Severus Snape strode into his potions classroom for the first lesson of the first day back to school after a long summer break. The first thing he saw other than the lesson plan he had made up earlier on the chalkboard, was a suspiciously-wrapped item on his desk. It looked somewhat like a muggle birthday present.

Having had so much trouble with pranksters the year prior, he didn't dare go near it. "You four, front and center, now!" He snapped, and the aforementioned troubled youth sheepishly began trickling out from behind his desk.

Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. Such vile children.

"What is this?" Snape demanded, flicking his wand towards the box.

"Erm… just a welcome back present, Uncle Sev'. We missed you!" Draco spoke for the group, then proceeded to give his godfather a hug. The other three, smirking conspicuously, joined him.

Snape, feeling rather smothered, demanded that they keep their distance. "Remove the box."

"Open it."

"Remove. It."

"Open. It."



The four troublemakers valiantly endeavored to match their professor's scowl, but their life-experience was far too meager to be able to attempt such an expression. Four students ended up with four very strict sentences – detention with Snape every weekend for the next month. And no sweets. Severus couldn't stand the thought of such sour children devouring such fine sweets.

The rest of the class then joined them in the classroom, and Snape began his lesson. He turned to his desk, saw the neatly-wrapped gift and scowled at it. With a flick of his wand, it was sent into an empty cupboard on the other side of the room, and promptly forgotten.

Through the entire class, Snape kept sharp eyes on the four who promised trouble. Their ersatz facial expressions of innocence mocked him.

Severus sent all the children away at the end of the lesson, surprised and pleased that nothing happened. The children had behaved themselves. They must have something big planned.

Severus sighed and sat down to begin grading the first tests of the day, noting that none of the students were any dumber than the year prior, but then again, one couldn't lose braincells they never possessed in the first place.

After a while of sitting in silence, the previously forgotten gift made itself known in Snape's memory. He sighed, contemplating what to do about it. He surely wasn't stupid enough to actually open it. Perhaps he could leave it on Dumbledore's desk and watch what happens from behind a bomb shelter?

With a sigh at the fact that he could not go through with that ridiculously devious idea, he set down his quill and moved cautiously over to where it was hidden in the empty cupboard. As soon as he opened the cupboard, he was knocked off his feet by dozens of fluffy beasts. They were… puppies.

With a scowl that nearly broke a blood vessel, Snape pulled himself to his feet and inspected the package that the dogs had chewed their way out of. He stared around in horror as the pups ran around his classroom chaotically, knocking over chairs and jumping up on things, knocking jars of ingredients to the floor when they slammed into the shelves.

Snape drew out his wand, waving it above his head. Like a mini tornado, the pups were sucked up from where they were, and with a flick and a twirl, a disgruntled Severus sent the equally disgruntled puppies back into the package, and with another flick, it was gone.

Snape growled and tugged on the bottom of his shirt, stuffing his wand back up his sleeve. They thought they could get away with murder just because Dumbledore refused to expel them? Fine then. Severus could play dirty too.

AN: EHEHEHE. So I'm open to any and all ideas for Severus to prank the students with! Remember what they did to him in 101 Ways to Annoy Severus Snape? Think of some awesome revenge pranks! Sevie will be so happy, he may even hug you for them. ^.^ Review please!