His body hit the ground before she even knew what was happening. The ringing in her ears was unbearable, but all she could think about was that she had to get to him.
There was blood. So much blood.
Everything went in slow motion.
She was kneeling beside him now. He was sputtering and there was so much blood. Taking off her plaid overshirt, she pressed it to the wound in his stomach to stop some of the bleeding.
"Wow, Happy if I knew it would take me getting shot for yo..." The sentence died on his lips. He was barely breathing. It was a small blessing but she was willing to take anything she could get.
Tears were beginning to fill her eyes. "I'm paying attention! Do you hear me?! I'm paying attention, please wake up..." Her words were broken up by her racking sobs.
A hand was placed behind her shoulder. Walter was in front of her, his hands on top of hers, pressing harder into Toby's stomach wound, spewing out facts about first aid she couldn't process. She'd succumbed to the ringing in her ears.