Title: Clockworks

Summary: Kuroko, a prominent doll-maker, picks up a broken wind-up doll that had red hair. He fixes it and patches up the broken nuts. The night after fixing it, the doll grew bigger and became a total human. As a repay of thanks, he services the teal haired male.

Christmas is coming up so I just had to make this~! (Although I did say that I was supposed to NOT post anything until my prelims are over XD)


Clockworks 00


~The puppet maker who repaired the broken prince~


White specks of dots fell down from the sky. The whole place was white starting from the roof down to the road. Everything was white. The lanterns lit up the cold night as couples walked by the sidewalk. Children ran along the sides playing with the others. They paid no heed to whoever they bumped onto. Their little feet didn't have any idea that they were already stepping on a broken toy. It was probably because it was already covered with snow.

While the kids continued to run along, one accidentally bumped on a familiar figure. Turning around to apologize, the kid found the figure to be missing. Shrugging to himself, he caught up with his running friends.

A teal haired male was down on his knees as he picked up the beaten-up toy hidden in the lumps of snow. He swiped off the snow particles that got stuck on the toy.

"…" He took a good look at the toy's features. Such fine red hair, he first commented. One eye was crimson red while the other was missing. Some nuts and bolts were loose but it was nothing for him to fix. The clothes were in tatters but he can probably create better ones. "This would be a waste not to patch up…"

After that, he hid the toy within his thick coat and turned the other way. People seem to pass him by like a ghost, no presence to be sensed. He retained an impassive face even when there were times other people would rudely knock their shoulder over his and not apologize. The snowy pavement trailed marks of foot prints at the figure silently made his way back to his shop.

The door to his shop opened with a light ring. Varieties of toys were decorated around the shop. Cuckoo clocks were hung up on the walls. Each of them was set to a different time. Trains on train tracks were at the perimeter. Tons of dolls and knick-knacks were sitting on the shelves for display as well as pretty music boxes that had beautiful chimes every time they were played. Tools and other items for repair were at the counter. And, other handmade toys that move were scattered around the ground.

He hung his jacket on the coat hanger just beside him and unwrapped the scarf around his neck. The broken toy was placed on the nearby table while the puppet maker grabbed as hot drink for the cold night.

Coming back, he took a seat and stared at the toy's features once again. There wasn't anyone to talk to at this time of night, so he kept all thoughts to himself. His eyes trailed to the side where he placed all of the toys who had the same fate as the one laying infront of him.

At a certain shelf laid four more similar toys. Starting from the left was a toy he picked up from a garage sale, followed by a toy he got from a kid who he used to take care, then there was that toy he found drifting in the lake, and the last one was from an abandoned house. Every single one of them used to be in the same state as the toy in front of him but looking at them, they look like master pieces now.

Nodding to himself, he grabbed his repair kit and proceeded with the re-touch.

The missing eye was replaced with a golden yellow one—since it was the only spare he had considering that the last repair was with one with yellow eyes. He opened the chest part of the toy and revealed such a complicated installment of bolts and nuts. For some reason, it reminded him of the human anatomy. The supposed to be heart was encased in series of wires which seemed to resemble the rib cage. He gently unraveled the wires and much to his surprise, he found that the heart was actually a red crystal. And like the heart, it was fragile and was needed to be protected.

He removed the crystal and proceeded with fixing the worn-out wires. Rusted nuts were replaced with similar ones he had in his kit. He had to choice but to keep the other rusted parts inside for there weren't anything like that. He cleaned the crystal heart that was covered with a thin layer of dust. Satisfied, he placed back the fragile crystal heart and closed the chest area.

The remaining ones inside were in perfect condition—it was as if the chest was the only thing in need of help. He then replaced the tattered clothes with pre-made ones.

Surprisingly enough, the toy looked life-like. The only downfall was that no matter how much effort Kuroko put on the face, it was still frowning. Even when tried painting on it, mysteriously, the smile somehow fell into a frown. Something was missing. He just couldn't put his finger on it.

What was it? He mentally asked.

Sighing, he let it be for the night.

The toy had red hair.


"I'll name you Akashi…" He placed a finger over his mouth and showed a pondering expression. "… I guess I'll think of a first name in the morning…"

With that, he closed the light and went into his room which was further inside the shop.

Unbeknownst to the puppet maker, 'Akashi' already had a smile gracing his face.


Short. I know. The next ones will be longer~!

This fanfic will last for just a few chapters though~

Care to drop a review?
