I'm so sorry I haven't updated. Especially after leaving you guys with that cliffhanger. I was in Major Writers Blocklandia (thank you PeridotPi for that). Also, I have this GIANT History project that takes up basically all my time. I know, I know, no excuses. I hope to finish this soon, especially since it's almost summer time.

Announcement, everyone! My birthday is in 12 days! If I get 10 reviews on this chapter, I'll update before the end of the month, if not sooner. I am totally swamped, but will make sure to update ASAP.

Disclaimer: I need to own something like a laptop before I own a great book series!

I watched as realization dawned in their heads. Most jaws dropped. One did not. Connor's. I decided to focus on that for a moment.

"Connor," I began cautiously. "Why are you not surprised?"

"Because I'm a son of Poseidon. I went to Camp Half-Blood over the summer and found out everything. You guys have done some really amazing stuff," he replied, not afraid at all. "Oh, and bro, is it true that you can control water?"

Percy just stood there with his mouth gaping open. He brought his head up slowly, then brought it back down slowly.

"Thanks," I said, trying to keep my cool. We just stared at one another for a moment.

Someone cleared their throat. "Uhhh . . . can somebody explain what's going on?" I looked up to see the other seven staring at us.

"Sure," Percy said. "You've all heard of the Greek and Roman gods, right?" They all nodded and he continued talking. "They're all real. All those myths happened. Gods really have children with mortals. I am a son of Poseidon, Annabeth is a daughter of Athena, and Bennett, as we are now finding out is a son of Iris. You guys remember our friends that visited on the first day of school? Yeah, they're demigods too. Well, not Grover. He's a satyr. Tha-" He was interrupted by Caroline.

"What's a satyr?" she asked timidly.

"They are half goat, half human. I'm going to continue now, so when I'm done Annabeth will answer questions. Okay, so Thalia's a daughter of Zeus, Nico's a son of Hades, and Connor and Travis are sons of Hermes. They're not twins though. Now, questions for Annabeth?" Percy finished, looking over at me. I gave him a small nod and he visibly relaxed. He still looked shaken up about the fact he has a brother his age and Poseidon never told him.

Silence fell over the entire group of us. "Who are we children of?" Bennett asked suddenly.

"Well," I began, "We aren't sure yet. We have to get to camp and you should be claimed pretty quickly. Not all of you are demigods though. But, since you could see the hellhound, it must mean you are clear sighted mortals. Percy can you go IM camp?"

"Sure," he said, still in shock. He turned and slowly walked away.

Percy POV

I walked slowly towards the water fountain, the best place to IM camp without anybody seeing. I was still completely in shock. I was mad. I was shaking with fury. Poseidon, my father, led me to believe that I was his only son my age. But, nooooooooo. He had another son, a son that could have been the one referred to in the first great prophecy, but he was hidden from the mythical world, unable to perform the tasks needed.

I was a second choice. Otherwise, I would have been hidden from the world like my brother. I hate the stuff the gods but me through. I was nearly killed millions of times during the millions of quests they sent me on.

I reached the fountain and threw the drachma in. "Oh Fleecy, please show me Chiron," I said dully. I really wasn't in the mood after all of that crap we just found out.

"Percy!" A voice interrupted my self-pitying. "What gives me this pleasure?" Chiron asked. I put on a brave face, then turned to respond.

"We found 4 demigods and 4 clear-sighted mortals. They're all in danger," I said, remembering I was concerned for my friends safeties.

"Okay. Where are you, so I can send Argus?" he replied calmly.


"Okay. I'll see you soon," Chiron said, going to end the message.

"Wait!" I cried. I forgot about the wizards! How stupid can I get. Well, I guess that's why I'm a Seaweed Brain. Getting off topic! "There's one other thing. There are these British exchange students at Goode this year, and they're not mortal. They're wizards," I finished kind of calmly.

"Aww." That's all Chiron said before sinking into deep thoughts. I stared at him, trying to read his mind, although as everyone knows, that's impossible.

Finally, he broke out of his reverie. "Have them come too. I think I have a lot of explaining to do. He ended the IM, leaving me with so many more questions than I had about a minute ago. I walked back across the quad to my friends. I was lost in thought, thinking about all the new information I was given in the past five minutes, when I felt a pair of hands place themselves on my chest, stopping me in my tracks. I looked up to see my beautiful Wise Girl looking up at me.

"Thinking, Seaweed Brain?" she asked sarcastically.

"Actually, yes. Argus is on his way here to take all of us to camp," I said.

"Okay. I'm kinda worried about everything. I hope nothing goes wrong. It always seems like something is going wrong."

"That is what I was thinking. Will they ever give us a break?" Thunder boomed overhead. "I know you don't like me Zeus, but I saved the world twice and your daughter."

Annabeth POV

Argus arrived before anyone could form a response. I just put my arm around that boy and smiled. We herded our friends into the Delphi's Strawberry Service Van, watching them exchange confused glances. It was hilarious. I wanted to laugh so hard, but I really didn't want to embarrass them even more.

We drove in near silence. Soon enough, I could see Thalia's tree. It was great to be back. I audibly sighed, so happy to be home. Percy was my home, anywhere he was I wanted to be. I know, I know, I'm getting all sappy. But can't a daughter of Athena be sappy occasionally. No! Curse you Aphrodite, I said mentally, so not to annoy the gods.

We clambered out of the van and started up the hill. As soon as I crossed the boundary, a tiny black and silver bullet hit me.

I apologize for the tiny cliffhanger. I seem to be able to only write that way.

Has anyone read The Heir? If so, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE tell me a review or PM me. I need someone to fangirl with! I don't know anyone in my real life who has read it or all of the rest of the series! I won't spoil it but THE FEELS! Oh. My. Flipping. Gods. I started freaking out yesterday when I finished it.

I don't think I have anything else to say, but I have a question. Do you have any guilty pleasures? To be honest, I completely do. For music it's One Direction and Beauty and the Beat by Justin Bieber. I happen to love Disney Channel, especially Girl Meets World. I have been honest, so please be honest if you answer the question.

Until next time,

The Titanical Cup