Junior's club

Junior was surprised. Aside from the hair, eyes, clothes and weapon this girl looked a lot like Blondie. And just like Blondie, she wanted information. He took a deep breath before speaking. "You came to the right place." He said with a forced smile.

The girl smiled and sat down in the seat next to Junior. "Okay, I'm looking for a girl. She should look kinda like me except with blonde hair. Know where I can find her?"

Junior blinked rapidly a few times before he spoke. "And, that's all you want?" He asked nervously.

She raised and eyebrow. "Yes, why?"

Junior cleared his throat. "Just wondering. Anyway, I think you'll find this girl at Beacon."

"Thank you." She said as she got up and started to leave but stopped in the middle of the dance floor.

Junior started to get a bad feeling, especially once she drew her weapon. A long red bladed katana. "Oh no."

She looked back at him with a nervous smile. "Sorry, one of your glass pillars is still standing and I feel like it shouldn't be for some reason." She apologized as she slashed the pillar and sheathed her sword, leaving through the front door.

Junior watched as she slammed the door behind her which caused the pillar to fall and shatter as it hit the ground. He slammed his head onto the counter. "GODDAMMIT!"


"Weiss Schnee. Lie Ren. Pyrrha Nikos. Nora Valkyrie. The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as team WLPN (Wallpin). Led by Weiss Schnee." Ozpin announced.

The sound of people clapping echoed through the room as Nora wraps her arms around her new teammates in a bone crushing hug. Weiss and Pyrrha were struggling to breathe while Ren seemed unaffected.

After Nora was done, the four walked off of the stage as four other students walked onto the stage.

Finally: Jaune Arc. Yang Xiao Long. Blake Belladona. Ruby Rose. You four have retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as team ALBR (Alabaster). Led by Jaune Arc.

The audience gave another round of applause as Yang punched Jaune lightly in the shoulder.

Ozpin leaned over to whisper into Glynda's ear. "How did I do with the team names this year?"

Glynda rolled her eyes. "Wallpin?"

Ozpin shrugged. "I'd like to see you do better."

Glynda raised an eyebrow. "Is that a challenge?" She asked with a grin.

Ozpin didn't answer and took a sip from his mug.

ALBR dorm room

The newly formed team entered their dorm. The only things in the room were four beds, a couple of desks and their bags.

"Okay, who wants what bed?" Jaune asked.

The three girls looked between each other and then back at Jaune. "Which one are you taking?" Ruby was the first to ask.

Jaune shrugged. "I was just going to take the last bed after you three choose your own."

Ruby looked like she got an idea as she whispered something into Yang's ear. Yang listened and then smiled as she gave Ruby a thumbs up. The sisters then ran out the door, leaving Jaune and Blake confused.

"Where're they going?" Jaune asked.

Blake was about to say something when red and yellow blurs ran into the room. A dust cloud formed on the right half of the room and the sound of hammers could be heard.

When the hammering stopped and the dust settled, Jaune and Blake stared wide eyed at the structure before them. A crudely made bunk bed made from two of the beds that were in the room. The top bed was held rope that was attached to the ceiling. The bottom bed also adding support with multiple books stacked on the posts to hold the feet of the top bed.

Yang noticed Jaune and Blake's confused looks. "We had bunk beds when we were younger."

"It also helps save on room space." Ruby added.

Jaune and Blake nodded in unison.

"Want us to make you two a bunk bed?" Ruby asked.

Jaune and Blake shook their heads in unison.

"I'm just going to bed." Jaune said as he quickly dove under the covers of the left most bed.

"Me too." Blake said as she got into the bed next to Jaune's.

Ruby and Yang shrugged as they took their respective beds. Ruby taking the top one while Yang took the bottom.

Blake was awakened by the sound of footsteps. She looked at her scroll for the time.

"Who the hell would be up at 1:00AM?" She thought to herself. Opening her eyes she saw a figure standing by Ruby and Yang's bunk.

"He-" Blake began but was stopped when a red blade was pointed at her throat.

"Shh. Go back to sleep, kitty." Blake was told by the intruder who was wearing a white bone mask so her face was hidden.

Blake laid back down and closed her eyes. "Good girl." She heard.

After a few seconds, Blake opened her eyes to see that the intruder was gone and Jaune was standing at the open window. "Who was that?" She asked.

Jaune closed the window and gave a deep sigh. "No one you need to worry about." He told her while slipping on his hoodie and shoes.

"Where are you going?" Blake asked.

Jaune stopped at the door. "Go back to bed. I'll be back before sunrise." With that he left, closing the door quietly behind him.

Blake wasn't going back to sleep now. She quickly got up and put on a pair of sweatpants and slippers before following him out the door

Next time, more things will happen.

Also, about Chocolate Arc. I will be replacing that last chapter with what I think I had originally written for it.

Another thing. Does anyone want to be Glynda and come up with a better name than Wallpin? Because, I can't. PM me if you can think of one.