The Witchlighter and the Girl 2: Fighting for life.

Includes episodes 1-4 of season 6.

Starts right where the previous "book" ended.

AN: Here we are. Hope you like it. Reviews are not mandatory, but they are appreciated. If not, oh well. I just love writing!



The Elders wave their hands and we all dissolve into blue orbs, suddenly somebody's orbs scatter. Thinking fast I jump them as they fly away, I feel something tugging on my orbs and can only figure someone is jumping my orbs too.


Chapter 1

My eyes blink open to see two identical worried pairs of green eyes looking down at me, "Leo, Chris? What happened? Where are we?" I whisper.

"Savannah! You're alright!" Leo and Chris help me up and I examine our surroundings. We're standing in a cave, wooden bars cover the exit, a long cave hallway leads away from the door, and turns a corner.

"Valhalla." Leo, Chris and I say in unison, we look at each other, 'Jinx' I think sarcastically.

"Crap." I say, this was not at all how it happened on the show, I just hope the sisters will be able to find us.

"That sums it up pretty much." Chris says.

"You can't use your powers in this cave, plus you can't orb into Valhalla in it's entirety without setting off the alarms." Leo adds.

"Anymore bad news, you'd like to tell me now? Or are you going to continue dishing it out piece by piece for dramatic effect?" I snap at Leo.

Leo holds his hands up in surrender and backs away a little, "Sorry, I don't think there's anything else."

Chris, who has been pacing around the cage, slides down the wall and sits against it, his head in his knees, "This sucks. I mean here we are stuck in a cage, no powers, no weapons, no way out and no way to tell the sisters where to find us or how to get us out, meanwhile some demon or something is trying to turn Wyatt evil and instead of hunting down threats I'm sitting in a cage! This is not how you save the future, this is how you fail your best friends and family."

I crouch down next to him, "Chris we're going to get out of here and we're going to save Wyatt okay. We just need to think and stay positive."

Leo opens his mouth, probably to share some more crappy news, but I shoot him my best Piper death glare, his mouth closes, then opens again, "Besides, at least this can't get much worse."

"Leo's right." I say, even though he's definitely not.

I offer Chris my hand, he looks up and takes it, I pull him to his feet with surprising ease, "Dude you need to eat something."

Chris chuckles and then we hear footsteps coming towards us, a Valkyrie turns the corner and stops in front of the door. I recognize the Valkyrie as Mist, I glance at Chris out of the corner of my eye, no recognition is evident, apparently Chris doesn't know The Valkyries.

Mist waves her hand, the bars glow and she pulls open the door, she holds out one of her hands, Chris and I suddenly find ourselves being held back by a telekinetic wall. Mist, still holding Chris and I, grabs Leo's arm and drags him out of the cage, Mist releases her telekinetic wall and locks the door.

Chris and I race to the bars and holler, "Leo!"

Mist pulls Leo away from the door, they turn the corner and disappear from view.

"Things just got worse." Chris states.
