I have RETURNED! Hey All, Reaper here. After being away for so long, I've finally had a chance to look over all of my old stories, and I'll be honest I'm not happy how Ender's Heart has played out so far. While there's nothing excessively large that causes glaring plot holes, there are lot of little things that add up to the point that I want to fix them but I can't unless I completely restart :/
After debating it in my head, I've decided to bite the bullet and do just that. Starting tomorrow, I will be redrafting and rewriting Ender's Heart, Probably under the same name (Unless one of you amazing people can suggest a name I like more, something to do with Endermen, identity [like masks or souls, something that represents who someone is as a person] or stealth terms like Shadows etc).
I'll try to have it completed as soon as possible, so please be patient :3
Signed, Reaper