Hey everyone! I've been absent for a moment, and I'm relly sorry about it. So, if you read Amaranth, you knew I wanted to rewrite For her freedom. And here we are, the first chapter has been entirely rewritten, and I'm currently working on the second one! I found again the interest to write this story, and I think that I'll be mainly uploading this story in the future. If you did not read the original chapters, I'll write at the end of this chapter and the next one what changed. I'm sorry for all of those who waited for an uploading of this story for such a long time, but from now on, I'll try to upload it regularily.

Concerning Amaranth, well, the next chapter is very difficult to write. And after re-reading the first chapters I published, I'm not really satisfied with them either. So, I'll try to rewrite them too after publishing the next chapter (unlike For her freedom, not plot changes will occur, I just want the story to be better written).

(New) Summary: "She has the most mesmerizing eyes I ever saw in my life." He replied to all his friends. No mattered how much of a fantasy spirit he had, never would he have thought that his college year would end up this way after meeting this angelic emerald-eyes woman.


The explosion set the whole castle in fire. The princess was screaming her lungs out, and it wouldn't be surprising if she ended up spitting them. Her shaking hands were directed towards her parents who were lying on the ground without any sign of life.

The King, her loving father, the man who taught her everything she knew, was on his stomach. She couldn't see his face, but the puddle of blood he was lying on told her any answer she did not want to hear from anybody. Her mother, on the other hand, was on her back, so her face could clearly be seen. Her right side was burnt, and her left side, which did not seem to have been touched by the fire, only showed a trail of blood dripping off her temple. Her eyes were completely open, but they did not see anything, her mouth was completely open, but it did not breathe, her hands were completely open, but did not try to grab anything. Her sister had completely disappeared, but she wouldn't come back home.

"P-please…." The princess uselessly asked, hoping she would be answered by her parents or by anybody, but she ended up without earning any response from anywhere. Instead of trying to shake her parents to wake them up, she fell onto her knees again and cried until her body was not able to produce any tear anymore. At this moment, two guards –seeing their outfits and conditions, they had not been present during the explosion- caught her by her arms and began drawing her outside. She resisted, yelling she wanted to stay with her parents, but they did not listen.

Once they reached the gardens, she managed to escape, but she felt too weak to even walk alone. So, the two guards caught her again and took her to the royal doctor who placed a leaf of oxygen in front of her mouth and placed a blanket around her shoulders. She did not protest anymore.

She had no reason to protest anymore. She had lost everything.

Helia woke up in one jump, his soul almost jumping out his skin because of so rapidly and strongly his heart was beating. He was covered in sweat, even though the temperatures were on the verge of minus five degrees Celsius. Usually, Helia was not someone who was scared easily, but this nightmare, this nightmare he had started to have for weeks now, was almost freaking him out. He had tried to tell his mother, Maia, once after five days of waking up like this, but she said it was nothing and it was because "his desire of becoming a writer was going to his head". He had believed her and tried to less focus on his book, but he continued having this same nightmare coming again and again, without interruption. It only resulted in only sleeping one hour per night, and spending very difficult days at college.

He took his sheets off himself and got down the stairs rubbing his eyes. He knew how essential taking a breakfast was –after all, his mother's job could be pondering on his head how important it was-, but these sleepless nights left him without any appetite on the morning. He just took off the fridge a bottle of orange juice and drank three glasses of it. He needed it to handle another day at college, and even more when he had literature and French classes in the same day.

Helia sighed as he placed the bottle back on the fridge. During his free afternoons when he would have nothing to do, he would go to the library with Krystal and Layla, and he would discreetly roam in the bookcases in order to find meanings or even explanations concerning the origins of these nightmares until Nabu would finish classes and drive them back home, but there was no answer. He started to wonder if he was not turning crazy, or, maybe that his mother was right and that he should not go on with his wanting to become a writer and stop reflecting about a plot for a novel. If this was the real reason, this did not please him… because to get back his mental health he would have to see his dream shatter and collapse in front of his eyes. And he knew if he told his father, Aniello, he would only reply that "it's because single life is too hard to handle when you've passed your twenties" while reading the next page of his newspaper, and their conversation would lead to nothing. As much as he loved his father, his annual obsession of finding him a girlfriend was getting more and more annoying as they approached the annual Christmas Ball that was held each December at his college. Helia never went, because he had never found anyone to go with, and this was something Aniello never understood: the fact that Helia never searched for anyone to share his life. Each time he underlined this, Helia just shrugged and tried to change the subject of conversation, without any result.

Every day, he had to go out before his parents even began to eat their breakfast, so he did not see them before going to college. He only saw them when he got back home on the evening. He was still searching for not expensive apartments so he could move closer to his next college when he would get accepted in MSc. He felt a little bad staying at his parents' home, but they always told him it was fine since he paid for groceries and helped them with everyday tasks.

Helia stood up in front of his house, waiting for his carshare with his three best friends, Layla, Nabu and Krystal, nervously playing with the silver ring he always wore on his left hand as a lucky charm. Nabu was the only one with a driving license, and since they were half an hour far from their university, and since they were all in the same neighbourhood –well, since Layla moved in his house after two years of dating-, Nabu had suggested he would drive them every day until one of the other finally got the license too. Layla had paid for it, but did not succeed, while Krystal and Helia still were under getting lessons. Helia was glad that Nabu still accepted to drive them all; actually, he always did say he liked doing it. But Helia hoped he would succeed in passing the exam, because he felt embarrassed that his childhood friend always had to be the one behind the steering wheel.

After almost 10 minutes of waiting, Helia finally spotted Nabu's red car in the horizon. He climbed in, saluted his two friends, and sat at the back of the car, and placed his bag on the free spot next to him until Krystal would climb in at her turn. As usual, Nabu was in the driver seat while his girlfriend Layla was on the front spot, next to him. Helia saw in the wing mirror that Nabu smirked at him.

"Did you sleep tonight?"

Helia then realized, after taking a look at him in wing mirror, that he of course did not look very in shape; he was pale, and the bags under his eyes did not pick up his overall appearance. Instead of contesting, he just shrugged and told the truth. "One hour, maybe? Less I think."

Nabu laughed. "Oh boy, and we have Palladium today."

"You're going to die." Layla added, closing her Spanish notebook after revising one last time before her exam at 8.a.m. "Like us."

"Like everyone in the year group."Helia added after rubbing his eyes with his thumb and index.

"By the way, have you heard about the new girl in our year group, who enrolled last week?" Layla asked. "We're in the beginning of our third year, it's strange to arrive now."

"A college closed nearby. Maybe she's from there." Helia suggested. His two friends did not seem to have thought about it since they did not reply nor contest his answer.

"I wonder if she's pretty." Nabu asked for himself, but having known him since childhood, he knew he did not really thought it: he just wanted to annoy his girlfriend, and he succeeded, since Layla shot him a death glare she knew very well how to make.

"You're scary." The young woman replied with a shrug as she took off her phone from her pocket, and Nabu only chuckled without replying. They were not very talkative on the morning, and always discussed about everything and nothing on their way back to their home. After a few minutes, Nabu stopped in front of a tall building where Krystal lived. This latter saluted her friends, but the rest of the ride was done silently. Krystal did not belong to their literary school group; she was having science studies, but her timetable allowed her to go at college with them. When they reached their destination, Helia and Krystal were the only one not to have classes yet. So, while Layla and Nabu went to their Spanish class, the two went to the library in order to study a little, until Helia would have to go to his literature class with Palladium while his friend would go to her weekly chemistry class. But instead of opening their book notes, they began to talk.

"So, how has it been your German exam yesterday?" Helia asked the pink-haired, who shrugged.

"As usual." Krystal replied. Helia chuckled, aware that his friend was not very good with learning foreign languages, unlike Layla or Nabu were.

"Have you seen the new girl of my group year yet?" Helia asked her, and Krystal shrugged again. Due to her incredible memory that always surprised Helia, the lavender haired knew almost how every student from his group looked like, and so, if someone had seen the new one, it would certainly be her.

"Yeah, I spotted her yesterday." Krystal nodded.

"Did she seem hard-working?" Helia asked.

Krystal changed her pen colour and replied "She's pretty. Well, very pretty."

Helia rolled his eyes and changed the page of his notebook, desperate. "That's not what I asked."

"I know." Krystal replied without looking up at him, focused on her notebook.

"Please don't be like my father." Helia playfully begged. Krystal chuckled and finally looked at him.

"How many times this week?" She asked him. As one of his best friends, Krystal was well aware of how Helia's father behaved when it came to him meeting new girls.

Helia smiled at himself. "I stopped counting, but he asked me at least 10 times since Monday."

"Oh boy." Krystal answered with a chuckle. The two fell under silence again, until Helia rubbed his eyes in tiredness, hoping that the orange juice would soon wake him up, but it did not seem like it. So, he took his purse off his bag and went to the coffee that was set in the hall of the library, trying not to fall asleep in the process. When he came back with his goods and sat, the lavender haired finally looked up at her friend.

"You still did not sleep, didn't you?"

It was Helia's turn to shrug. "No, I don't think so."

"Did you think about seeing a psychologist?" Krystal asked. "I mean, you've made this nightmare for weeks now…"

"It'll stop one day." Helia replied. "I don't think it's important."

"But until then, you do not sleep."

"I'm getting used to this." He said, cutting of their conversation since his friend did not seem to find any proper answer. Of course he had told Nabu and Layla he was having nightmares, but Krystal was the only one he managed to tell what really happened in them, about this princess seeing her parents dying and her sister disappearing. Krystal, at first, seemed quite shocked about it, since it was quite strange to dream about princesses, but she soon tried to comfort him, telling him it was going to be temporary. But it was not, and weeks later, Helia still had nightmares coming after nightmares.

The two fell under silence again, but this time, they did not talk until 10.45 a.m., when Helia had to go out of the library and to his literature class, where Layla and Nabu already were, early. As usual, Palladium was staring at his newspaper with his round glasses at the bottom of his nose and did not even notice him entering the room. When the teacher was like this, Helia always thought of a vicious and grumpy grandfather more than of a good third-year literature university teacher. Palladium was lucky that Helia was fond of books and myths, because if not, he would have joined Layla and Nabu at the back of the room and play on his phone with them. But, literature was something he loved, as he had a desire of becoming a writer himself. Of course he would have preferred getting again the teachers from the two previous years, but he had no other choices. And since they were studying Hamlet, Helia knew he had no other choices than study harder due to the difficulty of the play. He sighed and shot a look at his two best friends behind him. Layla had already started to draw on her notebook, while Nabu had turned his phone on and was playing with both his hands. Helia tried not to laugh at their behaviours; and he did not know why, since Palladium did not even look at them. After ten or fifteen minutes, when the clock showed 11 a.m., he finally closed his newspaper and placed it on the floor next to his desk before taking the roll where the names of the forty students were written and counted the number of people in the class, before letting his glance fall on the sheet again. This was a ritual that Helia and his mates had got used to. Palladium knew all the names, so he did not need to call the roll, but he still read it and looked up at each name to note if the person was absent or not, and then threw the sheet back on his briefcase without even trying to fold it.

"So, where did we stop last week?" Palladium asked himself while opening his own copy of the book. "Ah yes, character of Gertrude. So, does anyone have something to say concerning the last part?"

When Alice who was one of the only serious students of his groups lifted her hand up to reply at the teacher's question, someone knocked at the door. Palladium turned his look at the door but did not move, until the person repeated the action. The teacher groaned, stood up and opened the door in one rough movement.

"Don't you think it's dangerous for a student of that grade to arrive late in class?" Palladium bitterly told her. He was not the type of teacher who screamed or got angry easily, but he certainly had a vicious and almost scary expression when he reprimanded someone that the students never repeated the mistake again. And this poor girl that was trembling and stuttering in front of the teacher would certainly not be an exception.

"I-I'm new here sir…"

"New?" Helia could bet the teacher had raised his eyebrows at her. "I did not see any new name on my sheet. Ah yes, at the end, there was a note. I did not pay attention." The teacher shrugged at himself, and this did not surprise Helia. "I'll take care of that later, we're already late. Go and sit."

After this sentence, Helia noticed that the only place left on this fifty-seat room was at his right. Great. He thought as the new girl entered the room and passed next the teacher. He then looked up, and finally took a clear sight at her. She was certainly one of the prettiest women he had ever seen in his entire life. He was not the type of person to judge on appearances and to judge at first sight, but here, he couldn't help: she was truly beautiful. Her long brown hair was tied up in a side braid that reached her stomach, and wore her blue flower pattern top, giving her a very nature lover aspect while the black hat she wore on the top of her head suited perfectly her overall appearance. However, he could not clearly see her eyes since she had been looking down the whole time until she reached the seat next to him.

But mystery wouldn't be kept for long.

As promised, here are the changes: 1) Flora and Helia do not meet in science class, but in litterature class, and they do not start to talk in this chapter.

2) Layla and Nabu are already in couple.

3) They all are in college, while they were in high-school in the original.

4) Tecna and Timmy are not here... yet.

5) The nightmare shifted from a girl escaping prison while knocking the guards off to a princess losing her family.

No matter these changes, the core of the story will remain the same. These are just small elements that I thought needed to be changed when I re-read my original file. I hope you still like this rewritten chapter!

Reviews? :D