The chieftain mumbled to himself, the large man husking through the village.

Only moment ago the problem presented itself. Hiccup. Or more specifically, why there relationship was no more than a nod at night and in the morning.

The bulky man ducked through the entrance of the forge, determined to elemenate the enemy.


"What brings you, stoik?"

My childhood friend, gobber asked. The blacksmith was cleaning the forge at the moment. A broom was replaced for his detachable hand.

" I have a problem."

Gobbers face became sullen.

" I have realized, there is no such existing father son relationship for hiccup and I. Tell me of him, I know you know him well, being his mentor and all."

All gobber did was open a door, and push me through.

I gasped. Which was a odd sight to see, as I gawked over the room.

It was absolutely covered with papers. Drawings and blueprints, even some literature. It was a simple square room. With a desk facing the back wall, where a world map hung. Of where he squired it was lost to me. For such a simple room, it deserved to be a sanctuary, with all the thoughts dumped in here. I ran a hand on the wall, not an inch of it could be seen through parchment. I seen a blueprint for battleships and catapults alike. The plans absolutely genus, even though I couldn't understand a single concept.

A drawing of toothless hung on the wall. Doodling on dirt in an exited manner. They looked absolutely lifelike. There was one of a sunset across the village, probably drawn from his prospective on one ofour fall nights.

Then there was one of myself. Stunningly real, as the man on the paper swung his axe overhead towards the viewer. I seen several others as well, there were a billion papers littering the wall. But just from a glance, you learned a lot from the boy.

And as I left that room, I knew exactly who he was. Hehe... To some degree. But I planned to change that. And know him like an art.

Over and out