
Disclaimer: I claim no rights to the characters of Harry Potter and Gundam Wing. They belong to their respective creators.

Warnings: slash, violence, OOC, AU, explicit content, angst, drama


It happened so long ago.

So long ago that, in fact, he can hardly remember anymore.

All he can remember are feelings, and flashes of images. He remembers a great battle. He remembers the scent of blood; screams of pain and terror.

He remembers pain and desperation.

And then everything stopped.

All of a sudden he felt peace.

He felt as though he was liberated from everything; from pain, from sorrow, from suffering.

All he has known since then was this peace; endless silence and peace.

He does not know how much time has passed.

All he knows is that all of a sudden he started receiving flashes, images of huge machines.

Another war. Another battle.

More pain and more sorrow.

And then he saw 5 young men.

Heero Yuy.

Duo Maxwell.

Trowa Barton.

Quatre Winner.

Wufei Chang.

In his mind he could follow their destinies. In his heart he felt their suffering.

He knew them better than he knew himself.

He observed as they climbed above their differences.

He watched as they grew up into young men.

He saw an end to pain and suffering brought forth by their efforts and their blood.

And peace reigned over the world again.

He started loosing himself again.

Days melted into nothing in this senseless existence.

With each passing moment which seemed like a small eternity, he felt himself loosing touch with the world again.

And then he had felt it.

A darkness rising in the hearts of men.

Darkness such as the world has seen only once, and which was defeated once before. Its power has started to grow again.

Time started to make sense again, and he had seen those who he came to know moving on with their lives.

He had seen Heero go after Relena Peacecraft. He had seen the two of them find happiness and salvation in one another and he was happy for them.

He watched as Trowa and Quatre finally admitted their feelings for one another. He observed as Sally Po finally managed to pull Wufei out of his shell. He had seen them get married.

And then he had seen Duo Maxwell.

As the darkness grew, casting a shadow over the world, he had seen Duo being pulled deeper and deeper into Shinigami's hold.

He felt for Duo. His heart ached for Duo's pain.

It was unbearable.

He felt as though his heart was breaking.

As the darkness kept growing, threatening to destroy the peace, threatening to involve Duo and his friends into yet another war, he had realized that the moment has come for him to get out of his prison; if for nothing else then to help Duo find happiness.

He knew he had to get out of here.

He only hoped he would soon find a way.
