Hey there guy's it me again! i here again for another chapter even though i'm suppose to work on my other stories right now . but hey i like writing this one the most well next to my mob story one but i'm kinda stuck on what to wright for that one. So yeah let's do this.

Chapter 12: Way over our head's part 1 (WARNING: This will contain graphical materiel like nudity, suggestive theme's, sexual interaction of characters below the age of 14 and a little bit of blood)

It was that time of the year as wister in his bed was just asleep snoring soundly as something slowly opened his door as it made a creaking noise as something slowly stepped inside the room of his as it slowly went toward him as it was a tall shadow looming over him as hand's slowly reached for him as wister went wide eyed as he rolled out of his bed behind the shadow and held a finger up as a little magic beam was charging up, 'Who are you?!" he asked the shadow as it turned around as it was just applejack as wister went wide eye for a bit but then got a tick mark.

He sighed as he started to get ready for the day ahead as he had no idea for what was today as he got changed into some other clothes with a simple orange shirt, blue jeans and his same old shoes as he started to walk down stairs as he tripped on one of the steps as he rolled down the stair way and smacked face first into the wall as he held his face and nose. "FUCK!" he yelled as he held his now bleeding nose.

Applejack saw this as she quickly went downstairs and kneeled next to him. "You ok sweetie?" She asked as he reviled his nose as she sighed but smiled and gently grabbed his left hand and walked him to the kitchen and grabbed a towel from a rack they had in there and wiped the blood away from his nose as she got told him to put a tissue up his nose to stop the bleeding as he did. "Be carful ok? I don't need yha'll to be getting hurt all the time" She said with a slight chuckle as he laughed a bit too.

She walked over to the living room as she saw her older sister watching TV again as she raised an eyebrow. "So what yha'll be doing now?" Her sister turned to applejack as she shrugged and continued to watch as applejack held out her hands. "The heck does a 'shrug' mean?!"

"A-applejack I think that means she doesn't really-" Said wister as applejack cut him off.

"no it just mean's she's being rude as hell!" yelled applejack as macarenia got a slight tick mark as she stood up from the couch and walked toward her younger sister as the two had their breasts against one another as applejack glared at her. "Wister yha'll best be getting out of here this might get a little...MESSEY between me and my SIS" she said as wister got the hint as he quickly went out of the house as he exited the house he then started to hear loud rough housing within the farm as he then saw the couch get thrown out the window as the couch made the window space slightly larger then it was before.

He sweat dropped and sighed. "the things I deal with in this family." He said as he smiled. "And I wouldn't haven't any other way" he thought as he started to walk toward twilight's house.


Carols was helping Barbara make breakfast for the morning as he was flipping the pan around like he thought he was some kind of pro as he whistled as Barbara chuckled a bit as in the morning he wore a simply white tee shirt with blue shorts and some black shoes as while Barbara wore a green/pruple stripped shirt with green shrots and purple shoes. "Carols I wouldn't really do that if I were you" said Barbara.

"why not? It's not like I'll chop my hand off or something" he said as he flipped the pan so hard the tip of the pan broke off as he caught it with one of his hand's but carols being him forgetting it was still very god danm hot yelled in pain as he held his hand as the pan hit the floor as he started to blow on it as Barbara sighed.

"Hold on I'll get the ice" She said walking to he fridge and getting some ice form the cooler as carols sweat dropped.

"Okay maybe you were right...but hell if I say I didn't chop of my hand!" He said happily as Barbara laughed at that.

"Well you sure were right about that!" She said with a smile as twilight in her usually morning self came inside the kitchen wearing her purple pajamas as she scratched her butt and sat down at the table as she smiled at Barbara and carols.

"morning you two" she said as carols smiled and waved at her with his good hand. "morning twilight" He said as Barbara gave him a ice pack as he put it on his hand as twilight raised an eyebrow.

"woah what happened?" She asked as Barbara shook her hands.

"ah nothing Billy just burnt his hand a b-" She didn't even get to finish her sentence as twilight rushed to carols side and was in panic mode as she looked at his hand widely.

"ARE YOU OK?! DOES IT HURT?! HOW BAD ARE THE BURNS?! OH CELSTIA I'LL NEED TO CALL A HOSTPITAL!" she yelled in panic as carols sweat dropped.

"M-miss twilight I'm fine really! Look!" he said as twilight looked at it as it was small burn but nothing burning the skin bad as she sighed ad held her hand to her chest.

"Thank celestia" she said as Barbara just rolled her eyes and crossed her hands. "I didn't want another timber wolf attack scare" she said as carols just gave a short laugh.

"Miss twilight you must remember that was 2 months ago! We've recovered ever since then!" he said as twilight got a slight tick mark.

"Carols you do remember your and billy's injures were to completely something different right?" she said as carols sweat dropped as he rubbed the back of his head.

"w-well still! We've gotten better and can move again, maybe as not much as SOME of us want to but hey we can move!" He said as twilight sighed but smiled.

"Yes I do suppose that is true." she said as she got back up and went to the table as Barbara passed out the plates, forks and spoons as carols served the bacon and eggs for them to eat.


In fluttershy's cottage she in her night gown outfit was holding billy close to her as she silently snored away as billy wearing bear inspired pajamas hugged into her breasts as he quietly snored away as well as angel saw this and got a slight tick mark as he jumped up to the bed as he started to jump up and down on fluttershy as she opened her eyes slowly and sat up as she yawned and as she spread as she was then hit with a bowl to her head as she turned to angel as he pointed at the time as she smiled* "oh good morning angel it must be feeding time" she said.

Angel nodded as he hoped out of the bed as she gentle took the blanket off herself as she got off the bed and turned to billy as she leaned down as she gave him a kiss on the forehead a she went to go change and feed the animals as she took a shower. Carols shortly after woke up as he opened his eyes and yawned as he stretched a little as he got out of bed as he cracked his neck and looked around confused to where fluttershy was.

She then came out of the bathroom as she was wearing a towel around her body and hair as she smiled and waved at billy. "morning billy"

"Доброе утро мама (good morning mama)" He said with a smile as fluttershy over these past few months started to learn how to speak Russian as she could make more talk with him and figure out just what the heck he's saying sometimes she walked over to the closet for some clothes as billy just walked LITREALLY like a bear over to the kitchen as he served himself some cereal fluttershy had as he got the milk and poured it in as he got a seat and pushed it in as he jumped on so he could reach his cereal as he began to eat.

"oh hold on billy" Said fluttershy as she came walking into the room with a pink sweater and her usually blue jeans with some small white shoes as smiled and sat down next to him and she poured herself some cereal as well and started to eat with him as they both always enjoyed each others company when doing things with one another as angel waited kind of painterly for them to finish as they finished there small breakfast as carols went to go change as fluttershy went to go feed her animals.

Billy today deiced today to go for a blue shirt with black shorts and brown boots as he wore a little red cap rarity gave to him, he smiled at his outfit for today as he walked downstairs as fluttershy was feeding the animals as he walked up to her. "Могу ли я, пожалуйста, пойти посмотреть колядки и Wister сегодня? (May I please go see wister and carols today?)" He asked her as she smiled.

"Okay fine you can go today" she said as billy gave a big smile as he ran outside as fluttershy held out her hand*

"Be carful!" She said kind of worried for billy as he was running as he tripped and fell as she yelped as she flew over to his side as she was freaking out harder then twilight as billy for the next 5 minutes had to try to calm her down as she breathed in and out and final gave a sign of calm as she looked at billy. "Oh I'm sorry billy for being like this just ever since...the manticore attack and your injures my mind has been on a uh...what would you call it?" she asked rubbing the top of her head.

"Анти программа боли? (Anti pain program?)" he asked as fluttershy nodded.

"Yes that just ever since then well...oh I'm sorry billy" She said hugging billy as billy hugged her back as none of the three boys new today...was going to be a very INTRESTING day...

Later in the town market district carols, wister and billy had meet up within a fruit stand near by as they were around as they all sat down on a bench as carols and billy were talking to one another they saw wister holding his chin as he seemed to have a worried expression on his face as carols raised an eyebrow. "Hey wister man what's wrong? It seems like something is really bugging your mind bro. *GASPS* ARE THEIR MIND BUGS EATING YOUR BRAIN?! DON'T WORRY WISTER BUDDY I'LL SAVE YOU!" Yelled carols as he jumped off the bench as he then preceded to grabbed wister hair and started to pull on it as wister then began to tear up from the pain of his hair being pulled.

"OW, OW, OW! CAROLS KNOCK IT OFF! IT'S NOT MIND BUGS!" He yelled at carols as carols looked at him.

"Oh okay" he said letting go off his hair as wister shook his head and straightened out his hair.

"No carols it's something that's been bothering me for a while" He said as he looked at all the women passing by them and the women within the different stalls of the market as he sighed. "Remember that thing they told us about?"

"Um...about how the fruit here is super fresh?" Asked carols as wister sighed and held his head.

"No carols, the whole mating season thing they told us about." He said as carols just waved his left hand as he just chuckled.

"Wister I swear you worry about thing way too much" He said with a slight giggle as billy also now looked worried about the subject as he looked down as well as carols just looked at both of them shocked and confused. "Guys are you serious? We'll be fine, it's been TWO months already! Come on!" He said as he shook his head. "Fine you guys can worry for now, I'm heading off to get some ice cream for us, twilight gave me some money just incase I had hanged out with you guys today." he said as he ran over to the nearest ice cream stand.


As carols came to the ice cream stand the woman standing there was around 6'1 as she had light brown skin with long curly hair with a hair color stripes of vanilla color, chocolate and strawberry, her eyes were that of velvet red as she wore what you would see of old classic ice cream men clothing being mostly white as she wore a apron on top to most likely to protect her clothes from any ice cream that might fall on her as she was a rather curvy like body as she looked down at carols and smiled at him. "Why hello there little boy, what would you like today?" She asked as he smiled.

"Two chocolate ice cream cones please! Oh and one strawberry" he said as she smiled and nodded as she grabbed her scooper as she got some cones and placed the flavors he asked for as she had set them aside for now and worked her calculator as she looked at him.

"That'll be 7.50 honey" She said as carols dug through his pockets as he had only 6.80 on him as he sweat dropped.

"U-um...I-I don't have that much on me" He said with a slight sweat drop as she had put her hands on her hips as she tipped her head to her side a bit.

"Well honey I'm sorry I can't give you these ice creams for any lower. No cause I don't want to but I got a business to keep going and I can't afford to do any short cuts or favors this time for when it comes time to pay for my stall placement within the market" she said as he rubbed the back of his head as he really wanted to give his friends the ice cream he promised.

"M-miss please! W-what can I do?! I'll do anything!" He said in a panic not thinking of what he was saying without thinking as she looked down at him as he had a really desperate face he had on as she began to pant a bit as she held her heart a bit as her blush started to show around her face but she then suddenly gave a small smile as she went back to normal and patted his head.

"Okay fine then, follow me in the back. I need some help moving some spare shipments of different ice flavors delivered to me." She said going inside the back room as carols not really being the most aware kid he is followed inside behind her as she smiled as she was behind the door as she slammed it shut behind him as he jumped and looked around at her as she had a somewhat creepy smile to her as he sweat dropped.

"Um m-ma'am I thought you said we were moving some boxes for the e-extra flavors...?" He asked somewhat now scared of her as he was a lot shorter then her as she smiled as she slowly walked toward him as she slowly had untied her apron from her as it dropped from her body as she unbuttoned her top of her work shirt as it showed the middle of her chest to carols as he blushed seeing as had quite the bust being around a D size in cup as he looked around as he kept walking back from her as he ran into a box bigger then him as he looked at her.

She had the face of the "heat" season they were talking about as she had a huge blush on her face as she slowly licked her lips as her pupils formed into hearts as she un did her pants as they fell off as well along with taking off her shoes. Her panties as they were the colors of her hair as she took off her shirt as well as her bra was also the same color. She was right in front of him as he was now sweating even harder now not knowing what to do, he could run but he could be risked getting caught by her, he could also ask her what she's doing but she mostly say nothing.

"Joderlo" He said as he then slipped between her legs with a slide as he then ran for the door but seeing as she was much taller then him she quickly got in front of him and got in front of the door as he stopped himself and sweat dropped. {crap} He thought.

"Sorry sweetie you got to help me first~" She said as he gulped.

"W-with w-what exactly?" he asked nervous as she smiled and gave a lewd grin as she had made a circle with one of her hand and then made a finger going in and outside of the hole as he face went pale. "M-miss I can't-" He said as he was then cut off by the women as she had kneeled down and was kissing carols as he blushed heavily as he tried to pull away from the kiss but she kept his head in place as her tongue invaded his mouth as she wrestled with his as he blushed more as he started to get into the kiss as he held onto her as he wrested back with his own as they didn't stop kissing for a good straight minute as they finally separated a small breath of steamy air was huffed out of carols as he was panting and blushing bright red from the saucy kiss he had just gotten.

She giggled more as she un hooked her bra as it fell as her tits bounced a bit as she had some very bright pink color nipples as he blushed as she slowly took off his pants as he whined and tried to stop her but from the kiss he was regaining his breath. "s-stop it..." *he said very weakly trying to push her away but she had slid off his pants along with his underwear as his child size penis stood up as he covered his face from embarrassment as she smiled and took it in one hand.

She slowly rubbed it up and down on his penis as he groaned a bit and moaned as she smiled as she went soft and slow at first but then got faster and harder pulling on it as carols moaned more and yelped as he was panting hard as he held onto her as she was jerking him off faster and faster until he finally gave a large yelp. "AHH~!" He yelled as he began to cum all over her hand as she kept jerking him off, his fired off for a good ten seconds before he finally stopped as his head was laying back panting as she went slowly to jerking him off as she giggled and tasted his sperm as she licked her lips.

"Salty~" she said with a slight chuckle as she laid him down a bit as she went and grabbed a small tissue box inside the storage room and went back to him and cleaned him up as she lowered her body to the ground and had put his dick in between her breasts as he panted and looked at her as she smiled* "Get ready little man, were going for a ride today~"


Billy eyes went wide eyed as he looked around as wister gave a slight eyebrow raise. "what's wrong billy?" He asked as billy turned to wister.

"Что-то не так (Somethings wrong)" Said billy as he ran off somewhere as wister went wide eyed and ran after him.

"Billy wait! What's wrong-" He said as he smacked right into a pole and fell on his ass as he held his nose. "Damn it not again!" He thought as then a tall women with long curly orange hair with green eyes as she wore a farmers overalls, working boots and some gardening gloves was standing over him.

"Are you okay there little guy?" She asked as wister nodded as she smiled and held out a hand. "Here let me patch you in with a band aid ok sweetie?" She asked smiling as wister was very hesitant at first but took her hand as she lifted him up and lead her to his house, little known to wister she had a sly evil smile on her face as she licked her lips and had hearts in her eyes. "oh this is going to be fun..." She said quietly.


Okay really got no excuse here, was lazy for a long time, thought it was time to FINALLY finish this but here you go. But hey if you enjoyed the chapter how about you leave a review? I love reading them, anyways this all for now guys so peace out!