Author's Note: Before we start on this story, let me start out by saying, that on the day I'm publishing the start to this story, is not only my thirtieth birthday, but it also marks two years exactly, since the school shootings happened in Connecticut, an event that dampened my birthday that year sadly. Sorry to have to post a sad story on one of my bigger birthdays, but I couldn't help but come up with the idea, and what a good way to commemorate the happenings. And so, let our story, begin!

The Shooting

Summary: When the evil twin brother of science teacher, Mister Beaker, breaks into Doodle Dale Elementary School, and shoots the kids in Dil's kindergarten class, what will happen? Is Dil ok? And is six-year-old Tommy still wishing for his two front teeth for Christmas? Or does his wish turn into something more important. Inspired by the school shootings that happened in Connecticut on my birthday in 2012.

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from Rugrats, they're the property of their original creaters. I only own any OC's you don't recognize, while Peter is owned by TCKing12.

Chapter 1, The Gun Shot

Location: Doodle Dale Elementary School, December 14, 2017

It was a cold morning, as all of the students filed into Doodle Dale Elementary School. The first graders were getting into the Christmas spirit, as they all headed into Mrs. Fishtales classroom.

"Jingle bells, Reptar smells, Dectar laid an egg." Sang Phil at the top of his lungs, as he took his seat.

"Boys can be so immature!" Muttered Lil in Kimi's ear, as they took their seats next to one another.

"Is Phil still driving you crazy with that disgusting version of Jingle Bells?" Kimi whispered in Lil's ear.

Lil nodded.

Just then, Tommy, Chuckie, and Zack all walked into the room, heading towards their seats.

"All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth, my two front teeth, my two front teeth. All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth, so I can wish you Merry Christmas." Sang Tommy, who had a gap in the top of his mouth, where his two front teeth were missing.

Just then, Mrs. Fishtales walked up to the front of the room, and clapped her hands, to get the class to settle down.

"Good morning class." Said Mrs. Fishtales, smiling.

"As you kids know, our Christmas show is coming up at the end of the week. Now, let's see. Tommy Pickles has chosen to sing, All I Want for Christmas is my Two Front Teeth, and Chuckie Finster, you signed up to perform Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. Zack Wehrenberg's aunt informed me that he won't be here for the Christmas show, because they're leaving early for their Christmas vacation, and Kimi Finster and Lil Deville are singing Oh Come All You Faithful in English and Japanese. Phil, you still have yet to pick out a song to sing. Have you thought of anything?" Mrs. Fishtales asked.

"I'm gonna sing Jingle Bells." Replied Phil.

"I hope for the sake of the audience and our parents, not to mention, to not risk being embarrassed, my brother sings the original version, not the Reptar one." Lil thought to herself.

"Ok, thank you Phil." Said Mrs. Fishtales, as she wrote down Phil's name on the list she had up on the board, and the song he chose to sing at the show.

While Tommy's first grade class was busy getting their morning started, and finalizing who was singing what in the upcoming Christmas show, the third grade class was down in the auditorium, having music class, and practicing for their concert, which would be the finale of the program.

"Joy to the world, the earth is seen. Let them, make me, their queen." Sang Angelica, as she was hoping to get the solo in Joy to the World.

"Uh, that isn't correct Angelica. Susie?" Said Mrs. Janson, the music teacher.

"Joy to the world, the lord has come. Let earth, receive, the king." Sang Susie.

"Very good!" Said Mrs. Janson, clapping her hands.

"Our new soloist for the grand finale at Friday's Christmas show will be, Susie Carmichael!" Said Mrs. Janson.

Angelica grunted and blushed at the mention of this.

Meanwhile, down in Mrs. Lindaberry's kindergarten class, Dil and his classmates, were getting ready for a special visitor, before they would go down to the auditorium, and practice their play, Twas the Night Before Christmas, which they would be doing to open up the Christmas show for everybody's parents on Friday night. A few minutes later, Mr. Beaker walked into the room.

"Class, I'd like to introduce our special visitor today. This is Mr. Beaker. He is studying education at our local community college, and he hopes to get the science teacher position at the middle school upon graduation, am I right?" Said Mrs. Lindaberry.

Mr. Beaker nodded, as he got things set up on a table in the front of the classroom.

"Good morning boys and girls." Said Mr. Beaker.

"Good morning Mr. Beaker." Said the class in unison.

"Today, we're going to learn how to mix colors together, to make a new color." Said Mr. Beaker, as he laid three jars of paint on the table in front of him.

"We're going to do this, by taking the three primary colors, and mixing them together, we'll get some new colors. Now, can anybody tell me what the three primary colors are?" Asked Mr. Beaker.

Dil's hand shot up.

"The young boy in a yellow sweater with red hair." Said Mr. Beaker.

"Uh, green, orange and purple?" Said Dil.

"Nope, that's not correct, but funny that you should mention that, as those are three colors we'll be learning how to make with these three colors of paint I have in front of me." Said Mr. Beaker, pointing to the three jars of paint that sat in front of him on the table, that still had their lids on them, so as to not give their colors away.

Before Mr. Beaker could call on another student to see if they had the correct answer, a man who looked identical to Mr. Beaker walked into the room.

"May I help you?" Mrs. Lindaberry asked.

But the man didn't speak. Instead, he pulled a gun out of his pocket, and started shooting at random children.

"Stop it! Put that thing away!" Mrs. Lindaberry shouted, but it was no use, the man continued to shoot children, until several bodies lie dead on the floor.

All of the shooting could be heard throughout the school, and scared several students and teachers. Several teachers and Principal Brown came out of their rooms and office to see what was going on. Principal Brown discovered that the gun shots could be heard from Mrs. Lindaberry's room, and went to investigate. By the time he got there, he found several children, lying on the floor motionless, and right when he walked in, the man who was doing the shooting, turned the gun around, and shot himself, falling on top of the table where Mr. Beaker had his paints set up, causing the three jars of paint to go flying across the room. When they hit the floor, the lids came open, spilling red, yellow, and blue paint everywhere.

"Jimmy!" Mr. Beaker cried, as he stared down at his twin brother's body on the table in front of him, now dead.

Principal Brown sent for the nurse, who called the hospital, and sent for several ambulances to send all of Mrs. Lindaberry's class to the emergency room right away. Meanwhile, Principal Brown returned to his office, and made an announcement to the entire school.

"May I have everyone's attention please. The twin brother of special guest, Mr. Jarod Beaker came to our school today, and shot several children in Mrs. Lindaberry's classroom. We ask that all teachers keep your students on lockdown in your classrooms, while we see to getting Mrs. Lindaberry, and her kindergarten class, safely escorted to the ambulances, to take them to the emergency room. That is all." Announced Principal Brown over the P.A. system.

When Tommy heard this, his stomach learched.

"Oh no, Dil!" Tommy thought to himself, as he burst out of his seat for the door of his classroom, to go and see if his brother was alright.

Mrs. Fishtales saw Tommy run for the door, and ran to stop him.

"Where do you think you're going Tommy?" Mrs. Fishtales asked.

"My brother Dil is in that class. I have to know if he's ok." Replied Tommy.

"I know you're worried about your brother, but you need to sit back down. Your brother is headed off to the hospital, along with the rest of his class, to be checked out." Said Mrs. Fishtales, putting a gentle hand on Tommy's shoulder, and leading the six-year-old, about ready to cry, back to his seat.

"I hope Dil's going to be ok." Said Chuckie.

"Me too Chuckie, me too." Said Tommy, as tears started to come to his eyes.

"I'm sure Dil will be ok." Said Zack.

So, what will happen? How many students in Mrs. Lindaberry's class were killed or severely injured? And is Dil going to be ok? We'll find out, in chapter 2.

Author's Note: And yes, for those of you who were wondering, Mr. Beaker is the same Mr. Beaker that was seen in the AGU series. I thought it would be interesting to give him a first name, and a twin brother, who's just the opposite from Mr. Beaker, who's pretty easy going and funny, while his twin brother, is evil, and obviously, had some sort of psychological problem, if he managed to break into an elementary school, and shoot small children, and then, turn the gun on himself.