Group dates no longer sucked. Well, technically, they were group hangs but since eighty percent of his group had been all couples, they felt like group dates, with him and Jackson as the single losers hanging about awkwardly and covering up their loneliness and feelings of being left out with snark-offs and trash talking.

But not anymore!

Because Stiles had Derek, which meant that ninety-one percent of the group was coupled up. And he was part of the majority. So when Allison had texted him about a group outing to go bowling and to bring Derek, he jumped at the chance, dragging his Alpha along.

They ended up divided into three groups: Team Lyden vs Team Dethan on lane two, Team Malira vs Team Sterek—aka the greatest team ever—on lane three, leaving Team Scallison vs Lonely Weredouche on lane four. Malia had glared and insisted her brother not give them all ship names, that it was real life and not some Tumblr blog so he needed to quit acting like a fangirl. Derek backed him up and said it was cute, causing her to groan and mutter about how nauseating they were.

The games quickly started and as always, Malia was competitive as hell, snarling at any pins that dared not fall. Derek was unsurprisingly good, reminding Stiles of times his Alpha had taken him, Malia, and Scott bowling during babysitting gigs after he'd gotten his license. Although that was probably because Paige worked the snack counters at the time, but whatever. The past didn't matter because Stiles had Derek now and would always have him.

Him and his ridiculously good bowling skills and his clever smack talk of Malia, keeping up with her jabs as she got more malicious in her drive to win.

Kira bowled pretty decently, if not a little awkwardly, uncoordinated at that as she was with everything. But Malia still applauded her and still told her she did awesome, grin on her face when the werefox bounded over to sit beside her. Stiles brought up the rear, somehow miraculously managing to break a hundred during their first game, even getting a strike. Real bowling wasn't ever really his thing. He kicked ass at the Wii version of it though, even held the family record for best game, something that pissed Malia off to no end.

Halfway through the second game, Stiles glanced around at his friends. Lydia was decimating the boys in her lane in her usual manner, all while managing to look flawless. Aiden seemed to be into the friendly competition with her, while his twin and Danny seemed more into making out with each other. Typical really.

And speaking of...

Stiles peeked at the group he was sharing a ball retriever with, noting Scott and Allison with their faces fused, oblivious to the world as always. A quick glance at the screen showed neither had bowled since the third frame and they were waiting on Jackson to roll his ball.

Jackson, who most definitely wasn't with them.

Sitting up straighter, Stiles looked around the alley, finding the blond Alpha by the snack counter. He was leaning on his forearms, the pose casual yet intimate somehow, dimpled smile on his face. And not one of his smug "I'm so amazing, I'd totally do me if I weren't me, hell I'll probably still do me, I'm just that great" smirks, but a genuine grin that meant he was actually happy being there and talking to whoever. It was an expression Stiles hadn't seen him wear since long before he and Lydia had broken up and even then, the Omega didn't think it was anything like that. Because the guy looked softer somehow, more at ease, no longer worried about putting on an image or trying to prove he was better than anyone. Gone was the cocky asshole, replaced by a nicer, calmer Alpha that Stiles actually would want to be friends with.

He tore his eyes away from the blond he barely recognized at that moment, glancing over to see what exactly it was that had brought out this new and improved Jackson, only for his eyes to go wide in shock as he recognized the person working the snack counter—who was inexplicably wearing a scarf in the middle of June.

Stiles snapped his head back, masked his scent, an action that clearly made shit more obvious that he was up to something. Derek turned to him with an eyebrow cocked, the Omega shaking his head to say nothing was wrong, he was fine, it was all good in the 'hood. The older man bobbed his eyebrows in dismissal, skepticism still etched in the hard lines on his face, but he let it go. He slouched down in his seat, put his arm around the back of Stiles' chair, fingers rubbing at the back of his neck while he smack-talked Malia as she stepped up to bowl. The move looked casual, nonchalant, but Stiles had been around enough Alphas and their mates to know what it really was: an Alpha marking his claim in a publicly decent manner.

Stiles snuggled in closer, head in the crook of Derek's arm, hand on his Alpha's knee, reassuring him through his loose body and casual demeanor that he was fine. Only his mind was racing and he had a million Jackson-related thoughts swirling around, something he never believed would happen. Unless it was in an attempt to come up with some sorta revenge against the prick. But no, he was trying to figure something out, trying to come up with something nice.

Man, being in love had softened him up. And hey, maybe it'd do the same or Jackson. The guy already looked totally different, his own demeanor relaxed and at ease. Maybe him being in a happy relationship would make him less of a douchelord.

Feigning nonchalance, he tilted his head up, trying to meet his Alpha's eyes as Derek watched Malia pick up her ball. "Hey, Der?" he prompted, getting a grunt in response that he interpreted as a sign that he was listening and it was okay to continue. "What does Isaac smell like to you?"

That got the older man's full attention, Derek looking down at him with a cocked eyebrow and a confused stare. "What? Why?"

"Just wonderin'," he lied convincingly, playing with the older man's fingers as they sat on his lap, pretending like the whole thing was no biggie while secretly scheming inside his head.

"Shit, I dunno," the Alpha replied, huffing as he glanced about, like one of the bowling pins or balls would hook him up with the answer. When they weren't any help, he tilted his head back down to his mate, puzzlement still fully evident on his face. "Like honey-butter, I guess."

Oh. Fuck. Yes. Perfect.

Stiles nodded, lips pressed together in a hard line as he pretended to mull things over. Derek lifted his head and watched Malia knock down eight pins, the female coyote growling at the split she just received.

"Know what goes good with honey-butter?" he asked absently, eyes focused on where he was tangling his fingers with his mate's comparing sizes and lengths and roughness of skin.

The Alpha snorted, keeping his head level. "Why do I get the feeling you already know the answer?" he muttered, knowing Stiles all too well.

The thought brought a smile to his face, but he plowed on his earlier path. "Freshly baked bread," he answered his own question, feeling genuinely pleased at the recent turn of events. "And do you know who smells like freshly baked bread?"

"No, but I bet you do," he responded with a smirk, seeming more amused at his Omega's roundabout way of speaking than annoyed, clearly okay with playing along.


Derek's head snapped down to him as Malia snarled out a swear at the one pin that remained standing. His eyes were wide in surprise before realization set in and returned them to their usual size. An eyebrow cocked up though, his scent shifting to something skeptical and fierce and protective, clearly looking out for Isaac's best interests. Typical Alpha response when it came to an Omega really.

"Jackson?" he snorted dubiously. "The guy you constantly refer to as the weredouche stuck on a permanent full moon? That guy?"

Okay, so he clearly hadn't done the blond any favors by talking him up, but whatever. Wasn't like he hadn't earned that description.

Still, people could change and maybe finding one's mate could help with that. Not that he thought Isaac and Jackson were definitely mates, but there was a good chance they might be. And really, he was just doing everyone a favor. Isaac was a good guy and deserved someone. Jackson was a dick who needed softening around the edges. And a less dicky Jackson was good for everyone he ever interacted with.

Stiles just needed to explain this to Derek somehow.

But rather than using words, he simply gestured to the snack bar with his head, where Jackson was still flirting with a working Isaac, the curly haired male ducking his head and smiling coyly, clearly flirting right back.

"Holy," Derek breathed out, brows raised in surprise, scent shifting to something happier, yet still protective.

"See?" Stiles pointed out, grinning smugly. "I think they'd make a good couple. Maybe Isaac could take the douche outta him or something."

"Yeah, maybe," his mate agreed lowly, more to himself than anything. But his eyes stayed on the flirting pair, analyzing their every move, watching their interaction with caution and hope and skepticism and happiness.

Sweet! Stiles had back-up when he eventually tried to set them up, a partner-in-crime on Isaac's end talking up Jackson, while Stiles told Jackson all about Isaac and how he could get the guy's number if he wanted—not that he didn't think the blond wouldn't try to get it himself, but still.

"Oh my god," Malia groaned, drawing the attention of both her brother and his mate. "Stiles, are you trying to set up another couple?" she asked dubiously as she sank down onto her seat, Kira bouncing past on her way to bowl.

"Another couple?" Derek double-checked, that same eyebrow raised once more and Stiles wondered if he was on some sorta eyebrow work-out regime. Would explain why his eyebrow game was so strong.

He opened his mouth to defend himself, only to get cut off by his sister. "Yeah. Our parents."

He gaped as his mate stared at him with wide, questioning eyes, clearly having missed that fact. Which, really, wasn't much there to miss. Wasn't like he was actively going about setting them up, arranging dates, talking to his dad about how pretty Melissa looked that day, talking to her about how great his dad was, planting thoughts in their heads about the other person. He was saving that plan for later on.

And maybe also for Jackson and Isaac.

"Really now?" Derek questioned, lips twisted in a thoughtful yet amused smirk and all Stiles could do was shrug and stammer out a few syllables as he tried to defend himself.

"No," he finally managed to choke out. "Not really."

"He's been putting hazelnut flavoring in our dad's coffee," Malia stated, nose wrinkling up as she shook her head in a "who does that" manner.

Stiles sneered right back at her, only just resisting the urge to stick his tongue out at her. "Our dad works really hard, okay? I'm just tryna give him a li'l something different in his coffee in the mornings to change up his long days, that's all." It was enough of the truth that his heart beat remained steady, normal, no blips or jumps to indicate he was being anything less than completely honest.

And his dad said he was a terrible liar. Bah!

Derek kept that eyebrow up, skepticism flooding his scent as he peered down at his mate. "And you just happened to choose the same flavor as my mom's scent," he pointed out, completely seeing through the younger man's ruse.

The Omega shrugged, still playing innocent. "Weird coincidence."

"Stiles." His name was sighed out, the older man slipping his hand free and pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Oh come on, Der," the teenager begged for his agreement, for his support, spinning his butt on the plastic chair to face his mate. "Just think about it: our parents make sense together. And they'd be totally happy and wouldn't feel so lonely once all the kids leave."

Which was part of the reason why Stiles had enacted Project: Hook Up Dad and Mama Melissa at that time. Because in a month and a half, three of them would be off to college, the fourth kid already living on his own, leaving the two parents with big empty houses and a lot less companionship. They already had a good friendship going on, a good raport, and Stiles had even witnessed some minor flirtations during holiday meals. It just made sense that they'd get together and deal with the loneliness that way, not to mention their scents were totally compatible.

Derek sighed again, dropping his hand into his lap with a smack. "Fine," he breathed out, giving in, Stiles internally fist pumping in victory, coyote jumping for joy. "On one condition."

The fist pumping, coyote jumping froze, the Omega parting his lips but not speaking. Oh god, he wasn't gonna like this. He'd heard that phrase enough times while being babysat to know it. Video games can be played if homework was done. Star Wars could be watched if rooms were clean. Playing lacrosse in the backyard could be done if chores were finished.

Derek's conditions sucked.

Okay, they didn't seem so bad now, but back when he was a kid, they were the actual worst.

But there was no way he could get what he wanted without a little compromise, not without turning into one of Derek's exes and taking advantage of his Alpha instincts—something he would never do ever—so he relented himself.


"Leave Isaac and Jackson alone, no trying to set them up."


The Alpha gave him a pointed look, making him realize he'd made that noise out loud. He apologized with a sheepish grin on his face.

"I mean it, Stiles," his mate stated, tone a warning one. "Isaac's been through a lotta shit. He doesn't need you pushing and meddling. If the two of them wanna be together, then let Jackson ask him out."

"Or Isaac can ask Jackson out," Stiles reminded him, slightly perturbed and offended. "It's the twenty-first century, Der. Omegas can make the first move these days."

"I know," he placated with a soft smile, kissing the top of his head and rubbing his shoulder, the actions working to lower the Omega's hackles and soothe him. "But Isaac isn't the type to do that. Hell, he's not much of a dating type at all. Just. Let them figure it out on their own, okay?" He gave the younger man a pleading look and Stiles completely melted under the weight of those green eyes.

A soft sigh left him and he huffed out a "fine", folding his arms over his chest with a pout. "You're the worst by the way."

"No, I'm not," the Alpha argued with a smug smirk, kissing the side of his head before standing up to bowl.

Stiles wanted to keep pouting, but the sight of Derek's ass in those tight jeans, coupled with his gray tee with a diagram of a TIE-fighter on it made it hard to stay mad. Besides, at least he'd been given permission to try and hook their parents up. He figured that'd be the pairing his mate would shut down due to how weird it would be if he succeeded. At least Malia kept insisting it would be weird, pointing out that they live in California, not the south and dating one's sibling is frowned upon. Led to a pretty intense debate about whether step-siblings counted and if it even mattered when Mates were involved.

Stiles didn't think it did. He did, however, think Malia was saying all that just to piss him off.

He snapped out of his reverie to see Derek bowl a perfect strike, spinning around on his heel with his arms outstretched, huge grin on his face. Malia groaned loudly, head falling back, Kira snuggling into her in consolation. Stiles let out a whoop, standing up to pump his fist and high five his mate before kissing him, pride shining in his eyes.

The Alpha smacked his ass and gave him a good luck before returning to his seat, sticking his tongue out at Malia as he plopped down. Stiles kept smirking as he grabbed his ball and got set to bowl, Danny at the lane next to him.

"Hey, Stiles?" the tan male called for his attention, waiting until the mentioned one turned his head to him. "Your Alpha's pretty damn awesome."

Stiles' grin grew even more, coyote wagging its tail excitedly as he peered over his shoulder. Derek was leaning forward, elbows on his knees, eyes totally fixated on his mate as he clapped his hands and cheered him on. A dimpled smile formed on his whiskered face as he winked, silently reassuring him that he'd do a good job bowling. And to think, for the past month he'd been officially Stiles' boyfriend, the two of them officially a serious couple. After all the panic over his impending heat and the anxiety over asking Derek to service him and pretending during the week itself that they really were together in an actual relationship, it was almost hard to believe that he came out on the other side with the most gorgeous Alpha ever to walk the Earth.

A gorgeous Alpha who put his Omega's needs first, put his own life on hold for a guy he wasn't even technically with and had barely spoken to over the past five years, who sacrificed his own happiness and risked his own heart out of the belief that all it would be was heat sex, but was desperate enough to be with him to actually let himself be used, despite his history.

A gorgeous Alpha who shoved aside special diets and his own preferential way of eating to indulge his Omega in junk food, who let him have control of the remote and borrow his Twilight Zone book and not question why it hadn't been returned after three weeks.

A gorgeous Alpha who made sure his Omega was always well taken care of, that he enjoyed his first heat and losing his virginity and didn't have a single regret about the experience, despite his incredible panic regarding the whole thing.

"Yeah," he agreed, turning back to Danny. "He's the best Alpha ever."

And he was all Stiles'.