Disclaimer: I do not own Puella Magi Madoka Magica. This work is merely for leisure and not for any profit whatsoever.

AN: So this popped into my head when I was in AFA. Mainly cause of my friend ranting about how Homu-chan stole close to 1.7 million USD in firearms a few months back. The info regarding the firearms was from Puella Magi Wiki.

Please drop a review on your way out(:

Nariel H.

Summary: Ever wondered about the aftermath of a Magical Girl's shopping spree? "Boss, Ghost came again." There was a loud sigh from the other end, "What's the damage?"


Akemi Homura

Kuroki Masaru whistled a happy tune as he breezed through the hallway. The new shipment of weapons came in without problems, the Red Snakes were quiet for once and yesterday, they'd just managed to bust out two of their guys from their holding cells in the Mitakihara Police Centre. All was right for the Black Tigers thus leading to the yakuza's current good mood.

Masaru's good mood evaporated, however, as soon as he stepped into the Weapon's Room of their current base.

Now, there was nothing wrong with the room; it was large and spacious, allowing for easy manoeuvre when inside. In fact it was just a corner of the room that caused his bad mood. Because currently, it was empty. That was a problem as not just ten minutes ago, it'd been full of guns, ammo and even grenades, just like every other part of the room. Masaru had left the room to go to the toilet. And he had locked up the room- with all ten locks attached to the door and an extra padlock. Added to the fact that the hallway leading to the Weapon's Room itself was really long (it required a good two minutes to cover while sprinting), thus the likelihood of theft occurring in the room itself should have been zero percent. Except it wasn't, thereby causing Masaru's loss of his happy and content feelings. So the yakuza did the only thing he could in response to this occurrence.

He sighed. Loudly.

Then he picked out his phone and rapidly punched in a string of numbers.

"Boss, Ghost came again."

There was a pregnant pause before a loud sigh was heard from the other end, "What's the damage?"

"Ten M9s, seven Desert Eagles, two 89 assault rifles, a FN Minimi and fifty or so grenades and flash bangs, sir."

"… Well at least the bastard didn't take the missiles this time."

"I heard from Riko that he stole those form the Silver Foxes two days ago."

"HA! Good job to him for that! Bloody Foxes' have been pushing for more territory ever since they got the shipment. How many did he make off with?"

"Apparently the whole stash, sir. Rumour has it that Ghost also made off with three Type 88 Surface-to-Ship missiles in Gunma and close to a hundred L16 Mortars from Jieitai. "

"Well I'll be damned. If the bastard would actually stop stealing from us I think I'd actually like him."

"He is impressive."

"Well, there's nothing we can do now, back to your work Masaru."

"Yes sir."

The line went dead. Masaru let out a breath that he'd been unconsciously holding. He'd been lucky that this problem had already been occurring for a good three weeks before he himself encountered it. The unlucky few that had been on guard duty when the thefts first started were subjected to the Boss' terrifying rage and left that encounter with several fingers short. Now though, the Boss had resigned himself to this occurrence as not once had any Tiger, Fox or Snake even seen hide or hair of the thief, instead opting to laugh at others who shared his problem and commending Ghost for his magical thievery skills. And considering that Ghost stole from all three yakuza group, even the Military, on a regular basis; he'd earned the Boss' grudging respect.

Masaru rubbed his face with his hands, a sardonic smile playing on his lips, "Well done Ghost. No traces at all- just like the last fourteen times."


AN: I'm pretty sure you guys know who Ghost is(; I had real fun writing this; I'm not sure if I should continue with other aftermaths of Magical Girl Shopping Spree. Please leave a review if you'd like me to :D Thanks for reading~