks of electric currents.

Naruto pushed back Esdeath in a show of physical prowess. The woman didn't let it go for too long to avoid losing her footing. She snapped the fingers on her left hand, causing ice of burst forth. The ice rushed towards Naruto's upper body, and the blond responded by quickly jumping back.

Whilst still in mid-air, Naruto swung his sword, releasing a wave of flames that rushed towards ice coming his way. Within seconds, the flames clashed with the ice and the two attacks cancelled each other.

When Naruto landed on the ground, he found himself staring at a hail of ice splinters. There were a number of them, all raining down towards him. His eyes looked up at the projectiles that would make him unhealthy if hit.

Once again, he swung his blade, upwards this time and released a wave of flames towards the projectiles. The flames were bigger this time and managed to cover the ice coming his way. remarkably, the flames didn't stop all of the ice, some of them, managed to pass through the flames and continue to head towards him.

But he had given himself enough time to jump back once again. As the ice pierced through the ground a second later, Naruto caught of glimpse of Esdeath's boot just near his face. The boot slammed onto his forehead sending him flying backwards.

Esdeath didn't let up, with the blond flying backwards, she sent thin ice needles towards him. The needles were going at a blinding speed. This time around, she made it so that even if Naruto creates a wall of flames, the ice would have enough speed to pass through before being melted.

Naruto only managed to fold his hands in front of his face with his sword still held firmly as the needles reached him. a few of them managed to slice through his clothes, making cuts on his skin. The one that cut through his right hand, left him slightly bleeding.

Moments later, he landed on the ground, on both his knees. He was forced to drop his sword to the ground when Esdeath's left foot crashed just inches away from him. He knew another one was coming towards his face. Within a second, the right foot came with an air force, straight towards his face. Naruto's right hand caught the kick and he only managed to slid backwards slightly.

"Oh?" Esdeath said. "You caught that… it does feel rather good looking down at you like this," the woman said with a grin.

"Don't enjoy it for too long, it won't last," Naruto said calmly.

The moment those words left his mouth, the foot he was holding firmly, lit up with pure black flames. He didn't free it even when he felt his hand freezing. He just increased the temperature of the flames as he picked up his sword with his left hand. After then, the blond stood up.

Esdeath stopped herself from cursing when Naruto stood up. She was doing all she could to balance herself. But Naruto's hold on her foot was just tight as an iron shackle and he didn't seem like he was going to let go.

At this moment, she was fighting to keep the flames from burning her foot by continuously creating ice.

"Are you trying to burn my foot?"

"What if…" Naruto started deliberately slowly as he swung his blade wildly on the left. "I swung my sword towards your foot. With enough speed, I can cut through your rapier… I don't even have to say anything about your ice… how about it Esdeath?"

The blue haired general didn't wait for her opponent to try that. she stabbed her rapier on the ground and lifted up her left foot, sending it high towards the side of Naruto's head. It never reached because Naruto blocked it with the left hand.

A second later, Esdeath was brutally slammed into the ground with so much force that there was a loud boom when the woman was buried down. Naruto quickly lifted up Esdeath, he let her go, pushing her forward slightly.

When Esdeath landed, Naruto was upon her, black flames encasing his right hand. The fist was upon her within a second and even when she created an ice shield to block the punch on her gut, she still received the weight of the punch. Her intestines cringed as the ice on her gut shattered.

She wasn't given the time to nurse her pain because Naruto twisted around, slamming a high kick on her face. The kick connected head on, sending her flying backwards. Esdeath recovered her balance by flipping several times before she landed on both her feet.

When Naruto flashed above her a second later, she grinned as a large ice sword burst through from the ground. Naruto was certain it would leave much damage on his foot because they were going to meet and he could not stop himself from the momentum.

He bended his body forward while simultaneously flashing his sword below his foot. The sword managed to cut through the ice.

It took that moment for Esdeath to get an opportunity to strike and she used it well; a brutal ice punch landed on Naruto's forehead, sending him crashing into the ground like a bullet. Before he could even hit the ground, ice spikes below him and he crash-landed on them, shattering them within seconds.

Esdeath rushed above him before snapping her fingers; a large ball of ice materialized above her. She flashed away as the ice dropped down on Naruto – who was still on the ground. He did nothing as the ice hit him in a loud boom that caused not only some of the ice to shatter but debris to pick up as well.

Naruto winced slightly as he lay buried on the ground. "You're getting better at this…"

"You're just not doing any better," Esdeath responded calmly; she was on her knees a distance away from Naruto with her hand on the ground. "You're not the same person who managed to hold his own against Budo and I…"

The moment she finished speaking, ice burst out around Naruto, encasing his entire body. It didn't stop there, the ice grew, forming a small 'mountain' around the battlefield. The blond was trapped deep within the ice 'mountain' unable to breathe. Esdeath knew that fire would not be able to pick up easily unless it just exploded with enough force break the ice.

But how would he go about that if his whole body was trapped, unable to move and with no way to take in oxygen?


There was a loud and resounding explosion that tore through the ice, blasting incredible air waves around the battlefield like a shockwave. The ice shattered, chunks of it blasting into all directions. Esdeath was forced to jump away from the path of the ice and even create a wall of ice in front of her to avoid getting hit by the ice. Some of it shattered at her wall, going on for about a minute before everything calmed.

When Esdeath's ice wall broke apart, she found Naruto standing in front of her; there was a wall of flames around him that reached just below his knees and he didn't have his sword.

The blond spoke in a cold tone. "There is nothing more dangerous than a person who is crazy, Esdeath. Being crazy means that there is nothing holding you back – you are on full throttle, you exert everything you have to fight even your life force. At that point, I was a little insane, but I still could not defeat both of you. The only reason I survived was because I managed to fool you."

"Wha-" Esdeath didn't get to finish speaking because a brutal punch encased with flames suddenly slammed into her chest. For a moment, she stopped breathing. The woman yelped before coughing a mouthful of blood. The punch was so powerful that she felt her entire body tremble and a couple of bones cracking.

Naruto's flaming right hand grabbed Esdeath by the face and he lifted her up. "Within an instant, I could judge you with the flames of purgatory and make you become black ashes which will become nourishment to the ground."

Esdeath knew that it was certain… she was fighting for her life. Even when her face hurt, she still managed to smile. This was what she wanted, she wasn't afraid, she was thrilled.

Her rapier moved in blinding speed; she was blind, but her other senses could still work. The rapier went straight towards Naruto's throat. The blond didn't let her go, he merely bended is body towards his right but wasn't fast enough to completely avoid it. The blade of the rapier pierced through his left shoulder, but he still didn't let go of the woman even with her weapon still inside of his body.

When Naruto released a huge wave of flames that covered her entire body from the palm of his right hand, Esdeath simultaneously released ice that froze Naruto's upper left body. Naruto's flames blasted Esdeath away from him, burning her as well. When she landed a distance back, she had burns on her face and right hand; her hair no longer long, most it burnt away.

Well, he wasn't joking about turning her to ash.

Esdeath didn't mind her burns; she lunged towards Naruto – who was standing still with a visible frown on his face, his right hand on his left shoulder, trying to melt the ice.

When she reached him, Esdeath lifted up her right foot, sending a high kick towards Naruto's temple. The blond fell backwards to avoid the kick. As he was falling, an ice spear suddenly burst forth from the ground. Knowing it would pierce through his back, Naruto released flames that melted the ice within a second.

Before he could even land on the ground, Esdeath was already above him. She slammed the back of her right foot on his chest, sending him quickly into the ground on his back. Naruto caught the foot whilst still on the ground before Esdeath could pull away.

His grip was too tight, enough for Esdeath to feel her toes freezing over the lack of blood flow. "Hell flames…" Naruto muttered while still on the ground with Esdeath above him. Black flames burst forth from his hand, lighting up Esdeath's leg.

"Gaaa!" Esdeath screamed as an immense pain hit her. The flames burnt her boot, and her skin, leaving 3rd degree burns. When Naruto let her go, she quickly jumped away and landed on her knees, and looked at her slightly blackened right foot.

The woman stood up, and grinned. "This pain…" she started a bit madly as Naruto got up from the ground. "You can no longer use your left hand…"

"What of it?" Naruto asked.

"I still have functions of my both hands," Esdeath responded calmly. She held out her hands together. "Ice Storm commander-chief," the woman muttered. Everything changed slowly. It started with snow forming out of thin air, and then the ground started turning into ice. Within a couple of moments, the entire surrounding was covered by snow. It went as far as Naruto could see.

"This is one of my trump cards. I don't how far this goes, but probably has or will reach the capital since we are not that far off from it," Esdeath said. "This is the only way to counter your flames. I doubt you can create anything lasting with this conditions or anything big, if you want to be effective, you'd have to create something big as this…"

Naruto looked up into the sky; dark clouds were already upon them. It was something to change the weather like this, wasn't it?

"You didn't have this power back then… You have certainly become a lot stronger… Budo cannot match you. If you were a good person, you'd truly become a legend of the empire. In my time playing dead, I never fought, but I cannot say this is an excuse… I can't say I'm surprised by this though, I think I have seen so many unbelievable things…"

Esdeath didn't respond, she held out her right hand, creating a couple of icicles. With a wave, she sent them towards Naruto.

It was almost instinctively, but Naruto held out his right hand, the palm open facing the incoming projectiles. There were no flames that came out, but the attack didn't reach him. It suddenly came to a halt before small flames appeared in all of them. Steam started to cloud, as the ice started to melt.

"Hmm?" Naruto looked down as ice burst through the snow, freezing both his legs. His eyes snapped behind him as Esdeath flashed behind.

"Mahapadma," space and time froze for a moment.

When everything started moving once again, Esdeath was hugging Naruto from behind, no, it was death grip. Slowly, both of them started freezing from their feet. "What are you doing, Esdeath?" The blond demanded.

"I will be sad if you leave this world and bored as well. Nobody can excite me as you, if you die alone, there will really be nothing to live for now. Honest is gone and I can't do as I please within the empire anymore…" as she said those words, Esdeath opened the palm of her right hand, touching Naruto's chest, she was ready to release an attack that would pierce through Naruto's chest and her's.

"You think it will be best if you just kill both of us?" Naruto asked calmly.


"How about we go raise hell in the revolutionary army's headquarters and then live for a year, if I can't excite you, then we can recreate this scene."

The ice stopped just around their waist, "I will only agree to that on one condition; clear away this ice."

"Fine, let me go first…"

"No," it was a firm no. "You might try to escape or kill me instead."

The end… or not

6 Years Later

Makoto smiled as he looked at his reflection in the mirror; he had grown up, the crown on his head was fitting and the majestic gown he wore was a little heavy with all the gold on it, but he didn't mind. He had plenty of gold, it was not wrong to display his wealth, but he would not boast about it. He had been taught better.

The past years have truly been tough for him. He had been worked hard. Budo had been unforgiving in his vigorous training. At least Aizawa was kind when it was for their time to talk about politics. While Budo taught him military, Aizawa took the part of politics.

He wasn't complaining much, it was something that had to be done so that he could not repeat the misfortune he had brought upon the empire. He understood that he had been naïve and foolish under the influence of the man he had trusted. Well, he had just been a brat. When a nice bearded man offered you his delicious meat, you trusted him.

It had been naïve of him.

Naruto had been right to say that he needed to train first, he needed to understand to grow first to be able to understand his people and make rational decisions. Well, his ministers handled most daily operations of the empire and he was only going to be troubled when his authority was needed to solve some matters.

"Heika," the Emperor was called by a male voice outside of his room. "It is time…"

Makoto smiled for one last time before twisting around. He slowly made his way towards the door and found Tatsumi waiting for him. He smiled at the man, "Let us," he said.

It had been a great source of questions from some people to Aizawa when it was said that a man who was in prison for being a member of Night Raid – who should have been killed was allowed to sit close with the Emperor. It had needed his stern voice to shut off any arguments.

There was a law, but when he judged people, it had more or less to do with their personality and what was in their hearts. When even he could see that a person didn't mean harm, not just him, but Aizawa as well. The woman had said she and Naruto would take responsibility if Tatsumi did something, and everything had become still.

Not everyone was happy, but they did not make noise because he had ruled. It was not the ideal way he wanted to deal with things, but after having spoken to Tatsumi, his experiences and what led him to Night Raid, he had stood firm.

The two made their way out of the quarters and when the stepped outside, they found Colonel waiting. "Heika," the man bowed slightly before nodding at Tatsumi. "The stage has already been set and everyone is just waiting for you."

"And security?"

"Tight, we are working with the Imperial Police to ensure that things run smoothly," Colonel responded calmly as he led both Tatsumi and the Emperor.

"Good," Makoto said before falling silent.

The three walked the carriage that led them towards the stadium. The starter was to be held at the stadium and the then things would be wrapped up at the royal palace where they are to hold a banquet. Even leaders from other places were invited.

Tatsumi felt an air of nervousness wash over him as the people in the stadium raised their voice when the Emperor's trumpet was playing. This was the first time people were seeing the Emperor in public in six years. He had not left the royal palace for six years, even he had not been able to set foot outside. The first years were prison, and the emperor would visit every now and before he was eventually released.

Tatsumi looked up, the Prime Minister was on her feet with Run and Wave flanking both her sides. "Your Majesty," Aizawa said before turning to Colonel, "Gin, has there been anything?"

The man shook his head.

Tatsumi blinked, for the five years he has known the man, he didn't know his name. Colonel was how everyone called him and some called him the royal guard, it was nevertheless the first time he was hearing that name and he didn't seem to be the only one.

"Oh" Aizawa said before shaking her head. "Well, your Majesty, you should speak to your people. We have already handled everything."

Makoto nodded and walked past the group. He stopped in front of the throne that was prepared for him. He didn't need to raise his hands for his people to give him their ears.

"A little more than seven years ago, I was nothing more than a naïve child sitting on the throne. My people were suffering, you were suffering, the empire was suffering, and yet I was blind to it. I relied on the 'wisdom' of the man who helped me take the throne to guide me.

"There were so many people who told me that I was being manipulated, so many who tried to tell me that the empire was rotting, but I did not listen. I sent those many to their deaths for insulting me. There are many more innocent people I sent to be killed. These sins I carry even as I stand before you.

"The corrupt and evil men ruled the streets while I murdered the innocent. Night Raid was born because of this, many treated them as enemies, even I did so because they opposed my rule, and they threatened me. Over the past years I have asked myself, what would I have done if those who were in power were abusing it, and the Emperor was a naïve fool who could not see it?

"Maybe I would have done the same. Night Raid never killed any innocent person… I understand this might infuriate families of those who were killed by the group, but this is the truth; all those killed by Night Raid were evil people who abused, raped and fed off from the spoon of the previous Prime Minister."

The Emperor turned around, and looked at the surprised people behind him. He had not told them what he would say, and perhaps he was putting a little more emotion to his tone than he should. "Tatsumi, come here," he commanded.

"This man was a member of Night Raid. He left his village years ago with his friends carrying the hopes of everyone, thinking he would become a soldier and work enough to send money to his village, but within two days, his friends had been killed by evil and the corruption within Military had robbed him of his dream. He joined Night Raid. The rich will not understand, but the poor who suffered in the slums will understand.

"I am responsible for the birth of Night Raid, for his pain, for the dreams that were killed. I was the emperor and led a corrupt empire. Because I am responsible, I declared Tatsumi not guilty. Today, I issue this order as well; for all the crimes Night Raid has 'committed' I declare them not guilty. I am the guilty one. As your emperor, I am guilty for allowing the rot to occur, and I sincerely hope that I will do enough to earn your trust and forgiveness." The young Emperor bowed his head.

There was silence for a long minute.

Perhaps it was too shocking for the people to hear, but it was something that needed to be done. It was a risk, but a calculated one. There would be mixed reactions, but he wasn't going to do anything that would make people think he was weak. Maybe they would think that, but there would be a rude awakening.

Makoto seized the opportunity to speak. There was no longer any emotion in his tone, and the expression on his face was just a mask of emptiness. "Of course having forgiven these actions I am no way condoning similar actions in the future. Those who rebel simply because they feel wronged, will be punished, dearly so. I will not permit rebels and a traitor to disturb to balance that has been created."

He paused for a moment to allow the cold words to sink in.

"There is one last announcement I'd like to make before we begin the tournament: I am standing here as your emperor because General Black returned to correct the wrongs, because Prime Minister Aizawa stood firm in what was right. If not for Naruto, there might not have been an empire today and I might not have been here. To honour, the work he did, along with those who helped him, from today henceforth, this day will be called the Black Day, and we will hold this tournament, the Tournament of Black on this day, every year and without fail."

Makoto was done and he retreated to his throne.

Aizawa stepped forward to announce the beginning of the games. She suddenly came to halt when Gin started moving. The man stopped just inches away from her and whispered. "We have spotted the general within the spectators… he is with Esdeath… it doesn't appear that the people have noticed them."

"Well, neither did you take notice of them when they entered the stadium," Aizawa responded smiling. "He probably won't come out to the public unless I force it. I want even those with disturbing thoughts to know that he is very much alive."

"That would be best," Gin agreed.

Aizawa stepped forward, and held out her hands to get people to listen to her, "What would be the Tournament of Black without General Black himself making an appearance in the ring?" the woman asked loudly.

Three hours later

"That was a rather nice speech from the Emperor, wasn't it?" Naruto asked Najenda. The woman was sitting on a stool behind the bar counter with a glass of sake in front of her.

Najenda did not respond. She was struggling to understand why Naruto had not aged since she last saw him. Anyone could see she was old, but the blond was still active, he still looked the same he was when he last made an appearance before her.

"A good one for us," Najenda finally said. "We have been hiding for the past years, and we've gotten used to it. Coming to the light will be good again, but I think I will remain in the shadows."

"Don't be like that," Naruto said. "They are all here," he said of the remaining members of Night Raid. "Akame can work with Aizawa if she likes to be hidden in the shadows. The rest of them can live normal lives if they want to. You should do the same as well."

"And you?"

"I should leave by tonight… Even if the Emperor demands that I remain, I will leave. I have a life waiting for me outside of here. Besides, there are many bad memories for me here." Naruto then stood up. "I will have one last drink with you later, for now, I must entertain them…" he said pointing at the entrance of the bar.

A second later, Gin entered along with four of his men. They walked towards the general before kneeling, "General," Gin started.

"Stand," Naruto commanded. "You're the captain of the royal guard; you should only kneel to the Emperor." He sighed before smiling. "Well, it can't be helped. Let us go… I assume Makoto wishes to see me…"

"Yes, General," Gin said. "Should I fill you in on what has been going on in the empire in your absence?"

Naruto shook his head, "It's not necessary… but you could tell me how the men I once commanded have been doing…"

The End

This was the best conclusion I could compute. I truly hope it wasn't as disappointing as my other endings in my stories have been.

Aside from that, thanks for everyone who has followed this story from the beginning and those who joined us along the way… you have been great.

This is how I bow out…

The Omnipresent Sage