A New Guardian : The Daughter of the Moon

A new guardian is chosen. But why was she chosen? Was it because she is the daughter of the Moon. What other dark secrets does she hold? The Big 4 – Jack Frost, Hiccup, Merida, Rupunzel - are determined to find out. Why does Jack find her so familiar? Will Elsa find her true love, or will she be rejected because of her family? Jelsa.

A/N: I hope you like it, it is my first fanfic! The summary stinks doesn't it? I got Ideas from other stories, so don't be surprised if you see some familiar parts, okay? Credits go to Crazyfangirl237 and LittleHiro6 I am just putting all my favourites all together. I do not own Rise of the Guardians, Frozen, Tangled, How to train your Dragon, Brave.

Chapter 1: As Humans

Elsa could not sleep. She kept tossing and turning in her bed. Finally admitting that she could not sleep, she opened her bright blue eyes to look around. Her room had been decorated with white snowflakes and the ceiling looked just like the night sky. The young princess looked out her opened window to see the full moon.

"Why am I even on this planet? What is my purpose here? All I can do is hurt people?" Elsa asked the moon. As usual, the moon remained silent.

Every day since the 'incident', Elsa would sit in her room, learning to control her powers. Her sister, Anna, used to sing to her every day through the door. Now, Anna would just take one look at the door and leave without a word. Elsa feels even more isolated than before.

Suddenly, something round flew through the window and landed on the floor. Elsa bolted straight up. 'What is that?' she wondered. Slowly, Elsa slid off her bed, and picked up the object. "A ball?" she asked herself. She wondered how the ball got here and who owned it. She realised that there was no frost covering the ball.

"Maybe, I finally got control of it!" she said excitedly to herself.

Just then, a figure got through the window and landed on the floor with a loud thud. It groaned. It sounded like a boy. Elsa couldn't help but yelp.

Intrigued, Elsa cautiously crawled over to the figure. "It is a boy!" she thought. The boy looked about 16, a year older than she is. She looked at the boy's face closely. "He is kind of cute…"

All of a sudden, the boy's eyes snapped open. Surprised, both of them backed away. He hit his head on the wall, while she hit the bed.

"Ow!" they exclaimed at the same time, while rubbing their heads.

Both stared into each other's eyes for what felt like forever. The strange boy had brown eyes and hair. He was the first to recover from the trance.

"H-hi," he said nervously.

"W-who are you?" she asked, trying to keep her voice calm.

"Look, I'm really sorry for intruding but my friend threw my sister's ball up here," he gestured to the ball she held. "And I just want it back and-" he stopped short. His eyes widened in realisation. "Are you the princess?"

When she nodded, he had an astonished look on his face. "Woah…you're beautiful…" he blushed when he realise what he just said. Elsa felt heat creep up her cheeks. Just then she remembered her powers.

"You should go, please. I might hurt you." Elsa panicked.

"What? How?" the boy looked very confused.

"I-I can't tell you," she sighed.

"Okay….so can I have my ball back?"

"Sure on one condition," Elsa wanted to know this boy and finally make a new friend.

"Which is?"

"Tell me your name." The boy smirked upon hearing this.

"Alright. But I have a condition as well." Elsa nodded for him to go on. "I want to know how you can hurt me."

She was stunned. Elsa looked down at the ball, frost was starting to form on the surface.

"I can't," she simply said.

"Fine. Then I won't tell you my name." He turned to go.

"Wait! Okay," She threw the ball to him. He caught it. His eyes widened when he felt the cold surface.

"Is this frost?" he choked out.


Elsa continued shooting snowflakes out of her palm. To show that her powers were dangerous, she placed her hand on the wall and sharp ice started forming. The boy looked at her in wonder, not caring about the ice at all. There was no fear shown in his eyes, instead they show wonder and admiration.

"I can't control it, that's why it's dangerous" she explained. She wondered why the boy isn't fazed at all by her powers.

"Well, I personally think it is wonderful and amazing, you should be glad of you powers," the boy said. "By the way, my name is Jackson Overland, call me Jack."

"I'm Elsa." She said her name only as she did not like the formality if the princess.

Just then, they heard a young little girl's voice, "Jack! Where are you? Get down from there!" Elsa looked out the window and saw a little girl frantically calling for Jack. She was standing in the courtyard with another boy holding a lantern.

"Is that your sister?" she asked.

"Yep!" Jack replied, emphasising the 'p'. "I'd better go, they're getting worried," he said with a disappointed look.

"Will you come back tomorrow?"

"I'm sorry, I want to be friends, but I'm leaving Arrendelle in a year." He said, downcast.

"It's alright. We can just make this year of friendship to last a life time," she said. Elsa did not want to miss the opportunity to make a friend. The only friends she ever had was a guy who kept the nightmares away from her and another guy who took all the hate from her, giving her space to love.

Jack's eyes lit up at once. He eagerly nodded and promised to come the next night. Just as he was about to climb down the castle to the courtyard, he did something unexpected. He gave her a peck on the cheek. "Goodnight Snowflake," he said while smirking. Just like that and he was gone, leaving Elsa as red as a tomato, trying to process what just happened.

As she watched Jack, his sister and his friend remove a few bricks in the castle wall to go through them. Jack gave her one last wave and was through. She thought to herself, 'Thank you Jack, for coming into my life.'

Over the next few weeks, Jack visited Elsa every night, almost getting caught a few times. They got to learn more about each other every night.

Then tragedy struck. The King and Queen were sailing to the nearby kingdom, Corona. They were celebrating the return of their long-lost princess, Rupunzel, who happened to be Elsa and Anna's cousin. But on their way to Corona, their ship sunk in a storm.

When Elsa first heard the news, she was devastated, she couldn't stop crying. The news spread around the kingdom fast. Soon it reached the ears of Jack.

His first and immediate reaction was to run to the castle. Ignoring the stares and calls from his friends, he rushed to the castle and up to Elsa's room in record time. Luckily , none of his friends followed him.

Seeing Elsa lying on her bed, crying, broke his heart. He wrapped his arms around her. She sobbed into his shoulder while he whispered comforting words to her. Soon she cried herself to sleep. And Jack never left her once.

On the day of the funeral, Anna came by. She started singing to Elsa.

"Elsa, please I know you're in there,

People are asking where you've been.

They say have courage, and I'm trying to,

I'm right out here for you, just let me in.

We only have each other, it's just you and me,

What are we gonna do…?

Do you wanna build snowman?" her voice cracked.

Jack had gone home as Elsa was worried he might get reported missing. She was all alone. Or so she thought.

Three months pass since her parents' death. Elsa was happy with Jack. There were times when she would ask him to stay with her. Jack taught Elsa how to have fun. Sometimes at night, they would sneak out of the castle. It took a lot of persuasion to get Elsa to come the first time.

Soon, a year had past. Jack had to go to Burgess. On the day that Jack had to leave, Elsa woke up extra early and left the castle. No one noticed except for the guards.

As she reached the docks, she surveyed the area around her. Just then, two hands grabbed her from behind. "Hey Snowflake!" a voice said.

"Jack!" she exclaimed.

"Look, I've got you something." Out of his pocket was a silver locket. It was in a shape of a heart, on the front was a letter "J", in the middle was a lock.

"Oh…Jack, it's beautiful! Did you make it?" she asked. Jack was learning blacksmith and can shape any metal into anything he wants. He nodded and helped her put it on. Afterwards, he took out a key on a necklace. The end of the key was shaped like an "E". He inserted the key in and the locket opened. In it was a pop-up figure of Elsa and Jack ice-skating. The key also act as a winding key if turned the other way around.

Jack turned the winding key and the locket emitted a beautiful melody. Elsa gasped when she heard it, Jack gave his signature smirk. It was their song.

"This locket is your heart, and I have the only key to it. Elsa, I promise to come back for you, don't ever forget that, okay? This locket will act as a promise ring. Please promise me that you will wait for me, okay?"

"I promise, you will promise too, right?" she asked. He nodded.

"There is this one more thing."


"This." It was all she heard before his lips crashed into her. At first she was shocked, then she melted into the kiss. She felt her arms wrap around Jack's neck, while he snaked his arms around her waist.

The kiss lasted several more seconds. When they broke apart, Elsa was smiling and Jack was smirking. "Princess, did I just steal your first kiss?" he asked playfully.

"Yes, you just did."

"Good, cause that makes you mine. Who would you like to have you second kiss with then?"

"Hm… let me think about that one. You." With that, she rammed her lips against his.

Soon, it was time for Jack to go. Just before he boarded the ship, he stole one last kiss from Elsa, knowing that it will be a long time before he could see her again. He knew that he will be back in a few years' time. What he did not know is that he will not be coming back as Jackson Overland but as Jack Frost.

As Elsa waved Jack goodbye, she tried to hold back the tears, but they came spilling down like a river. She knew that Jack would keep his promise and come back one day. What she did not know was that they would only meet each other again… in another lifetime…

There are many things awaiting our two lovebirds. Who knows when they'll see each other again. Or will they remember their past love life. Only time will tell, or maybe the moon…

A/N: Hope you guys like the first chapter!