My Legs Crumple At The Sight Of You

A.N: This was inspired by me…I can't ride a bike. Nor can I jog but that's besides the point. If I can't have a happy ending, I can at least give one to these two. But so what if I can't ride a bike? I can churn out two new chapters (after a year's hiatus but eh).

As always, read, review and enjoy!

Summary: Wally cannot ride a bike...this may prove disastrous for his first date.

Disclaimer: I don't own it.


Wally is a bona fide track star. He's got the fastest time than anyone else on the team and people marvel over his balance and poise as he hurtles over obstacles and crosses the finish line.

Unfortunately, the same can not be said when he's put on a bicycle. His legs don't know what to do and his impeccable grace and balance go out the window.

Wally's resigned himself to the fact that perhaps he's never going to be able to ride a bike and he's okay with that. He's confident he can just run anywhere he needs to go.

This plan ends up going out the window when he shows up for his first date with new kid Dick Grayson and finds the boy near two shining bicycles.

Upon inquiring, Dick explains that since he hasn't seen much of downtown Happy Harbor since moving from Gotham, they could use the bikes to get in some sightseeing and stop at some of the many diners for lunch.

Dick's got such a bright eager expression on his face that Wally doesn't even have the heart to say no.

So it's with a thumping heart that he swings his leg over the bright red bike and bids goodbye to the start of a beautiful relationship.

Wally sees from his peripheral how Dick effortlessly glides forward with a smile on his face and he takes a deep breath and pushes forward on the pedal.

He has three glorious seconds of movement before his world tips and he finds himself on the sidewalk, his leg trapped under the bike.


"Oh my god Wally! Are you okay? What happened?"

Dick's abandoned his own bicycle and is running for Wally; concern written all over his Romanian features.

Wally pushes the bike off him and sits up on the sidewalk, wincing at the red scrape his arm now sports. He offers Dick a weak smile as he comes close and crouches down.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just a scrape- I'll live. My pride on the other hand is crumbling."

Dick looks understandably confused and Wally sighs. With his neck as red as his hair, he mumbles out, "I can't ride a bike."

He knew the laughter was coming for sure but he doesn't expect it to sting so much. His friends have laughed and they've attempted to teach him (and failed) but even then it didn't hurt like this.

Maybe it's because this is Dick who he's talking to.

The same Dick who he's been friends with for close to a month now and who makes his palms sweat and heart race like no race has ever done. The same Dick who's made him realize that maybe it's okay to like both girls and guys. The same Dick who blushed red as a tomato and pressed a soft kiss to Wally's cheek when he first asked the brunette on a date.

Maybe it's all that that makes the laughter hurt and Wally stands up in a huff, his neck and ears burning, ready to leave.

He doesn't get far. He barely takes two steps past the shorter boy when there's a hand on his sleeve and then a pair of soft lips on his own. Wally makes a muffled noise in surprise but recollects himself quickly. His arms wind around the slim waist and hikes the younger boy up on his toes, using the better angle to deepen the kiss.

When they finally break apart, Wally's got the confused look and Dick has a sweet smile on his face.

He strokes Wally's cheek with his thumb, "So you can't ride a bike. Who cares? You can jog besides me while I ride. Sound good?"

Wally can just nod and when Dick gives him a brilliant smile, he bends down and kisses him again.

Yeah he can't ride a bike but who cares? He's got a boyfriend who likes him despite that and that's all that matters.


A.N: Reviews are love!