Hello to all my readers, sorry for not updating sooner but i some things that needed to get done and now that they are done, i can now update. woohoo!

For the previous chapter i did not see it until i had reader point it out. When Harry and Snape were talking they did not realize how much time had passed until Snape looked at the clock realizing the whole day had passed. that is why Harry did not get to the common room until late.

When Harry reached Snape's office he hesitated before knocking on the door. "Enter", replied Snape. Harry opened the door and walked in, "Hello, Professor Snape". "Hello Harry, are you prepared for today?" Replied Snape. "Yes, professor, is Madam Pomphrey going to be here?", asked Harry. "To answer your question, Harry, yes I am going to be here", replied Poppy as she swept into the room. "Okay" said Harry, "I'm Ready". It felt as if he was trying to convince himself instead of the other two in the room.

Poppy and Severus exchanged a glance before Poppy nodded to Snape to pick up a potion bottle full of brown-red liquid.

"Okay Harry this is the potion I take, only I have diluted it to make it safe for a child your age to take", said Snape, "There is still a big risk, that is why you will do your studies here in my office today so I can keep an eye on you".

"And I will be nearby in case something should go wrong", said Poppy. "Okay, lets get things started shall we?" said Snape Harry nodded then drank the potion and handed the bottle back to Snape.

"I want you to start your DADA homework, Okay?", asked Snape. "Yes, Professor", replied Harry.

For the next hour and a half Harry worked on different subjects completing most of his work. Poppy had to leave earlier to the Hospital Wing because of a student turning themselves orange and getting a rash. Snape was beginning to think that the potion was either working or had no effect on Harry. "How are you feeling, Harry?", asked Snape. "I'm feeling okay, a bit hungry, but no different than this morning or when I'm on my muggle medicine", said Harry. "Okay, that's good, do you want to go to the Dining Hall or do you want to stay here and eat?" asked sanpe.

"Can we go to the Dining Hall?", Replied Harry. "That would be fine, just let me know if you feel anything different, okay?" Said Snape. Harry nodded in response. They both left Snape's office and headed to the Dining Hall when Harry asked a question, "Professor Snape, did my father or mother have seizures?".

Snape turned to look at Harry and replied, "No, neither of them had seizures but you shouldn't worry about it because sometimes it skips generations in a noble family. The Potters' being a very noble family i wouldnt be surprised that your great grandmother or grandfather having them." Snape turned and continued walking to the dining hall, after taking several steps he realized Harry wasn't behind him. Snape turned to rebuke Harry for not hurrying up, but when he looked at Harry he realized that something wasn't right. He walked up to Harry to stand next to him, and as he reached his side Harry's knees began to buckle. Snape hurridly caught Harry and slowly laid him on the floor, "Harry, its okay I'm here, let it run its course okay?", comforted Snape, "If anyone sees or hears me my reputation is gone". Snape shook his head, he did not care if anyone saw him. He was worried about Harry right now, he was not seizing he was just laying there with his eyes open but non-responsive. He decided to take Harry to Poppy. Snape picked up Harry and changed directions to head to the Hospital wing. When he got there he was greeted by Poppy. "Hello Severus, go ahead and place him on a bed, what happened?". "He was talking with me on the way to lunch then just froze up and collapsed, he has been like this for about 2 minutes", replied Snape. "Okay", replied Poppy, "Do you have the antidote to that potion?". "Of course" replied Snape handing the bottle to Poppy. Poppy then spelled the brown looking liquid into Harry's stamach, then sat back to wait for Harry to wake up with Snape hovering over Harry like a mother hen. Poppy giggled at that thought.

Hope you enjoy will updat this week PROMISE! please R&R!