Chapter 8

After what seems like only moments later I feel a Whoosh of magic and then it's gone as if it never existed. I, however can't shake the feeling I'm forgetting something really important, I swear I hear a baby and have a sense of déjà vu. Moments later it seems, of crawling behind Chris, following his green light, the light flickers and goes out. "Chris, what's going on? Why did it go out?" I call out quietly.

Chris manages to twist around in the tight space, his eyes glow with a brilliant gorgeous green light, "Cuz I told it to go out. There's an opening, into this huge cavern, it's empty, it'd be a great place to kick some demon arse." His eyes seem to shine even brighter at the prospect of a fight, something seems very off.

I ignore the uneasy feeling I have about this and ask, "How do you propose we get down to this cavern?"

"The tunnel widens out around the opening, there's room for two, it'll just be a bit of a tight squeeze." Chris says, extending his hand.

"Chris, most of our weapons and potions are back in that other cave, I don't want to lose my bows and arrows." I say.

"Okay, I'll orb back and get them." Chris says and orbs out before I can protest, hopefully these demons don't have any early orb warming systems in place. I'm left in complete darkness for almost five minutes, I'm about to start backwards to look for him when Chris orbs in loaded down with our weaponry.

I relieve him of my quivers and bows, placing them a little ways away from us and pull out my potion bag, poking around in it, I pull out the required purple potion.

"What are you doing?" Chris asks curiously.

I back up and lean backwards into his muscular chest and say, "Lightening our load." I toss the potion at my weapons and they vanish in a poof of purple smoke.

"Where'd you send them?" Chris whispers in my ear.

I sit forwards and take stock of the weapons Chris retrieved before answering, "P3, hopefully to your room if not Piper's gonna need to find a new bartender. The question remains, how are we going to get down there?"

Chris's fingers brush mine gently and we crawl over to the hole, "Do you trust me?"

"With my life." I respond truthfully, with not a shred of doubt.

"I trust you with mine as well." His grip tightens on my wrists now and I find myself instinctively hooking my feet on a stalagmite as Chris slides himself backwards and drops into the hole, I grip his wrists as if my life depends on it.

"Chris? Are you okay, can you touch the bottom?" I ask, unable to see over the edge, for fear of sliding over.

"Savannah, the bottoms just under my feet, can't be more than a few inches below me." Comes the reply, which means the drop is just over six feet.

"Good, my wrists and arms are killing me, you're heavier than you look." I grunt.

Below me a hear a chuckle before he answers, "Let go of my wrists and I'll let go of yours when I'm ready."

"Okay, hey I know my timing is really bad, but I have a question." I say, reluctantly releasing his wrists.


"I seem to have forgotten why you're here, in the past I mean. Can you remember? Cuz it might help me remember why I'm here." I say.

No reply and I imagine his flawless features wrinkling with thought and possibly confusion, "That's strange. Question, did you feel that whoosh of magic earlier?"

"Yes, I'm guessing you did too." I reply and then barely contain my sigh of relief as his weight vanishes, "You ok?"

"Yep, just a bit dusty. You?" His voice is light and caring.

"Fine, though my arms are shaking a little. How am I going to get down? Or should I plan on hauling your heavy butt back up here after you kick demon arse and I drop rocks and potions on people's heads." I say, chuckling at the picture in my head.

Chris laughs and I grin," Your laugh is so cute. But seriously."

"Turn yourself around and grab the closest stalagmite and lower yourself as far down into the hole as you can." Chris instructs.

I do as he says, my arms shaking a little from stress, effort and fear, "Kay, now what?"

I feel warm, soft, velvety hands slide under my shirt and wrap around my middle, "This." His silky sweet voice whispers in my ear.

I lean backwards into him, resting my head on his broad shoulder as I let go of the stalagmite and fall into his arms as Chris slowly drops the remaining feet, swinging me up into his strong arms.

We share a quick kiss, before he lowers me gently to the ground, and even though it's over in a second, my heart rate has quickened and my heart pounds loud enough to alert Grams all the way up in the heavens.

Chris pulls me closer to him and we breathe in sync with each other, his arms encircle my waist again as I lean into him once more.

Then without warning hundreds of demons shimmer in, forming ranks in a circle around us, "Oh, so not good."

Chris and I shift so we're standing back to back, we slowly turn in a circle evaluating our current situation, "I'll take the hundred or so on the left, you take the hundred or so on the right." My voice is uneasy and I barely keep the fear out of it. This definitely wasn't on the show, right now Chris should be plotting with his charge to trick Leo.

Then it all comes rushing back: the entire episode, Chris, The Cleaners, Wyatt, Gideon. Another powerful gust of magic surges through the cave and I can tell Chris feels it too.

His stance tightens and he tenses, the sisters must have just cast the spell to fill in the blanks, the man I'd followed through the tunnel and who'd jumped down here is gone. Christopher Perry Halliwell of a bright future is dead, Chris Perry of the dark future has returned.


Read and Review please. I'd love to hear y'all opinions. I know the sisters and Leo haven't been in the few chapters. I did this on purpose this is mostly Savannah and Chris centric, besides they mostly ignored Chris on the show so uh... too bad for them. They'll be back in it soon anyways.