A/N: Hello hello my lovelies! So, I've finished my first fanfic (Senseless), and decided to start on another. I was attempting to go to sleep, but that resulted in an epic fail, as I was thinking up new story lines. I had read elsewhere about someone having come up with Blind!Maka fic, and I thought "Dude, somebody should do Deaf!Soul!"

I'm relatively sure it already exists somewhere, but I've not yet found it, so I'm doin' it :p

This first chapter is incredibly short, but it is meant as more of a lead in without being a prologue. We'll see how far I get in the next few days :) Enjoy!

Maka Albarn hurriedly power walked down the sidewalk, cursing every few feet as she tripped in the absolutely ludicrous high heels she had chosen to wear for the day. She was late. Oh fuck she was so goddamn late! Kid was going to murder her. Murder her right in the face. Shit! She was making the white rabbit look punctual.

The day had not been off to a promising start. Her alarm had failed to go off which meant she barely had time to shower, there had been no time for breakfast, and, most heinous of all, no time for coffee. This had forced her to stop off at a local chain where they (un)miraculously managed to screw up her order. One wouldn't think it would be so hard to fill the request of black coffee to go, but apparently such simplicity escaped the "baristas" (a laughable title, she thought).

Kid had wanted to see her at 8 AM sharp. He couldn't see her at ten, even though it was an even number (he had pointed out that "even" and "symmetrical" were not the same thing), and nine was absolutely out of the question. He'd nearly fainted at the mere suggestion. Him and his damn need for symmetry.

And of course, when she thought things could not possibly get worse, they did. Maka suddenly found herself sprawled out on the cold cement and someone in front of her was shrieking like a maniac. She dazedly looked up and her eyes widened as she struggled to her feet. Dancing in front of her like a lunatic was a white haired man, wildly tugging his formerly white Radiohead t-shirt away from his chest. A skull shaped ear bud dangled limply on one side of his head, having been popped from his ear, and music blared from it angrily.

"Oh, Death! I am so sorry!" she cried out, pathetically pulling a couple of tissues from her purse to try and dab at the lunatic's shirt.

He was having none of it and shoved her hands away rudely, attempting to push his ear bud back into its rightful spot.

"Hey! Come on, I'm just trying to help! It was an accident!"

He continued to ignore her, his hands digging in his pockets, seemingly searching for something.

Maka reached out and tapped him roughly on the shoulder, forcing him to look up at her. She was mildly startled to see striking red eyes instead of a "normal" color, but she pushed down her surprise and scowled at him.

"What the hell?!" she growled at him. "I'm trying to apologize to you! What are you, deaf?" she crossed her arms and snorted derisively.

The crimson eyed man blinked at her momentarily before a wicked grin crossed his face and he held up a rectangular card that simply read in bold block letters: YES

Son of a bitch.

Maka gasped and covered her mouth with both her hands, eyes flicking back and forth from the card in his hand to the smirk on his face. The laughter was evident in his eyes. She felt herself turning crimson and swore that her flush matched the color of his ruby gaze.

She didn't bother attempting to say anything further as she scurried away from the scene of the crime.