Hi, everyone. So yeah, I already explained how life took a turn, family problems, blah, blah, blah, so yeah. I'm not going to explain why this is late. I warned you guys. I'll tell you guys when things get better, and when to expect better updates. :)

On a better note, at least for me-lol, sorry guys, don't see how this is any good for you- our family decided that we need a break, 'cause life has been too crazy. So we talked to all of our other family members, they say they take care of it for a week, and our family is going to take me and my siblings on vacation on Saturday, TO A HOTEL, for a whole week! They said we're going to two Disney park and spend the rest of the week at the beach! I'm so excited! They said they've been saving up for years! So yeah, that's the good part! But that means, another wait for you guys. :(

Oh gosh, long A/N, I'm going to cut it right here. Enjoy! ;)

April's POV

It pulls at my heart, stabbing it until it's torn apart to pieces, to see Master's Splinter's reaction to the news I reluctantly shared with him. He doesn't deserve this, none of us do, but especially not him. He lost his humanity, his best friend, his daughter was raised by his former best friend, and now enemy, he almost lost his sons, multiple times, and so much more. Life being unfair, that was an understatement. This was life in full rage, getting revenge on us and tearing us apart until there is nothing but pain and failure. Why life had a reason to do that to us, I don't know. And if we did something so bad to deserve all of this, then part of me doesn't really want to know.

Master Splinter just stands there, frozen, a lost look in his eye. I've never seen him like this, and it's a sight I will never be able to erase from my memory. But the earlier one, the one I just saw a few moments ago, him struggling, thinking I'm the enemy, that will haunt me, not just stay in my memory. But I can't focus on that right now, there are more important matters to take upon. Such as finally granting my Sensei's wish, letting him see his sons.

"Master Splinter?" I grab his attention, and surprisingly, when he looks at me, the broken, frightened look is overpowered by a determined look, but I'm not fooled. In the corner of his eye, a pained tear lays there, but does not fall, and I know he will not let it. He knows who he is seeing next, he knows he has to brave. I sort of see where Leo gets it now, only showing weakness when alone.

"Can I?" He asks, as if I were the one in charge here, gesturing to the Infirmary door. Who am I, really, to have a say in what he can and cannot do? I'm not the Master, I'm the student. Yet, somehow, I guess in this situation, I sort of am the one in charge. I have witnessed a side to Master Splinter that I'm not sure anyone has, and he knows there is no reversing that. He also knows that I am aware of what lays behind this door. I know more of him, I know what's best for him. And aren't those the qualities those who are in charge have?

If I send him away saying he's not ready, would he listen to me? Would he fight me, like before? Well it didn't matter, that's not the decision I was going to make. He seems in control now, the panicky feeling that once filled the air is gone, now filled with sorrow and anticipation. And in all honesty, I don't think I would have had the heart to send him away, anyways. He deserves to see his sons, he needs to see his sons. And I'm sure the boys need to see him too. I know what lays beyond those doors will cause everyone to be together and need each other, including Leo, Raph, and Donnie, including me, including Casey, and including Master Splinter. Because what lays behind that infirmary door is a whole wave of confusion and hopelessness. I saw it. I was there. I know.

"Yes." I say, and my face is an open book, I'm sure Splinter has seen my expression while recalling what I saw when I first wokr up. And by his expression, I'm sure that he's nervous,-and dare I sat it?-scared, of what he is going to see when he opens that infirmary door.

Splinter, scared. Those are two words I never thought would go together.

My Sensei, and second father, slowly opens the door, a soft creak coming from it. For a split-second, I wonder if anything had changed since I woke up and saw the situation. Had things gotten worse? Or by a slim chance, better?

Door fully open now, my eyes take in the sight, and it was obvious things had gone downhill since I left to go check on Splinter, who was twitching, signifying he might wake up.

When I had left, it was horrible. Donnie was shining a light into Mikey's eye, Raph and Leo were checking out the heart monitor, Casey was putting water all over Mikey's visible body, the parts that weren't covered in bandages from Mikey's fight with the Shredder when he left. That seemed so long ago, and so simple, getting injured by the Shredder. It's weird to think how not too long ago that was our main concern, that situation seemed so much easier than the present one.

Now, it was madness. Candy that Donnie stored in his drawer-he would give to his brothers, mostly Mikey, if they didn't complain during a check up- was now being waved in front of Mikey's face. The sticky, grape flavor aroma floating up into his nostrils, the scent starting to drift off into the air. Raph was slapping Mikey, and Donnie must have told him too, because he wasn't stopping him. Water was now pouring down his head, and Mikey's body was being tickled everywhere. It didn't look like a medical procedure I was aware of. But despite the candy, the slaps, the water, and the tickling, there was no reaction. The only part of Mikey that moved was his eyes. Side to side, up and down, as if they were not in his control.

Probably hearing our footsteps, the three brothers and Casey turned around, a desperate look in every single one of their expressions.

We all stood frozen for a moment, staring at one another, seeing who would make the first move. If anyone else's role was switched with Mikey, and Mikey was here right now, he would run into Splinter's arm, embracing him and holding on to him like a four year old that had just experienced a traumatic nightmare, and desperately needed comfort. But Mikey wasn't here, so I wondered if one of the brothers would take his place.

Surprisingly, it wasn't Leo, or Donnie, or Raph who made the first move, but Splinter. He took each step, a calm expression, nothing like I saw a few moments ago. I wonder how some people do that. You may witness a part of them unknown to most, but in the next few moments, when they are in front of new people, they are their old self again, they are in control. Or at least, they act like they are. Either way, it still is confusing, once you have witnessed both sides of the person.

He went up to each son, embraced them tight, and whispered something in their ears, bringing a ghost of a smile upon their face. He even went to Casey, though not embracing him, whispering something in his ear while massaging his shoulders. Approaching me, he grabbed my shoulders, leaned in, and softly spoke in my ears: We will not stop. We will march on. As family.

That brought comfort through me, despite the situation, and despite seeing the man Splinter just was. Maybe it was a lie, but I needed to hear it, the hopelessness in this room was already starting to consume me. But deep down, something told me it wasn't a lie, and I knew Splinter made sure of that. He didn't say whether we bring Mikey back or not, he'd say we will march on, making through whatever tough times brings our way. And that couldn't have been any more true.

"Now tell me exactly what's wrong." Splinter requested.

So that's what they did, the three brothers starting from their nightmares, continuing the story, switching narrators when one brother was struggling greatly to recall the memory. They ended with what they had explained to me when I first woke up, that Mikey wouldn't react to anything. He was the same as he was dead, just with his eyes open and heart beating.

"Oh..." Was all that Splinter said, trailing off into his own thoughts.

"What does it mean Master Splinter? Why is he doing this?" Leo question, voice steady, but eyes worried.

"Let me get a closer look at him." Splinter demanded, but it didn't sound like a demand, but more like an offer. He made it sound as if we actually had another choice.

"What are you going to do?" Donnie asked, his voice filled with curiosity. I feel my shoulders slightly relax at that, hearing Donnie still has a part of his self, the knowledge seeking. It doesn't feel like everything is lost. Though the curiosity is just to know how Splinter might save his brother, and it may not be just for him to have no knowledge, in the end, it is still curiosity.

"I'm going to try to see inside of him, see if I can spot anything different. Something to may stop him from reacting to what he should have." Sensei explained.

"Wait...didn't you say bringing Leo and his brothers back would take up a lot of energy? Can you even read someone without much strength?" I hesitantly questioned. I bit my tongue from asking. Will it be safe? It didn't matter if it were safe or if the cost is too high, this family, my family is stubborn about their own well-being when it comes to the life of each other. But hr wasn't stupid, Splinter knew the question I was holding back.

"It will be a few seconds looking into him, and with physical contact. This isn't traveling, or trying to mentally contact him, it is simply reading him through hand to hand contact. Something that isn't too energy-consuming once you've trained multiple times, such as I have.

I still was doubtful, and looking at the guy's expression, they were too, but none of us stopped him. What choice did we have? What else could we have done?

Splinter walked over to his son, and carefully put his paw into his hand, closing his eyes. For a few moments, everyone stayed silent, staring at Splinter, and everything was still. Until his ear twitched, and his almond colored eyes appeared as he opened his eye lid. Splinter didn't seem worn out, just extremely confused.

"Dad?" Leo slowly asked, it being one of the times as he acknowledged Splinter not as a teacher or master, but as a parent.

"Something is not right. I don't understand, how is this possible?" Splinter muttered, his brow furrowed.

"Sensei...can you explain?" Raph asked, his vice lacking of its usual anger, instead filled with concern and interest.

"It is something I haven't seen before, and not the easiest to explain, but it seems as if some parts of his soul are turned off, while others are turned on. As you know, there are seven main parts of the soul. Self-image, relationship with others, relating to the world, morals and ethical practice, purpose and meaning of life, belief and faith, and religious experience and practice. And you also know that the soul, mind, and heart are all connected, and I correct?"

The five of us nod, urging Splinter to continue.

"Well, the relationship with others and relating to the world part of his soul has shut down. And as you are aware of the mind controls your senses, and your mind knows what to do because of each part of your soul. So if Michelangelo's soul has darkened in where relationship with others and relating to the world is stored, then his mind can't process it. And if his mind can't process it, he cannot see us, he isn't even aware that you are here. All because that part of his soul that lets him know and feel that information has shut down."

"Wait. So you are telling me, out of the seven parts of Mikey's soul, two have seem to somehow, shut own. And since they won't work, his mind is like, acting as if those two parts of his soul never existed? So, it's like since the soul doesn't contain some of its stages, the mind isn't aware of it anymore? So it doesn't put his reactions or sight into use?" Leo summed.

"That's the simplest way you can put it." Splinter agreed.

"I don't get it. How does part of the soul and mind work, while the other doesn't? And how do we turn it back on?" Casey asked.

"I'm afraid I don't have answers to this. I must meditate." Splinter stated.

"So what do we do for now?" Donnie question.

"Watch your brother. Note me if there are any changes, no matter how small." Splinter commanded.


"And do not lose faith. We can figure out this problem, and we can find a way to solve it. We are on the right track. In the end, every clue we fund, such as this one, will add up, and it will all make sense." Splinter assured, and then walked off.

But for once in my life, I had a feeling that Splinter might be wrong.

Mikey's POV

Due to the loss of my senses, the nothingness around me seemed uneventful for a while. That is, until I felt a sinking feeling in my gut. It was the same feeling as before, except lacking the kindness I tried so hard to grasp on to.

It was the invading feeling, like I wasn't alone. My memory racks itself, trying to find a past time I can relate this moment to. It was sort of like after I watched a scary movie, and went to bed, I would feel like something was in my closet. It was hiding, and unseen, but I still felt aware of its presence. In the end it would always be Raph, trying to scare me.

And I try to count the seconds in my head the presence was here, if seconds actually counted as seconds here, and not hours, or no time at all. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...It left. Eight seconds of the feeling of invasion. Eight seconds of a new feeling. Eight seconds of what may be the last of something different in my senseless, painful, empty world of nothingness. I wish it had lasted just a little longer.

My mind winders back to my previous thought, hen I remembered Raph trying to scare me. Raph, my brother. I winder how he and the rest of my family was doing. Well, I guess it depends how long I have been gone. Who knows, it could have been a few seconds, and they were moping over me, or a few years, and they were back to their usual self. Or maybe they never moped for me at long. Whatever it is, I hope they're at peace, and happy now. I mean, that was a strong reason for coming here, wasn't it.

"Sometimes I wish you weren't my brother! For some peace and quiet..." I stop myself right there, I'm not going to let those words bother me. It was funny, how after all that has happened to me, those words still haunt me. You would think that would be the least of my troubles, but I couldn't help it. I lost all my senses, meaning I lost all distractions. And without distractions, you can't help but focus on one of the many things you try to keep your mind off.

I need to focus my mind on something else, like questions. Yes, the may questions that will probably never be answered. Such as what Shredder is doing? What's his plan and why am I even here? How is my family is doing? What would I be able to sense if I had my feeling, sight, and hearing? And so many more stressing questions with untidy answers. But pondering then won't get me anywhere. At this point, nothing will get me anywhere. I am stuck here.

Emptiness swirls through my gut, pain gone, at least for this moment. Those two emotions I am left with tend to switch a lot. I really do feel like nothing. I don't feel my body, I can't see or here, there is nothing to taste, and I don't feel any emotion. I actually don't exist at the moment. And that realization should make me curl up in a ball and cry once more, because how can you not have an realization such as that occur to you and not feel intense pain? But I don't. Because once more, I feel empty.

I don't want to feel empty. But, I don't want to feel sad. So I think back to the past experience I had a few moments ago, the sense of invading. Something new. Something different.

Something that does not belong in this nothingness.

Oh gosh, guys, what a horrible, stupid way to end it! I totally lost track of time, and I realize it is eleven at night, and tomorrow is my sister's birthday, and then right after that we go on vacation! And I still have to pack, and make my little sis gift's which will take me a good two hours. So yeah, gotta go! Sorry for the sucky ending, once more! See ya! ;)