AN: This is sorta my first Fanfiction using cannon characters as my first is only OC, so sorry if some characters are OOC.

Disclaimer: I do not own Baka to Test Shoukanjuu or Assassination Classroom (Ansatsu Kyoushitsu)

"Normal talking"


"Speaking through radio, phone, etc"

Chapter 1: A bloodied Happy Reunion

Akihisa Yoshii, now a High school 2nd Grader in Fumizuki Academy and an F-Class student. Akihisa has many title, 'The School Idiot', a title bestowed by his classmate for his low IQ level, even the school put him under the title 'Kansatsu Shobunsha' (under observation) as punishment for his lowest grades in the school. Dubbed the hidden idol, 'Aki-chan' by, mostly, female students.

But unknown to his friends and family, he was used to be a Kunugigaoka Junior High School student under Class 3-E (nicknamed E as in 'End Class') that is the school subdivision which is mocked and looked down upon by the rest of the school in a cruel school system to churn the best of the best out of the rest of the student in their academic studies. But even unknown to the rest of Kunugigaoka's student and teacher, except for the school Board Chairman.

Is that class 3-E is a classroom in which, train its student to be assassins, hitman, anything to kill a man.

Or in class 3-E case, their classroom teacher Koro-sensei

Koro-sensei is an yellow color octopus like creature which is insanely smart (most of the time), can go to speed up to mach twenty and responsible for destroying seventy percent of the moon.

To motivate the student of clas 3-E, the Japanese Government put in the prize for the student who can successfully assassinate their homeroom teacher will get the bounty of ten billion YEN (hundred million USD)

This is almost impossible as Koro-sensei can; again, go up to mach twenty and have various abilities which make him almost impervious to most attack except for specially made weapons and materials.

Plus, with a one year limit before Koro-sensei destroy the Earth, it seem to be an almost hopeless situation as even among the strongest assassins and hitman in the world cannot kill him.

But two student of class 3-E did manage to assassinate their homeroom teacher, on the last day before the time limit is up. Akihisa Yoshii and Nagisa Shiota, their innocent mind lost the moment they land the killing blow upon their sensei and bloodied their hand. Both adolescent have mixed emotion even as time passes after they killed their sensei that they looked up upon and admire because of Koro-sensei dedication to his students.

After the assassination, most of the student is class 3-E stick together except for Akihisa and Nagisa as they went their separate way after splitting the bounty among their friends.

But they still keep in contact to this day, albeit rarely.


It is beautiful monday morning at Fumizuki Academy, students of Fumizuki chatting away in their groups of friends to catch up on matter happened over the weekend and walking towards their respective classroom. It was an almost perfect happy day at Fumizuki Academy.

All except for one school idiot named Akihisa "Aki" yoshii

It is the day; he and Nagisa successfully assassinated their homeroom teacher Koro-sensei

The day his hand is bloodied and would never escape him till he dies

"Haa~…." A sad sigh escape Akihisa as he attempt to suppress his ,now, almost uncontrollable emotion as he remember fondly his time at class 3-E. Thoughts ran around his head wildly as he thinks back about his single world saving action…..or murder...

"Should I have done it?

Yes you should!

Was it worth it?

Think about the money we've got!

It was for the best right?

It was for Earth sake!

How can I keep this a secret in my heart forever?

We have to or they take our money and silence us!

He was my sensei

But he will destroy the Earth!

We don't know that, it could all be a lie

We don't know that, he is a monster!

He believed in me and my friends.

But he destroyed most of the moon!

He helps us where others looked down at us and condemned us forever to be the lowest of the lowest.

But he is a MONSTER!

Koro-sensei was and is our sensei, a friend and family at heart….

I miss him"

His eyes dulled in life with his head bowed down slightly as tears threatened to spill but he hold it back, nobody could see it as his bangs covered his eyes from the world, much to his fortunate. A sad frown form on his lips as he walked towards his classroom.

As Akihisa arrived to his classroom door, he let one more sigh before he opens the door and walk inside while not noticing his friends already there and chatting. He sat down to his table/box and open his school bag to see three item, a blue rubber-like knife, and an air gun still loaded with pellets specially made to kill Koro-sensei. Both where the item that is used to kill Koro-sensei

Lastly is a slightly burnt black tie with a yellow colored crescent shape. A tie that Koro-sensei wear when he teaches class 3-E

A memoir for Akihisa to remember him by

He always, carries those three items on the day Koro-sensei death so to remember and respect his memory.

He grabbed the knife, out of the people in the class view, by its hilt and rubbed the sharp side of the knife with his finger, a flash of memory passed in his head.


"...Aki-kun! Hurry, go for the killing blow!" Nagisa yelled to him as he is on top of Koro-sensei who is pinned down by several of its tentacles and trying to push a blue knife to Koro-Sensei heart but is blocked by a pair of yellow tentacles that is still free with surprising strength for the thin tentacles.

Koro-sensei face is in its trademark smile but have a hint of surprise and droplets of sweats is running down his forehead as the blue knife is dangerously close to him. His teaching clothes slightly burned from a surprised explosive made to distract him.

"Arggh!" cried Akihisa as he was just thrown away by one of Koro-sensei elongated tentacles from his failed attempt to pin another tentacles but was too late because of the limb amazing speed and reflex.

But Akihisa quickly got up and shrug off the pain from the impact and run up to Nagisa who is on the losing side on the battle of strength. He dogged and shot several tentacles that is desperate to stop him. But the the yellow colored limbs failed in Akihisa stunning display of reflex, speed and flexibility.

Akihisa jump, abandoned his air gun and land on Koro-sensei next to Nagisa while using the kinetic energy from the jump to push down on the knife Nagisa is holding and was successful in pushing it down till it was millimeter from Koro-sensei heart.

"Come on Nagisa-chan, we can do this!"

"I'm trying! Also stop calling me that I'm a boy!"

It felt like it lasted forever as both sides never relented, one was purely motivated from not being killed and the other is motivated by the thought that they are a so close and falling will end their last chance.

Then, suddenly, Koro-sensei smile became even larger and said in a calm manner, to both Nagisa and Akihisa surprise, "You both have always been the one that has the talent and chance to kill your sensei, you both have been my favorite student and it is an honor and pleasure to teach you."

Koro-Sensei let up his hold on the knife and slowly the blue knife is pushed down into his body slowly till it almost penetrates his heart.

Koro-sensei gave one last big smile to both of his student and said his last words, "Goodbye and know that I am proud of you both, all of you…"


With one last push, the blue blade penetrate Koro-sensei heart and his body went still

Both boys just sat there on Koro-sensei with their hand still on the knife not moving.

If anybody else were there, they would see both Akihisa and Nagisa eyes full of tears and falling down their cheeks silently, no sobs, no whimper, just silence.

After a while, Nagisa open his mouth and said-

"Akihisa-kun, what are you looking at?" a feminine voice reached his ears


Akihisa snapped out of his memory and looked towards the source of the voice.

He saw one of his female friends Himeji with her pink hair shining against the light. Behind her are the rest of his friends.

He quickly and silently put away the knife cursed silently for not paying attention and opens his mouth to reply it was nothing but Himeji gasped as well as some of his friends when they saw his eyes.

Akihisa is confused at their reaction and asked with a slight hint of sadness even though he tried to repress it, "What's wrong guys?"

Minami with worry covering her face decided to answer, "A-Aki-kun….you are crying..."

That surprise Akihisa who reached towards his face with his hand and felt something wet running down his cheeks and realized that he was indeed crying and quickly wiped his tears away with his sleeve while silently cursing to himself for letting his emotion spill over.

His friends started a frenzy of question why he is crying and is he alright because it is a rare sight to see Akihisa crying.

"I'm fine guys, really. Nothing is wrong; dust must have got into my eyes"

His friend is obviously not convinced so Yuuji, class-F rep, said, "Yeah, we are not falling for that Akihisa. Tell us what's really wrong? Also Himeji saw you looked at something, what is it?" Yuuji half asked and demand.

Akihisa cursed in his mind and quickly and hastily answered, "No-nothing man, I told you nothing is wrong"

Akihisa put his bag behind him and nervously added, "I was looking at nothing, just checking if I have my school stuff and all"

Yuuji narrow his eye and looked at him to see if he is lying, Akihisa breath hitched as he prayed that he would buy his reasoning.

Yuuji just sigh and said, "Ok man, if you say you're ok, you are ok...", Akihisa smile in relief and thought his secret is safe. But then Yuuji smirked menacingly and added, "…if you were just looking at your school stuff, you won't mind us looking at it would you?"

Akihisa paled and stuttered out, "N-n-n-o no, no, no, no you can't because…" He stops and pondered for a second before he continue to hesitantly say, "…i-i-I have 'educational magazine'! (porn magazine)" He finish with a smile.

But that smile fades away when he pales even more if that is possible and felt two menacing aura that promise him pain beyond his imagination, he turn his attention away from Yuuji towards his two female friends.

Both, with purple aura have evil smile spreading across their lips and giggle evilly with their eyes glowing in malice while saying

"Aki-kun, give us your bag so we can…dispose of those books"

"Akihisa-kun~ please give us those books, you should not be reading those 'educational magazine', fufufu"

Akihisa gulped and were preparing to run with his school bag but when he reaches for it, it was gone. He looked behind him and confused as where it is, he looked back to his friend and he saw something that almost gave him a heart attack.

Kouta, or his nickname Muttsurini, the class ninja and photographer, was holding Akihisa bag towards Yuuji who was reaching for it. Akihisa panicked and got up to get it but suddenly, Minami got behind him, grab him in a hold and with the evil smile never leaving her face said, "Open it Yuuji, and give me Aki-kun magazine"

Yuuji smile and opens Akihisa bag and when he look inside his smile fades away

"Well? What is it really Yuuji-san?" Said Hideyoshi Kinoshita who is an effeminate teenager that is often mistaken for a girl or a 'third gender'

Yuuji, reached down and got out a blue knife and a pistol that he mistaken for real weapons.

"Akihisa…why do you have a gun and a knife?"

Yuuji saw a weird tie and showed it to them

The rest of Akihisa friends all gasp in surprise, even Minami and Himeji evil aura fades away, at the weapon and looked towards him with question filled face.

Akihisa, who suddenly struggle against Minami cried out, "Put it back! Please give it back!" Fear laced his words because if they report this and the teacher found out about it, he would surely lose it as those two weapons are not permitted in the school.

He really did not want that to happened, to lose two of the three items from his time from class 3-E

Yuuji, ignore Yoshii's plead and demand an answer from him, "Not before you tell us why you brought dangerous weapon to school"

Akihisa, who is becoming desperate answered, "It's not dangerous to humans! Please put it back in the bag and give it to me. Please!"

In his deperation, Akihisa accidentally said human instead of people which make Yuuji more suspicious of him

"Not gonna happened man, tell us why you have these before I tell the teacher you brought prohibited item" Yuuji lied the last part as he really did not want his friend to be in serous trouble and only wants to pressure Akihisa to tell them the truth.

Akihisa who stop struggling refuse to spill his secret and continue to plead to yuuji, "Please Yuuji, I can't, I just can't. Please, give it back before the teacher comes to the class….please.." He pleaded in defeat and hopes that Yuuji would give his precious item back.

Tears started to pool around his eyes, emotion overflowing at the thought of, losing it forever.

Yuuji looked at Akihisa eyes that is threaten to spill tears and looked at him for a moment before Yuuji relents and give the item and school bag to Akihisa who is on his knee when Minami let go of him.

Akihisa took the item and quickly put it back in the school bag before holding it like he depends on it and wiped his eyes of tears that pools around it.

Not a moment too soon as class-F sensei came into the class and starts the day lesson. Akihisa friends, looks at him with worried face and went to their respective table/box.


Most of the morning is spent in a tense atmosphere and Akihisa is actively avoiding his friends many questions about his three items that is precious to him.

Akihisa thought that he would be alone now that he has to avoid them unless he run into a risk of his secret being revealed

But it becomes even harder to keep those secrets when a surprise awaits him after lunch

When all of class-F students came in, Akihisa friends tried to corner him and get some answer but Souichi Nishimura, or 'Ironman' as he is called by the student. Came into the class and told them to sit down and be quite.

"Listen up; I am here to announce a new transfer student would be joining class-F" Ironman told them.

This information perked the student's interest as it is almost the middle of a term and it seems to be a bit late for a new student to be joining now.

"Now I know it is late and unusual for a new student to join, but please treat the new student as you would to your friends and welcome our new student to our school." Ironman continues

Ironman turn his head towards the door and yell out, "You can come into the classroom now please!"

The class-F door slides open and a boy (not that the class know that the person is a he) walked in and stand in front of the class.

He is wearing a white T-shirt with long sleeve that is rolled up near to the elbow, a bordering-dark blue vest with a black tie that is tucked in under the vest. He is also wearing a light grey colored cargo pants that seems a bit to big him and too long as it is rolled up to the ankle, lastly, he is wearing a generic black shoes that is fit for school.

His feature is a bright blue hair and equally bright blue eyes; almost an effeminate face, but not on a level of Hideyoshi. A small short slender body, stature and form that would make people assume he is a girl at first glance or confuse to either the person is a he or she

All in all, the most of students thoughts in the classroom is now filled with either "She is so cute!" for the girl side, and "Oh yeah! We have another cute chick in our class!" on the boys side. Because of the new student form, they have mistaken him for a girl.

Currently Akihisa didn't notice this as his mind is in turmoil to what he is to do with his friends, tell them the truth or continue to lie to them.

Only when the new students started to talk he notices there a new person in front the room.

Akihisa looks up to the new student and was shocked still when he saw who the new student was

The new student introduced himself with a soft smile

"Konnichiwa, my name is Nagisa Shiota and I will be the new student of Fumizuki Academy and I will be learning in class-F. Please let us be friends" The new student whose name is Nagisa Shiota bows down in greeting.

When Nagisa looks up, he saw a person that he did not expect to find in his new school

"A-Aki-kun?" he stuttered loudly in surprise that enough for the class to hear.

Everyone in the class is surprise at how informal Nagisa calls the school idiot and turns to the person in question whose expression is equally the same as Nagisa.

Lots of thoughts and emotion ran through his head at lightspeed at seeing his best friend standing there, but he manages to utter out a single word that shocks the class.



AN: That's a wrap for the first chapter; honestly I don't know why we don't have a Baka to Test Shoukanjuu and Assassination Classroom crossover yet. I hope you like, please review and say what you think about it. Sorry if I have any grammatical errors and characters that is OOC. Also, sorry if I can't describe the characters well, as I suck at it. Also, give out any ideas and tips to stay true to characters personality that I can use for later chapters.

Till then, I'm out for the midweek and now reading a comic at 13 bye bye.