Thank you to all of you who read this story. I was happy about each review I've gotten! This is the second and last part of my short story. I'm sorry that it took me a little longer but since it's Christmas Eve, I thought that it was appropriate to publish it today. I hope that you're going to like it just as much as the last one. Please leave a review after reading, it would mean so much to me.

Merry Christmas to all of you, by the way. I hope that you're going to have wonderful holidays.

Part II – The Mistletoe

Christmas Day had arrived and Cami didn't think that she had ever seen Rebekah this excited. She had already figured that Rebekah loved festivities and that she got excited about a lot of things easily, and since she had been the one who had planned and organized this year's Christmas for her family, it wasn't surprising that she was excited about Christmas Day finally being here.

Klaus, on the other hand, seemed to be quite annoyed by his sister's holiday spirit.

Hayley, Klaus and Rebekah had spent the morning showing Hope all of the presents she had gotten while Elijah and Cami had watched. And quite frankly, she had gotten lots of presents. And even though Hope couldn't understand the concept of Christmas yet, she had seemed rather joyful when her mother had shown her another new toy which she had grabbed happily and started examining it by putting it in her mouth.

Cami still couldn't believe that she would spend Christmas with the Mikaelsons. Even though Klaus and Camille had become a couple only two months ago, she somehow would never have expected them to become something like a normal couple. Part of her had always thought that being with Klaus would eventually break her heart. That it would break her soul. Her whole being would break into a thousand little pieces and yet, Cami couldn't even make herself care. Because she cared so much about him, and about his happiness, and all she had wanted was to be with him.

Ever since she had admitted it to herself, ever since she had allowed herself to be completely in love with Klaus, she had known that she wanted to be with him.

She remembered Finn telling her that she had been half sleeping with one vampire, half being in love with another one months ago. It almost felt like it had been a lifetime ago. Cami knew, deep down inside, that even back then she had been in love with Klaus completely, though she had somehow not allowed herself to be.

She had been too afraid of the consequences of being in love with him. She had known that there was no going back from that.

And even though it wasn't always easy, being together, it somehow was. They understood each other in a way no one else had understood them ever before. She loved him for who he truly was, despite all the terrible things he had done. And sometimes, Cami thought that Klaus still couldn't believe that she truly did. That she truly loved him.

Klaus and Camille were on their way to the dining room, wanting to join Hayley, Elijah, Rebekah, Marcel, and Kol. They wanted to spend time together, to celebrate Christmas together. Before they got to the salon, however, Klaus had suddenly put his arms around her waist and pulled her against a wall.

"Hey, what are you…-" Cami started, unable to hide a smile, though he didn't even let her finish her sentence because he captured her lips in a gentle, slow kiss. She felt like she was about to melt in his arms. Their lips were moving against one another, it seemed like they were standing there for an eternity. Nothing around them seemed to matter anymore. All that mattered to them was each other.

The feeling of their lips brushing softly against one another, tasting each other's mouths, her hands buried in his hair, his arms pulled closely around her waist.

When Klaus let go of her at last, he pulled something out of the pocket of his jeans and before Cami could even say or do anything, he had already turned her around so she would face the wall. Then Klaus put something around her neck.

As she was looking down, she realized that it was a golden necklace.

"Klaus…" She turned around to face him again. He was smiling at her. "I thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to give you your present. I wanted to give it to you in private."

Camille couldn't deny that she was more than surprised. She hadn't expected Klaus to give her a present. If she had, she would have bought something for him too. Klaus seemed to realize, however, that she was worrying. The smile had left his face; he was watching her intently, gently putting a hand to her cheek before asking, "Is everything alright, love? Did I do something wrong?"

She looked up at him—now even more surprised. "No." she said, "Of course you didn't do anything wrong. You're actually much better at this… Christmas thing than I am. You're making all of this so… special and good. I didn't even think to buy you a present. You've gotten me this beautiful golden necklace and I… well, I have nothing and I don't think that's exactly fair."

He was smiling again. Klaus leaned in closer to Cami and placed a kiss on her forehead before looking at her, their faces still close to each other. "You didn't need to buy me anything. I'm just happy that you are here with me, Camille. That's all I needed from you. All I wanted from you. To be with me. I do not need anything, least of all not a present, when you have already given me the most beautiful and extraordinary part about yourself."

Cami wanted to jokingly ask him if he was talking about sex, though her breath seemed to catch in her throat when Klaus placed his hand softly upon her chest, just on the spot above her left breast where her heart was supposed to be, softly tracing the fabric of her shirt, still looking into her eyes.

For a moment, Camille almost forgot to breathe.

The most beautiful and extraordinary part about herself she had given to him was her heart. She had opened up her heart for him, something he still didn't seem to quite grasp. Something he still didn't seem to understand. She loved him—completely and wholly, without any conditions, without any hesitations. She loved him the way he was—his good as well as his bad. She loved everything about him. She was the one who had put her faith in him, who'd shown him that he was still capable of goodness and that he didn't have to destroy everything good and beautiful in his life. That he was a good enough person to win the fight against his demons, to keep those things in his life that were most important to him, which meant beauty and happiness for him.

"But it wasn't that much of a sacrifice to give it to you. I'm glad that it's with you because I know that you'll keep it safe." Camille said softly. Klaus kissed her then once more, hard and passionate, as if he wanted to express everything he was feeling for her, everything he was feeling in this very moment with just one kiss.

When he broke away from her yet again, he replied, "I think that it was much harder—giving it to me. And I'm grateful that you have done it every single day when I get to see you and spend time with you." Klaus brushed a lock of blond hair out of her face. "So don't feel bad about not having me bought anything. I do not care about these things. I'm happiest because you are with me. I have everything I never dared dreaming of."

She smiled, knowing what he was talking about. He had his family back, intact and happier than they'd been in a thousand years. He had his daughter back home with him, she was safe and loved and the most precious being in his entire world. And he had her by his side, a woman who loved and cherished and adored him. And who also gave him a piece of her mind fairly often, though both of them knew that this was one of the things Klaus loved most about her.

"You should take a closer look at the necklace—it's more than just a necklace." Klaus said then, smiling and Cami took another look at it before she realized that it wasn't just a necklace. It was a locket. It was made out of gold and when Cami took it in her hand, she realized that she could open it. It was one of those lockets where one could put a photo inside. Cami opened the locket and from the inside, two people were smiling up at her. On the right side, there was a picture of Sean and on the left, one of her uncle Kieran.

For a long moment, Cami didn't say anything. She just stared at the photos, smiling and tears filling her eyes at the same time. She took a deep breath before she closed the locket and looked back at Klaus. "It's wonderful. No, it's perfect, actually. Thank you so much, Klaus. It is the best present anyone could have given to me."

"You said that you were sad about not being able to spend Christmas with your family anymore. And I thought that this way, you have at least a reminder of your brother and uncle always with you. This way, you will always have them close to your heart."

They simply looked at each other for a long moment in silence. Klaus brushed one of the tears out of her eyes before he took her hand and they went into the dining room where his family was already seated around the long table.

"I thought that you would never come." Rebekah said at the sight of them, rolling her eyes. "The food's already starting to get cold! What have you been doing?"

Before either one of them could answer, however, Kol had already said, "Well, it's obvious, dear sister, isn't it? Nik rather spend time snogging his girlfriend instead of spending Christmas with his dear ol' family."

Cami couldn't stop herself from blushing a little, though Klaus only rolled his eyes at his younger brother. "Sod off, Kol. And don't make a scene, Rebekah—there's still plenty of time to eat."

Klaus waited until Cami had sat down before he sat down himself. "Is Hope alright?" he asked, looking at Hayley who was sitting next to Elijah. "She is. She's sleeping like a rock and we are taking turns looking at her once every hour. Seems like it was just too much excitement for her this morning when she got all those presents."

Cami watched Klaus smiling in awe. He adored his little baby girl so much. And that was just one of many reasons why she loved him. "Why, she did get a lot of presents for a small child who doesn't even grasp the concept of this holiday yet."

"You are one to talk, Niklaus—if I remember correctly, and I am rather sure that I do, then most of the presents she had gotten today had been bought by her father." Elijah said then, though he didn't mean it in a bad way. He was smiling gently and lovingly at his brother who only grinned, knowing that Elijah was right.

Camille and the Mikaelsons spent the next two hours eating and drinking wine. They've had turkey and Cami couldn't deny that this was the best food she'd ever tasted in her entire life. She didn't talk too much, she rather enjoyed listening to the siblings' bickering and rolled her eyes when Kol said that he thought that Cami's taste in men was plain awful and that he couldn't understand what she saw in his brother.

"I have one last surprise before Christmas dinner is finished." Rebekah announced then. Cami was already feeling a little sleepily from having had way too much turkey and Christmas pudding, so she looked up at Rebekah in an expression that could only be described a horror. "Please no more food."

Laughing, Rebekah shook her head. "No, not any more food. Come along, I want to show you something."

All of them went outside then. It was still snowing—it hadn't stopped snowing for days and it had stuck. New Orleanians were more than happy about their little Christmas miracle. Klaus got out of his leather jacket to put it around Camille's shoulders so she wouldn't be cold. He took her hand then and she looked up at him for a moment, smiling softly to herself.

She would never have thought that one day Klaus would just take her hand like that, without even thinking, without hesitating. That it might be so easy for him to show this kind of affection and love towards someone for him.

And that she would be the one to whom he would show that affection and love to.

When they arrived in the courtyard—all of the Christmas trees were light up and decorated now—they saw a big pile of wood right in the middle of it.

"What is this?" Cami asked, though before Rebekah could answer her question, she heard Klaus chuckling next to her. "Seems like Rebekah wants to pick up on an old Christmas tradition we have had as children. We will write our wishes down on a piece of paper and burn them in the fire."

"That sounds like a wonderful tradition."

"I thought that it was past due time that we should pick up on that tradition." Rebekah said, a beaming smile crossing her face. "And don't look at me like that, Nik—your girlfriend seems to like the idea, so don't complain and just do as you are told."

Klaus rolled his eyes, though he didn't complain when Rebekah handed him his piece of paper and pen. All of them wrote down their wishes and threw the pieces of paper into the flames. They watched as they were being consumed by the flames.

Klaus was standing next to Cami, having an arm put around her waist and pulled her closer to him. She looked up at him, smiling softly before she leaned her head against his shoulder. "This is one of the best Christmases I've ever had," she said softly. "Thank you for that, Klaus."

"Oh, don't thank me for that. It's Rebekah who organized all of this." He said, grinning. "You know that this wasn't what I was talking about." Teasingly, Cami boxed him on his chest, causing him to grin even wider at her.

"So, are you going to tell me what you wished for?"

"No, of course not. I wouldn't want to risk my wish not coming true, would I?"

He pressed his lips to the top of her head before he looked back at the fire. His siblings, Hayley and Marcel were watching the flames as well, thinking about Christmases of the past. Hayley was cuddled up at Elijah's side and Marcel stood behind Rebekah, having his arms wrapped around her. Only Kol was standing by himself, though he didn't seem to mind. Davina hadn't wanted to spend Christmas with the Mikaelsons, though Cami, Marcel and Kol had paid her a visit earlier today to celebrate with her.

"It must have been a good time. When you were children and threw your wishes into the flames each Christmas. It just sound so… beautiful. So nice. When Sean and I were kids, we didn't have such traditions, though that didn't make any of our Christmases as a family less special." Cami said then. "It was. It was a rather good time. Though I am just as happy now as I was back then."

The seven of them stood for another few minutes there, watching the fire and snowflakes pouring down on them before they made their way back inside. Cami and Klaus were strolling behind, having their arms wrapped around each other.

Cami would never have expected Klaus and her to become this happy. That they would spend moments like these together, feeling simply happy and grateful to be together. There was no pain, no doubt, no fear and nothing that could destroy their happiness, that could hurt them or break them down.

There were still enemies that needed to be defeated, though Cami was more than sure that they would get through this together. They were stronger together than if one of them tried to push the other one away because they were too scared of losing them or too scared of them getting hurt.

They weren't afraid of their own feelings anymore. They allowed themselves to love each other completely and without any restraint and they both knew that there was no going back from that.

And they were good for each other. They didn't destroy each other.

They made each other better.

When they passed the entry, Klaus stopped all of a sudden, taking Cami's hand. "Look," he said, pointing at something above their heads.

Cami couldn't hide a grin when she saw the mistletoe hanging above the door frame. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught Hayley watching them. Giving her two-thumps up and grinning, Hayley turned around then to follow Elijah into the salon.

"Looks like we're the only ones who noticed the mistletoe, huh?"

Klaus put his arms around her waist and pulled her as close to him as he could.

"I'm glad that we did. Are you going to tell me now what you've wished for?"

"Only if you tell me what you have wished for." Cami said, grinning challengingly at him. Klaus seemed eager to accept the challenge, though. "I would much rather want to show you…" he simply said before he kissed her.

He kissed her with so much force and passion that it seemed to knock the breath out of her lungs for a moment before Cami kissed him back just as tenderly and passionately, her arms put around his neck, her hands tangled in his locks.

"I kind of wished for the same." She breathed in between kisses, feeling him smiling against her lips before Klaus caught her lips with his once more, both of them drowning in kiss after kiss, standing under the mistletoe.

When Camille had thrown her piece of paper into the flames, she had wished for many more Christmases like this one to come and that Klaus and her would always be together like they were now.