Just keep running. Keep your eyes ahead and run. Never look back, don't stop. Just run.

The leaves rustled around her as she forced her way through the forest, her feet hitting the ground with loud thuds. She'd been running for most of the day, trying to get as far away as possible. She had left behind her home, the Eiffel Tower towered over the city in the distance behind her but it wasn't safe there any more. Not for her, not for anyone. Staying would be suicide but that didn't mean running wouldn't be either. She was running from the unavertable, If she was lucky, she'd find civilisation where no one had been infected yet. She'd be safe for a short time until they reached there.

Her rucksack thudded against her back as she slowed down, her chest heaving as she gasped for breath. There was only so far she could run on a diet of rice and water. She slept for a few hours before continuing on her way, covering as much ground during the day as she possibly could.

This was the first time in her entire life that she had left Paris. She had no idea where she was going. She had avoided the roads, they were too flat and it would have been easier for them to get her there. A single bite would infect her and within hours she would be one of them.

It had started with a virus created in a lab in England. Someone had managed to spill a small drop of the liquid which had gone on to infect a patient, who then bit another patient who bit a doctor and so on... so far, there was no cure other than death. She had seen many of her friends become one of them, she didn't even know who was still uninfected and who was already one of them but she hadn't stuck around to find out.

She stopped as she reached a small lake, taking the flask from her bag and filling it with water. She'd need it if she was going to cover anymore ground before nightfall. The sun was already setting and the sky was slowly starting to darken. She hadn't stopped to eat since morning but she still had some cooked rice in her bag which she could eat later. A fire would draw attention to her, if not the attention of the infected, instead an animal that would see her as prey.

The next day was much the same. She awoke at the break of dawn, surveying the area before dropping to floor from the tree with a thud. Surely by now they would have caught up with her, not being far behind her but she didn't have time to worry about. Keep running, never look back. This was her life now.

By midday she had covered a few miles which only led her deeper into the forest. There was no sign of civilisation any where close to where she was. It'd been days since she had seen another person and almost a week since she had seen someone that wasn't infected. Sometimes it felt like she was the only left and perhaps she was but she couldn't give up hope.

By the third day she was growing weary, she wanted to give in. To lie down, wait and give herself to them and for a short time she had done just that. As the sun had reached the highest point in the sky she had stopped and laid down, staring up at the sky as she listened to the birds that called out around her. How peaceful it would be to be a bird, not having to worry about being infected. Being able to simply get up one morning and fly away... as she laid there, there was only one thought that played over and over in her mind... Perhaps being one of them wouldn't be so bad.. Yes, she would loose her mind. Yes, she would bite another human and make them like her but at least she wouldn't be alone.

On the fourth day she came across the road. It led through the middle of the forest with no signposts or any signs of life, she decided to follow it. She followed it down hill, there had to be life at both ends but walking up hill would take more energy than what she had.

Her feet propelled her forward, hurtling down the hill as she ran. She ran towards civilisation, she ran towards food, towards comfort, towards hope.

It didn't take her long until she reached the village but when she did, it was silent. Doors were thrown open, windows smashed. Clothes were thrown across the floor, books discarded, cars left across the middle of the road. She felt her heart sink as she cautiously walked through the streets, looking at the empty houses. Perhaps there was no one there, but at least she might be able to stock up on supplies.

She stepped towards what was once a corner shop, pushing the door open as the bell dinged eerily to alert no one to her arrival. She walked through the shelves, glancing at the food as if she was shopping on a once normal summers day.

Sliding her bag off of her shoulder, she silently began to store the food for later. It felt like stealing, taking the food whilst no one was watching but by now the shop owner was long gone, perhaps they were dead... if she survived this she'd return, she'd pay for the food that she had taken but for now she just had to stay alive.

She froze as the door opened, the bell ringing out around her. She crouched down, hidden beneath the shelves as she listened to the footsteps that echoed around the empty shop, following by rustling. She bit her lip as she reached out, grabbing at a stale loaf of bread that sat on the shelf beside her. It wasn't much, but it was a better weapon than nothing. She held her breath and closed her eyes, listening to the footsteps as they passed by her on the other side of the shelf. She wouldn't let them turn her, she wouldn't let them bite her.

She stood up, clutching her weapon as the figure passed by the end of isle and silently, she followed them. Still holding her breath she turned, her eyes widening in shock as she watched the blonde man casually browsing the food.

She dropped the bread, her legs going weak as she fell to the floor. She wasn't alone, she wasn't the last one! But here was another human being, stood looking at the food on the shelves as if nothing was wrong!

The noise alerted the man who instantly turned, staggering back as he stared at the girl knelt on the floor a few feet away from him, leaned over the stale bread. He grabbed the walkie talkie from his pocket, hitting a button. "I've got one," he hissed into it. "There's one in here with me!"

The door flew open as footsteps hurried towards them. She didn't bother to respond, she didn't bother to look up as her body heaved as tears rolled down her cheeks. She wasn't alone.

The man frowned as he pulled out a gun, pointing it at her as the footsteps stopped behind her. "Wait," Someone called. "I don't think she's one of them."

The blonde man scoffed as he took a cautious step forward. "It's covered in blood! It's a mess. Look at it's hair! It's one of them, I'm telling you! It doesn't even speak."

She glanced up as one of the men stepped around her, pushing the glasses up the bridge of noise as he watched her. "What's your name?" He asked.

She let out a small laugh as she closed her eyes. What was her name? She could be anyone she wanted to be now, she could tell them any name and they would call her that! It was something she had craved her entire life but now, now she couldn't think of anything to say other than, "Eponine." The world was cruel and taunting. Of course only now would it provide her with the chance to be whoever she wanted to be!

The man smiled at her kindly as he stepped closer. "My names Combeferre and that's Enjolras," he informed her as he gestured towards the blonde man who watched them warily. "And behind you we have Bahorel and Feuilly."

She nodded as she sat back on her heels, staring up at the man. "I'm not alone.." She breathed.

He smiled as he shook his head. "You're very much not alone."