Cana's P.O.V.

I sat under a tree surrounded by the guild members. I thought of Lucy as a close friend especially when she offered to be my partner in the S-class test. She had my back and I know I could always trust her and count on her. But right now the only topic that seemed to be happening everywhere was Lucy; no one suspected her to take the last shot and keep it down. That drink does stuff to you. But Lucy seemed to come out pretty good.

"If Lucy-san drank alcohol more, she could be as good as Cana!" Said Juvia.

"Maybe better!" Pffft. Gray said.

"She could rival Cana" Levy agreed

"I'm sitting right here!" I shouted. At least they had the decency to look embarrassed.

"Sorry" they said together. I was eager to change the topic.

"How did you go Levy?" I asked

"Not so good, I was so surprised that I made it through. This is my first time to get to the second level. I'm a little nervous" Levy answered

"It's not that bad" I said.

"Last year I saw Elfman attack a tree for no reason" Levy sweat dropped.

"He was drunk" I waved it off.

"It was one of the enchanted ones" In one of the Levels they always sneak in a drink that will always make you, to put it nicely…lose it.

"Well…stuff happens" I said. I looked at Juvia.

"Juvia went well. Because Juvia body is made up of water Juvia don't get affected as quickly" Juvia said.

"I remember hearing a story from Gray, that at a certain little resort you and a bunch of others all got drunk and you were half nude trying to seduce Gray." I smirked and Juvia went bright red. Gray just looked uncomfortable at the memory.

"Really I don't remember that Juvia, I don't think you were drunk at all-"Levy prodded the rain lady smirking herself.

"Juvia was drunk! JUVIA WAS VERY DRUNK!" She was now the colour of Erza's hair and was looking very flustered trying to defend herself. But it was clear that she was lying. My guess was that she was pretending to be drunk so she could get really close to Gray without too much suspicion. Sounds like something I would do.

"…Ahhh….Juvia?" Gray said, hand scratching his neck looking awkward "Is this true?"

"Do you think Juvia would do this?" Juvia asked

"Well…you have stalked me at my house once…or twice" Gray answered.

"THAT WAS OUT OF LOVE!" Juvia threw herself at Gray clinging to his arm.

The horn blown signalling that the next game was about to start, I jumped to my feet excitedly. I heard cheers erupt from the crowed and guild members walk fourth. Finding their partners, but where was Lucy? Lucy was never late for things, unless Natsu was tagging along with her, which I doubt was the case in this situation. If she didn't turn up then I couldn't move on to the second game. I was beginning to panic.
No, there would be a reason because Lucy wouldn't do it on purpose. Scanning the crowd I couldn't find the blonde and finding a blonde wasn't exactly easy with a town full of them. I saw her walking from behind the shade tent smiling at me, she jogged over to me.

"I was freaking out!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry, I was freaking out to and Loke just gave me a big talk encouraging me. And then I couldn't find you…" Well I guess I owe Loke a thank you for whatever power talk he gave her.

"Let's go, we don't want to be late" I said.