Hey guys! Wow... its been a little while. So sorry about that. It's summer now, though, and I am out of school! Hopefully updates will be more frequent. I am introducing a new OC in this chapter! I hope you all like her as much as I do :) Please let me know what you think of her by writing a review! I really appreciate feedback especially for new OCs. Thank you so much for reading and sticking with the story!

If you like this story, please follow/favorite and/or review! Thank you so much!

Note for readers at bottom*

Chapter 9

Amora stepped into a large, circular, high-ceilinged room with Tooth fluttering beside her. The pair of spirits made their way to the center of the room, and Amora took a moment to awe at the beautiful architecture and decor. The room was bright and elegant; it had long, flowing gold and red tapestries, with green and silver accents lining the walls. The floor was a beautiful marble, and was so clean that when Amora looked down towards her feet, her reflection stared right back at her.

"Alright, Amora, ready for some flying lessons?" Tooth asked excitedly, performing a quick twirl. Amora stretched her wings.

"Yes, although I think I almost have that down," she said confidently, smiling at the memory of flying high in the dark night sky. Tooth flew closer, and gave the new spirit the most mischievous look she could muster (which wasn't much).

"Sure, I bet you can fly in a straight line and land decently… but what about your agility?" She shot off across the room. Amora stepped back slightly, taken aback by the speed at which Tooth flew away from her. Tooth then performed a few quick flying maneuvers and tricks in the air, and Amora began to realize that having wings wouldn't just allow her to lift off the ground. "Being able to fly allows you to do so much more while battling, which, unfortunately, is apart of being a Guardian," Tooth smiled sheepishly. "I know I would prefer to handle situations calmly, but really that hasn't been an option given the fact that the things which threaten children are usually more… vicious than civil." Amora nodded in understanding, and could feel herself getting more excited at the idea of increasing her flying abilities. She spread her wings to their full length, about to lift herself off of the ground when a thought came to her.

"Tooth," the Guardian nodded, "how will I be able to be as quick and unpredictable as you when my wings are so much… larger, and heavier?" The Guardian's wings slowed down, and she began lowering slowly to the ground. She looked to be deep in thought. "I couldn't possibly be able to do the things you can do. Your wings are like a hummingbird's — they move in a figure-eight pattern which allows you to move up, down, sideways, and backwards. Mine are nothing like that." Amora turned her head back and forth, looking at each of her wings. Her eagerness to increase her flying abilities deflated, as she wondered how she could fully put her wings to use. Tooth saw Amora's apprehension, which in turn spurred her thoughts into overdrive. She suddenly lifted her head and shot up in the air several feet, her body practically trembling with excitement.

"I know exactly how to fix this problem!" She exclaimed happily. She flew quickly to Amora, hovering in the air barely a foot away from the new spirit. "You will have to wait a couple of minutes, but I know just the person to help you with this," Tooth spoke quickly, giving Amora a beaming smile before dashing off through the doors. Amora was stunned into silence by the quick change in pace. She let out a small breath, and, seeing nothing else to do, began walking towards a pair of glass doors. As she neared them, she realized they led to a small balcony that overlooked the globe room and it's many floors. She pulled open the doors carefully, and stepped lightly onto the small balcony. Amora decided to spend her time waiting for Tooth to come back watching the hustle and bustle of the workshop.

Amora leaned against the railing of the balcony, and trailed her eyes along each floor one by one, starting from the top and eventually making her way to the bottom, where she noticed North having a seemingly interesting discussion with Bunny. At first, she was just mildly amused at the strange, almost teasing look that North was giving his fellow Guardian as he spoke, but after a moment, something strange and unexpected happened. Bunny began fidgeting nervously, and looked slightly embarrassed about what North had said. Amora began to feel warmth seep through her chest. Slowly, at first, but then it grew at a steady pace. The feeling began to seep throughout her entire body, lastly clouding her mind. She gripped the railing tighter as her eyes clouded over slightly and a very faint image took over her sight. She could barely make out a figure in front of her. It was tall, almost lanky, and had bright hair that shined copper. Amora could suddenly hear as clear as day a full, bright laugh. It wasn't airy or half-hearted, but loud and brilliant. It filled up her entire mind, and she found herself wanting to laugh along with the voice. After a few moments, the laughing stopped, and Amora's vision returned to normal. She let out a long breath, releasing her harsh grip on the railing in front of her. She shook her head slightly and straightened her posture. That was… strange, she thought, though whatever had just happened, she was not scared of it. The new spirit began to feel like it was supposed to happen, that it was right.

As Amora glanced at Bunny and began to speculate what the odd, though not alarming occurrence was, she heard a loud whoosh behind her in the ballroom. She turned quickly, her curious and surprised wide eyes marveling at the creature before her. It was a girl, who looked not that much older than her, but with eyes that looked much much older than her own. Cat-like, bright, startlingly green eyes that heald fire. The girl had short, dark black hair, which looked full, thick and healthy. Her pale lips and skin could have been off-putting, if it weren't for the fact that it almost seemed to glow, which brought about a lively scene to the otherwise deathly-looking whiteness. The girl wore clothes that seemed to be years and years old, battered and bruised, yet they still held together strong. Strung in the girl's back was what Amora knew to be a Katana—a long, single edged sword. Though the impressive weapon was surely something to take notice of, the most magnificent and utterly jaw-dropping feature of this girl in front of Amora were the two giant, intimidating, jet black wings which protruded from the girl's back, around the shoulder blades.

Amora could feel confidence flow effortlessly from the being in front of her, though it was nothing close to a narcissistic confidence. It was humble confidence, built from years of a healthy, growing surety of self. Amora felt respect towards the being in front of her, and hoped that the being would return the respect. Before Amora could make a sound to introduce herself, the being in front of her stepped closer, curling in her dark wings slightly. She lifted a muscular arm and held out her hand with her head lifted high, meeting Amora's gaze with curiosity and intrigue. A confident, yet friendly smirk adorned her features, and she spoke with a calm and slightly authoritative voice.

"My name is Emory Eve, I am the spirit of Halloween. It is an honor to meet you."

. . .

"So, you've had some bad encounters with the previous Cupid, have you?" Amora was leaning gently against the railing of the balcony overlooking the workshop, with Emory a few feet beside her. The spirit's elbows hung casually over the balcony as she leaned back against the railing, the absence of her wings allowing her to do this comfortably. Amora had quickly learned that Emory's powers involved the ability of transformation, which allowed her to partly or entirely shape shift, hence the giant raven-like wings. Emory nodded to Amora's question.

"Yeah… a couple. I don't exactly recall what went on, but I know she had pushed my nerves to the point of me almost hating her," she said, almost laughing. "She was too intrusive, always meddling with people's lives, especially with their relationships," she added, rolling her eyes at the memories. Amora's head tilted slightly, as she began to feel her mind cloud. Her vision did not change, however, like it did last time. In her head, she began to experience distinct feelings caused by some memory that was not her own. She looked inquisitively to Emory.

"Did she almost interfere with a personal relationship between you and someone else?" Amora's question was received by a startled and awkward expression from Emory, who quickly tried to cover up her surprise. She laughed lightly and turned her gaze away from the new guardian.

"What makes you say that?" she questioned, not meeting the new guardian's eyes.

"I can't exactly put it into words… So I will just say that I am beginning to discover some new abilities that I have." Amora didn't want to anger the new spirit, who within the short span of time they spend practicing flying, had grown on her. Amora could tell that she would have a lasting friendship with Emory. The spirit in question finally met Amora's gaze, and it seemed as if something clicked in her. As if she realized that the new Guardian was one to be trusted.

"Yes… she almost did," Emory answered. "I can't let myself go into details. It's something that I would rather forget." Amora nodded respectively.

"I understand, you don't have to talk about it," she said, looking away from the spirit as if to give her space. Emory gave a quick smile.

"Thanks, I appreciate it." She looked towards the ground in thought, the corners of her lips turning down slightly. "I'm not entirely sure what the previous Cupid will do to you. From what Tooth told me, she will definitely try to hurt you, or the Guardians… or even the children." Amora returned her gaze to Emory as the spirit continued speaking. "But I want you to know that I have your back, and I'll help in any way that I can." Emory smiled warmly, patting Amora on the shoulder in a friendly manner. "At least now I'll actually be able to help the Guardians for once," Emory added quietly. Amora's expression changed from gratefulness to confusion.

"What do you mean by that?" She questioned. Emory's smile faded, and she dropped her arm back to her side.

"It's… nothing," she said, once again avoiding Amora's worried gaze. This time, instead of giving the spirit her space, Amora felt compelled to know what was troubling her new friend.

"No it's not," she said calmly. Emory looked at her, hesitation not allowing her to speak. She moved slowly away from the balcony, a few steps until she could lean against the glass doors.

"Before you were re-born, there was a different threat to the children… he constantly battled with the Guardians, desperately trying to spread fear throughout the world." Amora's back straightened and her expression turned still. Emory's shoulders slumped forwards, which caused her to look smaller than she was. "Thats who he was: fear." Emory took a small breath. "His name was Pitch Black." Amora stood in stunned silence as the once confident, proud spirit before her seemed to shrink at the thought of the spirit being discussed. "I had tried so many times to assist the Guardians in fighting him, but… there was always something about him that truly terrified me. And even though he had that affect over me, I would still try and help the Guardians, because it was the right thing to do. Unfortunately, I never got too far in helping them defeat him." Emory shrugged her shoulders and smirked sheepishly. Amora's brows furrowed in empathy, and she offered the spirit before her a soft smile.

"That was very, very brave of you to continue helping the Guardians, even though it took a toll on you." Emory smiled gratefully to the new Guardian.

"Thanks," Emory said. She held a sheepish smile on her face. "I've never really talked to any spirit about this before, let alone one who I've only known for an hour," she joked, chuckling. Amora joined her, feeling honored that this spirit trusted her. "To me you seem like the kind of spirit I can say these things to… Or maybe I want to be the one to tell you, instead of you being able to read my emotions about it or something," Emory laughed. Amora felt humored as well, though she furrowed her brows as the comment Emory had made.

"What do you mean, read your emotions?" she questioned.

"Can't you do that? Its just, you are Cupid, technically, and Cupid deals with emotions. I just assumed-"

"I think thats possible," Amora interrupted suddenly, her mind drifting elsewhere. She thought back to before she met Emory, when she was on the balcony watching North and Bunny. Had she read the Guardian of Hope's emotions? If so, what emotion did she read?

"Amora?" The Guardian in question blinked a few times, looking at Emory expectantly.

"Yes?" she replied.

"Nothing, you just seemed… out of it," Emory smirked, leaning casually against the glass doors. Amora was about to tell Emory why she seemed dazed, when the air turned sufficiently colder. She turned away from Emory just as Jack flew up and perched himself on the balcony, already speaking quickly.

"Amora, Bunny is ready for weapons training-" He stopped short, a large grin spreading across his features as he stared past Amora. "Well, well, well…" he began, hopping of the railing and cruising towards Emory, who also had a grin on her face. "Look who the cat dragged in."

"Mister Frost, it is a pleasure to see you again," Emory spoke, bowing low. He returned the bow.

"The pleasure is all mine, Miss Eve." The two straightened and chuckled. Although Amora felt somewhat included in the merriment, she also felt as if she were interrupting something. A sharp, warm feeling passed through her chest. It was quick, and almost overwhelming, but left as soon as it had arrived. She steadied herself inconspicuously before addressing the spirits before her.

"You two know each other?" she asked, a soft smile growing on her face. Jack draped an arm across Emory's shoulders.

"Emory Eve is my best friend in the entire world," he said dramatically.

"You wish," Emory retorted, shoving him off of her, though she couldn't contain the grin that spread across her features.

"Oh, how you wound me," Jack held his hands at his heart, looking away solemnly. He smirked quickly after, elbowing Emory lightly in the side before facing Amora. "I just came here to tell you that Bunny is ready for your weapons training. I'll show you where he is." He pushed open the glass doors, and walked into the ballroom. Before Amora could follow him, her mind, body, and vision clouded over. All she could see was white, but she could feel coldness all around her. She heard two voices laughing together. She could make out two very blurry figures playing together in what appeared to be snow.

The vision soon dissipated, and she looked at Emory, a knowing feeling entering her chest. She smiled softly at the spirit, who gave her a questioning, almost defensive look.

"What?" Emory asked. Amora shrugged, smirking lightly.


Again, thank you so much for reading! As you can tell, there is a different love interest for Jack than what I assumed you were guessing. Amora may or may not get a different love interest.

*Note for readers: I will be posting a link in my bio to my OC Emory Eve's outfit! Check it out! Again, let me know what you think of her!