CHAPTER SIX: Time to Say Goodbye

They all sit down for breakfast. The kids eat quickly and are soon excused to play. Derek waits until Desiree has her mouth full before he announces nonchalantly, "Desiree touched Spencer's butt this morning."

Desiree chokes, coughing as she reaches blindly for her orange juice and takes a drink. "I was half asleep and it was five in the morning!"

"No excuse! Spencer is mine and you touched him! I won't let you forget it!" Derek growls, sounding both menacing and a little like a child who is possessive of a toy.

Cassandra grins, "So? Does it feel as nice as it looks?" She looks eager to hear Desiree's answer.

"Hey!" Derek scolds.

"What? I'm curious and pregnant! Trust me, Derek, we all want to know. The others are just too afraid to ask."

Spencer blushes. Derek narrows his eyes, looking over his much too interested family. He threatens, "None of you will ever know. Will they, Ree?"

Desiree stares at her brother, considering. She does feel bad about touching Spencer without his permission. Her eyes turn to Spencer; his cheeks are still faintly pink. "Fine, I'll keep it to myself. But not for you, for Spencer."

Spencer rewards her with a beaming smile, "Thank you, Desiree." The others attempt to hide their disappointment, some better than others.

Michael smiles at Cassandra's pouting and steers the conversation away from Spencer's posterior to sports, while Aki pulls the non-sports fans into a conversation about food. The rest of the meal passes easily.

Breakfast finished, everyone gathers their dishes to bring to the sink. Desiree is on clean up duty with Isiah. She goes to wash her hands as they are a bit sticky. She's stopped when she hears Cassandra's voice.

"Are you sure you want to do that, Des? You wouldn't dare wash the hand that touched Spencer's bum, would you?" Cassandra teases.

Spencer flushes red while the Morgan's and Takada's giggle. Derek, however, isn't smiling. He glares at Desiree's hands ferociously like he is taking great offense to the fact they have touched Spencer. Derek stalks up to his sister, his eyes flicking between her hands and the sink pointedly. He looms over her threateningly until she ducks her head and starts washing her hands. The others laugh hysterically at how ridiculous Derek is being. Desiree scrubs her hands forcefully under Derek's unflinching gaze. Isiah and Ry are laughing so hard that they have tears running down their faces. Finally satisfied, Derek relaxes and returns to Spencer's side. They only laugh harder at Derek's contented demeanor and Desiree's cowed aura. Even Spencer giggles a little at Derek near preening, while the normally feisty Desiree is unusually subdued.

Mama Morgan eventually settles the others down enough to usher them from the room. They break up, the ones staying at the Takada home stumble to their beds for a nap. The rest look for anywhere they can find to take a nap. Derek and Spencer unsurprisingly crash on the chaise lounge, their favored spot. Spencer's too tired to care about being shy, not even protesting when Derek drapes his body over his. Instead, Spencer relaxes and lets Derek's familiar weight ease him into sleep.

When Desiree and Isiah finish the dishes, Isiah goes off to his room to sleep. Desiree goes to the living room, hoping to find somewhere to pass out. She discovers Ryuu snoring on the couch and Derek sleeping practically on top of Spencer on the chaise lounge. Desiree cannot resist taking pictures; her brother is completely and shamelessly gone on Spencer. She is happy for Derek and for Spencer. Des takes a pillow and a blanket, settling into a recliner and getting some much needed rest.


After napping, Fran gathers everyone together and announces it is time to have some fun outside. The majority of them end up playing a relaxed game of touch football. Fran and Kiara start building a snowman together. Sarah deliberately waves off the invite to play with the others, giving her time to speak with Spencer alone.

"Did Derek tell you about our talk?" she asks.

Spencer looks down at Sarah before nodding. "Yes."

She states, "I owe you an apology."

"You don't—" Spencer starts to say.

"No. I do. I was rude and cruel. You didn't deserve to be treated that way and neither did Derek. I never should have thought, much less voiced a comparison between you and Buford," Sarah says sincerely.

Spencer's lips tighten at the thought of her comparing him to Carl Buford. He admits to himself that the comment hurt both Derek and him when Derek had told him later what Sarah had said.

Sarah turns toward Spencer. "I am sorry, Spencer. I ignored what I was seeing, how happy Derek was, and said something reprehensible. I was confused because what I always believed about Derek had changed and I couldn't cope. It was never about you, Spencer. It was me, all me." Sarah turns away, unable to look at Spencer. "I am ashamed of how I reacted, how I behaved. I can only hope that someday you will be able to forgive me."

Spencer reads Sarah's body language, seeing her shame and guilt clearly. "Sarah, I don't need time to forgive you. I already have." He is not the type to hold grudges and he can't leave Sarah hurting when he can easily stop it by giving her his forgiveness. Spencer realizes that Sarah never meant to hurt anyone.

Sarah twists her hands, trying to restrain her emotions from overflowing. "Really?"

Spencer smiles gently and answers, "Yes, of course."

Sarah smiles back and hugs Spencer. "Thank you." She squeezes him tightly before releasing him. "Derek is truly blessed to have someone as special as you, Spencer."

A light blush touches Spencer's cheeks. He is speechless. It surprises Spencer how much Derek's family seems to like him. He never imagined that anyone, much less Derek's family, would consider Derek the lucky one. Spencer has always been the odd one, the weird one, the too smart, too socially awkward one. Sure, his mom thinks he is a catch but everyone else, hell, anyone else? Despite his social growth, Spencer still expects others to simply see him as the awkward nerd that no one wants to date.

When Spencer shrugs his shoulders modestly, Sarah repeats it with greater emphasis. "I'm serious, Spencer. My brother is truly blessed to have someone as wonderful as you. Don't let anyone tell you differently."

Spencer gives Sarah a shy smile. "Thank you, Sarah." It means a lot to him for Derek's sister to say something like that.

"Want to make snow angels?" Sarah asks, trying to lighten the mood.

Spencer smiles and shrugs. "Sure, why not? There is a first time for everything, right?"

Sarah looks shocked. "You've never made a snow angel before?"

Spencer laughs at Sarah's near outrage. "I grew up in Vegas. Not Chicago. It doesn't snow there much and even when it does, it usually melts either before it hits the ground or immediately after."

"Well, then it is about time you made one!" Together, they find an undisturbed section of snow and fall backwards onto their backs. Spencer moves his long limbs like he's doing a jumping jack. The youthful laughter coming from Sarah sparks his own. He grins as he makes his very first snow angel.

Sarah gets up to admire her angel then pulls Spencer up. He laughs at the huge angel-like shape he made. "How about a snowman? Ever made one of those?"


"Come on, then. Today will be your day of firsts." Sarah pulls him along, finding Kiara and Fran busy with their own snowman. "Spencer's never made a snowman, Kiara. Why don't you show him how it's done?"

Kiara gaps at her hero, "Never?"

Spencer smiles and shrugs, "Where I grew up, we didn't really get snow."

Kiara enthusiastically explains how to make a snowman. Spencer smiles but listens dutifully to Kiara's instructions. He admits he enjoys the simplicity and easy camaraderie of building a snowman with Derek's niece. Kiara is easy to like and easy for Spencer to connect with.

As they are putting the finishing touches on the snowman, Spencer gasps in shock at feeling a snowball hit his back. He whirls around to see Ryuu smirking at him. A moment later, Ry is surprised himself as Sarah's snowball hits him in the chest. Within seconds, it is a free for all. Even Fran is tossing snowballs from behind the cover of the snowmen.

Spencer watches in fascination until he's hit a second time, this time by one of the twins. "Come on, Pretty Boy! Join the battle!" Derek yells as he dodges Isiah's snowball. He tosses one accurately at Desiree, shouting "That's for touching Spencer!"

Spencer laughs as Mi pelts Derek on the right side, while Cassandra peaks out from behind Michael to hit Derek on his other side. Cassie giggles from behind her protector, taunting, "Double-team!"

Spencer ducks down and forms a ball, throwing it in Miguel's direction but misses. He tries for Ryuu next and ends up clipping his shoulder. Spencer laughs at Ry's overdramatic reaction to the hit and the twins toss snowballs at their uncle, giggling like mad at Ryuu staggering back like he's been shot.

By the time the war is called off, almost everyone is covered in snow with bellies and cheeks hurting from laughter. They drudge back inside. Cassandra is the only one that isn't wet and cold as Michael acted as her large wall of protection. Everyone else is wet enough to seek a change of clothes. Ry, Desiree, Fran, Spencer, and Derek are the ones stuck without clothes but thankfully they are able to borrow some from one of the others. Desiree borrows from Mi, Fran from Sarah, Ry from Aki and Spencer and Derek borrow from Isiah.

The rest of the night passes far too quickly. They play more games. They inevitably get rowdy and Desiree is teased mercilessly about touching Spencer's butt. It is completely foreign to Spencer, nothing like his family but he finds it refreshing. The Morgan's are fun and welcoming. Tomorrow, he and Derek have to go back home and he doesn't want to leave.

Spencer cherishes every moment he's spent with Derek's family. The Morgan's welcomed him with open arms and loving hearts. They've shown him love and acceptance far beyond his expectations, despite Derek's reassurances. Spencer admits to himself he shouldn't have doubted Derek, his family is every bit as wonderful as Derek is.

His last day is one he will not soon forget. Not only was it a day of firsts: his first snow angel, first snowman, and first snowball fight, but it was full of fun, laughter, love, and bonding.


Back at Mama Morgan's house, Derek and Spencer take a moment to simply be. No words, just quiet comfort as they both remember their first Christmas with the Morgan family. Spencer lifts his head from Derek's shoulder. Their eyes meet and Spencer smiles at the love he can easily read in Derek's eyes. Derek smiles back, leaning forward to meet Spencer's lip for a tender kiss. "I love you, Derek."

He will never tire of those words. Derek has realized in his short time with Spencer that before them, he wasn't living. It was nothing more than existing. With Spencer, his life, his heart, his soul has come alive. "I love you, too, Baby Boy." Derek's heart flips at how Spencer beams when he says those words. Spencer's happiness makes him happy.

Spencer lays his head back on Derek's shoulder, his fingers stroking Derek's stomach lightly as Derek does the same to his back. "I don't want to leave," Spencer admits.

Derek laughs a little, remembering how nervous Spencer was during the flight and when they landed. He knew his family would love Spencer just as he does. Derek never doubted it for a second, even with Sarah. Spencer is irresistible; his family never stood a chance.

"I'm serious, Derek. Your family…they are more than I could have hoped for," Spencer confesses, emotion plain in his voice.

"You are easy to love, Spencer."

Spencer scoffs. Judging from his past, he is not easy to love. As a child, his peers found him too smart and weird. As a teen, he was in college and the other students were mostly either jealous of his intelligence or looked down upon him for his age. Even at the BAU, it took him a while to get the others to respect and like him. He was too young, too smart, and too physically weak. "I have never felt as instantaneously accepted and loved in my entire life," Spencer vows.

Derek hugs Spencer close.

Spencer professes quietly, "It means a lot to me."

Derek runs his fingers through Spencer's hair, "I know, Spencer." Derek knows that Spencer hasn't had the easiest of lives. He is thankful that he has been given Spencer's trust. Spencer trusts him with his happiness and Derek wants nothing more than to spend the rest of his life making Spencer happy.


The goodbyes the next morning are somehow both sad and happy. Spencer's sad to leave. Yet, it isn't for long. Ry is already planning on coming for a visit, as are Mi and Miguel.

Damien is clinging to Derek, while Darius is to Spencer, both of them whining that they are leaving. Even Kiara is begging to come for a visit. Spencer cannot resist their begging eyes, children begging to spend time with him. He'd almost believed he was cursed until Henry came along. It warms Spencer's heart to know that it isn't a fluke. Darius, Damien, and Kiara all like him too. He shocks himself as he says, "If Aki and Sarah are okay with it, the three of you could maybe stay with us for a week in the summer?"

Derek smiles at his boyfriend, a little amused at Spencer surprising himself with the offer especially since Spencer doesn't know that the kids have been spending at least a week every summer with Derek for years.

Sarah and Aki smile. "As long as you are good and promise to listen to Uncle Derek and Uncle Spencer, you can go," Aki assures.

"YAY!" The twins and Kiara jump up and down, squealing in excitement.

Derek and Spencer are hugged practically to death in the goodbyes. Spencer is a bit overwhelmed but surprisingly he isn't uncomfortable. The hugs are warm and loving just like the people giving them. His phone makes the rounds and every single person puts in their phone numbers as well as putting Spencer's in their own. No doubt they will be calling if he neglects to. Spencer also gets a sheet of paper filled with e-mail addresses as well as home addresses. It is obvious they are making sure he has no excuse not to keep in contact with them. Spencer smiles in amusement at the not so subtle hints.

Aki drives them to the airport and Spencer's phone beeps five minutes later. He checks and it is a text from Desiree. 'Enjoy your surprise when you get home!' Knowing Derek's sister as he does, Spencer is a slightly afraid of what she has in mind. "Um…Derek?"

Derek turns around in the front seat, "Hmm?"

"I just received a text from Desiree. She has a surprise waiting for us when we get home."

Aki snickers as Derek groans. Knowing Desiree, it really could be anything. He is a little afraid to find out.


The plane ride is quiet, even the disgusted look on an older couple's faces cannot spoil Derek and Spencer's good mood. They ignore them, Spencer simply continues to read while Derek plays with his hair and listens to music.

Landing, they gather their bags and find Derek's truck. The trip home is quiet and comfortable. At the door, Spencer and Derek are met by Penelope, who greets them both with a smile and a hug. Clooney is wiggling enthusiastically at their return.

"Have a good trip, my lovelies?" Penelope asks.

Derek grins, "We sure did. Didn't we, Pretty Boy?"

"Yes, we did," Spencer admits.

"Wonderful." Pen smirks, "Your sister called."

Derek's head snaps up, *Please be Sarah, please be Sarah!* "Sarah?"

Penelope's grins like the Cheshire cat. "Nope."

"Didn't I warn you not to talk to Desiree!"

Pen laughs and wiggles her fingers as a goodbye.

Spencer rubs Derek's back soothingly. "Maybe it isn't as bad you are imagining."

"Desiree and Penelope, working together, how can it not be bad?"

Spencer doesn't say anything, afraid that Derek's right. Instead, he starts to walk through the house. He doesn't notice anything until he gets to the bedroom. On the bed is a book, a photo album book. Spencer opens it gingerly and gasps at what he finds. He rushes from the room, clutching the album to his chest and searches for Derek.

Derek fears the worst when Spencer comes rushing toward him.

"Look, Derek! Look what they did!" Spencer opens the book and it is pictures of them together. The whole book is a collection of pictures from Spencer's first Christmas with the Morgan's. Spencer does not know how the others took that many pictures without them realizing. A book of memories is the perfect ending to a wonderful Christmas.

Hope you enjoyed the fluff!

At some point, I'll re-edit this story and take out the Takada family using Japanese endearments for Sarah and Aki. Once changed, they will call them simply mama and papa or something similar.

I'm hoping with finishing this story, I jumpstart my enthusiasm for Give Me Your Forever, the sequel to Spencer Will Be Mine.