Zero: Part One

''What is the meaning of this, Esdeath?'' Naruto spoke in a low growl, turning around to face the General. He was currently strolling alone in the outskirts of the capital.

A wall of ice had blocked his path and another quickly formed beneath him, quickly freezing him from his feet to the upper right side. He quickly melted the ice away with the glorious flames of the 9th hell.

Normally, he would've brushed it off aside as Esdeath trying to have fun, but her killing Intent gave it all away. The woman was indeed always leaking a pure wave of killing intent and blood lust, however, this time he knew that it was different. He'd spent much more time around her, in the middle battle, and other places to her enough.

He noted that she wasn't alone; she had Budo along with her. The sight of the man made him scowl and release another growl. His skin tightened, and eyes became sharp as the eyes of a vulture calculating the movements of its prey. The blood inside him burst into bubbles of hot liquid that heated up his body.

In simple words, the very sight of that time infuriated him to end, it made his whole personality flip and turn another corner.

Esdeath could only grin in barely contained anticipation, and excitement that tingled her entire body like soft kisses of a sweet lover. There were no words that could explain what she felt inside of her heart. She could feel her heart drumming against her rib cage like it was down on the dance floor, moved by the fast melody of dance music.

A poet was perhaps needed to explain what she truly felt, even though he couldn't take it all out into account, but he could mix a bit of this and a bit of that to make it sound like it was what she felt.

The excitement she felt was almost making her blush, an orgasm was possibly on its way. ''It is what you think it is, Naruto.'' Finally, she spoke, her blood lust making a scent that frightened the wild animals that found home within the colorful forest.

''You are attacking me. Do you wish to kill me, Esdeath?'' His eyes grew red because of the crimson liquid that was burning inside of him. The air around him caught the heat, dispelling anything that might try to fly towards him.

For now, he ignored the presence of the man beside Esdeath. Talking to the fool would only put more fire under the pot that was cooking him. He liked this forest too much to see it crumble into a heap of black dust. For now, he would deal with the blue haired woman whose grinned sickened him.

''Not at all,'' Esdeath responded quietly. However, her action was a contradiction to her words. She got hold of her weapon and grabbed it firmly with her right hand. For a moment she allowed it to dance about the air. She could barely hold her excitement to this level. ''I only hope to beat some senses to you. However, if it can't be helped, you will die.''

Five Months ago….

Many men perish trying to take a hike into the path of righteousness; many lose their ways and forget who they truly are. That was just life. To live is to think, and to be alive is to move forward. The mind always thinks, but not everything is fruitful, not everything leads a man into the right path.

Because we are alive, we see the world in different ways, and could only hope to understand what the other is thinking. It is understanding that makes it possible for everyone to be able to accommodate each other. If people couldn't understand the others' ideals and believes, then humans couldn't co-exist as one race.

Battles would be continuously waged around this precious earth and new streams of blood would be formed. Earth would feed on the flesh of men and spit out their bones. The understanding is what brought humans together. However, not everyone was willing to understand the other. Some only wanted to hear the sound of their own voice and live for their own personal satisfaction.

Such people were those who brought about chaos and destruction. When there was chaos and destruction, tears of agony always found a way to escape the eyes and smoothly slide on the cheeks of men. Chaos gave birth to children that loved no one but themselves. There was no understanding in the eyes of chaos, the only thing there was is destruction.

Naruto found himself in a delicate situation, in all these years he's been in the army; the only thought that came to him was to protect the empire. He'd joined the army with that goal, to protect this home of his. Yes, he'd sworn with the glorious flames of purgatory to protect the peace of the Empire.

However, once he'd grown strong and in ranks and ended up in the group of Esdeath, he'd been forced to see horrible things that plastered bloody images across his mind. Being a soldier of the kingdom was no walking around the capital with a gun placed carefully around the waist like the Imperial Police. No, being an officer of the army meant watching humans scream in agony, with unbearable pain gripping them to death.

Such images he'd seen had not shook his idea of protecting the Kingdom. Although he found himself disgusted by how Esdeath dealt with her enemies, he also couldn't show mercy to the enemy. He'd lived long enough and seen many things to know that pitying the enemy attracted a painful reminder at your doorstep; the devil will always be the devil, evil couldn't be painted white.

You could give it a mask of purity, but behind the mask that glaring evil will always be there, and sooner or later, the mask would come out, and it would pounce on you.

Rising through the ranks of the Army hadn't been easy, but he rose and made it to a high ground. He rose high and became a General. Rising up that high only opened his eyes further. He'd thought that the rebellious villages outside the capital were the enemies since he'd spent much of his time there in the battle lines.

However, when he dived deep into the crushing sea waves of the Capital, he found that evil lied there. The root of all evil controlled the kingdom. Such thing was unpalatable. He who vowed to protect the kingdom from anyone, anything, and couldn't watch vermin control innocent people. It didn't matter how people saw him, as long as he did what he viewed as right, nothing else mattered.

For a year now, he'd been thinking of a way to go about his things, and protect the kingdom from the vermin that smiled within the Emperor's palace. Such bloody thirsty piece meat shouldn't be allowed to live. This thought has brought him to think of what was the right thing to do.

The path of righteousness dictated that he kill the vermin and remove its tainting existence from the capital before it baths the kingdom in more sins. The only question that lingered inside his mind without an answer was whether he would also perish trying to seek this path of righteous. Perhaps he would, perhaps he wouldn't.

He wouldn't know unless he tried.

A hand hit him on the forehead breaking his link to his thoughts. Naruto looked up to see a beautiful black haired woman standing in front of his small desk. She was wearing the usual military uniform, and had black eyes. Her hair was long, and tired into a pony tail that was hanging loosely on her right shoulder. A sweet smile was plastered across her face and her eyes were filled with warmth.

''You have that look again,'' Miya said, looking at him a bit sternly. She didn't like it when he always wore that concentrated look on his face like he was planning to a frontal assault on a worthy foe. She knew exactly what he was thinking when he carried that look.

''I can't help it,'' Naruto responded quietly. ''It has become worse these days with the Emperor dead and the royal family locked in a power struggle.''

''Politics isn't for you, Naruto. You've been protecting the Empire by ridding of its enemies for these long, don't start questioning yourself and don't get involved in politics.'' Miya said as she walked away from the blond and took his bed to sit down. ''Didn't you say you hate politics, anyway?''

''I don't hate it; I just find it bothersome. I would rather swing my blade than spend my time sweet talking old farts that care for nothing but their pockets,'' the distaste was clearly evident in his tone. ''I am, however, not questioning myself Miya. My ideals have not changed, but I question the current state of the Empire.''

''Things have taken a new turn since Honest became the prime minister,'' Miya said, she paused when Naruto also came to sit beside her on the bed. After he'd settled down, she continued. ''However, this should not deter you from doing your job as a general. The Empire has the people to deal with such things. Your job is to protect the Kingdom.''

Naruto nodded, placed both his hands on his lap and leaned down, ''How are we doing?''

''Well,'' Miya responded. ''Our resources are still sharp and the last of our enemies have surrendered. We can prepare to move on to the north. But I would suggest we stay behind for a week so since we don't know if they might turn their backs on us.''

''If that becomes the case, I will turn their village to dust. I've heard enough of ignorant fools who just don't know when to throw the towel,'' Naruto sighed tiredly. ''I've to finish my report and send it back to the Capital.''

Miya sighed. ''You know, I can't always be doing your reports every time,'' she said. ''You will have to increase my pay if I'm going to do this one also...''

Naruto looked at the woman for a moment, ''Come on, Miya-chan. Just this once, I will do anything for you: As long as it doesn't include increasing your pay.'' His tone was a bit begging.

Miya shook her head. ''You won't bribe me like last time. I want an increase, or you can give me your own pay. I'm the one who handles your funds anyway.''

She did everything for him. Seriously, Naruto was used to having people do some things for him that he couldn't quite live by himself. He couldn't even cook his own meals. Esdeath and his previous assistant were the ones who used to feed him good food before she came.

''I blame the previous Emperor,'' Naruto responded with a shrug.

Sighing Miya spoke. ''I will do the report, but you'll do something for me in return...''

''Anything for you...'' Naruto responded with a wide smile on his face. ''How about I pay you now?'' His hands were already sneaking towards her chest.

Miya hit both them. ''No touching,'' she said standing up. ''I will go and do the report and don't think anything going west because it is never going to happen.'' she walked away from the tent.

Naruto sighed, a blank expression settled on his face. ''Aha, I just got rejected, again.'' He then stood up and walked towards his desk.

A few moments later

''General Black,'' a voice called standing outside the entrance of his large tent. His army was currently stationed in the western regions to deal with some insolence caused by rebellious fools.

Naruto didn't respond in words, he merely walked towards the entrance, leaving his small desk. Outside, he found one of his men standing outside. Despite being of young age, his men respected him very much. This is proved when the man, despite being twice his age, bowed a little when he addressed him.

''I've received word from General Esdeath. She sent word that all Generals were to head back to the Capital,'' the man stated in a respectful tone.

At hearing those words, a frown quickly rushed to glow on his expression. He didn't want to return to the Capital. There were people that made his blood boil and the only thing that has kept him from wrecking the palace to turn those two people to ash was Esdeath. She always managed to stop him before steam leaked out of his ears because of the heat inside of him.

The person he really hated the most, no, it was not a human, it was a thing: The prime minister. He really hated that demon. He couldn't even stand that thing's mere presence without thinking of snapping its neck and be over with it. Its very breath made his skin crawl and mind to lose the ability to think rationally.

He preferred being out here where he could work well in removing all enemies of the kingdom. ''Send a message to General Esdeath and tell her that I'll pass. She can always fill me in when she returns from the capital.''

He was going to join her army in a week or two in the northern regions, so there was no need for him to waste his time returning to that place. He would do anything to make sure that the breath of that thing didn't taint the air he breathed.

''There is a second message; General Esdeath said she would be arriving at our camp in a day to fetch you.''

Naruto's frown deepened to new levels. Thoughts hit the insides of his head, bouncing off his skull one by one, he couldn't make of what would be happening when he reached there. That woman was going to drag him down the capital if she had to.

He sighed tiredly. ''This is going to be bothersome and its going to drain me mentally,'' the spoke in a mumble, the frown still place on his face.

''Should I get Miya-san to prepare the drinks?'' the man queried. Everyone who was in the army, regardless of which region they were stationed, they all knew of Naruto's dislike of the prime minister. And within his own men, they knew that he disliked going back to the capital because of the mental strength he would need to have so that he can hold himself from attacking the ''piece of meat,'' as he called the prime minister.

Being one of the trusted officers within the army, he knew for certain that there were special drinks that Naruto always carried with him when he went to the capital. The drinks weren't sold in the capital, they found them in one of the small villages they'd come across. Miya, his trusted and cherished assistant, was a keeper of those drinks and only brought them out when it was necessary.

Naruto shook his head. ''I still have a few bottles from the last time I went back to the capital.'' He sighed again. ''I wish I could fake a serious sickness right about now.''

''That wouldn't work,'' Heisuke responded shaking his head. ''Don't you remember that last time General Esdeath dragged you to the capital even when you were sick for real?''

''That cold-hearted woman,'' Naruto mumbled again. ''Sometimes I hate that I know her. Maybe I should break my friendship with her. This would make life a bit easy and reduce the headaches.''

The devil then chose to appear at that moment. ''I'm wounded that you'd wish to break our friendship,'' Esdeath said walking straight towards him.

Naruto snorted in response, 'Yeh right,' he thought. ''Why did you come here now? I've just received your message.'' He asked going back inside his tent, and the woman followed him. Since there was only one chair, he went for the bed. If you were thinking that Esdeath would choose the chair behind his small desk, you'd be surprised. The woman sat beside him on the edge of his bed.

''I sent that message while I was only minutes away from here. I wanted to see if you'd try to run knowing that I was going to come,'' Esdeath responded, looking around the tent. Nothing interested her and she turned to face the blond beside her.

''I have a feeling that you wanted me to run just so you can run after me and drag me to the capital,'' Naruto said before throwing his back on the bed. There was no escape now. ''When do we set out?''

''Once you prepare yourself,'' Esdeath responded calmly. ''There hasn't been major battles occurring in the past weeks, your army should be fine without you. You pamper them too much; if something does occur, it should be good for them to prove their superiority over their enemies without you.''

What wasn't a secret was that Naruto didn't risk the lives of his men under his charge. Whether the opponent was strong or weak, he always charged in first. Even if the enemy was an army, he would first burn some skulls before allowing them to charge at their enemies. But every now and then, he does allow them to show their power.

''That is no different from what you do,'' Naruto responded in casual tone. ''You always like to take on the strongest just to cut them down them down and watch them beg for mercy under your heels. My reason for weeding out the danger first is that my men should have a safe passage.''

''The end result is the same,'' Esdeath argued making Naruto shake his head.

He got up from his bed and went on to pack the essentials. ''That may be so, but the reasoning behind the action is always important. You can't understand the whole picture without understanding the reason behind the action,'' Naruto heaved a sigh. ''But I guess it doesn't matter to you. I thought you'd be with Najenda, isn't it that her army is stationed along with hers, for now?''

''She decided against coming here. I guess she didn't want to deal with you.'' Esdeath responded crossing both legs, resting her hands on her lap. She looked at at Naruto carefully. ''Must you always be a bother when we return to the Capital?''

Esdeath knew why Najenda chose to ignore Naruto while he was away from the capital. When he was inside the capital, he was always his true self and never wore a goofy grin on his face. He was always serious, especially when they were inside the Emperor's palace.

''I hate that thing; it sickens me. I can't even enjoy the finest food in the capital because that thing still breathes,'' his tone had become a little dark when he spoke.

Esdeath sighed, ''If you continue thinking like that, you will have a lot of enemies, and I may just be on top of that list. Let things be as they are and just do your job as a general of the kingdom.''

''That is easy for you to say, Esdeath. Unlike you, I have a heart and don't like to watch when things continue to be bad. I like the good side to win,'' Naruto responded as he zipped his small backpack. He'd packed all the essentials that he needed.

Esdeath snorted before laughing. ''You have a heart?'' she sounded bewildered by the thought of Naruto having a heart. No, in her eyes, he was no different from her. Despite how he acted in front of a few selected people, he was no different from her. She'd seen him fight many times to make that conclusion.

Naruto turned to face the woman, a brow quirked, ''Does it really amuse you that much that I say I have a heart?'' Esdeath nodded in response. ''Aha, you've ruined my day.''

''Just hurry up so we can be on our way; I want to get it over with and return to the men I left,'' Esdeath stated, a bit demanding as she did.

Naruto then walked towards his desk and wrote a few things. ''Miya will know what to do once she read this,'' he said to himself before turning to face Esdeath. ''How about we have some fun first?'' he said slyly with a grin slipping into his face. His eyes were also fixed on Esdeath's chest. A few unconscious steps were taken towards the woman, but he was stopped when something sharp pressed against the valuables.

''Do you really wish to be used to test my new torture technique?''

Naruto looked at the thin blade that was very close to biting the valuables and smiled nervously. He held out both his hands in a symbol of surrendering, ''Well, if that is the price I've to pay, then it can't be helped...'' it became cold around his waist. Naruto sighed disappointedly. ''What a stingy woman.''

''Notify your men of your departure so we can leave,'' Esdeath stated impatiently, retrieving her blade. As a general, He had to inform his men of his departure before setting forth to the capital. It would only cause unnecessary panic if a general just disappears from the camp.

''Hai, hai,'' Naruto responded with a small salute. He'd already written for Miya, once she read it, everything would be alright. ''Heisuke already knows that I'm leaving, so it won't be a problem. But do I really have to go there?''

Esdeath didn't respond, she merely stood up and dragged him out of the tent by his collar. She took him to the horse before speaking. ''Get on so we can leave!'' that was by no means a request; it was an order that had to be followed or there would pain that followed.

Naruto groaned as they began to ride their horses out of the camp. ''What is so important about this meeting anyway?''

''It has been more than a year now since the previous Emperor died,'' Esdeath reminded the blond.

''That filthy pig probably had him killed when he was lying in a hospital bed to gain more power,'' Naruto responded with a growl. He suspected that was the case. But there was nothing he could do about it. Esdeath would probably say that he was killed because he was weak. ''Isn't that there has been a power struggle in the royal family that has left the throne without anyone?''

Esdeath nodded. ''There was, but the new Emperor was named. He is not what you would expect, but that is not what is important. We were called back so that we can be introduced to the new Emperor.''

Naruto sighed, ''This is going to become troublesome.''

As the two continued towards the capital of the Empire, silence then settled. Esdeath didn't like it, especially when she could see that Naruto seemed to be swallowed in his thoughts.

''Must you always be absorbed into your thoughts?'' Esdeath asked as she rode along with Naruto towards the capital of the Empire.

Naruto shook his head slightly. ''I've always liked to think more often. If you remember quite well, we only got along well because she shared the same goal of crushing the enemies of the Empire. At first, the only thing we talked about was our victories, and nothing else. I was always quite back then. It was only after time that things became a bit personal when I realized that there was more to you than meets the eye.''

Esdeath could remember those days her partnership with Naruto was feared greatly. Those days, she liked his presence more than she does now. ''Speak your mind then.''

Naruto didn't need any second invitation to speak. ''From my youngest age, when I could do anything myself, I was taught to handle, to fight for what was right and protecting the Empire. My training was brutal, and all the important principles were drilled within my head. Until I was ready, I was sent forth to join the army, even at a young age.

Budo thought it was best I join the army so I that I could gain some experience quickly. That foolish old man forced me out of the capital to join the battlefield. Esdeath, while I was in the army, you busy enjoying your life in the mountains slaying danger beasts. Even at a young age, I was truly respected for my sword play. I had been taught by the finest within the capital after all.

In all my years fighting for the Kingdom, my sanity has been called to question so many times. There are nights were I felt as though the cold grip of despair was pulling me into the doors of insanity. No matter how trained you were, actual experience in the battlefield was something that you could never be prepared for.'' Naruto started speaking as he and Esdeath made their way towards the capital. It would be a long journey, but they were prepared.

''Where is this going?'' Esdeath asked. She already knew about his upbringing and how he came to join the army. Naruto too knew her story, but it wasn't something they always brought. The blond must have something of importance to inform her.

''Will you simply listen?''

''Fine,'' Esdeath responded. ''There is still a long way towards the capital. As long as you don't bore me, I'll listen.''

Naruto nodded. ''I'm different from you Esdeath; I do not simply trample on the weak for my own amusement. I'm guided by what is right and wrong. Throughout my military career, I've always sought to do what was right. My mind was a little one-side tracked, as I was taught to fight for the Empire from a young age.

Despite all these, what I've seen so far, what the Empire has become since the previous Emperor died and Honest took charge as prime minister. Vile and evil things lurk in clear day light within the Emperor's palace. There is no safe place for the weak civilians who have no power to fight for themselves. The weak are robbed of the little they have and forced into crime; crime that gets them killed.''

''The Fittest survive in this world...'' Before Esdeath could continue, Naruto interrupted her before she could give him the same speech he'd heard so many times.

''My job as a soldier is to protect the Empire, the people of the Empire from anything that seeks to do harm. The weak civilians happen to be part of the Empire that I was trained to protect. You can still call yourself a soldier of the Empire, but you can't define what really the Empire is.

I've burned many people to ashes, and may have sung so many songs of death about me. For the sake of the Empire, I've never hesitated to call upon the flames of purgatory and bath a village under the heat of the flames. Yes, I've been willing to obliterate anything that threatens the peace of the Empire.

Yes, that has been my goal, my principle; exterminating anything that threatens the peace of the Empire. This is where I started to question myself; what if it was the Emperor who was threatening the peace of the Empire? Since that piece of meat crawled out of the pits of hell and grasped the position of Prime Minister, nothing but unbearable corruption has left that things mind. Its tainting breath has painted the once pure palace with bloody images.

After much thinking, I realized something; It doesn't matter either be the Prime Minister, Budo or you, or the Emperor himself. As long as I felt that the Empire was threatened, regardless of who was threatening its peace, my fist option was to send the soul into the depths of the 9th hell where the eternal flames would feed on their flesh until there was nothing left.''

He had sworn in front of his army that he would fight for the people, and he would always seek to do what was right. Perhaps at that time, he didn't know the true meaning of the words he spoke. It could be the case, now he finally understood those words he'd said.

''Is this why you loath the very presence of the prime minister? Is this why you can't stand him? Is this why these thoughts of rebellion have been corrupting you?'' Esdeath questioned, in a icy tone that complemented her element of manipulation perfectly. Her eyes were narrowed the blond-haired General on her right.

''Yes,'' Naruto responded with a sad smile on his face. At this moment, he realized this would make him lose some precious friends.

Esdeath shook her head. ''My advice to you is that you leave things as they are. Let the weak perish. You are a good friend of mine, I don't want this foolishness that has been corrupting you to put us at odds.''

Naruto chuckled dryly, ''Foolishness, huh?''

Esdeath gave a firm nod. ''Showing compassion for the weak will only make you weak. I would be a disappointment if someone as strong as you became weak because of this foolishness.''

What Esdeath had taken notice of was that he has become soft over the past year. He no longer crushed the enemies under one swing, he no longer carried that cold smile that touched her heart with a soft kiss and sang sweet melodies to her soul; a look that only made her feel the need to lunge at him and decorate his body with bloody ice spikes. Sometimes the urge was so strong that she felt like one of these days, she wouldn't be able to control herself.

''Have I become weak? No, I still purge any insolence against the Empire with all my might. Perhaps what has happened is that my eyes have been opened,'' Naruto responded in a tone that was a mask of his previous mirth.

Insolence against the Empire wasn't something he tolerated. He dealt with the enemies without mercy or compassion. The righteous fury of purgatory didn't carry mercy on its back. There only thing the pure flames of his blade knew to do was to purge and consume the flesh of foolish humans who dared threaten the peace of the Empire.

''What has happened to you, Naruto? I was right, Najenda is a bad influence on you,'' Esdeath actually believed that the purpled haired General was a bad influence him. Perhaps it was because Najenda wasn't as cold-hearted as she was. Certainly, before Najenda came into the picture, Naruto was like her in many more ways. However, he was now drifting away from her.

Naruto laughed dryly at her statement. ''A cold hearted sadist and a nice person, who is the one to be a bad influence?'' The question was rhetorical. ''I sense that great evil will come upon the Empire and threaten its stability if things continue as they are.''

With how Honest was running things, the peace within the capital was reaching its expiry date. That thing had a smell that attracted all sorts of evil, and the evil that followed the shadow of that man unsettled him. A thief always comes by at night to steal, but the pseudo-human of a prime minister was a vampire that walked in daylight. Yes, that thing tainted the capital day and night, even in its sleep.

''If that is so, then your flames and my ice will smite this evil and stand high above it. We will feast in its pain and glorify the Empire by stripping it of all its pride and make it bark like a dog!'' Esdeath balled her right fist as the horse she rode continued to match on towards the not so far away destination.

A sad smile plastered across Naruto's front, ''I hope what awaits us at the capital isn't anything of what I dread.''

Two days later

''What a waste of my time!'' Naruto groaned sipping the burning sensation of alcohol. He'd attended the damn meeting he'd been called to attend. Other than swearing loyalty to the new child-emperor by other generals, he had to listen to that piece of meat gloat about this and that.

His heart shivered when that devilish tongue of that thing clicked word after word. The filthy piece of red meat was always dancing at that thing hands. It was disgusting and disturbing, it gave him day freaking dreams when that things fangs tore apart that meat it held and its large mouth sucked the poor meat uncooked meat into its large pit for a gut.

He wouldn't be surprised it that things inside was nothing but a deep hole with burning acid that cooked whatever its large mouth swallowed.

He had nearly turned blind when that thing locked eyes with him. He could see nothing but bloody dances and screams of agony in those demonic eyes. The scent of corruption that oozed out of its body felt like the loud smell of a cheap perfume. He felt violated just by looking into those eyes. Certainly, his intestines had shrunk in disgust when his brain recorded the images that thing gave him.

The thing that had made the eternal flames of the 9th hell dance within the throne room was when that thing lips spread out wide into a demented, twisted, bloody and disgusting smile that just sucked the happiness out of his soul. He had been close to losing all sense of rationality in favor of smiting that thing from his presence.

Consequences be damned! He would joyfully run into the chambers of hell if the chance to burn that thing to crisp was offered to him. The existence of that thing defied everything he stood for. There was no right in that demon. It was an abomination even for a demon. How it escaped the shackles of hell and found its way to this peace world of humanity was a mystery to him.

''I thought I'd find you here,'' a voice dragged Naruto out of his disturbingly sweet thoughts. He turned around from his stool and saw the ever Najenda beautiful walking up to him. He allowed the general to sit down before he responded.

''Well, this is the only place I come to purify my insides after breathing the same air as that thing,'' Naruto responded calmly. He'd had a few drinks already, but he wasn't going to be drunk any time soon. He could enjoy the burning sensation on his throat for some time before finally calling it quits.

He could never think of getting drunk while inside the capital. Esdeath would no doubt punish him if she found out he was drunk. What he dreaded was that thing called Honest taking advantage of the shaky state he would be in after getting drunk. The feeling of loathing was mutual on both sides; neither has been subtle of their mutual dislike.

Najenda sighed. ''Then, what do you think of this current situation?''

She would rather no indulge Naruto on his hellish thoughts of the Prime Minister because she knew if she did so, he would only become fixated on killing him without thinking properly. It was certainly a puzzle to her how the calm and sharp minded general like Naruto could lose his sense of rationally and physical become unstable when the prime minister directly looked at him.

The situation that had been given birth to by the actions of that man was worrying her. That was important enough for her to dismiss other matters and speak to Naruto about it. It was a good time to speak to him after he'd been in the presence of Honest. He could talk like a General now instead of his other self.

''The evil and corruption in this Empire will only grow bold as time moves forward. I've seen the despicable vultures that lurk in the shadows, and it disturbs me. The Empire is already at the edge of a cliff, and after a few pushes from Honest, it will be a free fall; this corruption that is done in the shadows will be done in clearly day light.''

Honest was the mother of all forms of evil. Yes, he was the demon mother Eve. Once the evil locked its behind within the depths of the palace, it would surely taint everything pure with its corruption and ugliness. The palace walls already smelled like pieces of rotten meat, hence he couldn't say long in that place without getting sick.

How Budo could allow such vermin to breath freely inside the palace was a mystery to him.

Najenda nodded. ''What will you do if it becomes like that?'' Curiosity dripped from her tone and her ears functionality became at 100 percent as she eagerly waited for his response.

Naruto chuckled dryly. ''I'm already at odds with my commander. Even he, I can't stand. I've never had a relationship with Honest. I'd feel violated and defiled if I had a relationship with that thing to begin with. I don't need to explain to what will happen unless Esdeath or Budo pulls some strings.''

''Or she could pounce on to the chance of fighting you. You've never accepted her requests for a friendly spar, and even if she does force it, you never fight her seriously,'' Najenda threw in another possibility.

''That is a possibility. She wouldn't mind to beat the foolishness out of me,'' Naruto stated before shifted his stool far closer to Najenda's. ''So, Naje-chan, why have you been ignoring me these past weeks?'' A complete flip of personality. It always amazed Najenda how he could switch between emotions like that.

''Don't touch me,'' Najenda warned in a sharp tone. She could see Naruto's right hand creeping behind her. The destination was obviously her right breast. He always favored the right.

Naruto gave Najenda some puppy eyes and begged. ''Please, Naje-chan? Esdeath nearly cut my fingers last time my right hand was called by her breasts. Don't be stingy like her, Naje-chan.''

''Don't touch me, or I will drag you into Esdeath's torture cell.''

''Ah,'' Naruto retreated. 'Just thinking of what that woman would do to me gives me the sudden desire to apologize.''

The woman shrugged, ''it gets you to behave, I see no problem. Why do you act like this anyway?''

''I never had any fun when I was growing up. Each day I woke up, I was forced into training, and studying. When I became capable, I was sent into the army by Budo. I never had any friends, no playing time whatsoever. I've been fighting since I was little. I've seen and done so many things that I don't enjoy. There are often times when all these gets to me and my mental barriers struggle to hold.'' Naruto responded hHonestly seeing no reason to fabricate something. ''There are times that I feel like I'm standing in between the line of sanity and insanity. I fear that if I don't do it, I may end up like Esdeath, or even worse.''

Najenda nodded. ''Isn't there a way to deal with the stress? Perhaps you can some time off the battlefield and rest. Your thoughts about the prime minister don't help matters either.''

Naruto shook his head. ''I can't leave the battlefield when I know Honest still breathes.'' He said. ''Perhaps Miya will find a better solution for me.''

''You put a lot of trust in that woman...'' Najenda commented with a narrowed look.

Naruto smiled in return. ''What can I say? She fills me with that I miss the most...are you jealous?''

Najenda snorted before standing up. ''Hardly,'' she said. ''Don't stay up too late; I will be sad you suddenly end up dead.''

Naruto smiled in return. "Don't worry; it will take Esdeath and her army to put me down."

The following day

''General Black, the prime minister has summoned you,'' A messenger of the Imperial Palace reported once he got close to him. Naruto was minding his own business taking a stroll around the capital, away from the place where that vermin resided.

Those simple words were enough to suck the life out of him. The only thing that would visit the prime would be a husk on his true self. He really did not wish to be in the presence of that thing. And it seemed to be likely that the prime minister new that his presence didn't greet his health with a friendly smile. The thing could've just called him on purpose just to see him suffer internally.

The thought reached his blade to the point where it trembled in fury. He could feel Amaterasu crying from her sheath, seeking him to release her so that she could smite the vermin that dares make his blood boil. His other blade was more reasonable, and worked overtime to calm both of them down. Without his secondary blade singling sweet melodies to both him and Amaterasu, the flames of the 9th hell would've been joyfully dancing beside him.

And surely, they would match straight into the palace.

If that were to happen, Budo would be crawling at him in all his fury. The man hated anyone who tried to put the palace in danger. He didn't care who it was. However, this knowledge made Naruto curse the man because even though he dislikes those put the palace in danger, that vermin called Honest was busy spraying it with blood and what was he doing about it?

''Now?'' Naruto asked in a low growl, his eyes flickering pure black for a moment. He didn't notice that he dark aura had surrounded him all of the sudden. People were even walking away from him.

The messenger took a few steps back, sweating. ''Y-yes.'' He responded. It was one of those times when he hated being a messenger. Some people were not even afraid of killing them because they didn't carry the good news.

''Fine then,'' Naruto changed directions, turning to his left. The streets were empty, he didn't mind.

He was probably going to be leaking killing intent until he finally leaves the capital with Esdeath later on today. He wondered what that man wanted though; could it be just to gloat about his victory over his enemies? Could it just be that he just wanted to give him crappy orders and have him exterminate some insolence against the empire? What bothered him the most was that the man was insolence itself.

Naruto finally pushed himself into the den of the demon. He watched it carefully as its fangs bounced off the red meat again and again. Its very breath was enough to kill any fly that dared to feed on its red meat.

His insides cringed, and the flames from purgatory started to dance around his knees. Yet, none of the guards that were hiding in the shadows made their appearance should he start doing anything.

HHonest looked at Naruto with a narrowed eyes. He continued chewing his meat like Naruto wasn't there. It was always amusing for him to watch Naruto struggle to contain himself. He liked to see the blond explode in anger, and try to kill him. Inside this capital, he always had dogs watching over him so he wasn't worried the least.

''Should I cook that rotten meat for you?'' The tone was a low growl, with barely contained righteous fury.

''I like my meat red. You can only paint it black and I'm afraid if it touches your flames, it will lose its taste,'' Honest responded calmly, continuing to chew his meat as though Naruto wasn't emitting an aura that would make a full grown soldier shit his pants.

This attitude bugged him to no end, and pressed all the wrong buttons inside of him. This thing could act so calmly like he wasn't even a threat. It even called him here because it knew if he attempted something, he wouldn't leave this place with his life. All the generals were back in the capital and surely, they would kill him.

But that wouldn't be so bad. He wouldn't die without knowing that this thing was dead. If the price for killing this vermin was death, he would accept it. But for now, it was no needed to act rashly.

''Then, what do you want?'' The very question itself made his body tremble as bubbles burst inside of his body.

''You are to temporarily leave your duties as General and return to the capital. When you return to your army, you will hand your second in command control 1/3 of the army and hand the rest to Esdeath.'' That was clearly an order.

What disturbed Naruto the most was the HHonest wasn't even looking at him, his attention was on his food. Naruto entertained the thought of killing the vermin now and be over with it. ''If I refuse?'' He was already holding the hilt of his black blade. A smoke of black flames was leaking the tip of his blade in preparation to smite the vermin should the master decide to get on with it.

''Would you refuse an order from the Emperor?'' HHonest questioned a bit casually for Naruto's liking.

Naruto released a low growl before turning around to leave. It was best for his health that he removed himself from the presence of the vermin before he did anything drastically.

The blade didn't leave his right grip, he matched on with it.

''You're expected to be back at the capital in a week.'' HHonest didn't even have to utter a threat for Naruto to know that he would pay if he didn't listen to his orders.

As Naruto opened the door to leave, he found the spawn of a demon. It smiled at him, but he wasn't in the mood. Besides, this thing that was in front of him was just bad as the thing that cooked it. ''Yo, Black,'' Syura, the son of the Prime Minister greeted, a bit cheerfully looking straight at Naruto.

''Get out my way,'' Naruto's eyes flashed pure black for a moment before he pushed past another spawn that crawled into the earth from the pits of hell.

Syura looked at his father and asked, ''What's up with him lately? He's been moody of late...''

Honest merely shrugged, a bit carelessly, in response. ''Who knows?'' he smiled at a thought. ''He is rather angry when he is angry though,'' HHonest admitted wiping a sweat across his forehead. After that, he took a few gulps of red wine to calm his nerves.

The way HHonest was drinking the wine was worrying his son, ''are you okay old man?''

Honest nodded. ''I must do something about that sword of his. It is a rather impressive tool and it isn't even a Teigu. But it will be a problem as far as I know, when the previous Emperor found him, he was holding it and never lets it out of his sight.''

He had already disarmed the blond of his Teigu, and should he disarm him of that blade, he would be a toothless dog. Yes, he would cook something. The blond was a threat to his reign, and he knew well enough that only Budo and Esdeath could stand up to him. If he allowed things to continue like this, his life would be in danger.

Bringing the blond here and having Budo leave was a good option. If Naruto was close to him, he wouldn't need to do much to get him to do something stupid that even Budo won't be able to help him out.

Honest looked at his son again and spoke. ''I'll have you do something important for me, very soon. Be ready so that you don't fail me.''

Later that day

Naruto left the capital of the Empire with Esdeath in the same way they came. However, since the woman was going to be in charge of 2/3 of his army, they would return to where his army was camping so that he could hand her the men he commands.

Naruto was being too quiet for Esdeath's liking as they rode their way towards his army. ''Are you going to ignore me till you reach our destination?''

Her tone was a bit stern, just showing Naruto that she wasn't content with the silent treatment. Even though he wasn't ignoring her, he was still being too quite, and she never advised him to do such when he was with her. She always told him to speak his mind. However, what has been coming out of his mouth has been foolishness recently and it bothered her.

''No, I just have a lot in my mind. It is quite hard to process everything with the heavy load I'm facing,'' Naruto responded in a light tone that was nothing compared to the tone he was using when he was at the Imperial Palace.

There was just a lot for him to deal with. Honest hadn't even bothered to inform him why he was being recalled back to the capital. It would have been good for him to know why he was being recalled so that he can prepare for whatever task he has to face. Perhaps that thing didn't tell him just so he could be tormented by the thoughts of the possible task it was going to have him do.

Another of his concern was for his army. Joining with General's Esdeath army meant that they were going to be on the same league as them; whatever that they were going to be doing, they would also do. Yes, his men were going to be tainted with sadism. He had worked with Esdeath long enough to know that her sadism was passed down to her army and there was no such thing as innocents to the woman.

He had taught morality to his men, and now, Esdeath was going to re-educate them. That was just dreadful.

''If you have something to say, say it. It better be not one of those foolish talks, they are beginning to bore me,'' her distaste of his ''foolish'' talks was clearly evident in her tone.

''You get well with the Prime Minister, what do you think he has recalled me for?'' It was no secret to him that Esdeath got well with that meat. The woman didn't care for what the man did or how evil he was, as long as he allowed her to do as she pleased, she had no problems with him. And this worked well for Honest as he had a powerful ''ally'' who will do anything he asks without a question.

They would probably get well if they just married... the kind of dread the two would cause if they continued to work together frightened Naruto. He wished such a reality never came to play while he was still breathing.

''Didn't he tell you?'' Esdeath seemed surprised, and then she shook her head. ''No, you just left before he could explain everything to you and knowing than man, he didn't bother to stop you.''

She knew well enough of the relationship between Naruto and Honest to know that both wouldn't smile in the same room. It was always Honest who was always smiling while Naruto seethed. Unless forced, she normally had to explain things to Naruto because while in the presence of the prime minister, he gets swallowed up by his thoughts to pay attention to anything being said.

''It may have happened like that,'' Naruto responded calmly, not bothering to deny anything. There was a possibility that he may not have been told anything, simply because Honest had not made such plans. ''Then, why am I being forced to leave my army?''

''You are the next in line to take over from Budo in protecting the palace; this is what you were trained for, after all. This means that if Budo is unavailable to fill out his duties, you have to do it,'' Esdeath responded calmly.

Naruto sighed, ''Where is Budo anyway?''

''He returned to the field again to deal with some rebels in the East. The Prime minister saw it best for Budo to leave just to exhibit the Empires power. Some rebels had forgotten that Budo was still alive because he's been spending much time in the Capital,'' and there was the fact that both just couldn't work together.

''That man likes to flaunt power like a magic ward. I guess it is good for Budo to go out there. His presence should be enough to quench the insolence of rebels. I've been getting rather tired of dealing with the foolishness of some villages.''

Perhaps someone like Esdeath would only complain that she was not given a hard job by her opponents. As long as she was able to inflict gruesome pain to her enemies, the woman had no worries. Sadism didn't give him happiness and ending human lives didn't fill him with bliss.

Yes, he terminated insolence against the Empire with burning fury and Amaterasu's flames seem to feed off the sweet melody of agony they are offered when they start eating the flesh of humans. But he didn't enjoy it at all.

Esdeath nodded in agreement. ''I don't know what you are so worried about since Budo won't spend much time away from the capital. He will be gone for three months at most, then you can return to the field.''

''I'm worried about my sanity. I can't stand the prime minister's presence even just for a minute without leaking killing intent and thinking horrifying images of that man's corpse. If I spend a month in that place thinking such thoughts every day, I may end up losing my mind and flip. I'll probably go on a rampage if that happens,'' Naruto explained in a bit light tone, but this was worrying very much.

''I told you not to think too much about what the prime minister does. If you do, you are just going to end up in trouble, and I don't want to bail you out again,'' Esdeath responded, her tone growing serious with each word passing though her lips.

''How many times must I tell you that the vermin framed me for that matter? I hadn't done anything wrong,'' It still infuriated him that Honest was able to frame him for crimes that were non-existent. No, they were there, just not committed by him.

''I know, but it wouldn't have happened, if you'd just kept your mouth shut and did as I did.'' The seriousness in her tone became a bit sharp in the end.

Naruto shook his head, that wasn't going to happen unless he lost his sanity. ''At this time, if I don't manage things perfectly, since I'm going to be breathing the same air as that thing on a daily basis, I may truly flip and end up being just like you.''

If that happened, he could only guess what sort of horrors he would bring to the world and anyone who rebelled against the Empire, threatening its peace. There were already too many things that troubled him greatly, and his mental barriers were barely holding up.

''It wouldn't be so bad if you became like me,'' Esdeath adopted a happy smile. ''We would have more fun with our enemies, just the two of us. We could share our preys and inflict pain together, and even share torture techniques,'' such a reality would sooth her soul to no end. She would like for such things to occur, no, she prayed that it became a reality.

Naruto chuckled dryly; he could only expect Esdeath to say something like that. ''It is okay to dream, Esdeath-chan.''

''It wouldn't be so bad, I mean, we could be called ''Black's Death'' again. I really miss those days when you had no troubles working with me. We had a lot of fun those days, and we were a lot alike,'' a fond smiled spread across her face as the memories of the glorious, and joyful times she had with Naruto.

The time they were given that name, they were working together, leading an army together. Their pairing had brought many proud men to their knees and brought her much ecstasy. During those days, Naruto was only focused on removing the enemies of the Empire. Yes, he was cold-hearted during those days. Many even questioned whether he was human or not. Esdeath had watched, standing with a cold look on his face as the black flames of his blade blissfully burned down a village behind him.

Those days, his eyes were often pure black...

But ever since Honest became Prime Minister, he changed, questioning himself on who the enemy was. She tried to show him the right way, but he wasn't listening to her. The fact that his already strained relationship with Budo reached new levels when he discovered the ''evil'' the prime minister was doing within the palace didn't help matters.

''I was blind those days,'' Naruto responded, a bit distastefully. Esdeath would disagree to that. These present days, he was speaking foolishness in her view point. Naruto still wondered how they got along when their views had now become very different.

''I disagree,'' true to Naruto's thoughts, she disagreed. ''You were a true soldier of the Empire those days; you didn't question orders, you merely carried them out. You were also my good friend, but now you are becoming this stranger I fail to understand.''

A hint of sadness that reminded him that Esdeath still had a hidden heart.

Three days later

''We are men; we are soldiers of the Empire. We are not tools of the Empire; tools are inhuman things used to accomplish certain goals and discarded when they are of no use. We are humans who fight for the Empire; tools are the swords and spears we use. We are the soldiers baptized in the flames of purgatory, our swords and spears are used to smite the insolence against the Empire. We will not run away from the enemy; enemies we crush with all our might.

''The enemy seeks to disrupt our peace, but we will not permit them; we will crush them, we will be victorious against any form of enemy, whether human, danger beasts, demons and even angels shall not stand in our path. We are the Soldiers of destruction to the enemy, and soldiers of protection to our people.

Any evil that attempts to disrupt the peace of the Empires people shall be sent to purgatory. We will not show mercy to demons; we will send them to hell. We will not allow trash to trample on the Empire's people. Our hope, our goal, our dream, yes, we live to protect the Empire people's!''

A fitting speech Naruto gave to his army each time they weren't on a battle with the enemy. For so long, Miya watched him fight many enemies to protect the Empire and its people. He refused to allow humans to see themselves as merely tools to be used when they are needed and disposed of when they are of no use, no, his men were soldiers who fought against any insolence against the Empire.

Perhaps the fact that he refused to see his men as tools was the aspect that drew her closer to him.

So many days, weeks, months and years that he'd been fighting, fighting and Miya realized that he'd even forgot what he was fighting for, what he'd promised them he would fight for. Although she didn't say anything, but she knew that his vision had been become one-sided, he grown so much deep into destroying ''insolence'' against the Empire that he forgot who he was. Despite all these, she stayed behind him, hoping that he would eventually realize the truth.

She'd known him ever since he was younger. Aside from Akane, she was the only one who truly knew him. A pity Akane was tragically killed.

Miya looked at Naruto, his eyes flickering behind them. She smiled at the thought that he was really going to miss his men. He'd been with a few of them since he was just a captain, leading a small platoon of men to victory wherever they went, whoever they faced in whatever situation.

Naruto looked back at the camps; he was going to miss his army. He could remember well the speech he gave them when he was just a Corporal.

''I am a soldier of the Empire. My will is to protect the people of the Empire against any kind of evil, any wrenched soul that seeks to destroy their peace. My flames shall be justice unto any fool that dares threaten the Empire. My loyalty is not sworn to the King, or the Prime Minister, but to the Empire, the People of the Empire and I will destroy anyone, and I mean anyone who makes them suffer!''

His message was clear was back then. Yes, he'd sworn that if it was the Emperor who threatened the peace of the people, his flames would eat his flesh and drag his bones into the pit within the depths of hell. That ideal was his life, yet he'd forgotten it along the way. But his men never forgot, they always stayed beside him no matter what.

A visit back to the Capital and opened his eyes. Yes, the old King was still alive at that time, but barely. Death was merely taunting them, dancing around his hospital bed; sometimes it would drag him towards its house, sometimes it would push him slightly away from it. At that time, that demon called Honest was already rising, and managed to force his way to become Prime Minister.

With the King dying, unable to take decisions, the Royal family put into a power struggle, the demon took the Empire into its hands and did what it pleased. Despite all his involvement with the Royal family, he couldn't do anything. One by one they started to drop dead.

The people of the Empire started to suffer under Honest, enemies grew bold. And he was forced to crush the enemies temporarily forgetting about Honest. The struggle within the Royal Family turned him cold when dealing with enemies. Yes, the questions still lingered; was he human?

When he finally returned to sort the problem, the demon happily welcomed him. However, its very breath and presence pressed all the wrong buttons. He'd nearly cut off its head just because his blade could feel that its aura didn't belong to humans. The evil aura tainted the walls of the palace with madness that nearly drove him insane.

At that time, he knew he had to kill that thing.

However, Akane, his then assistant was brutally murdered. His heart already had little emotions and that was the final straw. The flames of hell surrounded his heart creating a defensive wall and he left the capital to return to his army. He couldn't think clearly when that thing was there.

Only the warmth of Miya stopped him from going insane...

Even though he knew that he had to kill that thing, he still couldn't do it. The questions came, who was he loyal to? What was he fighting for? Wouldn't killing the prime minister create a situation that would threaten the peace of the Empire? If so, then wouldn't he be the enemy? If he turned against the prime minister, wasn't that insolence against the Empire?

There were so many questions that he sought to many questions that brought him closer to his oath. He'd promised the old Emperor that he would fight for the people. If the people were suffering, shouldn't he destroy what which made them suffer?

''Naruto,'' Miya called, breaking Naruto out of his thoughts. He looked at the woman beside him and smiled at her. He'd space out again. Miya knew what was going inside his head, but she wasn't going to comment on it. ''Are you sure about this?''

''I have no choice,'' He responded quietly as the two rode their horses back towards the Capital of the Empire.

He really didn't have a choice in all these matters. Honest had spoken, and he had to follow. Sure he loathed that rotten piece of meat, but it had spoken for the king and he had to follow. He didn't have any immediate plan to deal with all the generals of the Empire should he choose to disobey, and his men would also be in trouble. Some were only loyal to him. If so, then if he disobeyed, then they would also disobey. This would put their lives in danger.

For now, he would allow Esdeath to lead a portion of his army. Heisuke could lead the rest of his army. He hadn't done exactly as Honest had told him to do. No, he only gave Esdeath 1/3 of his army and Heisuke 2/3 of it. The rest given to Esdeath would be the ones to go to the north with her, and the remaining would stay in the eastern regions.

One could never know when evil would strike.

''You don't really have to come with me, Miya.'' Naruto said looking ahead at the road. He didn't want her to suffer the same fate as Akane. It was possible that such a fate would seek her out if his thoughts continued to paint bloody images of Honest.

''Don't worry about me,'' Miya responded smiling at him. Though she was happy he was concerned for her, she was more worried about him. Staying within the Capital didn't do well for his health and she wanted to be there to offer her support. ''We have to worry about you first. Who is going to knock some senses into you when you decide to do something stupid?''

''Don't speak like I always do something stupid.''

Miya gave him a look. ''Naruto, need I remind you of the things you've done in the capital since Honest took over as Prime Minister?''

Naruto shook his head. ''Don't,'' he said. ''That thing disturbs me greatly. But I guess it won't hurt having you beside me. I don't know what I'd do without you.'' When he didn't have her close, he always had Najenda and Esdeath. Those two did enough, but neither could match her warmth.

Miya merely smiled. ''You'd be branded a traitor within a week without me and you'd have both Budo and Esdeath to chase after you.''

Naruto sighed. ''That is most likely to be the case,'' he said. ''What should we do before we report for duty?''

''How about we don't go to the palace when we reach the capital? Most people don't know your face since you shy away from the spot light. We can book a hotel and enjoy some free time.''

The end…of chapter…

There are some repetitions, I know. However, I just felt that things were right put in this form. Naruto's serious personality didn't seem to click in with the other "playful" personality; I noticed and will fix that. My grammar sucks, so does my spelling, I know that. If you are willing to help edit my work, you are welcomed.

Naruto's blade "Amaterasu" is more the same "my" Naruto in "Awakening" uses.

The next update will be a continuation of this prologue, and after which I will see if I can write a good story with this…

The Omnipresent Sage…