A/N It is just coming into winter in my part of the world. I guess the early frost is getting to me. I have a plan to continue this and wont leave it too long. Kindly review if this is your thing. Looking forward to updates of my fav stories too.

Winter arrives in a flurry of ice and snow. It catches everyone unawares, not least the meteorologist who had, until the first flakes drifted down, been predicting a relatively mild and uneventful winter.

As the snow falls, as it gathers and deepens Liz makes her way to the rural home Red has, in his wisdom, selected to ride out the inclement weather. Before leaving the house she grabs her emergency box. Be prepared was Sam's motto, not just the Boy Scouts. The habit didn't exactly rub off on her; it was more like it seeped in through osmosis. Without conscious thought she always plans for even the most unlikely scenarios.

The closer she gets to Red the more perilous her journey becomes. She knows the key to success is slow and steady, avoiding tyre spin and any loss of traction but time is against her; if she's to drop the file with him and have any hope of making it back then she'll need to be quick.

She parks and takes only the file with her; despite how quickly she traversed the distance from her car to the front door she still receives a generous dusting of snow. Red opens the door and laughs when he sees her. Liz self consciously combs her fingers through her hair, thrown slightly by his reaction. Standing aside he invites her in to the warm entry way. She turns to address him and finds he's unexpectedly stepped closer, right into her personal space. With an affectionate but slightly incredulous smile he uses his fingertips to brush a stray snowflake from the edge of her eyebrow. His hand lingers long enough for her to feel his heat; coupled with the intimacy of the gesture it stops them both. For a moment their eyes meet, each lost for words.

"Forgive me" Red finally manages as he steps away from her.

Liz gathers herself; she needs to play it like what just happened didn't happen. He laughed at her having snow in her hair, one can only imagine how amused he'd be if she falters in reaction to his contact.

"The file Red" she says offering him the paperwork he simply could not wait for. They'd offered him a digital copy but when he began to wax lyrically about the feel of physical evidence, she knew she'd be quicker hand delivering the papers.

"Come" he says stepping further inside the house. "Lizzie you simply must see the gilded library. I haven't seen anything so ostentatious since my last trip to Europe. If I'm about to be snowbound I feel it ought to be in frivolous splendour".

Liz rolls her eyes, he's in a particularly verbose mood today and she really doesn't have the time or the patience. On he leads and reluctantly she follows. "Red, I really don't have time for this. The driveway was almost impassable on the way in; I've got to make a move".

They enter what is undeniably the most ridiculously decorated room she's ever stepped foot in. Not only is it not in keeping with the rest of the house but it's sickeningly elaborate. She can see immediately why Red is drawn to it. She takes a moment to drink it in, he wants her to see this - to appreciate or to be appalled - who can really tell. Then she places the file on the centre table.

"I have to go" she says as she retraces her footsteps back towards the door. Red doesn't speak but he follows her out. Even when Liz opens the door and is confronted by the bright, stark reality of the heavy snow fall he holds his tongue. She's stuck; she's going to have to stay. But it will be so much easier if she thinks it's her decision.

"Damn it Red" she mutters.

"Really Lizzie. I could rightfully be blamed for a few unfortunate mishaps in your life but unfavourable weather is not one" he says feigning innocence.

It only serves to increase Liz's suspicion. She glances again out of the door. This is as close to white out conditions as she's seen. There is no going back, not now, now tonight. She thinks about leaving and then relents with a shallow nod of her head; even the omnipotent Raymond Reddington is unable to control the weather.

"Excellent" Red says looking all too pleased with himself. "I was about to pour a drink but perhaps you could do with something warming, soup or tea?" He asks as he again ventures into the house.

In the kitchen he moves around with comfortable ease. Liz sits in a chair praying to every divine power that this period of imprisonment is short lived.

"Lizzie, do you have a go bag in your car?" Red asks cheerfully.


"Wonderful. I'll have Dembe bring it in when conditions ease. Not that I have any objection to loaning you something of mine. I imagine one of my dress shirts would hit you mid thigh..."

"RED" Liz stops him before he can elaborate any further but Red just laughs and she finds she can't hold on to her ire for long.

Unsurprisingly Red turns out to be a considerate host. As the day progresses he's attentive without being over bearing. She finds as darkness settles that she wants for nothing. Outside, unnoticed by either of them, the flurries have eased. All the same it is a deep and dense blanket of snow. Predictably it causes some power problems and before long they are suddenly plunged into darkness.

"Red" she says sounding mildly impatient.

"Besides the wonderful library this house has many other notable advantages Lizzie. Not least its backup generator; I'm certain Dembe has already sprung into action."

Liz feels appeased by Red's reassurance and returns her focus to the wine he poured her shortly before the power went out.

Red passes the time adding logs to the open fire, counteracting any loss of warmth from the heating system. They are silent for several minutes until Dembe joins them.

"Raymond" Dembe says as he draws close to Red. Liz can make out the odd word but Dembe is so softly spoken that the short distance and the crackle of the fire disguise his words. Red speaks briefly and then Dembe leaves.

"There seems to be a slight flaw in my plan to restore the power." Red explains while Liz just looks on sceptically.

"The generator is in an outbuilding attached to the house but it can only be accessed from outside. According to Dembe there is a substantial snow drift blocking the door. He's willing to dig it out but I've insisted he wait till morning. I've asked him to retrieve your bag; he's putting it in the master suite. There's a log fire in that room too so you'll be warm enough." Red explains.

They are comfortable enough in the warmth and light of the fire so they sit on until the wine is finished. When she yawns, Red laughs and offers to show her to the bedroom.

The room is luxuriously decorated but compared to the library it's modestly luxuriant. Her bag and box are already there. Red frowns and gives her an inquisitive stare, internally wondering what the box contains.

"For emergencies" she offers before retrieving her bag and making her way to the bathroom. She leaves the door open, the well stoked fire is the only light and she needs to navigate the unknown room.

"Do you have any matches in this emergency weapon cache of yours Lizzie?" Red asks in a mocking tone.

"Yes" she calls for the bathroom ignoring the jibe, "Help yourself". Liz can hear him moving, leaving the room and returning. She can hear him remove things from the box, rifling through its contents. As she moves around she notices a gentle increase in the light level. Red's obviously found the matches and some candles in the house.

She takes her time, using the lukewarm water to wash and remove her makeup, before quickly changing clothes and venturing back out towards Red.

She stops in her tracks when she sees Red, with a highly amused look on his face, holding the box of condoms from her box that she'd forgotten about.

"A little presumptuous aren't we Lizzie?" Red says, clearly intent in enjoying every moment of her discomfort. There is an moment of extended silence while she tries to stare him down. He is unfazed so she tries another tactic.

"That's an economy pack Red; designed for more than one man and one night. If I were you I'd be worried about my stamina" she says hoping to bluff her way out of this embarrassing situation. Red needn't know that the condoms were Tom's not so helpful addition to her emergency box.

For the second time today Red draws very close. He stops when their bodies are barely touching, dipping his head to whisper directly into her ear, "I can assure you that stamina won't be a problem Elizabeth".

The intensity of their earlier connection returns and Liz is instantly breathless again. The smell of him, his dark rich scent, the heat from his body, his warm breath on her skin all combined to create a heady, irresistible mix. She knows in that second that if he was to make a move that she wouldn't deny him. And as if sensing her willingness Red moves his head and captures her lips with his own.

What could have been an innocent kiss, or at least what started as an innocent enough kiss, quickly intensifies. The moment they touch it's like someone lights the touch paper. If they knew what they were doing they'd both run for cover; instead they get swept up in a whirlwind of passion, progressing from kissing to removing each other's clothes quicker than either will remember.

It's Red who regains his senses first. People misconstrue his assertiveness, his brass balls, as bad manners but there are some social conventions he is very particular about. One such 'rule' is only making love to people who are willing, able and with more wherewithal than himself. He fears Lizzie might be lacking in the last category due to their moderate state of inebriation.

Liz senses his hesitation and pulls back, "don't" she prompts as she continues to pull at his tie, battle with his shirt buttons.

"I feel duty bound Lizzie" he responds in a low, distracted tone.

"Don't" Liz says again.

"You might not always think the best of me Lizzie but I'm not some fly by night philanderer." Red says slipping his hand into her hair and using his hold to still her movements. He meets her eyes, there's passion there; she can see it. But there is also honesty and maybe the hint of something else, she can't be certain but it might be doubt.

"Okay" she breathes; this moment between them has all the depth and truth she's always sought from him. He is giving something to her, not physically but emotionally. It means something, more than she knows at that point, more than she will be willing to acknowledge for weeks.

"Not just tonight" he tells her leaning in to kiss her again.

"Yes" she manages before she's swept up by him again. In the candle light, in the dimming light from the burning embers of the fire Red undresses her. He is tender, exploring her body, gently caressing her. Red touches, he tastes, he savours. Liz cannot contain her enjoyment just as he cannot contain his enthusiasm.

It's more than sounds; there are whispered words, promises, vows for the future, for subsequent occasions like this and other moments he tells her they will share. Persuasively he entreats her and she all too willingly agrees. She revels in his attention, why wouldn't she want to experience this again. Why wouldn't she seek him out? Not when he's so considerate. Not when he's so divine. He wants her. He wants to give her everything she wants. And he has the means to do this. He's acquired it through his life, the life that is so contrary to hers; so distinct. The life that she is ordinarily so opposed to. These thoughts are unconscious, until they are not. In the depths of his passion, as Red reveals to her all he has felt since they met, he doesn't feel the first promise as it's broken.

'Just tonight' she thinks.