Disclaimer: I do not own KHR!
Chapter 3: Meeting Part II
Giotto trudged into homeroom, mood dampened as a large bruise started to form on his right cheek. While rushing to get to school, he just had to step on the tail of one Chihuahua who proceeded to give him a chase around Namimori. In the midst of trying to lose the barking Chihuahua without tripping over his own feet, Giotto took a wrong turn and started moving in the direction opposite from Nami-Chuu. Not only did Giotto run further away from his school, with his poor physical abilities, the Chihuahua managed to catch up to him and he got bitten in the butt by the dog. The Chihuahua, satisfied with its revenge and the pain it inflicted upon the blonde, decided to let him go. Giotto managed to reach school five minutes after the bell rang, just to meet the fearsome prefect of Nami-Chuu – Hibari Alaude. Their meeting ended with a couple of hard whacks from the prefect's handcuffs. Giotto sighed – today was not his day.
"Go to your seat, Sawada," Giotto's teacher seeing the beaten up boy, took pity on him and decided to spare the boy from a harsh lecture about the importance of punctuality in front of the entire class. Snickers could be heard from all around the classroom as Giotto's classmates teased him about his pathetic appearance. Though it quickly simmered down when they felt piercing glares sent their way from what most of them would call, the class delinquent.
"Oi Giotto, what the hell happened to you? Don't tell me you overslept again…" Giotto was asked as he took his seat next to his best friend.
"G, you wouldn't believe how bizarre this morning was," Giotto whined, "there were two crazy bab-" He got interrupted as his teacher cleared his throat while glaring at the two students currently not paying any attention. Giotto smiled sheepishly and muttered a quick apology before turning to G and mouthing that he would explain during lunch.
The close relationship between the two friends had always baffled students of Namimori Middle School. How the resident delinquent and the school's loser could be best friends was confusing indeed. Even though G was a handsome teen from Italy, the tattoo running through the right side of his face and creeping down his neck made many students wary of him. The well-known fact that he smokes as well further emphasized that G was the perfect example of a delinquent. (People also stayed away as the combination of a tattoo and smoking underage is a recipe for the disaster known as Alaude). G's short temper also made him unable to tolerate many of his classmates. However, that still did not stop him from gaining a fan club made up of girls who fell in love with his bad boy attitude and look. Giotto on the other hand was the school's well-known loser who failed at many different fields. Though his looks could be considered slightly above average with his spiky blonde hair that pointed in all directions and bright blue eyes, his general air of uselessness – less than stellar grades, non-existent athletic talents, and extreme clumsiness, overshadowed it. Seeing two very different people get along so well was a mystery that was never solved.
As the sound of the shrill bell resounded throughout the school, indicating the start of the lunch break, G dragged Giotto to the infirmary to clean up some of his wounds before heading up to the roof to eat their meals. Giotto passed G a bento that Nana had prepared earlier in the morning. Ever since G became close friends with Giotto and going over to his friend's house a couple of times, Sawada Nana realized how G practically lived on food from the convenience store. Complaining about how such an unhealthy diet was bad for a growing boy like him, Nana had since made it a point to make another set of bento along with Giotto's for G.
"So spill, what the hell happened to you. You look like shit." Giotto sighed. He had been trying to correct G's language for quite a while now. Though swear words still popped up pretty often, at least it was not as bad as it used to be and G was pretty mindful of the use of his colorful language when he was around Nana.
Giotto looked up from his food and sighed again exasperatedly as he recalled the day's events. "Well, I nearly overslept today," G gave Giotto a deadpanned look. He could never understand how Giotto could be such a heavy sleeper and sleep – no, hibernate for such long hours. He was pretty sure one of the main reasons why Giotto's grades were suffering, was due to all the time he spent sleeping. Ignoring the look he was receiving, Giotto continued, "then I tripped on the accursed steps, falling face first to the ground," the usual, "and then I realized that Kaa-san hired two babies to be my home tutor. Next thing I know I was being chased by the Fujiharu's Chihuahua, got bitten by it, came in late and got punished by Alaude-san."
Yes yes, everything sounded like the usual mess Giotto gets himself into. Wait. Baby home tutors? G raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean Nana-san (he could never get himself to call her Mamma) hired babies to tutor you?"
"I don't even get it myself. Kaa-san found a flyer about two home tutors and decided to hire them. Then two babies appeared in our house claiming to be the ones she hired." Giotto ran a hand through his blonde hair. Now that he thought about it, how on earth did they even get in in the first place? He was pretty sure the door would be locked and even if it wasn't there was no way the infants could reach the doorknob…could they? But then again they were kind of abnormal. "Of course I didn't believe in them and started laughing. I think it kind of insulted the two of them and they kicked me before one of them started to shoot at me."
G blinked as he continued munching on his food. For some reason, the octopus-shaped sausages kind of irked him. It reminded him of the names that brat used to call him. As he pondered upon Giotto's words, he thought about the seven strongest infants for a split second before casting that ridiculous thought away. What on earth would the Arcobaleno of all people want anything to do with his best friend who was just an ordinary civilian (a below average civilian in the eyes of many in fact)?
"You shouldn't think too much about it, it was probably just a dumb prank that those annoying kids in the neighborhood came up with."
Before they could continue their discussion, the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch break. The two hurriedly packed their empty lunchboxes and made their way back to class, unaware of the two infants hidden in one of the many hideouts they had around school, observing and listening to their conversation.
The two Arcobalenos sat on the tree branch with what they would like to call their jungle costume on. While Reborn was covered in leaves that made him look like he was part of the tree, Tsuna was covered in twigs to pass off as a bird nest. It seemed like after spending years with Reborn, Tsuna had started to pick up his weird (or artistic in Reborn's opinion) ways of camouflage and dressing up.
As the two peered into the classroom their charge was in through their binoculars and listened in (they placed a bug on Giotto when they kicked him). The both of them immediately noted the person next to Giotto was none other than Storm Shooter G. While he was a little well known in the Mafia for his good aim, it was not the main reason why G caught the attention of the two. It was the fact that G had disappeared from the Mafia scene for approximately a year and a half and was related to one of their close acquaintances.
"Tsuna, we're going to have to call them to come here. After all, they might want to see how their brother is doing," Reborn stated as he turned towards his companion, "Though calling them would alert the others"
Tsuna sighed wearily, "I know Reborn. It's just that as much as I miss my best friends, I'm not looking forward to trying to explain to them about our sudden departure." Tsuna knew that his friends would have been worried and would definitely try to stop him from coming to Namimori. That was why he decided to hide his mission from them. "And let's not forget the amount of havoc and destruction they would most likely bring with them." Tsuna could just hope that they would not all come at one go and leave Namimori in pieces. He knew a certain skylark would definitely not be happy with that and would bite him to death.
"Well, when that happens, you're going to pay for the repair fees," Reborn smirked evilly at the pouting brunette next to him, "A boss should take care of his subordinates' mess."
"I'm not a boss!" Tsuna whined. He knew that as the Sky Arcobaleno he was immediately promoted to the position of boss but that didn't mean that he was comfortable with it.
If Reborn was not Reborn, he would have rolled his eyes, but the number one hitman does not simply do the act of rolling one's eyes. "You're The Boss whether you like it or not," Reborn replied while pinching and pulling the brunette's soft, chubby cheeks.
Tsuna yelped indignantly as he tried to pry Reborn's hands away from his face. "Weeebon, ish wunch bweak, we haf to follo em" Reborn deciding that he had enjoyed himself enough, let Tsuna go before changing back to his suit within a second and jumping down the tree.
"Well, what are you waiting for?" Reborn smirked at the adorable brunette currently pouting while rubbing his sore cheeks.
Tsuna started muttering and complaining about sadistic hitmen, their incessant need to cave into their sadistic tendencies and how they are being a bad influence on him, as he changed back into his usual attire and joined Reborn.
Giotto wiped away the drops of sweat threatening to fall from his forehead while he walked briskly towards his house, eager to get away from the blazing sun. G could not walk with him home today, saying something about having to stock up some supplies. He mind drifted to the two self-proclaimed tutors who appeared in his home today.
Maybe like what G said, they were just playing a prank with him? It's not like that would be the first time since the neighborhood kids had no qualms about doing it ever since they realized that Giotto would not beat them up like what the other older teens would do. Though the bullets hurt (a lot), they were still rubber bullets and the fluffy brunette probably had gotten it from an older sibling or the toy store. And he guessed the lion cub with the flaming mane was either just some sort of trick or that children's toys nowadays had become very advanced and realistic. Yup, everything that happened in the morning was just a bad joke, Giotto reassured himself as he pushed open the door to enter his house, the two had probably left already.
"Tadaima," Giotto called out as he took of his sneakers and walked towards the kitchen where he knew his mother was at.
"What on earth are the two of you still doing here?!" Giotto gaped at the two infants sitting around the dining table sipping onto coffee and orange juice. What type of baby drinks coffee? Is that even healthy? Wait-
"Are those the cakes that I've been saving up?!" No one, I mean no one, touches his cakes without permission. Except maybe the two infants who were currently sending him a flying kick each.
"Araa, Okaeri Gio-kun" Nana glanced worriedly at her son, "you shouldn't be sleeping on the floor. Your body will ache."
"Mamma, we'll be in Dame-Gio's room to discuss about our lesson plans," Reborn told Nana as they finished their snacks and proceeded to drag an unconscious Giotto by the back of his collar up to his room.
"Okay, I'll leave Gio-kun in your capable hands," Nana grinned cheerfully, picking up the dishes to wash.
Giotto was rudely awakened by two stinging slaps to his face.
"Itte," Giotto groaned as he shot up to a seating position on his bed. He glared at the two responsible for the pain he was in, "What was that for?"
"Just felt like it," two identical shark-like smirks were flashed at him, "You have very poor reflexes Dame-Gio," the infant he identified as Reborn, said condescendingly as he took out a cloth to polish a sniper rifle.
"Hey! How do you know my nickname? And I don't want to hear a baby calling me that!" Giotto huffed. What's with the lack of respect he gets from those younger than him?
"Well, information gathering is vital in our line of business. If you do not want to be called that, hmm…" the brunette, whom he recognized as Cielo, placed a finger on his lips, eyebrows furrowed, "then how about Baka-Gio or Aho-Gio! Ahh, but Dame-Gio still sounds pretty good… Ne Reborn, what do you think?"
"We should just use it all. It'll probably get boring if we just stuck to one name." Giotto gaped at the two self-proclaimed tutors of his openly and naturally insulting him as if they were discussing about the weather.
"Hey, don't speak as if I'm not here. And just call me Giotto!" he could already feel a migraine coming up. "Anyways, what do you want from me? Isn't your prank over already?" Giotto yelped in pain as a leather shoe connected to his face again, this time over the bruise he had gotten from Alaude.
"We're not fooling around (at least not until they indulge themselves when they start training the boss candidate) Baka-Gio," Reborn scoffed, pointing the rifle he was polishing at the blonde, "We were hired by a certain man and are here as your new home tutors."
"And we're going to train you to become a Mafia boss," the two said in synchronization.
Tsuna watched amusedly as a look of utter disbelief wash over the blondes face as his mouth started to open and close repeatedly. Tsuna couldn't help but compare his new student to the pet goldfish he used to keep before it died from the stress accumulated from living in the chaotic mansion. Right as the blonde seemed to get over his shock and looked like he was about to start ridiculing them again, he saw Reborn from the corner of his eye, lift up the rifle in his hand and pulled the trigger. A deep smoking hole was formed in the wall next to the stunned blonde's head.
"Hiieee! That's a real gun?!" Giotto squeaked fearfully as his face paled while waving his hands protectively in front of him. "Don't shoot me!"
Tsuna could feel a smirk making its way back onto his face at the blonde's panicking state. Seriously, he had been spending way too much time with his sadistic friends.
"It is unbefitting for a Mafia boss to show such a disgraceful behavior," Tsuna chided in a mocking tone before starting to shoot rubber bullets at Giotto for the second time today.
"Hiieee, I'm sorry I'm sorry," Giotto repeated as he tried once again to unsuccessfully dodge the incoming bullets. Once he felt that the blonde was tortured enough, he stopped trying to add more bruises onto his student's body.
Oh, he could already predict that with the hilarious reactions from the blonde teen, this mission was going to be very enjoyable. Now, to start on the explanations.
Catching his breath and trying to calm his heart down, Giotto looked up at the two apprehensively. "If what the both of you have been saying is true, why am I, of all people, a candidate for the position of a boss? A Mafia boss no less!" The teen looked appalled at that, "I don't even have any connections to the Mafia!"
"That's where you're wrong, Dame-Gio." Pulling out a piece of paper out of nowhere, Reborn pointed to what seemed to be a family tree. "As you can see, the Vongola Famiglia, the most powerful Mafia Famiglia in all of Italy, was founded by your ancestor, Vongola Primo. Therefore, as his great-great-great grandson, you have the blood required flowing through your veins to be a legitimate boss candidate for that Famiglia"
"B-but, w-why me? T-there should be other people who are more suitable. I'm Dame-Gio for Pete's sake." Giotto stammered, his mind running a thousand miles a minute. Him, a Mafia boss? He couldn't even speak in front of his entire class without turning into a stuttering mess!
"Ahh," he watched as the Cielo reached for his suitcase (where did that come from?) and took out a couple of photographs. "You see the current boss's eldest son, Enrico was shot dead in a feud, the middle child, Massimo was found drowned and the favorite child, Federico was discovered reduced to bones."
"You don't have to show me those pictures!" Giotto blanched, he did not know whether to be more disturbed by the gruesome pictures he was seeing or the fact that the fluffy brunette in front of him was saying some highly disconcerting things with an adorable smile on his face.
"I'm not going to be a Mafia boss!" Giotto started shaking his head vehemently. The Mafia was way too scary for his taste, there was no way he with his cowardly attitude, would he be able to survive in it. He would rather adopt the Fujiharu's Chihuahua and live with it for the rest of his life.
"You don't have a choice Aho-Gio," Reborn stated, looking like he was going to say more before a growl was heard. "Ahh Cielo, let's head down for dinner. I'm hungry and Mamma's cooking smells delicious."
Ignoring the shouts from the blonde directed at them to explain more clearly and that it would be impossible for him to become a Mafia Don, the two starving infants made their way down to the kitchen.
Giotto pulled his hair letting out a frustrated groan. Just what was happening to his life?
A/N: And here is the next part :)
I forgot to mention this in the previous chapter but Luce in this story never turned into an infant after getting the Arcobaleno curse. She just had the part of the curse whereby her lifespan was shortened coz I have no idea how she would give birth to Aria otherwise. Oh, and while there will be fluff and hints here and there, romance will not play too big of a role in this story coz I don't really know how to write it.
Anyways, thanks for reading and I hope you've enjoyed this chapter! :D Ciao Ciao