Hey there guys! So I wrote a JackRabbit thing and it's pretty much done. There might be some better smut at the end but that's really only if I can manage to write it out and then get the confidence to post it online.

Here is a new thing because there just isn't enough of my OTP for DC period. This is a Barry Allen and Bruce Wayne fic, and thats how it's going to be. You don't like it stop reading now, there is a warning, so it's not my fault.

Eventually there will be smut, but there needs to be some decent relationship build up first.

Soooooo let the games begin!

Chapter 1: There's Something Off About the Speedster

Bruce wouldn't say he particularly liked anyone in the League better than anyone else. He considered them all equals, in certain ways, and he put up with countless migraine inducing arguments. Yet it bothered him so much that Barry was quiet at the meeting.

The speedster sat back and didn't say a peep. His mouth was shut and more often than not was looking off, his blue eyes somewhere else than their current talk about changing strategy. It would have been perfectly fine, really, if maybe he had been eating something that stunk the room up to make up for his silence. That was the same level of annoying anyway, but it wasn't happening. Barry Allen was troubled, and Bruce had a feeling it had nothing to do with the League in any way.

Why this bothered him he didn't know. It seemed like the ideal situation, no mindless chatter, playful jokes that got very old very fast, or even that mind numbing noise he made while eating. Maybe it was that the blue eyes that would light up and make the meetings a little more bearable were dull, and focused on something unhappy. His light and airy aura was gone, and there was nothing to replace it with. Even Oliver seemed to notice something was wrong with his best friend, the archer giving the speedster a questioning look.

As Bruce had to listen to Wonder Woman drone on about the need for a more aggressive image, he chose to come up with a list of reasons why Barry might be down in the first place.

They ran out of his favorite ice cream on his way here.

Wally decided he didn't want to talk to Barry because training was too hard/boring.

Barry ran out of Wally's favorite foods making the younger speedster upset

Iris was mad at him

Iris was REALLY mad at him

Something happened with Iris

Something happened TO Iris

A few he found rather ridiculous and so he tossed them away, but the others he focused in on. If it was anything, Bruce would bet it was Iris. Something had happened, and whatever it was had to have been big, to get Barry Allen so distracted away from making little jokes at what was being discussed at the meeting.

As it came to a close, the heros lifted themselves about and began to mingle for a little while before teleporting out of the Watchtower. Bruce stood and thought over going to talk to Barry, but he knew he had a meeting waiting for him and that Oliver would take care of anything that may be wrong with the speedster.

What surprised Bruce was when Barry refused to talk with Oliver, and instead shook his head before speeding off to the teleporter, it singing out the usual "The Flash" and then he was gone.

Oli stood with a dumbfounded look after the man, scratching his head in a confused manner.

Bruce sighed and shook his head, deciding it would be best to walk over and check on the troubled speedster. "Arrow, what seems to be the problem?" He asked in the usual voice.

"Well I dunno! He just shook his head and said 'We aren't ready to make it public' and then ran off!" Green Arrow responded with irritation in his voice.

Bruce narrowed his eyes a little "has he talked about Iris at all lately?"

"No he hasn't! Lately all its been is a hey or a goodbye, Wally says he's been really silent during any patrols or anything." Oliver responded, and then looked at Bruce. "You don't think he and Iris...?" He trailed off.

"I have a sneaking suspicion that they are not recovering from this gap." Bruce frowned a little deeper than usual. He then said goodbye to Oliver and continued to be teleported to get to his meeting.


So that was the first chapter! I can't guarantee how often it'll be updated but I will try and be faithful. There really isn't enough of this stuff.

So what's goin on huh? I bet you all know :3