Pink Lingerie

Lady Nefertiti

Summary: "Miko this Sesshomaru thought he told you to take everything off. What is this manner of dress you wear?" he asked holding her close to him and started undoing her sash **Think Pink Challenge**

Chapter 3: Enlighten


Sango wasn't about to let this go as she stared at the pair in the darkness, eyes narrowed, but perhaps she'd question Kagome tomorrow-Kagome seemed a bit out of it. She was dying to ask right now though. Kagome was limping dammit! And Sesshomaru's arms were basically wrapped about her…. and here she thought he'd more than happily melt her rather than touch her. Sheesh. What was this world coming to? She wanted to drag Kagome away for some 'girl talk' but it didn't look like now was a good time. Everyone looked like they needed sleep.

Definitely needed to cover this up, at least from the houshi—his hentai radar picked up anything and everything perverted. It was actually odd come to think of it.

Everyone stumbled their way back to camp, half were sleep-walking; no one really wanted to walk around in the dead of night to search. It was Inuyasha who awoke everyone rudely because no one had even noticed Kagome's disappearance. If she left she was always careful with her bows and arrows and never went far….so no one was really worried.

As habit, Inuyasha picked Kikyo up and jumped into a tree, about to fall asleep-happy that he had found his shard-detector. Sango didn't fail to notice Sesshomaru against a tree, Kagome lying close by. Perhaps tomorrow would be the day for answers she wanted, no would demand from her friend Kagome. She settled opposite the fire, away from the houshi and next to Shippo.

While falling asleep her last thought was of Kagome and how adorable her pups would be, had her mate really been Sesshomaru…..


Sango yawned and stretched to see a sight she was sure she was either dreaming or had accidentally died and this was a nightmare. Sesshomaru was asking Kagome if she was okay and they were staring into each other's eyes. Romantic yes but… really? She was sure Sesshomaru would never hurt Kagome, emotionally too like Inuyasha did….it was his honor and he was a ruler and had subjects and…. wait what was she thinking?! They weren't together or anything. She hardly saw wedding bells here.

"Morning everyone." Sango said making her "awake-ness" presence known. She smiled inwardly as she basically saw Kagome and Sesshomaru pull apart.

"San…Sango! You're ahh awake are you?" Kagome said suddenly turning to look at her like she'd been caught. Sesshomaru sure knew how to mess with her mind. Damn him and his sexy eyes.

"Hmm…" Sango said ignoring Miroku's cheery expression. He always had this look that said 'I know what you've been up to'. It was annoying really. "….perhaps a walk towards the spring Kagome? Something I've been wishing to talk to you about." Kagome nodded knowing Sango had already put two and two together.

They talked for a while…well it took a while for Sango to get used to Kagome's explanation and what had happened the night before. They walked back to camp, Kagome announced she was going home. She didn't tell anyone that she had thrown up while speaking to Sango though….

-Present time- (Kagome's room)

She paced. She had to think about what the hell to do about this! Only her friend Sango noticed Kagome's strange behavior but didn't say anything only covered for Kagome.

Kagome now sitting on her bed looked up at the clock bleary-eyed wondering what to do now. Surely Sesshomaru was going to return soon demanding to know where his mate….yes his mate went. Also her friends would start to worry about her. She jumped up at the sound of a knock on her door. Inuyasha? She didn't want to see him and hell he might break down her door if she disagreed to open it.

"Kagome honey? Is everything okay? Did you and Inuyasha have words again? I thought I heard you crying?" her mother called from outside. She always worried about her girl. Kagome should be going out with friends on weekends or calling a boyfriend (if she had one), or laughing and joking about a girl who dressed ridiculously in school. Planning a party or being invited to one.

But here she was always worried about this 'duty' that was placed upon her, an insulting half-demon that only sought to annoy her or run off with an incarnation, demons and wars, miko's and magic….things that only appeared in storybooks now. She seemed more distant now. She sighed laying her head against the door.

Kagome stared at the door and tried to wipe away her tears. Good it was only her mom. Clearing her throat hoping it didn't sound sad or defeated she stood up and said, "Yeah mom. I'm fine. Hold on I'll get the door." She hurriedly went to open the door but then stopped as she grabbed her shirt and pulled it back on.

Didn't want her mother to see the mark until Kagome decided to do something about it. Her mother! What would she think if Kagome told her that she and he and they did err… stuff? Great that sounded totally lame. Her mother would be furious! Livid! Her teenage pure/miko daughter defiled by a demon?! and who cared if he was of high status? Also her mother would think she'd never see Kagome again because she would have to stay in the palace as Lady of the west.

"Kagome honey? Are you going to open the door or not?" her mother called. Something had to be terribly wrong for Kagome to ignore her.

Now Kagome really didn't want to still…sighing loudly she unlocked the door and opened the door to reveal her mother looking concerned. "Come in mom." Kagome said walking back into her room and motioned her to sit on the bed. She had to tell her. She couldn't just disappear one day and leave her mother to wonder the rest of her life as to what happened to her daughter in the feudal era. Whether she was dead or alive amongst other things.

Her mother sat down and saw Kagome pacing. "Kagome…Dearest." She said. Kagome's shirt was on backwards, her hair in disarray, looked like she had been crying? hmmm…

"Mom…" Kagome said and went to her sitting down next to her whispered "I have to tell you something. Please don't be angry! Promise?"

"Kagome! You know I would never be angry at you." she said patting her head. Kagome wasn't so sure but decided to be brave and hope for the best. This wasn't some sort of 'well my boyfriend dumped me and I need a hug' or one of those 'my best friend hates me' sort of problem.

"I…well you see it's just that…" Kagome gulped staring at the ground now. Biting her lip she continued "….Inuyasha well he mated Kikyo and I found out by his brother, I told you about him…the full demon. Inuyasha promised he'd be my mate and forget about Kikyo, she's un-dead I told you that too right? Well he mated behind my back and…." Kagome stopped when her mother hugged her tight. Her mother probably thought that was all there was to Kagome's story.

"Oh honey I'm so sorry…" she started. Her poor daughter! Hurting because of that hanyou. Kagome always covered for him—but now perhaps she could come home after the jewel was completed?

"that's not it." Here came the difficult part. "I accidentally well mated uhh…that is...err…slept with Sesshomaru and we well he's more than a friend I guess… to me. " Kagome started closing her eyes and gulped not knowing how that came out of her.

"Mated? Meaning you're married in a certain sort of way?" she asked her daughter slowly. Kagome nodded opening her eyes. "….And you regret it? Did he hurt you?" she asked firmly. Kagome shook her head no. She pulled her shirt to the side to show her mom the mark.

To say she was shocked was an understatement. It was a mating mark from a demon. She knew this because Kagome's grandpa always had history stories to tell. So the mark was from a demon who was of high status and a demon lord? Hmm…Why would Kagome think that she would be angry at her? If her daughter was happy in this relationship then it was okay with her. She was just glad that Inuyasha wasn't her mate…

"I see." Her mom said looking at the mark critically now. Silvery in color. Light in color but noticeable all the same. To people from the future it might look like a tattoo or maybe a hickey... but to people from the feudal era it spoke volumes. Normally a mark that color meant it was from a demon of high status/class….as grandpa said from one of his history books. Shaking her head now Kagome's mother wondering if all of his tales were true. After all, he did mention the Shikon-no-tama and her daughter was wearing that around her neck as proof.

Kagome knew it. Her mother was furious. She was never going to let her go back to the feudal era. She would never see her tachi or her son Shippo again. She would never see Sesshomaru again. Would he be heartbroken? would he be furious? Thinking she ran away from him because she was scared of how it happened?

"I am okay Kagome. I…if you are happy then I will be too." She said. It would be hard to get used to. She might not see her daughter that much anymore, but her daughter's happiness was important too. "…but you must promise to visit me often." She said sternly. She would not have Kagome disappear on her.

Kagome smiled "Oh mama!" and hugged her sighing with happiness. It was what she needed. Her mother's approval.

"So honey what are we going to do now?" her mother said looking at her then at the mark. Kagome would now have responsibilities, she had a demon son and a human daughter and a husband….well her 'mate'.

"I think maybe I should eat something then go back to the feudal era. Sesshomaru would've returned with Rin by now. She went to go see about Miko training. Found out that she has miko potential. She's more than excited that she's going to be 'just like her mama'. Kagome smiled softly as she thought about Rin's happy and proud face. Jaken afraid that he'd certainly get purified since he had a Miko as the lady of the west and her child also a Miko.

"…oh honey I forgot to ask. You're not pregnant are you? Surely the feudal era never heard of protection." Her mother asked kindly laughing at Kagome's tomato red face.

"No mama. I don't think I'm pregnant." Kagome said still red in the face. Leave it to her mama to embarrass her. Automatically having sex meant you must be pregnant. She sighed as she stood up saying she had to go to the feudal era to meet up with him and Rin and that she'd be back.

"Fine." She said and stood up saying something about lunch. "…go and greet your mate then come back home for lunch and bring him, Rin and Shippo if you can." She said and walked out the door. Kagome nodded and followed her mother.

-Bone-eaters well-

He paced as he waited for his mate. He had been told she had gone home. It made him uncomfortable as he peered into the dark depths. Had something happened she would be stuck in the future, unable to come to him. Suddenly a blue light flashed and Kagome's sakura scent reached him.

"Mate?" he said.

"Sesshomaru!" Kagome said waving up at him from the bottom of the well. He jumped down, picked her up and jumped out of the well; putting her on the ground next to him. Would save her the climb up the vines anyway.

Hnn she was fully clothed today. "This Sesshomaru wishes to tear off your clothes and to take you as I please my mate…" Sesshomaru said which made Kagome smile and she hugged him tight. Talk about being open about your feelings...anyway,

"So what color lingerie are you wearing today my mate?" he asked licking her neck, his mark affectionately. She giggled and Inuyasha's face came onto view who started yelling at them.

"You are telling this Sesshomaru to take his hands off his mate? The lady of the west? Who is expecting? My very first pure-blooded pup?" he asked his little brother in an amused manner. Even Kagome had a tiny shocked smile on her face.


Lady Nefertiti: This was the last chapter. Although I wrote this about two years ago I am considering adding a few more chapters to make it seem more complete. Anyway, Please read and review! thanks!