Disclaimer: I own nothing , this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment. Cross-over from various games , books, anime, manga, and movies. The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.

An: Very slow updates.

I died

yes, it was very unpleasant experience, but I learned to accept my fate.

Well I didn't expect to be reborn with my memories intact, that was really, really unexpected.

"Congratulations, it's a boy." Was the first thing I heard before I cried and passed out at the ridiculous situation.

It has been an enlightening experience to feel being born again, to which I say that it is a very disturbing one.

my days I spent in my toddler years was spent eating, pooping and sleeping, the usual stuff.

I wanted to be self sufficient and get out of the pooping in the diaper phase so when I had my motor skills down and mastered, I pretty much learned that getting my motor functions was a godsend.

I had a pretty normal childhood. I read books and learned to write and mastered the language which wasn't that different from english.

I read an interesting book one day. It told about hunters and their supernatural abilities.

My reaction then was "Fuck!" I said out loud. I'm in a world filled with super powered people.

"Times like this I wish I had the gamer ability." I wished out loud.


"Wish Granted."

"Congratulations you have been chosen by the powers that be to have a free wish, have fun."


"..." I stared the floating screen in front of me and stared at it for 5 minutes. I experimented and toggled with the menu.


Name: Zed Tuesday

Profession: The Gamer

Level: 1

Hp: 100

Mp: 100

Str - 4

Vit - 4

Dex - 5

Int - 12

Wis - 8

Luk - 12

Money: 0


Gamers mind (PASSIVE) Lvl (Max)

-Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows peaceful state of mind. Immunity to psychological status effects.

Gamers body (PASSIVE) Lvl (Max)

- Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game.

"Awesome." I said with glee.

Never got to introduce myself did I?, the names Zed Tuesday, age five, yeah, yeah laugh it up.

So I have this gamer ability, the first thing I should do is level up my base stats.

Anywho I started training with a short running session, some push-ups, pull-ups, squats and jumping jax, some simple stuff.

Never had I been athletic before so I was surprised that my new body adapted to my mini workout session.

After my workout I rested by reading some books, rinse and repeat. I did this for about two years diligently working on my base stats until it is what it is today.


Name: Zed Tuesday

Profession: The Gamer

Level: 1

Hp: 2600

Mp: 3100

Str - 50

Vit - 50

Dex - 60

Int - 60

Wis - 55

Luk - 50

Money: 0

Beside my stats I have gained, more like created some skills.

Conjure Tools Lv 30

-Materialize Tools using mana. consumes 10 mana. Conjured materials can now last indefinitely.

Crafting Lv 30

- Makes new stuff out of some old stuff. New bling for the user.

Scribe level 30

-Able to copy some books. Consumes 15 mana

-Unlocked lucky strike - Chance to make copied books into a skill books -chance affected by luck.

Cooking Mastery level 50

-Cook like a five star chef

-Increase bonus stats to cooked dishes.

-Passively increases Dex 10%, Increase Str 10%

ID Create (ACTIVE) level 1

-Used to create instant dungeons. Stronger instant dungeon may be created according to level.

-Can now create the following illusion barrier dungeons.



ID Escape (ACTIVE) Level 1

- Used to escape instant dungeons. higher levels allows to escape higher tier Illusion barriers.

Observe level 20

-Able to observe items, person and objects. Higher level means more information.

I even got lucky on scribing books and learned some out of this world skills thanks to the lucky strike from my scribe skill.

Kawarimi level 20

- All hail the log

-Switch to a log in a pocket dimension to escape incoming damage

-Consumes 40 mana.

Henge level 15

-Advanced disguise

-Able to copy a person or object

-Consumes 15 mana per minute

Bunshin level 20

-Able to create 5 illusionary clones

-consumes 50 mana

Angelic healing purification level 20

- Able to heal wounds, fatigue, injury, illness, missing limbs and curses

- Consumes 700 mp

Hyuga Martial Arts/ Gentle Fist level 30


-Strikes able to injure internal organs using subtle ki-strikes.

-10 mana per minute


- Dex +10%, Luck +10%

Enchanting level 30

-Able to imbue equipments with a magical properties.

-Consumes 300 mana.

Magic Mastery (PASSIVE) level 25

-Allows the user to freely use and manipulate magic.

+15% Magic Damage

+10% Cast Speed

Chain Lightning level 25

-Deals 250% lightning magic damage to target.

-If there are more enemy targets in the area, the spell will bounce to another target back and forth while each transfer reduces the damage by 10%

-250% lightning magic damage can bounce targets up to 25 times.

Yup, I did very well, I wore 10 silver rings which five of them regenerates 20 mp per minute while the other five regenerates 20 hp per minute and a necklace that reduces 50 damage taken each strike or skills. Still to early for earnings during my age so I'll have to make due.

Not a bad accumulated skills and stats at age ten, but one can never be careful.

I wish that was all well and dandy but one day, parents decided to take the hunters exam. It was supposed to be my dad only applying for the exams but my mother was stubborn and would not let go alone. So I was left with a nanny while they both entered that years exam.

As luck would have it, I drew an unfortunate end of the stick because I received a letter several months later after they departed to participate in the hunters exam where they met their untimely demise.

I'm now an orphan. Curse you my stubborn parents, why did you have to participate on that dangerous exam unprepared with little knowledge and defensive skills.

Thankfully my parents left me a will and I have been left with 1 million zenny of assets.

Vultures came to try to persuade me to be in their guardianship and offered to take me in but I refused. I was disgusted by their cheerful facade with their foul intentions to rob me of what little I have. In an act of outrage, I decided to sell all my parents asset and stuffed the 1 million zenny in my inventory and decided I would leave it all behind.

"Where would I go?." I pondered, then I remembered the heavens arena in the Republic of Padokia. Thankfully I have my papers and passport with me so I got there without a hitch.

The journey through a blimp airship was very stunning and enjoyable

"Heavens arena here I come."

Heavens arena was truly a tourist spot so I have no trouble getting to my destination.

After arriving in Padokia via blimp airship I then took the tour package. It was surprisingly enjoyable. We arrived at the heavens arena later where I got off and registered.

Demonstrating my normal skills proficiently quickly bumped me to floor 100 where I took my sweet time gaining victory a floor at a time.

I trained my other skills delligentlly so they will mature. It took me a year before I reached floor 190. I really did take my sweet time. My enemies from floor 100 and above were really not that strong but my focus was my skills so I wasn't really worried. They did however provided a decent amount of experience, which I was very happy to find out.


Name: Zed Tuesday

Profession: The Gamer

Level: 21

Hp: 4600

Mp: 5100

Str - 80

Vit - 90

Dex - 100

Int - 100

Wis - 95

Luk - 80

Unused Stat points: 200

Money: 10,500,000 zenny


Gamers mind (PASSIVE) level (Max)

Gamers body (PASSIVE) level (Max)

Conjure Tools level 40

Crafting level 40

Scribe level 40

Cooking Mastery level 60

D Create (ACTIVE) level 1

ID Escape (ACTIVE) Level 1

Observe level 30

Kawarimi level 35

Henge level 20

Bunshin level 30

Angelic healing purification level 35

Hyuga Martial Arts/ Gentle Fist level 50

Enchanting level 40

Magic Mastery (PASSIVE) level 30

Chain Lightning level 35

During the year in my stay in heavens arena, I still haven't found a new teacher willing to teach me about nen stuff. I couldn't use gyo to shop for nen enchanted stuff, although my enchanted rings and necklace are considered to be nen enhanced, because I think mana and nen are two sides of the same coin.

I don't wanna risk nen baptism as it may prove fatal if not deadly to me, and I don't wanna chance it, so that left me with the safe option of entering the hunters exam.

I was really bummed out that I had no luck of finding a decent nen teacher but oh well, I'll get there when I get there. Luckily though, my stay in heavens arena was short, I didn't reveal any of my magic skills along with the gentle fist were kept secret. so any information about me would be pretty ordinary.

I tracked down an information broker which wasn't hard in heavens arena, because it was pretty well-known and they have many nen users on floor 200 and above so with a little poking around, I managed to pry that information with a small fee.

What shocked me the most was that the information they gave me was aligned with the anime and manga in a certain Zaban city restartaurant.

It took me a week to get to Zaban city as I was enjoying the trip. With the correct password order of steak combo I was issued the number 390 and was sent to the elevator below where the exam was supposed to take place.