I hope you like the first chapter of my fanfic... this is my first one and sorry in advance for all the spelling mistakes ^^ but please enjoy all the same!

Chapter 1

Conan was walking home one day after school. Just your tipical day on the oh so tipical street. But not in the life of Conan Edogawa. So far he has went through 3 cases in under an hour. "If only things where normal for a change" Conan sighed lowering his head. After a while of thinking he bumped into someone "I-Im so sorry-" he began to apologize until he saw who it was. "Yo~ Tante-kun!"

Conan had not intisipated to see Kaito Kuroba of all people. "Heh don't you have something to steal?" Conan sarcastically implys. "Only the heart of my belovid detective" Kaito replys with an air kiss. Conan grunts. " oh come on, I'm only kidding" Kaito said playfully. " well I really need to go now so would you please get out of my way" Conan says in desperation. Kaito smerks and steps aside so the little detective can get through. Conan nods in thanks and walks on, but befor he could walk more then 5 feet Kaito runs up from behind and grabs him "oh and I almost forgot, today Ran asked me to look after you" he says with a smerk forming on his face. " eh?... EH?! Why?!" Conan shouts. Kaito smiles "Ran didn't want her little Conan to feel lonely over the long weekend so I said I could look after you. Isn't that great, Shin-chan?" Conan's expression horrified as he imagins all the things Kaito could do to him over the weekend. Kaito must have realized this because he started to give him an evil smirk.
"Well we must be off now~! I have so many things planned for us~" Kaito says whall picking up the shocked Conan.

When they get to Kaitos house Conan was more caucous then normal, when ever Kaito got near him he would give an icy glare and walk away. "Shin-chan~! How can you be so cold? I haven't done anything have I?" Kaito says in sadness. Conan looks over his shoulder at Kaito and says " I'm going to take a bath so-" before he could finnish Kaito pipes up and says " OK! I'll be right there" as he drags Conan up the stairs with a silly grin. Conan sighs "for some reason I don't think I'm the kid here" Conan smiles and follows along with Kaitos little fantasy.

I'll try to have the next chapter in as soon as posible