A/N: Hey all! Thanks for indulging me by picking up this little story where we left off. Here's the next bit, and I'm thinking maybe one more chapter after this - review and let me know what you think! I'd love to know what you guys want to see happen.


Donna wakes, slightly stiff, and more than a little confused. The room looked a little familiar, but it wasn't her room, and Oh. She remembers.

The movie watching and grand theft clothing she recalls clearly, but had she really dragged him to bed with her? She thinks that she had. She's comforted to see that 1) his arm is wrapped protectively around her waist and that 2) he'd left all of his clothes on, down to the belt. She smiles. He must've been so confused.

She puts off her embarrassment for the time being and settles back down into the pillows, enjoying the feeling of being held.

When she's next roused, it's by movement behind her, and the arm around her stiffening. She turns onto her other side to see warm brown eyes blinking open slowly.

"Hey." She greets casually.

He stares at her for a moment before replying hoarsely. "Hey."

"You slept well."

He smiles slightly. "I did. And you?"

"Not bad." Never better, actually.

He continues to watch her with that odd half smile, and she knows that he is unsure of what to do. She is sure that he is contemplating whether it was best to get up, to pull away, to do anything to remove the intimacy from this situation. Which was exactly what she didn't want.

So, she stalls. "You were really that uncomfortable about changing your clothes?"


"Your clothes. You slept in your belt."

"Oh." He laughs a little. "Crazy uncomfortable, yeah."

"Why's that?"

"Well, I mean, I wasn't sure of the etiquette in this situation. Like, it's my bed, but there was another person in the bed, and the other person was you, and you're, well, we're... Ya know." He finishes his babbling lamely.

"I don't know, actually."

"You're trying very hard to get me to make an ass of myself, here."

"And I appear to be succeeding." She grins at him maddeningly.

He can't seem to drag his gaze away from hers. Her eyes, so blue, so open, so completely different from the cloudiness that was the status of... Them. He can't drag his eyes away from her, here, in his bed. He can't stop thinking about how right this feels. And he decides to go for it, if only for the sake of clarity.

Because he is so tired of waiting.

He moves his hand gently from her waist to the side of her face, leaning in slowly and purposefully. She does not pull away, remaining still as he kisses her almost shyly. He draws back only when he can feel her smiling against his lips. She gazes up at him with the same maddening grin of a few moments prior, and he can't help one of his own.

"So." She says softly.

"So." He echoes.

She purses her lips. "Do you have to go in to work this morning?"

He glances at his alarm clock. "Not for a few hours."


"And why's that?"

Her smile returns. "C'mere."


Her only response to raise her hand to his neck, pulling him closer to her for a kiss of her own.


"So, briefing in twenty, we've got Jones in with Josh by the end of the day-"

"I'm telling you, he's not answering-"

"Then make him answer. Toby, you know what's on your plate. Get that Bill kid acclimated, will you? He's getting on my nerves."

"I can try."

"Alright. Do good today."

"You got it, boss."

As they exit Leo's office, CJ hustles into place behind Josh, giving him a resounding thwack on the back of his head. "Hey, idiot boy."

"Ow, hey!"

"Walk with me to my office."

He rubs the back of his head, grumbling. "Why?"

"I want to ask you something."

He follows reluctantly. "Ask me now."

CJ looks up briefly from the papers she's shuffling as she walks. "I'm getting to it."

"Get to it faster, I've got things to do."

"Woe, woe. Calm down, sparky."

"Yeah, yeah, just-"

"Do you know my friend Shannon?"

He furrows his brow at her, which she fails to notice as she enters her office and begins rifling around her desk.

"Yeah, I've met her. Why?"

"And you liked her?"

"She was fine, I guess. In the two minutes I spoke to her."

"Good. Okay. So."

He shoves his hands in his pockets, staring at her. He knew exactly where this was going, and he wasn't about to help her. "So."

"Did you know she works at the OEOB now?"

"I did not."

"Well, you know, only a few people in her department were invited to any of the inaugural balls, and only to one each I believe, and she did mention that time that she met you how cute she thought you were, and-"


CJ looks up at him, caught in her act. "What?"

"CJ, no."

"I was just saying-"

"I am not taking Shannon to the inaugural balls. Any of them, for that matter."

She flicks her hair out of her face, irritated. "And why not?"

"You can't keep doing this, you know."

"Josh, all I'm saying-"

It seemed that ever since he'd broken up with Amy, a large number of CJ's friends who thought he was cute had come crawling out of the woodwork. He knew that she meant well, of course, but he hadn't exactly been in the head space for dating, and whenever she'd managed to wrangle him into a set-up, it hadn't ended well. He distinctly remembers one woman calling him an asshole as he left fifteen minutes into drinks to catch a congressman who was leaving for vacation.

"I have a date, CJ."

This stops her in her tracks. He's grateful he'd cut her off before the "I'm worried about you" part of her sermon. "You... What?"

He says it slowly this time. "I have a date. To the inaugural balls."

"...All of them?"

"All eight of them, yes."

She stares at him as if he'd perhaps grown a second head. "Well... Who?"

"You'll meet her then."

"Do I know her?"

He shrugs.

"You have a date... Weeks in advance?"

He smiles. "I do."

"And it's not a problem, is it?"

He rolls his eyes, tired of this question. "No, CJ."

"You seem... I don't know. This is weird."


"I don't know, it's just... Are you two a thing? Like, you're not just going as friends?"

"We are not."

"So you're...?"

"We're dating, CJ."

If she'd looked surprised before, it's nothing to the look of shock on her face now. "You're dating someone?"


"You're... You're... She's..."

"My girlfriend? Yes, correct."

At this, CJ can't contain a smile. "You just said... You used the g word. Carol, did you hear that? He just said the word girlfriend."

"I heard him, CJ." Carol affirms from the outer office.

"You said..." With a wide grin, she approaches him to put a hand on his shoulder. "Aw, Josh."

Becoming more uncomfortable by the moment, Josh gives her a smile. "Can I go now?"

She relishes his discomfort. "I can't wait to meet her, Josh."

"Yeah, yeah, I've got actual work to do, so-"

"Yes, you can go."

"Thank god."

"I'm happy for you, idiot boy." She calls at his retreating back.

"Thanks, CJ."


On the night of January 20, 2003, the bullpen of the west wing was close to deserted. Most of the staff had either gone home for the night, as the President wasn't likely to need them, or were off changing and readying themselves for the balls. A few stragglers remained, finishing up last minute work, or else sulking to display to their superiors that they believed themselves deserving of an invitation.

And there, in the middle of the unusually quiet room, stood Donna Moss, clad in a elegant ball gown. She was still for a few moments before the draw of her old desk became too strong. She moves toward the small cubicle, trailing her fingertips across the desk.

There was no litter of paperwork, as there had always been during her time there, which was strange given that she considered herself incredibly organized. She scans the new additions: pictures of her replacement Addie's family, two teenage boys and a professorial looking husband. She felt comforted, as she'd once imagined Josh's new assistant to be young and leggy. The woman, when she'd spoken to her on the phone a few times, had seemed kind.

Nonetheless, a slight jealousy pervades. This woman was here with him, day in and day out. She was the one who listened to his ramblings, who perhaps talked him down, who reminded him of what time it was and who he was meeting with in five minutes. She missed that.

But despite her current stab of nostalgia, she knows that she loves how things are now. She loves waking up next to him. She loves that he still takes the time to ramble on about work to her, pacing the living room in his boxers. She loves that he asks her advice, and even listens to it on occasion. She loves what is new in their relationship, as much as she'd ever loved working with him. More, even.

"Is that Donna Moss? As I live and breathe!"

Her train of thought is interrupted by a beaming CJ, who strides into the bullpen with Danny in her wake.

"CJ!" Donna rushes out of the cubicle to hug her friend.

"What are you doing here?" CJ asks as they embrace.

"Thought I'd pop in and say hello before the motorcade leaves."

"Donna." Danny steps forward for a hug of his own. "Good to see you."

CJ gives her the once over, taking in her attire. "You look stunning, by the way. You're going to the balls, I take it?"

"Who, me? No, I've just got a quiet evening at home planned." She jokes.

CJ rolls her eyes. "You're still working for Randy, right? I didn't know congressional staff got invites."

"We didn't. I'm here as a date. I'm waiting for him now, actually."

"Oh. Well, I'm glad. I haven't seen you in ages."

"I know, it's awful! We've been so busy."

"We have. God, we really have." CJ says, with evident exhaustion.

"So, you two. Are you here together?"

They answer almost simultaneously, Danny with "we are," and CJ with "we aren't." Donna merely raises her eyebrows.

CJ gives Danny a look. "Well, we're here together, but we're not together together, you know what I mean?"

"I don't."

"Don't worry about it." Danny grins, "Chances are the status will have changed by the end of the evening anyway."

CJ's eyes widen, and she attempts to conceal a smile. Donna laughs. "Sounds good."

CJ changes the subject, a blush creeping up her neck. "But you! You're here! I can't believe you're here." She reaches out to touch her arm. "Toby should be here. Hold on. TOBY."

A distinctly grumpy "WHAT" issues from the direction of Toby's office.


A few moments later, Toby rounds the corner, grumbling. "I don't see why I have to... Donna."

Toby quickly neutralizes his expression with a calm smile, but everyone notices the burst of delight that occupies his features briefly.

"Toby!" Donna rushes to hug him. "Don't you look dashing!"

He embraces her, only slightly awkward. "Don't I always?"

"What's all this yelling about - Donna!" Charlie's face splits into a smile, and he swoops in for an embrace as well. "Man, you guys couldn't have come and got me?"

"Charlie. Aw, you look so cute."

"You mean smoldering, right? Incredible? Because-"

"Yes, Charlie, we all know you're going to win back Zoey's love tonight." Toby says flatly. CJ titters at Donna's confused smile.

Charlie waves a hand dismissively. "Don't listen to these goons. They don't believe in me. You here with anyone?"

"Don't tell me you want me as arm candy to make Zoey jealous, now."

"The thought crossed my mind. Hey, it's great to see you."

"You too."

He turns to the rest of the staff. "Motorcade leaves in ten, by the way. Has anyone seen Josh?"

"Last I knew he was in with Leo about something. Said it would only take him a minute." CJ supplies.

"He's dressed?"

"I think so."

At that moment, Josh enters the bullpen, fidgeting with his bow tie.

"Speak of the devil."

"Donna, this damn thing keeps falling apart."

"Well maybe if you'd stop messing with it-"

"I can't help it."

Donna rolls her eyes, smiling. "Come here, I'll fix it."

The other four watch with mild confusion as Josh crosses the room to her, hardly looking at anyone else. She begins retying his tie, and it doesn't go unnoticed that he rests his hand on her waist.

"Whatever would you do without me?"

"You look amazing, by the way. If I haven't mentioned that yet."

"This would be your fourth time, but I'm hoping to hit ten by the end of the night."

He grins impishly, leaning in. "I think that can be arranged."

He kisses her, and it's then that his coworkers seem to unfreeze.

CJ, whose face is filled with shock, is the first to speak. "Wait, that's who you're dating?"

Charlie shakes his head, as if trying to clear it. "Wait, hold on-"

Danny smiles, whereas Toby merely shrugs. "I'm unsurprised."

Josh pulls back, eyebrows raised. "What's up with you guys?"

"I can't believe you didn't tell me, idiot boy!"

"Give the man a break, he probably just wanted to-"

"Don't start with me, fish boy."

"You finally made a move, Josh? Man, never thought you had it in you."

"Charlie, that's beside the point."

"It's my point."

"I'm inclined to tell you all to calm down, but then I wouldn't be able to seek revenge by convincing you all we needed 'Team Josh' hats for the occasion."

"That's a great idea, Toby."

"But still off the main discussion here, which is why he-"

"Lay off, CJ. We all know you're elated."

"Be that as it may-"

"Maybe this is the event I should be covering tonight."

Donna, who had finished tying Josh's bow tie, wraps one arm around his waist, smirking. "You were right. It was way better to wait and see their reactions."

"I was right. Aren't I always?"

"Don't push it."


Thank you so much to everyone who has read and reviewed! And if you wouldn't mind leaving me your input on a possible last chapter, I'd be forever obliged :)