A/N: I know this is coming later than I planned. I had debated on adding an epilogue because it seemed to end well where it was on the last chapter. But who wouldn't want a little baby bates fluff? I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did writing it. Please review :)

Part V

John had just finished taking care of the last guests checking in at the hotel for the evening. He held his coat tightly to his waist to keep out the bitter cold as it played at his knee. Thankfully, the snow wasn't so deep that he was having difficulty navigating his way home, but he was careful nonetheless. John could already see the Christmas lights of their little tree glowing through the sitting room window from his walk on the garden path. He reached the door and quietly made his way inside before removing his bowler hat and coat.

John wondered if Anna had waited up for him, she usually did, but he knew she had been so tired as of late. It wouldn't have surprised him if she was already fast asleep. His question was immediately answered when he heard the faint sound of laughter coming from the washroom upstairs. A smile played on his face. Laughter had become a familiar sound in their little house as did singing. They were sounds that were so longed for by the both of them for so many years. It wasn't as if they had never experienced them before but they had come so few and far between every obstacle that they had to conquer. Now it seemed there were no obstacles, or at least none that they couldn't handle. The laughter and smiles came more easily and frequently and it warmed their hearts to know that such happiness was possible.

He had just begun to sit down and remove his shoes when he heard the sound of the washroom door open followed by Anna's voice pleading, "Samuel, no. Darling, stay here with Mama so she can finish drying you off."

Her request was met with a series of squeals that could only be one person. A little hellion if there ever was one, being sure to keep Anna and John on their toes at all times. Anna insisted he took after his father. John argued otherwise. Clearly they had a little rebel on their hands, but Samuel had a sweet nature about him that allowed them to overlook the occasional outburst. After all he was still little and both parents were told this behavior wasn't uncommon at such an age. John's eyes raised to follow the sound of foot steps bouncing off the ceiling and sure enough their little boy came galloping down the stairs naked as the day he was born. Samuel ran at full speed once he spotted his father and his tiny weight crushed against John with arms wide open to wrap him in a hug. The toddler was still partially wet from his bath and covered in suds, but John didn't seem to mind as he placed a gentle kiss on the lad's forehead. John wrapped him in a blanket from the back of the settee not wanting him to catch himself a cold. "Good evening, Sammy boy," John greeted him.

"Papa," Samuel exclaimed with endless love in his eyes. And what beautiful eyes they were. Slightly darker than his own, but hazel all the same. Their little boy had thick, brown hair and long, lanky legs. Samuel had taken after his father with cherub cheeks and thick eyebrows, but had managed to get Anna's smile. A feature that John was more than happy had been inherited from his beautiful wife.

"Samuel Bates. You are supposed to be in your pajamas," Anna's voice echoed through the house with a scornful tone.

John's eyes met with Sam's at the same time, "Were you not listening to Mama today?"

"Uh oh," Sam responded.

"Yes, a big uh oh," John said trying to keep a straight face. He certainly didn't want to encourage their little one's misbehavior but it was so hard to stay mad at that face.

"I thought I heard you come in the door," Anna announced as she descended the stairs. "I tried to get him to wait for me to finish tidying up in the washroom, but he shuffled right past me and out the door."

John could tell she had been running herself ragged even though he had told her numerous times before she shouldn't hesitate to call him if she needed a moment to herself. Her braid hung loosely down her back, a few fly away hairs framed her face, but she had never looked more gorgeous to him. His eyes travelled up to see the angelic look on her face and he smiled lovingly up at her. John's eyes then looked to the other source of joy in his life nestled within Anna's arms and on the verge of sleep, their precious Ada.

"I'm surprised they needed a bath so late in the evening," John remarked.

"You need look no further than your lap for the cause of the change in routine," she replied with a small smile.

"What's all this about?" he asked seeking a response from his son.

"Someone thought they would try their hand at baking today," Anna replied. She was combing her fingers through Ada's thin, blonde hair. "I didn't want to argue with him, God only knows it gets worse when I try to refute him," she added.

John could tell it was a bit of a battle at times when it came to their son, but he also knew their was love underneath the surface of her words.

"I set aside a little spot at the table for each of them to help me roll out the dough for the pies I was making tomorrow. It was all going fine until Samuel thought he needed more flour. I was finishing with the laundry and told him to wait a minute, but your son…"

"Suddenly he's my son whenever he's getting into trouble," John thought to himself.

"Patience is not in his vocabulary. He kept insisting, 'I can manage'. Now who do you suppose he got that from?" she chided her husband and laughed as his cheeks turned red in response.

"Honestly, John. How am I supposed to argue with that, when his own father is no better?" Anna inquired.

John couldn't hide the pride-filled smile that graced his face. Their son certainly was an independent little thing.

Anna continued with her story, "The next thing I know the kitchen was covered in a plume of flour. Thankfully it didn't get on the laundry, but the kitchen was in total disarray."

"I'm sorry, love," John apologized both for himself and on his son's behalf. "I'm sure he didn't mean it."

"I know he didn't. He apologized already," she said.

"Sowwy, Mama," Samuel said as he copied his father.

And even though she had nothing to do with it, not long after came the same apology from Ada, "Me too."

John and Anna shared a laughed over their children.

John had never imagined himself a father, let alone a father of two. To say that they were surprised to find out Anna was having twins was an understatement. And so soon after they had purchased their little hotel by the sea. But after all they had been through and so many years of waiting, their shock was short lived and quickly turned to joy. Of course, John worried constantly, not only about his ability to keep up with two children but for Anna as well. After all she wasn't as young as most first time mothers were and it wasn't common for women to have twins. John wasn't a medical expert by any means, but he knew carrying one child was hard enough on a woman; two couldn't be any easier. But if there was anyone that could get through it, it was his Anna.

Anna made pregnancy look like an art form. Even on days when she insisted she had never felt or looked worse he still thought she was positively glowing and made sure to say so. He loved how Anna sounded as she read and sang to her belly. John would catch her gently caressing her stomach through her dress or nightgown and wonder what it must be like to already have some unspoken connection with their unborn child. It wasn't until he got to experience it for himself as he rest his hand across her small bump one night in their bed that it hit him. He was going to be a father. John Bates had some part in creating something spectacular, something that was completely unspoiled.

His Anna had always been the strong one; always been the one with unending faith. Yet when she went into labour the first thing Anna did was speak his name in a way she never had before. It was a combination of fear and concern. "John," Anna managed to say as she sought out his hand and stared into his eyes with tears in her own.

"I'm here my darling," John had assured her as he entered the room and kissed the knuckles of the small fist she made.

Anna breathed through the pain that seemed to stretch across her belly and settle into her lower back. When she was able to find a moment of relief she took the opportunity to confess to John that she was petrified.

Though everything in his head was mirroring her emotions, John pushed it aside and found a way to be what she needed him to be in that moment. "My darling, everything is going to be just fine. You'll see."

"Do you never doubt?" she asked through the pain. Anna bit down on her lower lip and squeezed his hand a little tighter as she let out a breath.

"No," John replied as he let his free hand settle on her stomach and pushed a loose hair out of the way. His eyes were filled with nothing but love and hope for their future that was finally beginning a new chapter. "And I don't doubt that the sun will rise in the east either," he said with a smile. John kissed her hand and stroked her cheek. "I love you, Anna May Bates. You'll get through this and when the day is over we'll have our babies."

She smiled back at him through her tears and was ushered up the stairs by Mrs. Hughes and the local doctor. Anna had put on a brave face and managed a smile for him. It had been hours of grueling pain for her; each groan and moan set his teeth on edge. His stomach turned as he pictured what she must be going through in that moment and hated himself for putting her in that position. As the hours ticked by he became more nervous, wondering how much longer this could continue and how much longer Anna's strength would hold out. For the first time in years he prayed. Prayed that she found relief sooner rather than later. Prayed that she made it out of this in one piece and that both of their babies were healthy. Her wails finally subsided and he heard the sound of a small cry pierce the air. Time stood still for John as he waited for some word of the condition of his wife and children.

He was granted permission to join her a few moments later and when he did, John found his wife sat up in bed being examined by the doctor. Still smiling but tired. His eyes then scoured the room for some sign of their babies and he found them both, one each in the arms of Mrs. Hughes and the doctor's assistant. He had never been more grateful for her presence in their lives. Around the time they announced their intentions of leaving Downton to start their hotel venture, Mrs. Hughes decided it was time for her to retire as a housekeeper. But her connection with Anna had never been stronger and so she had proposed that she come along to help them manage the hotel. John secretly suspected that she was rather hopeful for a chance to play the role of grandmother to their children since she would never have the opportunity in any other case. She loved Anna like a daughter so it had only seemed natural.

"Congratulations, Mr. Bates," Mrs. Hughes said in her Scottish brogue with all the makings of a new grandmother, "You have a son."

"I...I have a son," John replied, though it came out as more of a question.

"That you do. And he's in fine shape," she added as her fingers tucked the blanket a little tighter around the baby. "See for yourself," Mrs. Hughes encouraged as she placed the baby into John's arms.

He was smaller than John had anticipated, though they were warned that was often the case with twins. But she was right. "Fine shape indeed," John muttered to himself as he took in the sight of his little boy.

"Let's not forget your little girl, either," the assistant commented as she brought the other bundle of joy over for John to hold.

"One of each?" John asked in utter amazement. When his eyes returned to Anna, she was the picture of pride as she watched her husband get acquainted with their children. "Oh Anna, they are more than perfect," he said barely able to tear his eyes away from their babies. "You're brilliant. You know that?" John said with a smile that refused to go away.

Anna blushed and bit back a smile. "Well, it's not as if I did this all on my own, Mr. Bates," she teased.

For once he didn't argue with her. He would indulge her and himself. John was going to take credit for something he had done and not argue with his wife about it. "I know," he responded simply. John couldn't stop staring; he was still completely enamoured and without a doubt besotted with his wife. Never in a million years did he think he'd hold her favor the way he did, that he'd fall in love with someone as beautiful and kind as Anna or that she would love him back. Never had he expected her to stand by him through everything life threw at them. Least of all he hadn't thought it possible to have the future they had now.

"Now, stop thinking of how you are going to thank me and come join me," she said as she gently pat the spot next to her on the bed. "I want to share this moment with you and see my angels."

Without a moment's hesitation John brought their little ones over to Anna. He handed their little boy off to her and got to watch Anna fall in love with him. "I should have known that a younger man would steal you away from me someday," he joked.

"Can you blame me?" Anna added as she ran a finger across her son's cheek. Their little boy wriggled in response to her touch and let out an exasperated sigh accompanied by an angry scowl. "Look at that face."

"I don't know, this one is giving him some stiff competition," John fired back. Their little girl was not nearly as restless as her brother was. No, in fact, she seemed rather content to just continue laying in John's arms, nestled against his chest. She had long eyelashes, pouty lips, and the daintiest fingers John had ever seen. His little girl would be a heartbreaker for sure.

"Are we still settled on the names we decided on before?" she asked with a playful nudge in his direction. The two of them still marvelling at what their love had managed to create.

"I think so," he answered back. "What do you think, Ada?" John asked and their baby stirred at the sound of his voice. "I think she likes it."

"I think she likes you more," Anna observed.

"Only like?"

"Well..." she let her voice trail off to tease him.

John gave Anna a warning look.

"Of course she loves you. You're her father after all."

"That's true," John said. "Who'd of thought? John Bates, father of two."

"I did. I always knew I wanted my babies to look like you," Anna answered back with unwavering faith and devotion.

"I know you did. And I love you all the more for it, my darling," he replied before leaning forward to kiss her deeply. Their two children wrapped safely between them. Their little world had never felt more complete.

It all seemed like lifetimes ago. They had waited so long for their two blessings to come into their lives that it had only seemed natural that time should pass slowly once they arrived. But that was not the case. Quite the opposite in fact. John often found himself trying to slow time down to get more stolen moments with his wife and children. Samuel and Ada had taught John to stop and look around, smell the roses. It seemed that every new experience for them he was seeing it for the first time. He never forgot that horrible dream of a life without Anna, a life without their children. It just didn't seem like a life worth living or not living for that matter.

It had been hard saying goodbye to the world they had come to know and love. The abbey where they had first met and fell in love. The courtyard where they had exchanged secrets and kisses. As well as the cottage that had seen the early days of their marriage. Yes, they had fallen on hard times, but as they watched the spires of Downton disappear from sight, the good memories suddenly outweighed the bad. The two of them looked desperately homesick as they pulled away from the station and left it all behind to start their lives anew. A life governed by rules and decorum. One that was dictated by the whim of a Lord or Lady and managed by the chime of a bell.

The moment of uneasiness subsided as their hotel came into view. They sought out one another's hand as they had so many other times for strength and support. They let out a deep breath and smiled at one another as they prepared themselves for what lay ahead. John reminded himself that no matter what, at the end of the day they had each other. And that was more than enough. He wouldn't allow himself to fail at this. It meant too much to them both and after years of strife he was going to provide Anna with the life she deserved. The life they both deserved.

They celebrated each milestone of their thriving business as well as each development of Anna's pregnancy. Mrs. Hughes arrival proved to be helpful not only for Anna but for John in running the hotel. And when their children arrived they couldn't think of a better candidate to be a godmother to their children.

How amusing it was to them now. They thought they had escaped the life of servitude. Only now their lives were dictated by the whims of their children. It was difficult at times but John couldn't imagine waiting hand and foot on anyone else but them and he suspected that Anna felt much the same way. The hotel also came with its own demands but atleast they had more free time to themselves.

"Papa, wead?" Ada asked in a small voice as she pointed to one of her favorite books.

"Of course Papa will read," John answered back with a lopsided smile. He dared to correct his daughter but he also knew how much he would miss her mispronunciations when they all but disappeared.

"Yay!" Ada exclaimed as she clapped her tiny hands together.

Their little girl looked so much like Anna sometimes it took his breath away. Ada had a quiet disposition so much like his own, but the most sweet and helpful nature he had ever encountered since his wife. It boggled the mind how she was so opposite from her brother; a child that demanded to be heard. It wasn't as if Samuel wasn't capable of such compassion; quite the opposite. John often worried that their son was too much like him. Samuel's reactions were often ruled more by his heart than his brain. Nearly four years old, he was already showing signs of being over protective of his sister and willing to do anything for her.

Anna would often remind John, he was still little and that turning out like his father wouldn't be the worst thing to happen to Samuel.

"Shall we read now or open some presents?" John asked enthusiastically. He had never given much thought to the idea of Christmas before meeting Anna. Every Christmas that had preceded it had been less than memorable or one he would have rather forgotten. Excluding the Christmas they had spent apart while John was imprisoned, every holiday with Anna had only gotten better with the passage of time.

"John, Father Christmas won't be here until after the children have gone to bed," she pointed out.

"True, but one or two presents from Mama and Papa couldn't hurt. After all they've been very good this year, haven't you my little loves?" John argued as he looked down at Samuel.

Sometimes John could be just as bad as their children when Christmas rolled around. He was so eager to see the look on their children's faces as they opened their gifts that he was always quick to break the rules. Anna supposed it was because he had never gotten the chance to experience a Christmas morning the way their children would at that age. No matter what limits they set for their spending, John always felt the need to go overboard and thoroughly spoil them. Still, Anna could be just as bad. "Alright," she finally gave in.

John shot off a victorious smile.

"But just one," she added in a warning tone.

"Just one is good enough for us," John responded gleefully as he lifted Samuel up into the air and placed kisses on the little boy's cheeks. Samuel laughed in response and kicked his legs wildly in an attempt to escape his father's grip.

Anna extended her free arm out and handed John a set of pajamas for Samuel. She smiled easily as she watched her husband dress their little boy for bed. Anna had suspected early on in her pregnancy that John would be an involved father. The way he doted on her and made so many plans for their future with their children was all the proof she needed. But it never ceased to amaze her how willing he was to do the things that most fathers wouldn't. John had confessed to her on more than one occasion he had to do more than the average father because he knew there would be things he couldn't do that most fathers could. Whatever the reason may be, she was very glad for it. John helped with feedings when they were infants, changed nappies, paced the floor with them through fevers; and bathed their children. Anna had never thought it possible to love her husband more than she did the day she married John. She was happily proven wrong. Every time she caught her husband sharing a moment teaching their children something or showering them with love she fell even more in love with him.

"Alright then little love, you sit here on the settee next to Mama and Ada, and Papa will go get your presents," he instructed Samuel.

"Pwesents?" Ada asked.

"Yes, my dearest. Presents," John answered back. He set Samuel down next to Anna and pat his son lovingly on the head before kissing Ada's forehead.

Anna cleared her throat, "And where is mine?"

"Your present is later my darling," John responded.

Anna gave him a cheeky smile. "I meant my kiss."

"Oh that. I think I have one of those for you as well," John answered back. He dipped down low to meet her lips and felt his heart soar at the instant contact. He could feel her smile against his lips and it was in moments like these John was certain he had never been happier.

"Get on with your duties, these two will only be held at bay for so long with promises of presents," Anna teased.

John stepped outside onto the porch where he had placed the children's gifts earlier. He had made sure to keep them well hidden in the office of the hotel. John carried a small parcel in under his arm and handed it to Ada. She seemed all too content with the shiny paper and ribbon that adorned the box for now. He stepped outside once more to grab a bigger package and set it down on the floor in front of Samuel.

Anna scrunched her brow in confusion; having helped John pick out all the gifts for the children she wasn't sure what these gifts were. "What's this?" she asked curiously.

"You'll have to wait and see when they open them."

"But we already spent enough," she said.

"I know. But they're only little once and it's been a good year for our business," he argued back sweetly. John placed a kiss on the back of her knuckles. His rough lips brushing against her smooth skin for longer than he intended, but he simply could not get enough of her.

"Well, let's not keep them waiting then," she said with a smile. Anna was just as anxious to see what John had chosen for them on his own.

It took little encouragement for Samuel to tear into his own toy and Ada followed along with some help from Anna. John sat beside their daughter on the settee as Samuel unveiled a small blue tricycle. "Wook, Mama! Wook!" he shouted triumphantly.

"I see," Anna replied immediately.

"It's blue!" he added with vigor.

"Yes, looks like Papa picked it out in your favorite color," she commented.

"I like blue," Samuel responded emphatically.

"We know, son," John said with a chuckle.

"What is it?" Samuel asked.

Both parents laughed. Apparently their little boy had been so wrapped up in the size of the gift and the color that he hadn't given any thought to what the gift actually was. "It's a bicycle for you, Sammy boy," John answered back. "Something for you to burn off that excess energy," John muttered under his breath. The comment had earned him a small snort from his wife.

"You mean something for me to be worried about as my son is doing laps up and down the lane," Anna chimed in.

John had to smile at the way she was always so concerned for the children. "He'll be fine. He's a boy. Let him live a little," John encouraged. "I'll teach him how to ride properly, he'll be in safe hands. I promise."

Before Anna had a chance to fire back with a comment their conversation was interrupted by their son. "Thank you," Samuel said as John picked him up and set the boy down on the seat of the tricycle.

"You're welcome my boy," John answered back. "Don't forget to thank, Mama."

Samuel hopped off the bike long enough to climb up onto the settee and throw his arms around Anna's neck. "Thank you, Mama."

"Of course my sweetheart." She said before leaning forward to place a kiss on his cheek. Samuel scrunched his face in response and wiped at the spot where her lips had met.

Ada began to get fussy as she waited for her turn.

"And with that I think it's time for Ada's gift," Anna said.

Samuel quickly lost interest and turned his attentions back to his tricycle. He let out a groan when John reached for him.

"Now Sam…" John picked the boy up and set him on his lap, "...it's Ada's turn."

Anna began to help Ada with the ribbon. "What could it be my little love?"

"I'da know," Ada said.

As Anna removed the last of the wrapping paper she couldn't help but notice the spark in John's eyes as he watched their baby girl unveil her gift. He was sure Ada would love it. She had talked of nothing else for the past few months since Ada and Sam had gone back to the Abbey to visit with Lady Mary. Lady Mary's newest addition, Albert had just arrived and Ada was consumed with the idea of a baby. It didn't take long for her to start asking Anna if they could "get" a baby and while he was sure Anna would love nothing more than another baby, other children never arrived despite their attempts. While he couldn't imagine starting over with a third child at his age, John would have done it if he knew it was what would make Anna happy. He only hoped this would quell Ada's desires for now.

"Baby!" she exclaimed. Her small hands gently smacked against the box with excitement. Their daughter's face lit up unlike they had ever seen it and John was certain the two of them would never forget this Christmas.

"Oh Ada, look. She looks just like you," Anna pointed out as she caressed the doll's hair.

"My baby," Ada said with a broad grin as she pointed to herself.

John removed the doll with care and handed it to Ada. "Here you go my angel."

Ada immediately squeezed the doll tightly and snuggled up against it before placing a kiss on it's cheek. "She's pwetty."

"Yes, she is. Just like you," John replied as he doted on his daughter.

"What's hers name?" Samuel asked as his small hand tugged on Anna's skirt to get her attention..

"I don't know," Anna answered her son, "Ada will have to pick one."

"Can I see?" Samuel asked.

"I'm sure Ada will let you. Ask nicely and wait your turn," Anna reminded him.

"Pwease," spoke up towards his sister.

"Here, Sam," Ada responded as she showed him her newest treasure. "Happy Christmas."

John looked over at Anna and saw happy tears forming in the corners of her eyes. He'd be lying if he said he hadn't felt tears of his own welling up in his throat. His children had brought new meaning to his life just as their mother had. His love for them grew exponentially with every new achievement and discovery. And watching Anna with their babies was no different; she had flourished as a mother, seeing her with their children was eye opening. She was now who she was always meant to be.

While the visit from his mother five years ago wasn't always at the front of his mind, the memory never really left either. It had all felt so real and yet it couldn't be. But John didn't question it. That visit was all the reminder he needed to realize his true value and place in the world. The friendships and relationships he had formed along the way had taken on new meaning and for the first time in his life John felt like a success; someone he knew his mother would have been proud of. It had been a long road but John finally had the life he'd always dreamed of. He was truly blessed.


"Hmm," he said with a shake of his head. John had been so lost in thought he hadn't even realized Anna was speaking to him.

"Where were you just now?"

"No where. Just thinking this is the best Christmas I've ever had," he said with a genuine smile.

Anna looked at him longingly. She bit back a smile as a flash of what was to come tonight crossed her mind. "Come on, let's get these two off to bed, Mrs. Hughes will be over tomorrow to celebrate with us and she's bringing Mr. Carson with her."

"Well that will be exciting."

"Yes, it will be. But not as exciting as what I have in store for us," Anna answered back with a wicked grin.

John couldn't help but be overcome with love for this beautiful creature that still made him feel younger with every lingering smile and cherished beyond belief. With that John eagerly picked up Samuel and followed her up the stairs as she carried Ada. Their little family brought him immeasurable joy and nestled within their warm, quaint cottage at their hotel by the sea life was complete and full of possibilities.