Stiles Stilinski believed that if you stayed positive good things were bound to happen. Especially since he was now a senior at Beacon Hill's High School. He had faced a lot of problems the first three years, but he will always say that wasn't his fault. Because in reality it never really is his fault. He just so happened to be the most unluckiest person in the world.

But again this year he was going to make a difference no matter what signs the universe gave him. This year he was determined to make it different. What he didn't know was the universe still had plans for him. Plans that would make Stiles' last year hell on Earth. Honestly had he paid attention to the signs that were given, he may have been more prepared.

The first sign of trouble was when he overslept. Granted he has done it a ton of times (and had the detentions to prove it), but as a senior being late for the first day of the last year of his life was the biggest disaster of all disasters.

Second his jeep wouldn't start. Stiles loved the thing too death. Like seriously loved it, to a point where he wouldn't let anyone near it if they were, dirty or bleeding.

But lucky for him, he had one true friend, Scott McCall, who able to come get him.

"Thanks man," Stiles told him as they were now headed to school, "Don't know what I would do without you."

"Probably end up running to school like you did that one time." Scott told him with a laugh.

"You would too if Lydia was your partner for a project and wanted to make sure you didn't screw up and making her look bad."

"She's terrifying."

"And a total genius, who saved my chemistry grade last year." Stiles countered back.

"What do you think the school project is going to be this year?" Scott asked as they finally made their way up to the front of the school.

"No idea." Stiles commented as they walked the halls, "Hopefully something simple and not completely complicated."

When Stiles and Scott get to the auditorium they took their usual spot toward the end of the bleachers because sometimes the two of them like to escape from boring and unnecessary assemblies. But their graduating class was kind of big and the bleachers were small. So really everyone was packed in together like a bunch of sardines.

In fact, it was so crowded that someone ended up smacking Scott upside the head with their backpack, "Hey watch where you going you-" Stiles said not even looking up, but when he does he immediately changed his tune, "Allison, how are you?" Scott's face turned red with embarrassment.

Allison Argent- Scott's long time crush since freshmen year. It wasn't no long life crush like Stiles had for Lydia, but unrequited love was still a bitch.

"I'm good," Allison said with a friendly smile, "And Scott I'm really sorry. I didn't see you there." Allison apologized.

"No it's my fault." Scott told her quickly with a stuttered laugh. Beside him he could feel Stiles slowly trying not to laugh at him and nudged him in the side.

"Allison! Up here!" Lydia called out to her. They only have been friends for three years and yet somehow they managed to get their friendship on the same level as Scott and Stiles.

"Hey," Allison told them, "I'll catch you later." She walked the bleachers to her saved spot with Lydia Martin and Jackson Whittemore. They were like the triple threat of the senior class. Lydia with an IQ over 170, Allison with her being the head captain of the school archery team, and Jackson as captain of the lacrosse team.

The bell rang for the assembly to start and the school Principle Deaton started up with the announcements. It was the usual boring stuff until he mentioned something about marriage and apparently the divorce rate in the entire country was at 52% and that is how the graduating class of Beacon Hills found out their senior year project.

Of course, that was when the entire senior student body went into an uproar, making all types of complaints and unnecessary comments. After Deaton had let the students express their outrage, he continued explaining the project, "Each student will be paired up for the school year and must work together as couple." He told them, "There will be a list on the board outside the gym. Including earning income in other words, making money. The couple with the most successful marriage will get half the money earned while another goes to charity. And each month the couple who earns the most will prizes such as free prom tickets and a limo for the prom."

He even bough in a counselor named Jennifer Blake. Apparently, they were cousins or something and Jennifer had owed him a favor. Stiles couldn't help, but noticed how she looked like a one of the women that do those commercials about phone or insurance.

"Jennifer and I think that you all are old enough to learn how to manage, maintain, and challenge relationships." Deaton continued on, "In no way do we encourage physical intimacy with our students."

In other words, sex and just like any normal group of teenagers everyone laughed. Derek Hale and his girlfriend, Kate Argent (no relation to Allison, thank God), being the loudest ones, who just so happened to be sitting right in front of Stiles and Scott.

Stiles had to resist the urge make an eye roll. Those two were the biggest cliché of all time. The typical high school jock and head cheerleader dating each other. Those two have been "intimate" with each other since freshmen year, thanks to Kate's big mouth.

While laughing the two of them embraced each other and gave each other the sloppiest kiss known to man. Stiles wished for the horrid memory to be erased.

Stiles turned to share his disgust with Scott only to find him looking super stoked.

"What are you smiling about?" Stiles asked.

"It just occurred to me that this could be my shot with Allison." Scott shared, "I hope I don't screw it up."

"Think of it this way," Stiles suggested, "At least you'll have a full year to impress her."

"This is why I keep you around."

"And here I was thinking it was because I didn't give you a choice in the third grade."

In reality though, Stiles tried to remain cool, calm, and collected as Deaton continued on explaining the project. Since Stiles may have slightly forgotten to the daily dosage of Adderall, his mind began going somewhere. He just hoped that he didn't end-up with some weirdo or lazy partner.

After the assembly, the herd pretty much ran to the doors to see who their partner was going to be. Of course, they got crammed and got stuck behind Isaac Lahey, who was like as muscular as he can be. And honestly, he acted like he could care less about who his partner was. It also didn't help with the fact he had music stuck in his ears. He was like a freaking roadblock.

What seemed like forever, Scott and Stiles finally were able to get to the board. Stiles closed his eyes praying that an angel of mercy was going to save him.

When he opened them, he could've swore he could hear hell freezing over, the name across from his was Hale, Derek. "You gotta be fu-" He started to complain just before Scott pulled him away from the board. "Who did you get?" Stiles asked him in hope that something good was happening to at least one of them.

"Lydia." He said.

"Dude," Stiles commented, "Try not to die." Stiles laughed, but he noticed the serious expression on his friend's face, "Who did Allison get paired with?"


And just like that all the positivity that Stiles had tried to keep in mind vanished. Looked like this year was going to be another year of hell.

"You know, I try to be a positive person." Stiles told Scott, "But, I'm stuck with Mr. Head-up-my ass. Not even curly fries can make me happy."

"That's blasphemy." Scott commented, "You should watch yourself."

"I know that jerk…" Stiles said clearly reeling over his "spouse", "Is going to make us or probably just me fail. Whoever made that list must really hate me."

"Looks like I'm going to be the level-headed one about this," Scott said. "Truth to all of what you just said, but at least you can have some kind of conversation with him and probably live. Lydia's going to eat me alive."

"Something tells me, Lydia and Jackson may beat the system though." Stiles commented as he tilted his head in the direction to see both Lydia and Jackson talking to Deaton.

"Hey, then maybe I could be Allison's partner."

"And then Jackson can be the one getting life threatening emails early in the morning." Stiles said happily, "At least one of us well have a pleasant year."

Once again the universe had other plans when Scott and Stiles found themselves being confronted by Kate and her cheerleaders. It was no surprise that Kate even had a look of displeasure on her face.

"Look here Stilinski. Just because Derek is going to be with you all year doesn't mean that something is going to happen." She even gave him a rude look over, "In fact, I doubt it will since this is for graduation and all." Kate shared disapprovingly.

Stiles rolled his eyes, because he was expecting something like this to happen, "Kate the last thing I want on this Earth is to be paired up with an idiot like Derek. Please I'm just trying to survive this year resisting the urge to kill your boyfriend." Stiles said plainly, "And please if Derek was interested in me I'm sure as hell not interested in him. So don't worry you can sleep at night." Stiles said in response.

Kate narrowed her eyes at him, once more before leaving with a huff along with the rest of her followers.

"I swear I don't understand why you even bother with her." Scott commented, "She's hated you ever since the third grade."

"Well, it would have been rude of me not to comfort her fears." Stiles replied laughing.

"You got one smart mouth Stiles."

"Luckily it's one of my many talents."

Scott and Stiles headed to their homeroom, which had none other than Derek Hale in there with Kate right by his side. They had the look of disgust when Stiles walked right passed them.

Stiles was about ready to say something, but Scott pulled him away saying, "Let it go."

"And this is why I keep you around." Stiles told him.