A/N: Alright, this is me trying to perfect my Power Ranger's story. And this will be the only one I'll be continuing beside Ranger's Initiative. I believe this is the One, it's all my ideas put together as one and it's entitled Power Rangers Beast Spirits. It will not just involve spirits of animals, but dinosaurs and mythic creatures as well. A new ancient enemy is involved, no aliens this time. Bad humans involved. I want to follow the guidelines of Super Sentai then Saban's Power Rangers. Super Sentai is more realistic in problems and stuff, like they're not afraid to show injuries and hard times and stuff. But Yeah, i think you get what I mean. Anyways, yeah, Adam Park is still in it, but I'm working in a twist. My ideas from my first story will be in it and updated to be more awesome and epic. And no teenagers, they're all young adults. A lot of mysteries if i can live up to it. I want this to be an awesome story.


Emotions. They are what control a human being, at least, that's what the Universe believes. Prayers upon Prayers is what creates and makes Gods stronger, and that is also what the Universe believes. Five thousand years ago, when civilizations began to thrive on their own, it was believed that all the good and greatness of people's hearts created the great Gods and Goddesses of the heavens, who would help their worshippers whenever they were prayed to. For a good while, things went on well and thrived in peace, but where as there is good, there is the opposite; evil. Along with evil, came hate, anger, depression, frustration, rage, insanity, and that is what created the most evil god of all.

Out of all the bad emotions in the world, they were pulled together and created an evil demon god who called himself Devonic. He was created upon the lands of the world, no one knew how it exactly happened but once he arose, he began to create his evil army, creating his demon soldiers called Demonites. He also searched the world for great warriors and turned them into his personal demon generals, and once his army was finished, he began his assault. The demon army ravaged and destroyed every city and village in their path with no shame, guilt, or regret. They conquered and Devonic ruled with an evil fist.

But the people of the world had enough after months of his evil terror and it was a small group of the world's greatest warriors to come together to defeat Devonic and his army. And soon, the final battle had begun. But it turned out that the demon army was too strong for the small army of strong warriors who were slaughtered almost instantly, and then there were only seven warriors left in the end. Devonic would face them personally to rid the world of the pathetic warriors.

The seven warriors would not give up and fought Devonic with great courage and strength but it wasn't enough, as six were soon brought down, only the leader was left. And he would fight for his last breath and he would not give up. Before Devonic would kill the leader and finish off his team, the leader prayed to the gods for power to defeat Devonic once and for all; and then it happened. Seven jewels of power descended from the heavens and into the hearts of the last seven warriors, and they were given powers like no other.

Instantly, the seven warriors were fully healed and energized into ultimate warriors. They used their new powers to strike down every demon monster that came upon them. It was Devonic who watched in horror as his army began to lose, so he retreated. And soon, the battles began. Devonic would send Demon monster after Demon monster to destroy these new powered warriors, but they were unsuccessful everytime. And soon a new final battle would begin and Devonic himself would once again face down these power warriors.

A great battle ensued between the Demon King and the Warriors who gave it their everything, but it seemed that Devonic was even more powerful than he let on before. Though that did not stop the strong warriors as they too gave it their all, even when it seemed that it wasn't enough. So, the warriors thought of the only thing they could think of, which was to send Devonic and the rest of his demon army into the underworld where they all belonged. As they fought, they warriors prayed for a portal to the underworld, to which soon appeared. The portal absorbed all the demons soldiers, and then Devonic was left, to strong to be absorbed by the portal so the warriors had to push him through with whatever strength they had left.

It was the leader who sacrificed himself and tackled Devonic into the portal. He hung onto the edge, but Devonic held onto him. He knew he had to sacrifice himself to save the world. He passed on his jewel of power to his friends and he let go and fell into the portal with Devonic. But it wasn't over, at least, that's what Devonic Prophesized.

Before the portal closed, he shouted, "This isn't over! I will come back! And in five thousand years, I will bring the end of world to this planet once and for all!"

It was after that that the world was at peace from monsters for a while, but there were always monsters appearing around the world, but where ever they appeared, warriors of great power were waiting to destroy them. But soon, he would come back, and the warriors of the Gods and their power had disappeared. It was rumored that the remaining warriors buried their Jewels deep down inside the Earth until they would be needed again.

Prologue 2: Jewels of the Gods

Five Thousand Years later...

It was pitch black dark. Suddenly, there was a large explosion of rocks blowing inward of the pitch black darkness, spreading rocks and dust everywhere, and once the dust cleared, sunlight spread throughout the place, lighting what was inside. Three men entered through the gaping hole, all dressed up like archeologists. Inside the room they had just discovered was an ancient secret room somewhere deep in the caves of Russia.

The man in the middle, who was or asian descent, entered farther into the room. At the back of the room were seven pedestals with seven open chests upon them. Inside six of the chests held different colored jewels, and the seventh chest was completely empty. Behind the jewels, on the wall, was writing in ancient language along with drawings of demons and seven warriors.

"So the legends are true," the man on the left spoke. "The boss was right Braddock. Everything he said was true."

"Of course what he said was true," the man on the right, named Braddock, said, walking towards the pedestals of jewels. "And it's thanks to Park here who found the place." Park, the asian man, had walked up to the wall behind the jewels, examining the story that was written upon it.

"Wait a minute," the other man said, walking up towards the jewels. "There are only six jewels. The boss said there were seven."

"Maybe someone came here before us," Braddock spoke, looking towards the empty chest, then glanced at Park who was still looking at the wall behind it. He looked over at his partner. "Harker, I think now is a good time."

At this, Park's ears perked up, and his slowly reached behind his back. "A good time for what?" he asked, glancing behind him.

"Adam," Harker started, reaching behind his back. Braddock did the same. "We appreciate you getting us this far, and frankly, we don't need you anymore."

Adam Park nodded, facing the two men. "Alright then. I'll just be on my way then," he said.

"Actually, we can't let you leave this place," Braddock said, and then pointed a gun at Adam. Harker did the same. "Ever."

"Yeah, boss says no loose ends," Harker added. "We gotta take you out. Can't have someone know what the boss is going to do with these jewels and the writing on that wall."

Adam nodded calmly. "Well, since you're going to kill me," he began. "Why not tell me what your boss is going to do. I mean, I can't tell anyone if I'm dead."

"Sure why not," Harker agreed while Braddock rolled his eyes. "Our boss plans to resurrect a demon from his legends to help take over the world or something like that. He's going to use these jewels and their power to control the demon. I don't know how he's going to do that. He said he needed all seven jewels, though there are only six. Apparently there were each specifically for a person or a soldier. I don't remember the story. But yeah, that's the jist of it. Our boss, the Curator, plans to use these jewels to resurrect a demon and control it for his own personal gain," he finished speaking.

"Now you know, you can die now," Braddock said, cocking his gun. "And there's nothing you can to do to stop us."

Adam smirked. "What are you smirking for?" Harker said, pointing his gun at Adam.

"Just shoot him!" Braddock hissed, and they began to shoot, and Adam quickly ran and jumped forward, and in a flash of light, he disappeared. Braddock and Harker stopped shooting, shocked that Adam had disappeared.

"Where'd the hell did he go?" Harker shouted, looking around, and turned around. "Oh..."

"What?" Braddock said, and turned around to see what Harker was seeing. There was Adam standing there, but he had changed. He had morphed into the Black Mighty Morphin Power Ranger. "You're a Power Ranger?"

"Looks that way doesn't it," Adam said, lifting up his Power Axe. "And now that I know what your boss is up to, I'm going to stop him!" And suddenly, Adam shot his axe in front of the men, blinding them with rocks and dust, as he Jumped and took the jewels of power and disappeared into thin air.

"That's...not...good," Harker coughed up, looking over at the empty chests. "Boss is going to kill us."

"I don't think so," Braddock said, holding up his hand, where a black jewel lied. "We have one jewel of power," he said with a smile.