Yo! This KR Super-Fan here! As promised I have made the Super Sentai fiction that I made! It took a while and this is the first time making one by myself. Also it was Brave Kids idea that made me make this. Now enough talk and enjoy the show!

I do not own Evangelion or Super Sentai.

A 4-year old Shinji cried and cried. His mother was gone and his father just left him behind. What had he done to deserve such treatment? Simple he didn't it was because his father abandoned him though he did not know why, as he was crying he heard an explosion, being a very curious child he went to see what it was.

As soon as got there he see's a man in some sort of red suit and a helmet with some sort of visor. The man was fighting some sort of black robots with silver heads, with only guns and martial arts while he was holding them. Shinji was amazed with the mans fighting style with just his guns.

He was just shooting, punching, and kicking. He was so amazed that he failed to notice someone coming from behind. Just as the man was shooting the robots he heard a scream and looked to see Shinji being held hostage by a monster that resembled a chameleon.

"Let him go!" The man in red said but the chameleon laughed.

"If you let me go." The chameleon said before he felt something touching his head.

"You are accused for bombing multiple buildings and now for taking a child as a hostage." A voice said the robot looked to see 4 other people in the same outfit as the red man, but they each have blue, green, yellow and pink.

Shinji was amazed to see four other people like the red guy. The chameleon let Shinji go and he ran to safety. Then the red in red took out some sort of black and white walkie talkie with the letters SPD. The walkie talkie opened revealing two screens top and bottom.

"Judgement Time!" The red man announced as a red X at top and a blue circle on bottom it was going back and forth with the blinking until it stopped on X.

"Delete approved!" The other four announced. The red man combined his two guns into one then blasted the chameleon to smithereens. The red man then threw his two guns into the air which is making them go back to their holsters.

"With this, this case is complete!" The red man said, he and his team then looked to see Shinji and it's a relief that he's still safe and unharmed. Their outfits disappeared revealing five people.

They were wearing black uniforms the three guys were wearing a black uniforms with a badge that has some sort of dog on it and their uniforms have three different linings on them red, blue and green. While two girls were wearing a female version of the guys. Their linings were yellow and pink. The red man approached Shinji.

"Hey are you okay?" The red guy asked in concern and Shinji nodded. The man smiled.

"Thank goodness." The man said in relief. That was then his team approached.

"Ban we should get going." The blue man said to the red person who is called Ban.

"Alright Houji." Ban said to the blue guy called Houji. That was when the yellow girl approached Shinji and took off her glove.

"What are you doing Jasmine?" The green man asked curiously.

"I'm gonna read his mind to see where he lives Sen-chan." The girl known as Jasmine said to the guy called Sen-chan. Jasmine then held Shinji's hand, which made him wonder what she was doing, Jasmine then read Shinji's mind and what she saw was a purple robot, his mother and she see's his father abandoning him while ignoring his son.

Jasmine then let go of Shinji's hand with a shocked face, but then it was replaced with pure hate and disgust. Her team noticed it.

"What's wrong?" Ban asked. Jasmine looked at the team.

"His father just dumped him on the streets after his mother died." Jasmine said which made the team have one reaction…

"Eh!?" The team yelled in shock. After hearing it Shinji cried again. The girl in pink can not stand seeing Shinji cry, so she tries to cheer him up.

"Hey don't cry." The girl said to him kindly which Shinji listen, took a few seconds but now he's not crying.

"I'm Umeko, what's your name?" The pink girl now Umeko asked kindly. Shinji looked up to the team.

"I'm Shinji." He said in a shy tone. That was when Houji spoke up.

"What should we do with him?" He asked his team, they can't return him to his home his father abandoned him and his mothers dead. That was when Ban spoke up.

"Would you like to come with us?" Ban asked Shinji.

(13 years later.)

After Ban took Shinji in, he has obtained long hair and he learned many things over the years. The robots were called called Mechanoids and there are three types of them. Anaroids, Batsuroids, and Igaroids. The team Ban was on works for a police force called SPD, Space Police Dekaranger. This police force make sure that all aliens abide by intergalactic law.

To Shinji it's like all the laws earth has. The classification given to aliens who committed crimes are called Space Criminals Alienizer, they get their weapons and Mechanoids off the black market of space whenever they needed some help. There are even times when they use giant robots called Kaijuki's.

Right now he was on his way to Earth because he was assigned to the new branch on earth as he was driving he went down memory lane on how he graduated from the SPD academy early.

(2 years ago)

Shinji is currently in the new state of the art training room, where he was fighting dummy Anaroids left and right. Thanks to the training he did with Ban, he learned how to do Juu Kun Dou. Two dummy Anaroids were about was about to shoot him but Shinji heard them and shot them. As he was fighting he's unaware that a guy was watching him. A dummy Igaroid was going to attack him but Shinji parried the attack and shot him.

Shinji then threw his guns up in the air making them go back to their holsters. He heard some clapping and looked to see a humanoid bird, he's was wearing a SPD badge meaning he's a commander.

"Why hello young man." The commander greeted calmly with a smile.

"Hey commander…" Shinji started but he didn't knew his name. The commander then got the message.

"Phoenix. Commander Phoenix." The bird as Phoenix introduced himself while offering his hand.

"Nice to meet Commander Phoenix, my name is Shinji Ikari." Shinji introduced himself while shaking Phoenix's hand.

"Pleasure to meet you to Shinji." Said Phoenix. While he was watching Shinji's fighting style, he reminded him of someone he might know.

"Tell me Shinji, who taught you that style of fighting?" Phoenix asked curiously, Shinji smiled knowing who he's talking about.

"My guardian and mentor, Banban Akaza. He's the one who taught me his Juu Kun Dou, and people call him Ban." Shinji explained which Phoenix took the info carefully. He remembers Ban pretty well, he's one of the best members of SPD. Who knew Ban had a pupil.

"Tell me Shinji, how would you like to be a Dekaranger right now?" Phoenix offered, Shinji was taken back by the offer, at the academy you have to be 19 to graduate.

"Are you serious? I would love to right now but how are you going to do that?" Shinji asked curiously but excited right now.

"Simple, my older brother is the supreme commander of SPD." Phoenix answered which surprised Shinji in a comical way.

(Present time.)

After Phoenix did a few logical reasons with the supreme commander, Shinji became a Dekaranger at a young age, and when he told Ban about it he was quite proud of him and happy for him. After all his hard work he officially became a detective. But recently Shinji just got transferred to the new SPD branch on earth. He couldn't wait to go to earth because it's where his mother died, and he wonders if it relates to the purple mecha that Jasmine told him about.

Well only one way to find out.

(Earth, Tokyo 3)

Shinji parked his giant space police car somewhere out of sight, he then took out a piece of paper out of his pocket which told him the address.

"Well time to see this Tokyo 3 branch." He said to himself before walking off to find the building. Soon he found himself at a police station which confused him really, he wonders why in the world would the new Tokyo 3 branch would be a normal looking police station.

He then entered the station and looked around to see everything was normal. A police officer noticed Shinji and the badge on him.

"Hey kid!" The officer called out to Shinji and walked up to him.

"You with SPD?" The policeman asked.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" Shinji asked, the officer gestured him to follow, they were now at a elevator. Shinji was confused on why an elevator is at a police station but he noticed a scan on it.

"Thanks for leading me hear." Shinji thanked the officer and he nodded then left. Shinji took out his SP License and placed it on the scanner then the elevator opened. He entered and it went down underground to the Tokyo 3 base, which made Shinji wonder why would the new head put the base underground.

Shinji entered the base and he was pretty amazed at the inside of the base, one of the workers approached him.

"You the new guy?" The worker asked and Shinji nodded.

"Follow me please." The worker politely said. After a while of walking they were now at the command room entrance.

"The commander is waiting for you inside." The worker said after saluting, which Shinji saluted back. He entered the command room to see no one.

"Welcome to the Tokyo 3 branch, Shinji." A very familiar voice said, Shinji saw a chair turn around facing him and on that chair was Commander Phoenix.

"Commander Phoenix!" Shinji said surprised and happy to see him.

"Long time no see Shinji, but please while you are here, call me Boss." Phoenix, now Boss said.

"I suppose you're wondering why you're here." Shinji nodded. Boss then sat on a table at the center of the room and brought a hologram of a symbol with the word NERV.

"The reason why you are here relates to the organization called NERV, we fear that it's commander along with a higher up organization called SEELE are up to something that will destroy earth." Boss explained while bringing up other holograms for the explanation. Shinji frowned at this, he really loved earth it was where his mother was born and has died.

"So what does this have to do with me?" Shinji asked if something about NERV relates to him.

"It's because the commander of NERV is Gendo Rokubungi Ikari, your father." Boss said which made Shinji frowned in hate. He remembers his father well, especially how he just left him for dead.

"I always know that someday Gendo will do crimes against the law." Shinji told Boss with a truthful look.

"You are possibly right. Anyway, your mission is to find out what Gendo and SEELE are up too." Boss said in a serious tone.

"We realized that Gendo has some 'plans' for you, but after you left earth you have been announced that you disappeared. The only way you can do to attract NERV's attention, is to act like a normal civilian. Also NERV and SEELE aren't aware of SPD's existence so you will have an advantage." Boss explained and told Shinji his plan to get NERV's attention. Shinji nodded

"Roger." Shinji said and saluted. But he wonders if this gonna take a while.

(3 days later)

"This may take longer then I thought." Shinji said to himself, he is currently in different clothing. He's wearing a navy blue sleeveless shirt, a black coat tied to his waist because of the heat, black pants and black shoes. He was walking around during the daytime and he noticed that there are no people anywhere right now, which made him wonder where they are right now.

As he was walking he stopped at a payphone and looked around to see anybody around.

"Where is everybody?" He asked himself. Shinji turned and saw a girl around his age, in what appeared to be a school uniform standing several feet away. Her skin was deathly pale and her eyes were red. Oddly enough, her hair was bright blue. Shinji wasn't sure what to make of her, but before he could ask her anything, some birds flying away captured his attention. Turning back, he saw that the strange girl was gone.

'Where in the world did she go?' Shinji thought to himself, then the ground started shaking, he looked up to see something big being attacked by VTOLS it was definitely big and it's face is white and had a long nose. Shinji recognized the structure of the thing.

'Alienizer!' Shinji thought. The jets bombarded the large greenish robot while Shinji just looked on. To his shock, the robot managed to shoot down one of the planes with some kind of energy lance in its arm. The plane itself exploded in a cross-shape formation. It hit the ground not to far away from Shinji, but he only backed away slightly to avoid shrapnel.

'That's it!' Shinji thought angrily, as he was about to get his SP License to call for his Dekaviechle, a speeding car slammed its breaks and came to a stop next to Shinji. Inside the car was a woman who was wearing a red uniform. Shinji guessed that it was military and most likely from the people who his father ordered around. She had long purple hair and despite the seriousness of the situation, she still had a kind of carefeeness in her eyes, despite wearing sun glasses

"Get in please." The NERV woman asked politely, which Shinji did and took shotgun. Once he was secured, she hit the accelerator and sped off in a hurry towards NERV, all the while Shinji kept his eyes focused forwards. As he was looking at the robot he recognized the structure on it as it was sold on the black market in space way before Second Impact. But then suddenly the car stopped and the NERV woman looked outside the window on Shinji's side with binoculars.

"Dammit an N2 mine get down!" The girl yelled, while covering Shinji from an explosion that even blew the car away. After the nuclear explosion Shinji and the girl climbed out of the car because it was standing sideways.

"Are you okay?" The girl asked while crawling out of the car. She then noticed Shinji holding something and it looked like he was pointing it at the robot.

"I'm fine." He quickly answered before putting his SP License away without her noticing.

"Give me a hand." She told Shinji which he did, the two then pushed the roof of the car for a few seconds then the car got back on its regular position.

"Thanks your pretty helpful." The girl complimented.

"Thanks, nice to meet you uh…" Shinji tried to be polite to the girl but he doesn't know her name.

"Major Misato Katsuragi." The girl Misato introduced herself while taking out her hand. "It's nice to meet you Shinji Ikari."

"Nice to meet you Major." Shinji said while shaking her hand. But he was aware that Misato would read files on him. But that would be something that Gendo would predict wrong.

"Just call me Misato." She said. Soon the duo were back on the road but on the way they had to get a new battery for the car.

While they were on the road Shinji was looking at the schematics while Misato wasn't looking. It turns out the robot is a combination between living mass and alien technology, it was strange for him and he knows that a combination like that hasn't been used for a very long time. Ah well he was gonna get to the bottom of it anyway.

"You're looking pretty quiet there." Misato said as Shinji put his SP License away into his coat without her noticing.

"I'm naturally quiet sometimes." He said to her.

"Aren't you curious on what that thing is?" Misato asked, but Shinji already knew that, but if he needed to go undercover at NERV to discover what his bastard father is up too, he'll need to act like he's never saw it before, and that means playing the very curious teenager.

"I'm all ears then." Said Shinji as he decided to play along.

"That thing you saw is called an Angel. The 3rd Angel Sachiel." Misato told him very pleased he's not that quiet.

"Angel?" He asked, but he wondered if that's the 3rd, then where's the 1st and 2nd?

"Yeah, you know Second Impact?" She asked as he nodded.

"Well it turns out that Second Impact also released the Angels that were at Antarctica." She told him, as Shinji took the information slowly in his head. It turns out, whoever found those robots called Angels must have plans to destroy Earth and whoever was gonna destroy the planet he was gonna find out. As Misato was driving, she decided to continue the conversation.

"So, I imagine it's going to be quite a surprise to see your father." Misato said.

"Not really, I never missed him one bit." Shinji said in a cold tone. Misato was taken back by it.

"Okay, bad subject." Misato said. As they were driving they were now at a view where they can see the Geofront and Misato expected Shinji to have an amazed and awed look, but instead when he looked out the window, he just made a look that it said that he seen stuff that were more awesome.

(Central Dogma)

As everyone was working on their defensive against the Angel Gendo stood up as Fuyutsuki the sub-commander looked at Gendo knowing what was next.

"Fuyutsuki handle things here," Gendo said as Fuyutsuki nodded.

When Gendo was gone the old teacher spoke. "There first meeting in 13 years after Shinji's disappearance," Fuyutsuki said as it was surprising when Section 2 located Shinji in Tokyo-3.

(With Shinji and Misato)

The tram-ride had been pleasant enough, but the escalator ride was funny to Shinji because Misato was lost. It wasn't that he was sure they passed through this section before. It wasn't even that Misato seemed to be regarding a map several times and checking her surroundings. It was the fact that she was holding it upside-down and still following it was a big tip-off.

"We're lost, are we?" He asked seriously.

"Well, that's what these mobile walkways are for," she said while behind him, not noticing the serious tone.

The elevator opened up to reveal an attractive blonde woman in a white labcoat and swimsuit. She was definitely a scientist, despite her apparent supermodel good looks.

"Oh! Hi, Ritsuko…."Misato greeted embarrassedly.

Ristsuko got on the elevator and pressed the button to the right floor.

"Misato, we are short staffed and time is limited! How is it you get lost all the time?" the scientist scolded. Ritsuko then looked to Shinji.

"Is he the Third Child?" She asked referring to Shinji, it was very surprising that he disappeared and came back to Tokyo 3.

"According to the Marduk report, yes." Misato answered.

'Third Child?' Shinji thought of the codenamed he was designated. Where there two others before him? He shook those thoughts out of his head. His first concern was to bring the pilot of the Angel Kaijuki in for questioning.

"My name is Shinji Ikari. Pleasure to meet you." He greeted to Dr. Akagi.

"Pleasure's all mine. Dr. Ritsuko Akagi. Hmmm….you do look like your father a little bit." Ristuko said to Shinji.

"His blood maybe in me, but the old fart isn't the fatherly type." Shinji said scornfully.

"Well his personality is sure different from his father." Ritsuko said observing the boy's behavior. After reading what had happened to him over a decade ago in the files he should have been a nervous wreck. But he acted like a normal teenage boy. Even if he was a bit of a smart-ass.

Soon the elevator reached its destination, and all three were walking down a corridor, with Misato and Ritsuko bickering as they walked. Shinji heard the words Unit-01, and about it activating with a slim chance. He decided to ignore it. They soon reached a room that was pitch black.

"Why is it dark in here?" Shinji asked. Suddenly the lights turned on, and before the boy was some sort of weird, monstrous looking mech. Usually people would be surprised to see a mech like that, but Shinji was an exception.

"This is the Multi-Purpose Humanoid Fighting Machine Evangelion." Ritsuko introduced to Shinji. But he just ignored her introduction to it, much to her annoyance, and he just had a little staring contest with it despite it being a mech.

"Yo. Long time no see, Evangelion-san." Shinji said surprising Ritsuko that he remembers the EVA. "And I take it Gendo was working on you huh?"

"Correct." A gruff and unfriendly voice said. Shinji looked up to see the Bastard King, Gendo Ikari from above behind a bullet proof window.

"It's been a while." Gendo said expecting Shinji to be full of fear and doubt, but to his surprise, which he hid it good, Shinji looked away to stare at the EVA, Gendo took it as an offense and defiance. Apparently whoever raised Shinji, he made him into a very strong willed boy, not the weak willed and controllable as he wanted his son to be. Gendo turned his communicator on, "Fuyutsuki, our spare is useless, bring Rei in, we're sending her out."

However what Shinji was thinking was far different then what Gendo had thought.

'Okay, why would Gendo want me to pilot a Kaijuki? And it's obviously that it was made by humans on earth, but still, why would he want me to pilot the thing that absorbed mom? Could he be planning something that wasn't on SEELE's agenda?' Shinji thought. He snapped out of his thoughts when he saw a pair of nurses and doctor wheeling an injured girl, who he recognized, into the cages on a gurney.

"Rei I want you to…" Gendo was interrupted by a cartoonish gun shot and looked to see a small hole that looked like a bullet made it, which surprised him that it was a bullet hole and the glass is supposed to be bullet proof. He looked to see where the bullet was shot, but to his surprise it was Shinji holding 2 white guns with some black on the sides. Shinji then shot both guns into the glass making a circle while scarring Gendo. He then did an impressive jump which was like 5 ft landing on the EVA's head, then did another jump which was 10 ft then did a flying kick to the glass breaking it and striking Gendo in the chest, pushing him to a wall behind him. Before Gendo even noticed it he looked to see Shinji holding one of his guns to his face.

"You really are screwed huh old man?" Shinji said in a cold tone that even Gendo was scarred of. "I don't know what mom saw in you but, from what I see, sending an injured girl to do a pilots work, if you ask me it was pretty much like threatening." He finished. Shinji was pretty much enjoying the frightened look on Gendo's face before he quickly regained his composure.

"Now listen here young man I don't have time for this, either you pilot it or else I'll…" Gendo was cut off by Shinji's other gun nearly shooting his face.

"Or else what ground me? In my opinion, a father abandoning his own son is a crime. And you abandoned me and now you want me to be your tool? Your sick, give me one good reason why I can't shoot you." Shinji said in a very cold tone which even made everyone present get scarred of him.

"I'm your father!" Gendo said panicked.

"Nice try." Shinji said in a cold tone. Gendo was scarred that Shinji was gonna kill him before he pointed the gun at Gendo's shoulder before pulling the trigger. He shot the gun making Gendo scream in pain while clutching his shoulder. "That pain is nothing compared to when you abandoned me, Rokubungi." Shinji said before leaving the high booth by jumping down to the cages.

Just as he landed; the hanger just shook due to an explosion and a few beams out of place as it started to fall down on top of Rei, Shinji just ran to Rei to save her only for Unit 01's hand to grab the beams thus saving Rei.

"The EVA just moved!" Misato called as she was shocked.

"That shouldn't be possible the Entry plug hasn't even been inserted!" Ritsuko called as Misato looked at Shinji and Rei.

Shinji just looked back at Gendo.

"Alright I'll pilot this thing. Only because I'm in a hurry." Shinji told him, which made Misato wonder what he meant.

"Ok then prepare to Launch," Ritsuko ordered as Shinji was handed A10 connecter clips before being ushered into the Entry plug.

(Scene break)

Shinji was sitting in the plug as he was waiting to be launched into battle. As he sat he could hear the techs going over the pre-launch procedures as Shinji waited to be launched.

"Beginning to flood plug," a voice came over the comm. links as Shinji eyes widen. Mainly because he wasn't wearing his deka suit to be breathing in the water.

Shinji looked at his feet as an orange substance was being flooded into the plug as Shinji was shocked.

"Are you trying to drown me?" Shinji asked as he held his breath

(Central Dogma)

"Don't worry Shinji its LCL short for Link Connecter Liquid its oxygenated and safe to breath sense it will give oxygen straight to your lungs and blood," Ritsuko said as she expected this much.

(In the entry plug)

Shinji then just lost his breath then took a deep breath then gagging a bit.

"Taste's like blood." Shinji said.

(Central Dogma)

"Stop complaining Shinji you're a man aren't you!" Misato yelled.

(With Shinji)

"I am, I was just commenting on how nasty LCL is."he pointed out. "And I do have a right to complain after all, I'm piloting a machine I never piloted before with an unknown substance."he pointed out.

(Central Dogma)

"Ok move the EVA to catapult 7," Misato said while ignoring the last part that Shinji said as they were getting to the fun part.

"Roger!" the bridge bunnies said as they began to carry out the order.

(With Unit 1)

The EVA was moved to the Launch pad labeled 7 as the intercom was telling the workers to stand clear of the launch pad. When Unit 1 and the platform it was on arrived at the launch pad doors opened above it showing that it was ready for launch.

(In Central Dogma)

"Are you sure about this Ikari?" Fuyutsuki asked as he was a bit worried.

"Of course if we don't do this then humanity has no future," Gendo said as he watched the screen. For his scenario to work he needs Shinji to lose and his son shooting him in the shoulder is another reason for him to lose.

"EVA LAUNCH!" the captain yelled before the lights signaled green.

(With Shinji)

Shinji could feel the g-force as it was like a roller coaster to him making him grin a big toothy smile.

"GO RIGHT AWAY!"he yelled out the one thing when his sempai DekaRangers is ready for anything at certain times.

(At the surface)

Lights lit up in the street saying warning lit up before the street opened like a door to reveal the Catapult and then the EVA came out as it looked ready for battle.

(Central Dogma)

"Release the final safety locks EVA away!" Misato yelled as she saw Shinji looked around the entry plug as if he was looking for something.


The Angel Kaijuki charged at Unit-1 and punched it in the face and the gut.


Shinji groaned in pain which made him think that it's a side effect from piloting the EVA and it also made him think that Gendo made it that way because he doesn't care if the pilot is in pain.

'Guess I'll defend myself until I find what I'm looking for to plug my SP License in.' Shinji thought while he blocked another attack.


The Angel Kaijuki aimed to punch Unit-1 until it blocked its attack and pushed it away. The Angel then charged again before Unit-1 charged and grabbed the Angel Kaijuki before picking it up and throwing it a few meters away.

(Central Dogma)

"Why isn't he attacking?" Misato wondered out loud while Gendo is getting angry that Shinji isn't attacking the Angel for his scenario to work.


Shinji was looking around the entry plug until he found what he was looking for… a wire to plug his SP License, which he did just now.

(Central Dogma)

"What's he doing?" Ristuko thought out loud curiously on what Shinji's holding, but she's about to get the answer when he took a deep breath.


"THIS IS THE SPACE POLICE PULL OVER!" Shinji yelled into his SP License.


To everyone's surprise the Angel Kaijuki did stop and it started to sit down on the ground and when it did the face of the mecha started shaking as if it was opening up and it did revealing a green humanoid alien called a Handle Seajin wearing a blue shirt, brown coat, red pants and black shoes.

"The space police?"the Handle Seajin asked which sounded relived. Unit-1 then sat down on the ground as well and then the entry plug ejected out of it then it opened making Shinji climbed out of it. He then jumped down to the ground safely then walked towards the Handle Seajin. Said alien carefully climbed down the Kaijuki then ran towards Shinji then stopped at his tracks when he showed the alien his SP License.

"Oh thank god!"the Handle Seajin exclaimed then hugged Shinji which surprised him.

"Get off!" Shinji said pushing the alien off."Your coming with me for questioning buddy!"the space policeman said to him while getting handcuffs and placing it on the Handle Seajin.

"Yes anything just please help me!"the alien begged before being dragged to the Neo Dekabase.

(Central Dogma)

Everyone in NERV was shocked to see that the Angel is actually a giant robot piloted by an alien and that Shinji is actually a policeman and just arrested the alien for questioning. Gendo however is pretty much angry, not only Shinji did not lose, he arrested an alien and it turns out that the Angel is can only be piloted.

"Have Section 2 follow them." He ordered the vice commander.

"Yes sir."a very surprised Fuyutsuki said. As he left Gendo had one thought.

'This isn't a part of the scenario.' Gendo thought.

(End of part 1)

I hope you enjoyed! And I promise that there will be more. And I promise that there will be a Shinji vs Alienizer. Also I decided which characters shall be Dekaranger and their colors. But that will be revealed in part 2. And i promise that Gendo will be deleted soon

Now… Bye Bye!