Blanc wondered for what seemed like the umpteenth time today if she had been possessed.

It wasn't that unusual a thought, given the circumstances. Possession seemed like a fairly logical explanation for the predicament that Lowee's goddess currently found herself in. Two years ago, she wouldn't have been caught dead doing what she was doing right now; today, however, now only was she doing it, but she was doing it of her own willing at that. A year ago there had been a lot going on in Blanc's life, a lot that incidentally led directly to the predicament that Blanc now found herself in, but she still wouldn't have been doing this of all things... She wouldn't have been braving the worst blizzard of the year to go shopping.

She hated shopping, and outside of the rare convention or two, before now, there had never been anything she wanted enough that she couldn't order online, especially during this time of year. She hated leaving the Basilicom during this time of year for any reason, even to get necessitates like food and video games, so to be outside alone, for anything at all, was something of a feat in and of itself with such terrible weather to be dealing with. But to be braving the cold for shopping of all things? Shopping?

She had to be possessed. Indeed, there was simply no other possibility.

As for the matter of what was possessing her, however...

She was fairly certain she knew what it was. It wasn't anything like a ghost or a monster or even a status ailment. No, those things would be easy. What was possessing was Blanc was much more vile, much more evil, much more dangerous. In fact, Blanc was close to positive that she knew exactly what was possessing her right now. She had to, after all, for she had come to brave this storm of her own volition. One could say she was being willingly possessed. One could say, in a masochistic sort of way, she was enjoying her possession, though that person would soon meet the hard end of her hammer...

But by what?

What was possessing Blanc?

What was it that such a strong hold over her?

It was that blonde demon from Leanbox that was currently residing in Blanc's own Basilicom. It was all her fault that Blanc was freezing her butt off trying to get a good present for their first anniversary. She'd never cared about anything like this before, but now here she was, looking through each store like a totally deranged sap. Since when did she need to see things in person to know whether or not they were "just right" or not? When did she even start to care about stuff like that?

That demon had cast a spell on her. It was the only explanation.

It had to be.

Why else would she have sent Mina away a few days ago and invited that temptress over, knowing full well that the weather would likely trap them all together until it blew over? Why else would she have specifically planned a situation that involved her and Vert being stuck together? She had doomed herself, all as a result of that she-devil's possession. There was no other explanation!

A sigh.

"I really hate myself right now."

... Still...

Despite the bitter cold, the warmth that spread throughout her body picturing how Vert would look when she got the perfect present from her was more than enough heat to keep Blanc going.

"Maybe the next store will be the one..."