woow chapter 2~ so awesome am i.. *shot to death*

Anyway this chapter has Religious things in it. and a catholic priest prussian. im not the most religious person myself and i only skimmed a bit on the net for a few things. x.x dont kill me if i got some things mixed up.

also has a bit of Non con in it with mentions of drug use. ...im still greatly debating on if i should put any detailed lemons and drug use in these... what do you guys think? .

also... Turkey! 8'D

The past three hours were unpleasant for the teen, and it was making him terribly irritable. Every time he tried to nod off, the buss driver had hit a pothole. Every time he tried to think of his next plans, a hyena laugh would come from one of the older women on the bus and distract him. How he truly disliked this horrible country, everyone was only out for themselves. This was why he wanted to move to England, he visited there once with his mother before the twins were born. It was then he found out his mother had children from her first marriage, he had three older brothers…. And they were absolute twats. England though was truly a wonderful place, and he knew deep down in his gut. That's where he and Alfred truly belonged; he was sure despite his half brothers being there. He could truly find happiness for himself an- (a hyena laugh broke his train of thought) Good lord that woman and her hyena laugh, why was she even born?

How on earth could Alfred sleep so peacefully with all this going on? He didn't want to know, but he was thankful the boy was getting some much needed rest. Bags forming under the teens eyes, he kept himself calm as he rubbed the boys head. As long as Alfred was fine and well, he didn't care about his own troubles. Turning his gaze out the window, he noticed they were passing a field of golden grains. How the grains reminded him so much of the sleeping boy on his lap. Chuckling some to himself he went twirling the stubborn little cowlick on the boys head.


Arthur blinked some as he heard that and sighed deeply, he supposed it was about time for the other to eat again. Looking up at the driver, who was focused on his G.P.S. He hoped the other would stop at a cheap place so he could get Alfred some food. He didn't have much money left, only about twenty-five dollars and some change. He would have to try and make some more so he could get Alfred a bed to sleep in.

This was troublesome, but hell he managed to find people in the other states so this one shouldn't be any harder. Middle if Bible belt country or whatever these Yankee's wanted to call it. Closing his eyes some as he let out a deep sigh, as long as they got to New York it didn't matter.

"Arthur, are we there yet?"

Looking down he didn't even notice the smaller boy had woken up. Nodding his head slowly he watched the other try to lean up and stretch. A squeaky yawn escaping the boy as he arched his back some. Alfred always reminded him of a kitten for some odd reason, an adorable spacey kitten.

"Yeah almost, we should be stopping any time soon now."

"Good... Cause I have to pee."

"You got do that now? Go use the restroom over there."

He went pointing down the row of isles to a small little area that went down, a small restroom quietly tucked away. Alfred frowned as he gave Arthur a small pout which the older frowned some. But gave up as he got up and went leading the boy towered it. Down the narrow row of steps he went pointing down the little incline as he gave Alfred a gentle push. The boy moving down the steps as his eyes widened some, there was a bathroom here! The boy ran inside quickly shutting the door behind him self, sweet salvation!

When they finally arrived at the station, Arthur couldn't help but feel uneasy. Yes the station was in the middle of a town, places could easily be walked to. But he couldn't help but shake the bad feeling he had about the area, it was so…weird. Holding Alfred's hand he held his duffle bag in the other. The place seemed nice enough, with a more historic feel to buildings he liked. What was this placed called? St. Joseph? Yup that's why he didn't feel right about it, he threw away his religion years ago… and now he guessed he was in the middle of a very religious city.

Walking down the street, Alfred staying close to his heels as the small boy oo'ed and ahh'ed over every little thing he saw. Really this boy would be the death of him, or more likely the cause of a serious migraine. Stopping on a street corner he gazed round some as he spotted a church and bit his lip slightly. He needed to make some quick cash and Alfred could not come along with him to do so. Debating over wither or not this was a good idea he sighed and headed towered it.

"Artie, we going to church?" He asked curiously, abit shocked.

"Oh umm… I just need to get some directions Alfred."

Heading up the steps he tried to figure out just which church this was. Was it a Christian or Catholic Church? He hoped for the later. Just moving up the steps he stopped as he heard a group of children singing, and he gazed at Alfred. Maybe this could work out a bit better then he hoped for. Slowly moving inside his eyes landed on a man dressed in black, a signature white collar. Yup a catholic priest, least he knew something about this religion. Upon entering the Priest had glanced over and smiled sweetly at the two. That was when Arthur noticed something, this man was godly pale. His hair nearly white and he had the most unique eyes he ever seen on a person before. An albino priest? Now that was something he could brag seeing to the world.

"Ah welcome, you two are new yes?" he asked, a hint of an accent in his voice.

"Oh umm yes… Just got into town actually." Why were those eyes so hard to look into?

"Well then welcome to St. Josephs then you two." He smiled as he looked at Alfred, whose mouth was open, gazing around the impressive building. "You may call me father Gilbert."

"Oh yes…I err, was hoping that maybe Alfred here could stay for a bit? Its getting pretty chilly and I need to go to the bank to get some money for a hotel."

Alfred frowned some as he looked up at the other, a small brow raised up curiously at his big brother. Arthur giving the small boys hand a squeeze 'please just go along with what I say' plea. Gilbert just looked at Arthur curiously before he knelt down beside Alfred, smiling down at him as he chuckled.

'Would you like to learn some of the songs here Alfred? My little brother Ludwig would be more then happy to teach you."

Alfred blinked some before he nodded at the other happily, making Gilbert look over his shoulder. Pointing at the blond boy in the middle and giving his brother a small wave. The boy returned it before he smiled at Alfred who went running over to great him personally.

"…..That boy has a special light in him. Its rare I see Ludwig smile like that." Gilbert chuckled

"…yes Alfred really is a special child." Arthur said softly before he went rubbing the back of his neck. "Umm thank you father, I promise I'll be back soon."

And with that Arthur had turned on his heel ad ran out of the church in a hurry. Gilbert couldn't help but feel sorry for the boy; he had his own struggles to deal with. Just turning back to the boys he blinked as he saw Alfred trying to read the lyrics on a sheet pad, looking confused.

"Nein, nein boy! You have to read it from the heart! That's what our holy father would want of us all!"

If Arthur had the money on him, he wouldn't let Alfred take a step inside a church. But he didn't, twenty-five dollars wasn't going to let him rent a hotel for the night. Least he hoped Father Gilbert wouldn't try putting his nose where it didn't belong.

Hands in his pockets he went gazing around as he headed towered downtown. If he was going to find some one, he needed to be at the right place. It was a Saturday afternoon, which meant a good number of people would be downtown doing some shopping. Tourists were usual a good source of money, but he doubted if a town like this usually got the kind of tourists he needed.

Eyes landing on a bar he went tilting his head some, there was already a good number of people drinking. Not even five and people were getting wasted, typical yanks… Moving his way passed the bar his eyes landed on what appeared to be a smoking shop. Raising a brow some as he went leaning over to gaze up at the sign. It was certainly eye catching, bright white with squiggle writing that defiantly wasn't English.

Looking around some he couldn't help but make his way inside before he regretted it. The smell of sweet smoke hit his nose as it enveloped all his senses. Trying to cover his nose his eyes landed on the customers as he realized. Yup this wasn't an American establishment; its cliental looked to be something from the Middle East. Feeling out of place he went to leave before something grabbed his arm. Looking over he spotted a man with some kind of white mask covering his eyes, grinning down at him.

"Don't have to leave boy, we don't I.D here."

"Oh no that's fine; I just wanted to see what this place was….I'm actually looking for some one..."

The man just tilt his head some as he gazed at the scrawny blond in his hand, looking thoughtful as he went leading him into the store. Arthur growled trying to pull away from the man's ungodly grip on him as he tried not to make a scene. There was a large amount of people here, and he didn't want to look like a complete ass in front of them. Being pulled through the mass of tables he was being lead to the backroom, as he started getting a bad feeling.

In an instant the man had thrown the boy into the room as Arthur landed hard on the floor. Wincing as he landed on his knees he went glaring over his shoulder at the other. The room was small, had no windows and was oddly humid. A large pile of boxes occupied three corners and the other a large stack of small round plush pillows.

"You're a mongrel." The man said as he went closing the door behind him. "A stray traveling the streets in hopes of finding a tasty morsel."

"I'm not a bloody dog! Let me out of here or I swear you will regret it!"

"Such a mouth you have, perhaps it's for that person your looking for?" the man smirked as Arthur froze up. "You're a whore, a needy little bitch in heat. Well that's fine; I'll play along with such a needy bitch."

Arthur went moving away instantly, hands clutching at the hard floor underneath him. Not, this was NOT how he wanted to find a client! Watching as the man started coming near him, he grabbed onto a nearby box. Holding it in front of himself protectively he went baring his teeth at the other.

"So vicious~" he chuckled standing a mere two feet away from the other. "Tell me bitch, what's your asking price? Judging by your filthy appearance it can't be more then a few bucks."

"Fuck you! Like hell if I'm selling my body to you!" he snapped at the man as he threw the box at the other.

The dark skinned male just swatted the box out of the air when it came near him. In an instant he was on Arthur, hands clamping the others wrists to the wall as his legs pinned the others. Shaking his head trying to free himself from the others grip, Arthur felt tears coming to his eyes.

"Come now puppy." The man whispered as his head leaned over to his ear. "I'll be sure to be gentle, and maybe if you're good…" a pair of sharp teeth bit down on his earlobe making Arthur let out a cry. "Ill give you a bit more cash then your body deserves."

Fists clenching as he closed his eyes, trying his hardest to be still. He learned that when things got like this, it was better to stay still and let his mind wonder off. He only hoped that when it was all over, the man would keep his promise…

Gilbert noticed a couple things about little Alfred. One the boy had a mouth that didn't stop when he began talking. Two, the boy had a hero complex the size of Missouri itself. And three, the boy knew nothing about god. That he could over look since he was a mere child, and he found it adorable. But that motor mouth of his, Mein Gott… Didn't he need to stop for air some time soon?

"And then I told Artie that it's okay… Cause a fly landed in it!" he giggled loudly making Ludwig chuckle

Gilbert just went glancing down at his watch; it was already getting to be nearly ten at night. He glanced over at the two boys, who had quickly become friends over the last few hours. Tapping his fingers some against the bible he had in his hand as he went getting up from his seat.

"Ludwig, go take Alfred to one of the spare bedrooms. I'm going to go for a little walk."

Ludwig didn't need to be told twice as he grabbed the younger blond and headed off down the hall. Glad the large church had guest rooms incase people needed them. Gilbert went moving to leave the church as he made sure to lock the large doors behind himself. He didn't want to leave two boys alone without some sort of protection.

He knew from listening to Alfred's story, that Arthur truly did love him. Now why the other wasn't coming back, he wanted to know himself. Arthur seemed reluctant to leave him at a church, but perhaps he could find the boy…

Walking down the familiar streets, he tried to spot the bushy eyed blond. The familiar faces of the usual late night prowlers greeted him as he nodded at them with a smile. Holding a hand to his chest he stopped as he gazed around near the bar. Trying to spot something a miss as he sighed to himself, why would the boy be here? He wasn't old enough to drink anyway. Tsking some to himself, he continued his way down another block.

He felt like he nearly searched all of downtown as he ran a hand through his short hair. Something in him told him to keep his search going, even though in his mind he knew the boy was gone. Moving to head up another block he went passing by an ally, the same one he always passed. But some thing this day made him stop as he headed down the garbage filled alley. Eyes looking round as he frowned some, starting to feel foolish for coming this way. About to turn back before something caught his attention, a small cough.

Moving towered it as he headed behind the large dumpster he nearly froze. Arthur was curled up on his side, trembling like a leaf. Moving over he went getting on a knee as he tried to grab at the boy. He was mumbling to himself, not even noticing the priest pulling him into his arms. Sitting up he moved the other over his shoulder some, trying to get a good position as he started carrying him back to the church. Hopefully the boy wouldn't need any medical help; Gilbert didn't want to get anybody else involved.

Arthur didn't know how he got from that store to the church; all he remembered was the hours of pain he had to endure. The taunting laughter as he was bent this way and that, the disgusting taste of that man…. But what defiantly stood out in his mind, was the syringe filled with god knows what that was shoved into his arm. The searing pain followed by tingles and then nothing…

Eyes gazing up blankly at the ceiling, he tried to figure out just where he was at. The room was small but cozy, well taken care of too. He was on a nice bed; there was a little dresser beside him self. But what stood out the most was the large metal cross that was hanging from the wall. Eyes trying to focus on it, but his eyes were so heavy.

He had a feeling he was inside that church again, the same one he left Alfred at just a few hours ago. The same church with that odd albino priest who was going to take care of Alfred….Alfred..…ALFRED?!

He shot up instantly as he jumped out of bed and the moment he stood up, he collapsed straight to the floor. His backside was screaming out in defiance for him moving so quickly as he gave out a small whimper of pain. Trying to ignore it as he tried getting up once more, he couldn't just sit in bed. He had to make sure Alfred was still here and was okay!

Using the wall for support he gingerly made his way out of the room, gazing around the hall as he spotted two other doors. Moving his way over as he tried to open one up and found that it was locked, how odd… frowning he went trying to go to the other as he opened the door and blinked.. Eyes widening as he clutched at the door frame for support.

Alfred was on his knees in front of the bed, hand folded together as he was reading a prayer off the wall. Blue eyes focused on it so much he didn't notice the other behind him.

Now I lay me down to sleep.
I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
If I should die before I wake,
I pray to God my soul to take.
If I should live for other days,
I pray the Lord to guide my ways.

Arthur just bit down hard on his lip as he heard the boy say those prayers, and it irked him to no end. He used to say that exact one to him self when he was a mere boy, back before their parents had died.

Moving over he went placing his hand on the younger's head, who gave a small jump and looked up. Eyes widening as he smiled and hugged the other tightly around his legs.

"Your back! I was starting to think you left me here!"

"..Why on earth would you think that?" he frowned looking down at the other. "I would never leave you Alfred."

"Ludwig said it was getting late and I should be going to bed… And he would tell Father Gilbert to let me join the choir for singing next week…"

Arthur just sighed as he knelt down and went hugging he boy closely to himself. Dear sweet foolish boy, he could never leave him here. As soon as day break would come, they would be on the next bus out of here and towered New York. Since they both were staying here for the night. (Not that he wanted to, mind you) He would end up saving some much needed money, that Middle Eastern twat had kept his promise.

"Let's just go to bed shall we? It's been a while since we slept together."

Alfred giggled with a nod as he went climbing into the bed, Arthur slowly following after. Being extra careful not to hurt himself anymore then needed as he sighed. Curling up around the boy, hugging the small warmth against his chest.

Gilbert was coming down the hall with a warm bowl of water and a towel over his shoulder. He was going to go and clean up Arthur, especially after he had figured out just why there were white stains along his cloths. Moving past Alfred's room he stopped as he saw the two boys on the bed. Fast asleep in each others arms, Arthur holding the smaller boy protectively. Gilbert couldn't help but smile at the scene as his stomach gave a small lurch…They both would need a hot shower and new cloths for tomorrow. muttering to himself he turned and headed back down the hall, eye twitching slightly. He as going to burn those filthy cloths Arthur had on, and he was going to greatly enjoy it. Kesesese~