Hey guys! Yes I know I haven't updated on my Digimon fic for a while, but my laptop where I type most of the time and has my next chapter on it is screwed up. Anyway, I saw Big Hero 6 my second time a couple days a ago (as in day of starting this fic which is like 12/7/14) and I just had to write a fic about it. Anyway, this'll be a little fic with Hiro/ GoGo in it. And thank you to GalaticTrooper954 for "proof-reading" this for me! He has an amazing Big Hero 6 fic called My Journal by Hiro Hamada. If you liked the movie, do him a solid and R&R!

Hiro was sitting in his/ Tadashi's old room in SFIT. He typing away frantically on his computer. He was trying to code and design his upgraded armor. He enjoyed flying with Baymax, but thought that he himself needed some functionality in a fight.

His eyes darted around the screen as his right hand flew across the keyboard while his left zoomed, focused, and detailed the texture of his armor on his holographic projection of the armor set.

This is gonna be so sick, he thought to himself, still fine tuning the parameters and functions in the armor. The others are gonna be so jealous. Sorry guys, but prepare to get your asses kicked.


Hiro was sitting in his chair asleep, again. His light snores were interrupted as Gogo entered his room and bee-lined it straight for the young prodigy.

"Hiro, get up." she said, watching the sleeping boy. When he didn't move, she rolled her eyes, and took hold of his head. She then rolled his chair over to his desk and held his head just above his desk. She let go and the teens' head fell and smacked into the desk. He jerked awake with a yelp of pain and his head crashed into Gogo's with a sickening crunch.

She to yelped in pain and surprise and fell over right onto his lap. As Hiro's vision finally came into focus, what he saw came as a bit of a surprise. Gogo was laying on top of him rubbing her head in pain and grumbling. He could feel the heat rising his face. He cleared his throat to announce that he was awake.

Gogo looked up into his eyes and the look in her eyes made his stomach drop. "Hiro, what THE HELL WAS THAT!" she yelled.

It was at this moment that Baymax waddled over. "I heard a call of distress. Scanning now."

Hiro, who's heart was now racing half because of the fact that Gogo had not yet moved and half in fright of what she was going to do to him. He had had a crush on Gogo for a while now, and he constantly lived in fear of Baymax spilling the beans with his constant body scans. "Baymax! Don't sca-" "Scan complete." "Unbelievable."

"It appears you both have minor bruises to your foreheads and temples. I suggest having an icepack on your heads for the next half hour." He then gave them a weird look, but it was hard to tell because his for obvious reasons, his facial features can't move. "It appears that you both have an increase in body temperature and hormones. This indicates that the two of you are-"

Hiro cut in before Baymax could continue, "OKAY, that's enough Baymax, I'm satisfied with my care."

As Baymax walked back to his charging station, Hiro turned his focus back to Gogo. She no longer looked angry, but was giving him a look of confusion.

"What was that about." She asked shortly.

He shrugged, turning even brighter red. "I dunno," he was anxious to steer this conversation out of these dangerous waters. "What did you need me for exactly and can you, umh, well, get off me now."

She furrowed her eyebrows for a second, which quickly turned to a deep blush. She quickly got up out of his lap and tried to hide her deep blush by trying to brush her hair out of her eyes. She cleared her throat before speaking.

"Fred's having a party at his house this Friday. He told me to let you know. He also to bring Baymax cause he wants us to have sparring fights against each other on The Sim. Put on a bit of a show for the other guests."

The Sim was a program that Hiro had created in which the users minds would be linked to and electronic grid. It was basically a video game in which the user was in the program. The team used it for sharpening their skills with a multitude of weapons that they had devised, without the risk of destroying public property.

"He also said that you might want hurry up on those upgrades to your armor cause your gonna need it when you're in the ring with one of us." She smirked and blew a bubble from her gum before continuing. "Namely me."

He rolled his eyes. "Okay if your so confident then you and me can have a little throw-down then."

She blew a bubble and gave her classic smirk before stepping out the door. "Good luck." She called. He chuckled and shook his head before turning back to his work.

The 16 year old genius now was faced with choosing the colors for his masterpiece. Red? Taken. Black? To evil. Purple? Nah my old one's that color. Green? Taken. Blue? Taken. Yellow? Taken. Pink? Dude, did you just consider pink for your armor? Gold? To stuck up. Chrome? What, you gonna blind the others to death?

"Arrrgggghh!" He yelled smacking his head into his desk. This is stupid, he thought. You can design, code, and actually mill and or cast your own operational battle suit with revolutionary and ground-breaking tech, but you can't choose a damn color. Great.

He decided to take a break and go talk to the others. Fred's party was tomorrow and he still didn't know what time it was at, so he headed straight for Fred's room.

As he approached Fred's room, he could hear multiple voices from inside, but they seemed to be trying to keep their voices down. He slowly opened and came to face to face with Fred in his Fredzilla suit, and Honey Lemon and Wasabi in normal attire.

Their gazes snapped onto him as he slowly creaked the door open. Hiro frowned. There was something very off about those stupid grins on their faces as he dragged a chair over and sat down.

"Speak of the devil," Wasabi said, with a sneer.

"We expected you would come to us eventually." Honey Lemon said with the same sneer as Wasabi. Something about those faces was starting to make them nervous.

"Uhhhhhhh" was all he could say before Fred joined in.

"Don't worry little dude. We gotcha. I'll have you know I am an expert on women!"

This statement made Hiro raise an eyebrow, and his heart rate quickened. "Uh guys, I came to ask about what time the party was at." This statement wiped the smirks off their faces.

Wasabi and Honey Lemon gave each other an embarrassed look, while Fred, well, went full Fred.

"Oh really! We thought you were trying to ask Gogo out already." As soon as his words escaped mouth, his face went ghostly white as he looked at the others faces. All of their eyes were the size of dinner plates "Oh crap," he said. " I shouldn't have said that."

Wasabi slowly shook his head while Honey Lemon face-palmed. Hiro on the other hand was having a hard time keeping his breath and heart rate down and was starting to freak out. Was he that obvious? If Fred, Wasabi, and Honey Lemon could see it, what about Gogo?

"Shit am I that obvious," he said. As soon as he realized that he had just said that out loud, his face turned brick red. And quite possibly the worst part was the return of those sneers. "God damnit." he swore under his breath.

All three yelled charged at him. Honey pulled him into a bone crushing hug , Fred put him a head lock and proceeded to give him the 3rd worst noogie in his life (2nd being when his brother found out about him bot fighting for the first time and the 1st being when he grabbed onto Gogo too hard when Fred scared him on Halloween), and Wasabi picked up legs and lifted him into the air (with completely sterile and clean latex gloves to prevent the spread of unwanted germs), all three dying of hysterical laughter.

Hiro's face felt like it was being melted like butter in the desert. He was being noogied, crushed, blood was rushing to his face, and he was more embarrassed than he had ever felt in recent memory (when you have friends like Gogo, Wasabi, Fred, Honey, and especially Baymax, it happens a lot) as Honey, Wasabi, and Fred laughed at him.

When they finally backed off, they gave him a wicked grins. Hiro, who still felt slightly light headed just chuckled at their faces.

"So," Wasabi said once they had all settled down. "Are you gonna ask her out?"

"Hell no!" Fred yelled. "Hiro's a smart kid and he knows that's suicide!"

"Thanks for the note of confidence." Hiro remarked darkly, still staring intently at his shoe laces.

Fred smiled. "I'm just joking with you bro," he said putting a hand on his shoulder. "But let's be real this is Gogo we're talking about. Why don't you take her to the party this Friday?"

Hiro shuddered at the mere prospect and raised his eyebrows. "Fred, easier said then done. Remember I kinda wanna walk away from this with all my limbs intact." He looked down at shoelaces again as the usual wave of hopelessness settled upon him.

"She probably doesn't even like me that way. Why would she."

"Hiro," Honey began, giving him a concerned look, "I know for a fact that Gogo likes you. It's pretty obvious, right guys?" she asked turning to Wasabi and Fred who both nodded.

"Whenever she's over at my place or we're hanging out, it's always Hiro this Hiro that! She always feels better when you're around. You know how she gets, and if you and Fred were to tease her, for example, only Fred would be punched." She paused, patting the troubled teen gently on the back.

"And how could you forget that one time that guy got pissed when you said he couldn't copy your notes and shoved you. Remember how he ended up with two chipped teeth and a broken arm once Gogo was through with him." Hiro chuckled at the memory of that day. In reality it had been a nightmare trying to defending.

"Oh oh oh! Remember when she's was practically crying of joy when you made her that badass bike after her's blew up. Dude she musta crushed you hard in that hug. And cried hard too. You look like you'd been stuck at the bottom of the ocean!" Fred yelled out chuckling to himself.

"Oh believe me," Hiro said, reminiscing of that bone crunching hug, "I still don't think my ribs are fully recovered."

"And don't forget the time you two got the restaurant we were going to mixed up and technically went on a date." Wasabi added. Hiro flushed.

"That was bullshit," Hiro remarked. The memory of his aunts' reaction when she found out about the mix up still haunted him to this day. "Why didn't you guys tell us there was a change of plan? And it was not a date!"

"Moving on," Honey Lemon interrupted right as Wasabi opened his mouth to retort, "We all see it Hiro, and every time I try to talk to her about it she just blushes, stutters, and tries to change the subject."

Wasabi jabbed in, "Hiro, if anyone has a chance with her, its you buddy."

Fred grinned wickedly, "Yeah don't worry little man we'll help you out. As stated previously, I am an expert on women."

Hiro finally looked up into the comforting faces of his friends. All things Tadashi had told him about them were right.

They may be an odd bunch, and they will sometimes make you want to tear your hair out. But no matter what, they'll always have your back, and will always offer a hand when you need it. They really are the best friends ever.

Hiro smiled. "Tadashi was right about you guys," he said grinning, "you guys are the best friends ever."

Just as Hiro started to tear up a little, Honey shouted, "Group hug!" and pulled them all into another one of her bone crushing hugs.

After a few seconds, she released them. She then turned back to Hiro. "Go get 'em Hiro!" she said with a wink before pushing him out the door.

Just before the door closed, he heard Fred yell, "Just don't get yourself killed! The party's tomorrow!"

He chuckled, and straitened his jacket. He cracked his knuckles, and took a deep breath.

Alright, he told himself. Let's do this.

END CHAPTE- wait hold on a sec

"Wait Fred!" Hiro yelled as he quickly flung open the door again. "What time's the party?"

Fred rolled his eyes chuckling. "Its starts at 5:00, but way to kill the drama bro!"

"I'm sorry!" Hiro said apologetically. "I just wan-"

"JUST GO NOW! GOGO ISN'T GONNA ASK HERSELF OUT!" Fred yelled, making Hiro wince. He was sure everyone outside the room heard.

Fred pushed him out the door, and as it shut behind him, Hiro, again, took a breath.

Here we go... for real this time.