The Yondaime's Legacy

Chapter 33: The Bloodline Rebellion

"And with that, I officially welcome you to the Ansatsu Senjutsu Tokushu Butai (Special Assassination and Tactical Squad). Enjoy your time here."

Naruto found his locker and placed the items inside it, apart from the bracer and kote which he strapped on.

"Here's a scroll containing jutsu you need to learn as an ANBU," said Yamato, handing him said scroll. "Thanks, I'll read it later," Naruto replied as he took it.

They were interrupted when there was a knock on the door.

"Naruto-san, you're being summoned to the Hokage's Office as a jonin," one of the ANBU relayed. Naruto nodded and teleported back home.

After keeping the scroll in his library, he grabbed his red cloak and put it on before flashing to the Hokage's Office door.

Hokage's Office

Naruto knocked politely and entered. "You called for me, Hokage-sama?" In the room, there were three foreigners - one female and two males.

The female had pale skin, green eyes and long, auburn hair. One of the males was short and thin, had blue hair and wore spectacles. Strapped to his back was the Hiramekarei, one of the famous swords of the Seven Swordsmen of Kirigakure.

The other male was tall, had blue hair and a black patch covering his right eye. He wore earrings which had talismans hanging from them.

Naruto's eyes narrowed. It was the "Kekkaifu: Gansoko (Barrier Talisman: Armoured Eye)", a barrier ninjutsu designed to protect one's eyes from external threats. Guessing from the patch, there was a dojutsu hidden under it like Kakashi.

Tsunade introduced, "This is Terumi Mei of Kirigakure. She is the rebellion leader against Yagura's bloodline purge and has requested assistance from us. With her are Chojuro, the guy with Hiramekarei, and Ao, the man with the black patch."

Ao growled under his breath at being introduced in such a manner. Well, he supposed, it was his most defining characteristic.

"This is an S-rank mission as you'll be working to free Kirigakure from Yagura's tyranny. He is a Kage-level jinchuuriki so having you on the team will be necessary," Tsunade briefed, "Mei-san will give you more information on the way. As it is urgent, it is best to leave right away. Pack for a week long mission, my suggestion is to take the West Gate."

"Hai, Hokage-sama," Naruto replied. "Shitsurei," said the blond to the Kiri guests, excusing himself. The Uzumaki dissolved into particles of orange light.

"So he's indeed the Yondaime's son," thought Mei.

Namikaze Compound

"Naruto-kun, are you going on another mission?" Yugito asked. She was reading in the living room when Naruto appeared.

Her husband nodded. "I know we've just returned but as a jonin I guess breaks are few and far between. This time, I will be gone for a week. S-rank mission, so I can't divulge, but what I can say is that I'll be facing one of our own."

Yugito's eyes widened at the implication.

After he was done packing, Yugito walked him to the door and gave him a kiss. "Stay safe, Whiskers-kun."

"I will."

West Gate

When he arrived, the trio from Kiri were already there waiting. Mei laughed when she saw him. "When I asked Hokage-sama for help, I wasn't expecting her to send just one person. But you are Uzumaki Naruto, after all. You are a one-man army."

The jonin smirked. "Thank you Terumi-san, but you have overestimated my abilities." "I certainly hope not. Now let's go to my base," Mei ordered.

The four took off into the woods with Ao taking point because he had the Byakugan. Once they entered Mizu no Kuni territory, however, they were ambushed by loyalists.

"Look out!" Ao warned. Scouts from Kiri's Military Police burst out from the forest on both sides of the path, throwing kunais at them.

Expertly, the rebel team evaded the weapons. "Suiton: Mizurappa!" one of the scouts called. A torrent of water gushed out of his mouth and flew towards the team.

Mei flashed through hand seals and countered, "Yoton: Yokai no Jutsu (Lava Style: Lava Monster Jutsu)!" The rebel leader spat out a viscous magma-looking fluid to match the water attack.

Instantly, it brought forth a great mist which covered the area upon collision with the water jutsu. This was to the rebels' advantage as half of them had dojutsu.

A cry was heard as Ao killed one of the scouts, having found him with the Byakugan. Naruto, on the other hand, had his Sharingan activated. In the fog, dual red eyes glowed, tracing all the enemies' positions.

Now, multiple screams of anguish rang out in the low visibility environment as Naruto begun hunting them down one by one. It was terrifying for the scouts as they were all alone and split up in the mist now, not knowing when they were next.

Within three minutes, the smokescreen cleared and revealed thirty dead scouts, all killed by a wound to the neck.

Naruto dusted himself off. "Let's carry on, shall we?" the blond said before starting to walk. Shrugging, Mei followed like nothing had happened. Chojuro and Ao sweatdropped before following suit. Town In Mizu no Kuni

Mei entered a rundown shophouse and gave the shopkeeper a password. Discreetly, he opened a trapdoor behind the cashier counter which revealed a pitch-black flight of stairs leading down to a door.

Once she opened it, it revealed a huge basement lit with torches. "This is my rebel army," she introduced, gesturing to the 100 plus people in the room.

"100 only? Then again, they all have bloodlines; that is already an advantage," Naruto analysed. He smiled at them and said, "Hi! I'm Uzumaki Naruto from Konohagakure. My village has sent me to render assistance to the rebellion."

"Pfft," one of them snorted, "They only sent one man? How pathetic of a reinforcement." Mei replied, "On the contrary, Uzumaki-san is Konoha's Orange Beam."

"And what is that supposed to be?" the man questioned. "Well, would you like a duel?" offered Naruto.

The moment the man got up from the table, Naruto reappeared behind him in the blink of an eye, orange light being the last thing he saw. The man felt cold adamantine on the nape of his neck and paled, giving in.

"Alright, that's enough," Mei chided and said, "Let's begin the briefing for tomorrow's attack."


"Just call me Naruto."

"Naruto, I'm sure you know that Mizu no Kuni is a bunch of islands. The largest island is where Kirigakure is located, as well as Yagura. On two other islands nearby, are the two remaining strongholds that we have not captured due to them being powerful fortresses. Tomorrow, we'll siege the two castles and after that, we'll plan for the final siege to recapture the village. Ao will lead the operation to take down the stronghold northeast of Kirigakure while Chojuro will lead the siege against the fortress southwest of the village," Mei explained while pointing to a map.

Naruto memorised the map and said, "I'll aid Chojuro-san while Terumi-san helps Ao-san. Is that agreeable?"

The two captains nodded. Mei addressed the army, "Tomorrow, we will lay siege to the last two strongholds. Rest well for it will be a big day ahead."

The rebels cheered and dispersed, retiring to their respective bunk beds. "These men… all their hopes are on you Terumi-san."

"That I know… and please call me Mei," Mei replied.

"Alright, Mei. To a successful rebellion," he said, sticking out his hand. She grabbed it and shook it firmly.

"One question: you have more than one bloodline, don't you?" asked Naruto. Mei nodded. "Apart from the Yoton, I also have the Futton (Vapour Style)."

"Interesting," Naruto mused, "Well, good night."

"Good night."

The Next Day

Everyone woke up, refreshed and ready to start the day. While most were excited to finish the war, some were not thrilled to face the people whom they once considered comrades, family and lovers.

"Split up into two groups!" Mei ordered after a quick breakfast. After they did so, Chojuro and Naruto took one while Mei and Ao led the others.

"Issho ni ikuze!" Mei commanded. The two groups left for their respective targets.

Southwest Fortress

The huge castle was in sight once they ventured further inland on the great island. It was located atop a high hill with forests surrounding them.

Turning to the group of sixty or so men behind him, he used field signals to tell them to camouflage themselves.

The rebels nodded and took branches from the nearby trees to disguise themselves. Guerrilla warfare was something the bloodline users specialised in after all these years and as such things like these were second nature.

Slowly and stealthily, the army crept forth up the hill. Naruto whispered, "Kagura no Shingan." His sensory range was extended by several kilometres, allowing him to detect the sixteen sentries on the eight turrets of the fort - eight of them were stationary while the other eight were strolling between the turrets.

Naruto brought up a hand to bring the rebels to a halt. Without a care, he walked right up to the massive gates and all sixteen sentries were knocked out by his Mangekyo's genjutsu (like in Chapter 10).

Chojuro sweatdropped. He then observed Naruto whipping out a brush and fuinjutsu ink. The blond scrawled fuinjutsu script all over the door and formed a single hand seal.

"Kai!" The doors blasted open with a huge explosion, creating a strong tailwind which caused Naruto's hair to flutter wildly.

"What the hell what that?!" a loyalist soldier within the castle asked. It was terrifying to see a single man standing at the doorway, considering he took out the heavily fortified door with a single move.

Naruto gestured his hand forward. "Charge!" he roared. The rebels surged into the fortress, breaching all their defenses.

From Naruto's estimation, there were at least six hundred loyalists holed up in this castle. Ten to one, just great.

"Suiton: Suiryudan no Jutsu!" called one of the enemies. A dragon formed from a fountain nearby and launched itself at Naruto.

A black fan then materialised in his hand which he wielded in front of him. Flicking his wrist, he countered, "Uchihagaeshi!"

A great amount of futon chakra exploded from the fan upon contact with the dragon, causing it to be nullified while blowing the enemy soldiers away.

"What on earth is that gunbai?!" a Kiri soldier yelled out as he pulled himself out of the wall he was just thrown at by the strong gales produced by the fan. The fighting around him stopped as everyone was focused on Naruto.

Naruto flipped it around by the handle and planted it into the ground, causing a small shockwave to radiate from the impact. "This is the legendary gunbai of Uchiha Madara. It is my inheritance."

"Not if I steal it first!" cried an enemy soldier before swiping it from Naruto - but only because he allowed him to. The moment his fingers gripped the weapon, massive chakra expenditure occurred and it drained his reserves dry immediately, killing him.

"-and that, is what happens when you try to take what isn't yours," Naruto continued, collecting the weapon from the corpse.

Immediately, the men around him stepped back in fear and formed a huge circle. "Come on, there's sixty of us around one guy! Attack!" one of the commanding officers incited.

Yelling battle cries, the men charged at Naruto. Huge mistake on their part, considering they were flung back by his deadly weapon.

One of the men threw a kunai with an explosive tag attached to it at him. Easily, he caught the kunai and ripped off the explosive tag, sticking it to the one of the nearby loyalists.

Then, with great force, he returned the kunai to its owner's stomach. The tag exploded, taking out at least twenty men nearby. He spun around and ducked under a slash from a sword.

Naruto then kicked the assailant and swiped the Hakko Chakura To at him. Shunshining behind him, he slashed him once again and teleported before him. "Katon: Endan!" he intoned as he brought a hand seal to his mouth.

He kneaded chakra in his lungs, expelling it as oil which was then ignited into a concentrated blast of flames. It severely burnt the surrounding men and sent them out of the battle.

Chojuro grabbed his sword and used it to tear a loyalist into ribbons. Then gaining confidence, he stabbed through the man while skewering the other behind him.

The swordsman pulled out the sword and knocked its blade into another's face. "Chojuro-san, pull off the bandages and show them what you can do," a grinning Naruto requested.

The meek rebel nodded and ripped off Hiramekarei's bandages while amassing a huge amount of chakra. "Hiramekarei Kaiho (Hiramekarei Release)!" Chojuro invoked, causing an aura of chakra to surround the blade.

Wisps of chakra formed into a long extension, allowing him to bisect the enemies easily. Naruto continued his rampage, destroying the castles' battlements with his Susano'o. Many fell to the ethereal warrior's blade and bow as Naruto wielded them with great accuracy, taking care not to injure his own forces.

He didn't stop until every single loyalist in the castle was down. It had been a huge clash but the rebels had not suffered heavy losses, only having four injured men. Meanwhile, all the enemies were either dead or fatally injured.

Victoriously, Naruto hoisted the standard from the fort's centerpiece and toppled it, replacing it with the rebellion's flag. The rebels cheered and regrouped to return to the base.

Now that there was only Kirigakure left to invade, the rebels saw no need to hide and set up their base in an island directly in front of the village. Tomorrow, they would engage the final enemy - the Mizukage.

While they were having a celebratory lunch, there was a huge explosion near the medical tents. Fire was everywhere and the nearby shinobi had to use suiton ninjutsu to put them out.

However, when they entered the tents, they realised that all the injured were now dead. Naruto growled in anger. Obviously, Yagura knew that they were coming for him but to stoop so low as to attack the weak and defenseless? Disgusting.

The rebels swore vengeance for the death of their comrades. Naruto gave a plan: "Tomorrow, I'll lure Yagura out of the village. Once I do so you all can enter the village and eliminate the loyalist army. What do you think?"

Mei nodded. "That is a sound plan, for Yagura is a jinchuuriki and may destroy the village if he awakens while inside it."

Ao proceeded to take a map of Kirigakure and outlined the next day's movements in the village. The men took turns studying it until they were all familiar with the plan.

After that, they trained and rested for the afternoon but were on guard in case Yagura's army struck again.

The Next Day

"Fellow comrades of Kirigakure! Today, we shall finish this business which has been ongoing for too long - the bloodline purge. At the same time, we shall end Yagura's tyranny and create a better Kiri for the future generations," Mei declared.

The rebels cheered, all pumped up for their upcoming decisive battle which would determine the future of Kirigakure.


Naruto hurtled towards the village gates, bypassing the guards. The blond dashed past the shocked shinobi of the village, who though were expecting an invasion, they did not expect the vanguard to make it that far into the village. Also, one man?!

"YAGURA!" Naruto roared once the Mizukage tower came in sight. Said man looked out of the tower's window in mild surprise. No, in fact he looked like a boy.

He was quite short for a man his age, he had grey hair, purple eyes and a scar running down his left eye. Strapped to his back was a black staff with a hooked end where a green flower was. Despite his appearance, however, he was not to be underestimated for he was the Mizukage and the Sanbi jinchuuriki at that.

Yagura leapt out of the window to tackle Naruto, but phased right through him instead. Once he reached the ground, he rolled away and recovered.

Naruto materialised and turned around, fending off strikes from Yagura's staff. He then weaved under it and seized the Mizukage's collar.

A huge swirling distortion around his eye pulled Yagura and him into his dimension. Seconds later, he ejected the Sanbi jinchuuriki in a place further away from the village.

Upon exiting the dimension, he dispelled the clone he left with the rebels earlier, signalling them to start the invasion.

Naruto lunged at Yagura, who swiped at him with the staff. The blond ducked and reciprocated with the Raijin no Ken. The Mizukage blocked it with the staff and thrust forward with it.

Naruto parried the weapon, then disengaged and attempted a counterattack. Yagura shielded himself with the staff and swung it at Naruto's face. The blond stepped back and initiated another parry, stopping the staff in its track.

They slashed mercilessly at each other, however they seemed to be equal in bukijutsu. The two then leapt back and switched to ninjutsu instead.

"Doton: Doryu Taiga," Naruto uttered. The grass beneath Yagura's feet turned to a fast-flowing mud river, pushing him back.

The Mizukage stumbled back slightly, but regained stability after summoning chakra to his feet. "Doton: Doryudan!" Naruto called while flashing through hand seals. From the mud river, a dragon's head burst out and snapped its mouth wide open.

A huge white orb appeared in the dragon's mouth and from it, multiple mud bullets shot rapidly at Yagura. Naruto followed up with, "Katon: Karyudan (Fire Style: Fire Dragon Bullet)!"

He spewed a great stream of katon chakra at the bullets, igniting them into devastating fiery projectiles of mud.

Yagura raised his staff and planted it into the ground. The Mizukage countered, "Suiton: Suijinheki!" His staff emitted a huge jet of water which manifested into a wall.

The wall of water then exploded outwards, washing away the mud river. Naruto spun his sword asylums and planted it into the water, discharging electricity through it.

Raiton chakra surged through the water, reaching Yagura and electrifying him. The Mizukage bit back a curse and instead, closed his eyes.

A vile chakra presence emitted from the Sanbi jinchuuriki as a shroud of red chakra wrapped around him. A single red tail shot out from Yagura's back, signifying that he was in the one-tailed form of his tailed beast cloak.

The transformed jinchuuriki roared and took off towards Naruto at high speeds. In response, the blond's eyes bled red.

Seconds before impact, Naruto sidestepped Yagura who ended up running into a tree. The Sanbi jinchuuriki ran up the tree instead and flipped backwards, landing to face Naruto who was a thirty metres away.

A purple orb manifested in front of its mouth. Instantly recognising it, Naruto slammed both his hands onto the floor just in time as Yagura released the Bijuu Dama at him.

"Kuchiyose: Gojuu Rashomon!" Five locked gates with menacing demonic faces rose from the floor to intercept the Tailed Beast Bomb sailing towards him.

The first gate took it head-on and was blasted apart. At the second gate, the Bijuu Dama's power was decreased as was its speed. By the fourth gate, the pressure was dispersed and the last gate altered its trajectory, sending the weakened Tailed Beast Ball flying a safe distance away.

In the background, a small explosion could be heard. Yagura growled upon realising that his attack had failed; in fury, he lunged at Naruto, clearing all the gates in a single leap.

The blond shot out his hand in front of him as his eyes morphed into the divine Rinnegan. They gave off a regal purple glow as Naruto intoned, "Shinra Tensei."

A powerful, invisible force ripped out in a radius around the Rinnegan wielder and repelled Yagura, causing him to crash into a tree.

Naruto's eyes widened now that they detected something he did not notice before without his dojutsu: Yagura's chakra flow was irregular; in other words, he was under a genjutsu.

The blond cursed and held up his hand. "Bansho Tenin!" he yelled, causing an invisible force to pull the transformed jinchuuriki towards Naruto.

The Uzumaki caught the Mizukage by the neck and restrained him. "Genjutsu: Rinnegan," Naruto whispered. The image of the glowing Rinnegan bore deep into Yagura's mind, stunning him and overriding the current genjutsu which had him.

"Kai," Naruto uttered and dropped Yagura onto the floor. He was now back in human form and opened his eyes. A look of shock crossed his eyes as he noticed Naruto's headband.

"Who are you? Why am I here?" the Mizukage questioned, getting into a dignified position suited for one of his status. Naruto sighed. "It's just as I thought, you were under a genjutsu the whole time."

"What in the world are you talking about? What's going on in my village?" Yagura asked, confused when he heard sounds of battle going on in the village.

Naruto briefly explained the Kiri Civil War, it's cause, and why Yagura was seemingly tyrannical in the first place. "I'm afraid a man with an orange mask has cast a genjutsu on you. His name is Uchiha Madara, and he is one of the Akatsuki. My guess is that he has been manipulating you all this while simply to weaken Kirigakure by losing bloodlines, or it may just have been an elaborate scheme to isolate you from the others and then capture you as you were too high-profile of a target to capture when you had the full support of your village."

Yagura nodded, but still felt ashamed of what he had done despite being under genjutsu at the time.

"Now please listen to me, Mizukage-sama. I am a jinchuuriki as well, and I am aware that the Akatsuki is a very dangerous organisation full of S-rank nukenins out for the people of our kind. We must band together and protect ourselves. So, will you join me? I intend to start an international organisation exclusive to the jinchuuriki so that we can find shelter when needed and hone our skills to work with our bijuu. What do you say?"

He replied, "Alright, I'm fine with your plan. How do we keep in contact though?" In response, Naruto handed him a Hiraishin kunai. "When they are after you, throw this to the ground. I'll be there."

Yagura nodded. "Thank you, Uzumaki Naruto. I look forward to working with you but I'll be stepping down as Mizukage. I'm not fit for it after what I've done."

Naruto sighed. "I understand. I'll relay your sentiments to the rebels and the loyalists as well as expose the truth. You may not ever be a Kage again, but you'll still be a guardian of Kiri with Isobu by your side and a force to reckon with at that."

"Ok, it's settled then." The Sanbi jinchuuriki shook his hand. "I look forward to working with you."

Naruto went back to the village to stop the fighting. He revealed everything and got everyone to listen to the truth and pardon Yagura for his bloodline purge.

Some rebels still held grudges against Yagura but these were quelled when the man himself said he would step down. They elected Mei as the new leader.

By the next day, she was inaugurated. Mei proposed an alliance between Kiri and Konoha for helping her with the rebellion. She made Naruto the ambassador for Konoha in Kiri and also signed a trade agreement making the Burning Leaf a trading unit of Kirigakure.

With that, Naruto headed home, mission accomplished. When he returned, Tsunade was pleased with the results of the mission and signed the alliance. She gave him a mission break of three months so that he could establish his organisation for the jinchuuriki.

First, Naruto drew up plans to construct the headquarters. It was to be located behind the Hokage Monument, built into the mountain itself for secrecy.

Meanwhile, he planned to garner the support of the other jinchuuriki. Gaara, Yugito and Yagura were already supportive of his cause and possessed Hiraishin kunais in the event of an Akatsuki.

Since the Ichibi, Nibi and Sanbi as well as their jinchuurikis were already included in the organisation, the next logical option was to search for the Yonbi jinchuuriki.

According to sources, he was an Iwagakure shinobi by the name of Roshi. His partner was, conveniently but not coincidentally, Han, the Gobi jinchuuriki.

For reasons reported by Itachi and Narumi, the jinchuuriki were kidnapped in order of the number of tails. This was because the more tails a jinchuuriki's bijuu has, the longer it takes to seal. The duration is increased further when a bijuu is skipped and the order is compromised.

So logically, they would be after Yugito next. He warned Yugito and set up powerful barrier seals around the house. All it took was one kunai and Naruto would arrive back home to save the day.

Meanwhile, he would be outside in search of the other jinchuurikis over the course of three months. While travelling, he read the ANBU jutsu scroll given by Yamato.

D Rank

Name: Yokai (Ghost) Type: Ninjutsu Rank: D Requirement: -NIL-
Description: The most important aspect of an ANBU is stealth and the ability to assassinate and with this silence is the key to a successful mission. This jutsu effectively creates the most essential ability for all ANBU simply by lacing the clothing of an individual with chakra the clothing emits no noise from flapping, be it from wind or movements. After the first chakra coating this takes a D-rank amount of chakra to maintain.

C Rank

Name: Meisenko (Bright Flash) Type: Ninjutsu Rank: C Requirements: A bladed weapon Description: This technique requires no hand seals. The user swings or thrusts their sword, and by forcing chakra into their blade activate a special property in the metal that ANBU learn about. The light created as such is controlled, creating a rather wide beam of light, generally in the direction of the target. The light has a somewhat higher intensity then a flash bomb, allowing it to blind a target, though past mid-range its power drops drastically.

B Rank

Name: Shin no Makigari (True Hunt) Type: Ninjutsu Rank: B Requirements: Some form of Shunshin, something to track by (e.g. foot prints, scent, etc.) Description: This is similar to the Shunshin no Jutsu, except that the user will follow the path of the target, enabling the user to catch up to the perpetrator in mere seconds. Once a clear characteristic traceable as evidence of the target is obtained the user performs this technique to flicker towards his location. This technique will stop around 100 meters from the actual location of the target, or on the nearest same surface near it, making it harder to ambush ANBU using this.

Name: Kanashibari no Jutsu (Body Bind Jutsu) Type: Genjutsu/Kinjutsu Rank: B Requirements: -NIL-
Description: A technique where the ninja focuses chakra into their eyes and glares down their opponent and causes their opponent to become completely frozen in their tracks as it feels like their mind is forced from their body. This is a perfect technique for escaping a dire situation, or for stalling a target in an assassination. Note that if any hostile attack is even directed in the direction of the frozen individual the jutsu is immidiately broken and the target is able to move once again.

Name: Kokuchi no Jutsu (Announcement Jutsu)
Type: Ninjutsu Rank: B Requirements: -NIL-
Description: This technique allows the user to project their voice using either chakra or a special seal. This has a wide enough radius to allow the user to project their voice far enough for an entire village to hear. This is used by ANBU to announce evacuations and other important village business during emergencies and times of crisis. This ability doesn't require the use of hand seals. This technique cannot be used in combat.

Name: Joho (Information) Type: Ninjutsu Rank: B Requirements: A pair of kunai Description: A pair of kunai forms in the user's hands that, once the opponent uses a ninjutsu, these kunai will home in on the chakra, and fly at it with a rapid rate, changing directions as necessary to ensure a 100% hit rate. After striking the jutsu, they dispel into a dark mist, doing no harm, even if the jutsu was one reinforcing a person. Rather, the user will receive from the mist information on the jutsu's chakra consumption rate, duration, pure power, element, speed, and what it does, enabling them to develop a counter against it. After the two kunai are used up, the user needs to use the jutsu once again to be able to gather information on more jutsu.

Name: Okami Yobidashi no Jutsu (Wolf Calling Jutsu)
Type: Jikukan Ninjutsu Rank: B Requirements: Kuchiyose no Jutsu Description: The ANBU are renowned hunters and are feared throughout. It is said that the ANBU are never alone and travel around like a fierce wolf pack that hunts down their target relentlessly. This jutsu is the embodiment of that ideal, created using similar principles of other summoning jutsus. It appears like a normal summoning (but doesn't stop them from using an actual contract), but pulls all members of an ANBU squad to the exact location of the summoner from where ever they were. This can only be used on someone that is willing (thus preventing the the event of pulling someone from the toilet) and when "dispelled" or told to go back, this sends them back to where they were before this occurred.

Name: Jinsei Tate (Life Shield) Type: Ninjutsu Rank: B Requirements: -NIL-
Description: The ANBU appoches and envelopes his target in need of protection with his arms and forms a short series of handseals. As a result, a sturdy invisible shield of chakra is erected in front of them to protect them from attack, this blocks all jutsu of C-rank and below and all B-rank weapons and below. This can only be used to defend others and cannot be used on oneself; it also has a constant B-rank chakra drain as it is maintained.

Name: Ido Kekkai (Teleportation Barrier) Type: Kekkai Ninjutsu Rank: B Requirements: -NIL-
Description: After the user performs the technique, a seal will begin to be drawn using their chakra on the ground, in a circular shape, around 50 meters in radius with the user at the center. Once the jutsu is done, the seal will remain until the user cancels the technique, loses consciousness, or is killed. During that time, a person will be unable to leave or enter the seal while using chakra or stamina. This disables both the user and anyone else caught inside, from leaving through methods such as shunshin, or other jutsu designed for running away. This technique goes both underground and into the sky as well, in a spherical fashion. This jutsu simply requires a B-rank attack to burst through.

Name: Shikaku Tsuito no Jutsu (Visual Tracking Jutsu) Type: Ninjutsu Rank: B Requirements: Picture of target Description: The user looks at a picture of the target, while performing the jutsu, and creates hawks made out of a pure black mist. These hawks will then soar through the skies, scanning the ground for the target. Their eyes are highly resistant to chakra, making them unable to see any jutsu. However, in turn, they are able to see through henge or other jutsu-based techniques to hide one's face. Moving at a rapid rate, these birds can cover a rather wide area, as they are able to last for over a day once created. Once a bird sights the target, they will return to the user to inform them of the location before heading out to scan once more. The number of birds created at once is limited only by the user's chakra. Like basic clones, a simple hit makes them disperse into black mist. The number of birds is based on the user's rank: 2 for a D-rank shinobi, 4 for a C-rank, 8 for a B-rank and so on, with each number being twice the previous one.

Name: Shitai Konzetsu no Jutsu (Corpse Extermination Jutsu) Type: Ninjutsu Rank: B Requirements: A corpse Description: This is the skill ANBU use to eradicate corpses, for various reasons like containing important secrets. As such it allows the user to maintain their village's or other village's secrets even if the worst should happen and a shinobi of the village dies. This technique is considered a basic to ANBU and is considered a necessity to any good ANBU's jutsu list.

Name: Jibun Konzetsu no Jutsu (Self Eradication Jutsu) Type: Ninjutsu/Kinjutsu Rank: B Requirements: -NIL-
Description: Upon achieving the special ANBU rank, each individual is taught this technique and swears that at the time of his death, he will use it to decompose his own body to prevent it from being linked to the village or robbed of its secrets. An intense aura of blue energy coats the user at execution before he completely vanishes. All ANBU are supposed to have this jutsu.

Name: Jigyakko no Jutsu (Time Regression Jutsu) Type: Genjutsu Rank: B Requirements: -NIL- Description: This technique puts the target in a state of reverse hypnosis, allowing them to remember details that they otherwise would not. The target will comply with interrogation, but seems to retain his or her personality while under hypnosis, the intended target usually must be restrained as to prevent any sort of resistance from the target if he or she does not wish to be under the technique.

Name: Joho Gado (Information Guard)
Type: Ninjutsu Rank: B Requirements: -NIL-
Description: This jutsu places mental barriers on any piece of information an ANBU knows along with shutting their mind off from the world around them giving them the ability to bypass mental detection and other such tools. It takes more time the higher the protection they want to place. More chakra means more protection, and the less likely that anyone would be able to use information gathering techniques like the black ops use. It can also be placed on somebody else to help them protect secrets.

A Rank

Name: Heki Seishin no Jutsu (Mind Piercing Jutsu) Type: Ninjutsu Rank: A Requirements: Permission given and must be taught by an ANBU captain Description: The ANBU forms several seals and places their hand on the head of the mind they wish to interrogate. This allows full access to the memories of the person they are interrogating but it is very dangerous to gain all of the memories since it may cause the ANBU to have several different personas in one body, not to mention the strain that could form on his brain. This is a long process that usually takes practice before the ANBU can do it efficiently.

Name: Koken Nohara (Guardian Field) Type: Kekkai Ninjutsu Rank: A Requirements: Ido Kekkai, at least 4 people. Description: This technique is the same as the Teleportation Barrier in the way it works, in addition to the ability of locating any passage of the barrier in or out. However, this seal is dependent on all users rather than just one or two, and they are able to cover a much larger area with it making the area now 200 meters of protection, the only restraint being their chakra levels. ANBU spread across shinobi villages and cover important areas with this technique as soon as a village realizes that they are under attack. It takes an S rank attack or greater to burst the barrier, however the users will be stationary while within.

Name: Chakura Kaori (Chakra Scent) Type: Ninjutsu Rank: A Requirements: Must be an ANBU Description: Generally used at the scene of a crime, the user's chakra forms into a black dog. This dog is able to sniff out the various chakra scents somewhere, so long as the chakra was last used less then a day ago, separating them based on both user and element used. Once a chakra scent is detected, the dog will be capable of tracking the scent so long as they don't fall at least a day behind the target. This dog is able to last for a day, and is destroyed by one hit. As it takes the dog a few minutes to actually pick up a scent, it is useless in battle.

Name: Kuchiyose: Shimeisha (Summoning: Messenger) Type: Jikukan Ninjutsu Rank: A Requirements: Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Does not require a contract or count against summon limit) Description:This is a summoning technique that most ANBU learn, and every squad will mostly have one who uses it. The user chooses one of many contact scrolls and signs it, linking himself by blood with a certain species of animals to summon. This animal is then summoned in many situations to act as a messenger between ANBU, the village and each other. Most common shape of such summoning is birds.

Name: Kioku Shokyo no Jutsu (Memory Erasing Jutsu)
Type: Ninjutsu/Kinjutsu Rank: A Requirements: -NIL-
Description: This jutsu is forbidden due to the darker nature of this ability. The user after restraining or incapacitating the target can place their right hand upon the forehead of the target. On their hand in Kanji is "Forget". Doing this, they can forcibly erase all memories at once or choose to systematically destroy specific memories. This is used often to help someone forget things that "they shouldn't have seen." They can erase from one minute to 24 hours of memory at any point, and combined with the Memory Reprogram Jutsu, they can replace the memories with memories which they design, of course if the placed memory is illogical the victim can chose to not believe them so it is often replaced with a realistic memory.

Name: Memory Reprogram Jutsu (Kioku Kakikae no Jutsu)
Type: Ninjutsu Rank: A Requirements: -NIL-
Description: This jutsu has a very basic purpose. While the right hand is to forget the left is to "Remember". By placing their left hand on the user's head and will replace erased memories with whatever they see fit. These memories must be described by the user and explained to the victim. If they sound too implausible the victim can reject them on a later date.

S Rank

Name: Eien (Eternity) Type: Kekkai Ninjutsu Rank: S Requirements: Koken Nohara (Guardian Field), at least 4 users Description: This technique is the same as the Guardian Field. However, now it is able to stop Any jutsu below S-rank from entering or exiting the barrier and S-rank kinjutsu cracks it down the middle, weakening it to the power of Koken Nohara unless chakra is reflowed by all or one of the members. It cracks but is not destroyed, making it effective for protecting important buildings. The chakra taken to repair it is equal to the chakra used to crack it. However, due to the severe increase in chakra demand, the area this technique can cover is much smaller then before, 50 meters at max.

Name: Temporal Mind Stasis (Ichiji Takeni Taitei)
Type: Ninjutsu/Kinjutsu Rank: A Description: A strange and unique jutsu that requires no hand seals. The user of it can chose to temporarily erase and replace their memories or consciousness (two very different effects). If the user chooses the first they can try and deceive a memory invasion technique. This is often perceived as an invisible door in the mind of the user when invaded, and only the most powerful memory affecting jutsu can bypass this wall. The other effect drives the users consciousness entirely away, leaving them a mindless machine. Their eyes will lose their pupils and become a solid color and they will focus in on something generally. Being able to give themselves a single order they become an effective killing machine. The user can no longer feel pain, be affected by genjutsu, and becomes an effective killing machine.

Once Naruto finished the scroll, he burnt it into ashes to protect the information. His eidetic memory would serve as a copy.

Suddenly, he felt a pull of chakra far away. Someone had thrown down one of his Hiraishin kunais. "No please, let it not be her…" he prayed silently as he worked backwards and found the source of the marker. He bit back a curse.

Konoha. Yugito was in danger.

Author's Notes: And that's a wrap! I'm sorry that this chapter was long overdue; I was busy working on my other story, Asura's Transmigrant. If you haven't, please check it out! Oh and by the way, I don't own any of the ANBU jutsus, they belong to their respective owners. Rate and review!

Until tomorrow,
Ja Ne