Warning : I do not own Sailor Moon in anyway. Naoko Takeuchi takes those rights. Otherwise, the storyline and writing is all mine.

Serena kept her gaze on the checkerboard pattern of the hallway at T.J. James high school. The weekend was over, and now the worst five days were yet to come. She pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose.

"Ugh, there goes the perfect one,"A girl sneered from behind the door of her locker.

The comment just made Serena tighten her grip on her books, and pull them closer to her chest. As she neared the corner to a hallway where her locker was, she heard a cackle. Fear suddenly hit her chest, and her pace slowed. As she turned the corner, her eyes locked onto her lock, which was covered in shaving cream and toilet paper.She stopped in mid tracks, shut her eyes, and took a deep breath.

"Isn't it a little early to do this type of stuff? After all, it is only Monday." She carefully walked over to her lock and kneeled down in front of it. "It could be worse, I suppose." She commented as she sniffed the foamy mess, "They could have used that yucky smelling brand."

After taking a moment to examine her lock, she plunged her hand into the shaving cream and soon emerged with her lock in hand. For a few minutes, she fumbled with the slippery combination code. Finally, she managed to unlock it and with the precision of a pro (since this had happened so often before), she managed to keep her clothes, and everything inside her locker clean.

"This is too gross," She gagged.

Quickly, she pulled out a tissue box, and began wiping the foam from the top of her locker to the bottom. One-hundred tissues later, the only reminiscence of the incident was the cologne smell coming from the locker door.

"Did you like our end of the school year gift? We decided to give it a little early."

Serena froze when she heard the comment. The voice belonged to one of the many people who existed at T.J. James who had decided to start a 'We Hate Serena' Club. It was the voice of Joshua Mitchell.

She finally sighed and turned around, unsurprised that his best friend, and Co- President of the W.H.S. Club, Maxwell Keller, was right next to him.

Serena plastered on a fake smile and sarcastically replied, "So glad you thought of me."

"Don't get your panties in a bunch," Maxwell snapped.

Suddenly, Serena caught sight of two other Serena-Haters. The girl on the left had short, jaw- length dyed blonde hair, and 'too-tight-to-breath' clothing on. The girl on the right, had short shoulder-length brown hair, with the much too obvious make-up on. Oddly, they both had very much the same qualities. She recognized them as Taylor Smith and Brooke Kingsley.

"Look who decided to crawl out of her cardboard box today, Tay!" Brooke laughed.

"I just needed to see your ugly face, just one last time. Now that I have, my day is complete," Serena smiled.

"If Brooke is ugly, what does that make you? Deformed, I think?"

'Ouch. That one hurt.' Serena inwardly thought. 'Since when does Taylor ever come up with a witty comeback?'

An awkward silence followed, and luckily the bell decided to ring. The four of them slowly faded away, and the crowds in the hallways slowly dispersed.

"Why can't anyone else transfer to this school? Maybe someone who has an obsession with mortuaries or someone who likes to bring his or her bugs to school," Serena growled out to no particular person.

It was a long day at school, and when Serena stepped through the front door of her house, all of her worries left her. She was home. No one knew where she lived, how to get there, or how to contact her. Everything that was at school, stayed there. Except for the stories she told her parents.

"Is that you Serena?" Ilene called from the kitchen.

"Yup. It's me, mom." Serena treaded into the kitchen.

"How was school today?" Ilene was washing dishes in the sink.

"It was alright. Nothing new happened." She commented as she sat down and took a bite out of an apple.

Ilene turned around and wiped her hands with a dry dishcloth. "Shaving cream on the locker again?"

"It was brand name this time. I guess they didn't want to go generic this time."

Ilene sighed. "This may or may not be the solution to your problems. You received a letter in the mail today. I didn't open it because I figured you would want to be the first to read it."

Serena gave her mother a curious glance. "Who was the letter from?"

"McCullen Private School."

Serena's eyes became as wide as saucers. She slowly continued to chew the bite of apple in her mouth. Her mind was buzzing with different ideas. Did they accept her? Maybe they were sending her application back? It might have been a letter of denial to the academy.

Ilene pulled the crisp off-white envelope from her apron pocket and gently dropped it onto the middle of the round kitchen table. Serena stared for a few moments at it, before Ilene flicked the letter into Serena's direction.

Serena carefully put her apple on the table, and reached for the letter. Slowly, she turned the letter up-right so she could read the print. The letters were written using calligraphy, and it looked so elegant. And on it, was her name, Serenity James.

She swallowed the lump in her throat, and picked the envelope up. It wasn't heavy, so her application wasn't being returned. It wasn't light though, showing that there wasn't just an acceptance letter in there.

She flipped the envelope over and slipped her finger nails under the 'seal of the school' sticker. Carefully, she ripped the back of the envelope and lifted the folded letters out of the envelope. She took a deep breath and unfolded the first letter.

Ilene watched her daughter anxiously, as she read the letter. Serena's eyes squinted left to right as she read the letter. Then, all of a sudden Serenas' eyes widened.

"Along with your letter of acceptance, we have also provided your full-ride scholarship information, your class list, and all information pertaining to your stay in the McCullen Private Academy's on campus living system!" Serena's voice started out in a whisper and throughout the sentence it became louder and louder until she was screaming.

"Oh my gosh! I was accepted! I got the scholarship mom!" Serena was dancing around the kitchen.

Ilenes' eyes were filled with tears of joy for her daughter. Maybe this was the new start that Serena needed. Yes, indeed this was it.

"Serena, when do you need to leave?"

Serena calmed down and started flipping through the remaining letters in the envelope. "It says here I need to be situated in the dorms by May 14th, if I am a new incoming student."

"Oh my goodness! It's already the third week in April!" Ilene got up and grabbed a magnetic notepad off of the refrigerator. "I need to start making a list of things you need to buy."

The same night, Serena couldn't help but smile. Throughout the whole evening, she teased and joked with her older brother Sammy. He had come down from college right away when he heard the news.

They were sitting on the couch talking, when he remarked, "I don't see why you would want to go to a prep school."

Serena gave him a dirty look, "It is not a prep school. It is a place for higher education for the wealthy and elite. Just because I'm not wealthy, doesn't mean I can't attend."

"You say tomato. I say tamatoe."

Serena was dressed in her pajamas, and getting ready to go to bed. As she was reading, she spied a tablet on her desk. Quietly, she shut her book, and tiptoed to the desk and pulled a pen out of the drawer. She sat down, and began tapping her pen on the tablet. After a few moments passed, she began writing. The letter read :

When I travel to McCullen, I want to show who I really am. This is my life's little list. One, live my life according to how I want to live. Two, never let anyone sway my thinking. Three, be social. (She liked that one.)Four, get back at Taylor, Brooke, Joshua, and Maxwell. In a non- violent sort of way of course. Five, do my best. Six, be honest at all times. Seven, get a boyfriend.

She bit on the end of the pen as she reread it over. It sounded about right? My life, my rules I suppose. She let out a small yawn. It was time to officially call it a night. With satisfaction Serena turned out the desk lamp and went to bed.

Starry-Eyez07 Wowza. I have been saying forever, how I wanted to revise this story. Along with all of my other fifty million stories. I finally started, if you read this, then there should be about four more chapters of this story that is edited and cropped. I see that most of my readers have taken a liking to Her Love. It's a cute story, that of course has it's dark side. But other than that, I believe I have nothing more to say. Seeing as I have a lot of reviews for this story, I don't require every who reads this to review, but it would be nice.

Take Care of Yourselves,
