Me. For who knows how long.

Three headcanons this time. Enjoy!


[Headcanon: Hogwarts knows to provide the Muggleborn students with some comforts of home. It's HOW she provides it that's the odd bit.]

{I AM AWARE THAT ELECTRONICS DON'T WORK AT HOGWARTS. Please don't spam the comments.}


Carrie had never seen anything like it.

The Pure-Blood young woman watched in bemused puzzlement as a group of Muggleborns from all houses dashed down the corridor, holding various metal objects in their hands. She recognized a few of them as computers, but otherwise she was completely confused.

"What's going on?" she asked her friend Wendy. The Half-Blood barely looked up from her Ancient Runes essay and shrugged.

"Wifi signal moved," she said, and returned to writing.

Carrie watched the Muggleborn pack vanish around the corner. After a while, she shook her head, frowned, and looked back down at her own essay. The incident quickly vanished from her mind.


[Headcanon: Muggleborns don't take kindly to being called Mudbloods. Sometimes all it takes to get back at the party in question is a little song and dance.]

Eric elbowed Quentin beside him, laughing at something the other boy had said. Quentin grinned and nudged him back equally hard.

They continued to jostle each other as they made their way down the dungeon corridor towards Potions. A few of their classmates rolled their eyes as they passed by, but generally ignored the two.

That was, until Quentin nudged Eric right into the path of a Pure-Blood, on his way out of Potions, probably.

"Hey!" he yelled angrily, as Eric quickly straightened and took a few steps to the side. "Watch where you're walking, mudblood!"

The entire corridor fell quiet. Whispers ran down the corridor, waiting to see their response.

Eric stared at the Pure-Blood, a slow, evil smile spreading across his face. He abruptly held his hand up to his face, licked his palm, and wiped it on the Pure-Blood boy's cheek.

"Ew!" the boy yelled angrily, wiping it off. "Why'd you do-"

Stomp. Stomp. Clap.

Quentin's eyes grew wide.

"Got mud on your face, you big disgrace, somebody better put you back into your place," Eric sang, grinning ear to ear as he repeated the pattern- stomp stomp clap. Stomp stomp clap.

It wasn't just him now, either. Quentin joined in immediately, followed by several other Muggleborns and Half-Bloods. A large variety of young teens were now repeating the pattern, over and over again, slowly circling around the Pureblood. He was looking steadily more and more terrified.

"What's all this commotion about?"

Professor Cecil stood in the doorway to the Potions classroom, a confused look on his face. The chant quickly puttered out, and they stood there, looking slightly guilty. He just sighed as the Pure-Blood made his escape. "Come in. Potions is about to begin."

The Muggleborns sheepishly filed into the classroom. Eric and Quentin exchanged grins and made their way to their seats.


[Headcanon: (one of my faves) Sometimes home lives aren't the best, among all blood types. Some people take their freedom and run with it.]

Really, the whole thing started with Caroline Warner, a 6th year student who lost her parents during the school year to a car crash. She was left with no family and no place to go, so, naturally, she started to look for a house.

"A what?" her friend asked when Caroline first asked her. "What would you want with a house?"

So Caroline explained how she wanted to find a house to live in instead of end up in an uncomfortable orphanage or with friends of the family for the summer. The friend shook her head at the end of it, declared her crazy, and walked away.

But Marcus Rhodes, a 5th year, was listening, and after she left he slid over and introduced himself. After talking for a few minutes, it came out that he, too, had no parents and his legal guardian, his grandmother, had passed away a few weeks ago due to cancer. He had no place to stay, and he was willing to chip in some money from his inheritance for a house to stay at while he finished school.

Between the two of them, Caroline and Marcus managed enough to rent a small flat for the summer of their 6th and 5th years, respectively. Money was tight and they barely scraped by on the second payment, but they made it- just barely.

The next year, news of their little escapade over the summer caught the attention of Lori Hunter and Benjamin Garrison. Lori, it was well known, came from Bad Shit back at home, and was one of the toughest 3rd years Hogwarts had ever seen. Benjamin spoke little and listened more; the general consensus was that he lived with relatives not so accepting of magic, though no one knew for sure. Together, the 3rd years approached Caroline and asked if it would be ok for them to pitch in the next summer and help pay rent on a flat.

By the end of the school year, they had another student in on it- Thomas Griffith, a boy in Marcus' year, who was bold as brass and hiding a home life that was less than ideal. The four let him in, no questions asked, and together they rented a different flat for that summer.

Caroline graduated that year, and found herself a real job. She also found herself a flat, though she made it clear that it was open to everyone who needed a summer home. At first, it was the repeats. Then Benjamin brought home a first year the summer of his 5th year with the news that she'd just been left on Platform 9 ¾ with no guardian to pick her up. Therefore, Delia joined their little group. The next year they dragged in three other kids who had no parents either by circumstance or by choice. It kept growing and growing until there were at least 10 to 12 kids living during the summer in Caroline's- and now Marcus'- apartment.

Finally Caroline threw up her hands and dug into her pockets. All the kids pitched in, and together they bought a proper house. It wasn't very big, but magic could do wonders, and they got by. Some kids shared a room; sometimes there were kids sleeping on the living room floor. They managed, though, even when it got up to 25 kids a summer.

And in the middle of it all, Caroline Warner and Marcus Rhodes just smiled at each other.